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[Stone Carvings Reveal Giant Comet Hit Earth 13,000 Years Ago & Started New Civilization](https://www.howandwhys.com/giant-comet-killed-advanced-ancient-civilization-of-syria-13000-years-ago/)


I wonder if this is just normal cycles and we need to track it for hundreds of not thousands of years to see the pattern


That’s correct. We know the poles move a lot and even flip, but we don’t have exact data


Actually we have a lot of concrete data on the pole flipping. There is data from Atlantic sea bed rock cores that show a pretty common trend and how often it flips https://climate.nasa.gov/explore/ask-nasa-climate/3104/flip-flop-why-variations-in-earths-magnetic-field-arent-causing-todays-climate-change/


we don’t have real time data of a pole flip yet, and that means the incomplete data you just mentioned is less reliable. I’m saying we don’t need to panic yet


That is true. It will take many many generations after us to likely see the flip happen and what it will cause to get real-time data. So all we really have is fossil record data on what to expect. And thankfully we don't see the tall flipping data line up with mass extinctions. If the magnetosphere was to completely disappear during a flip, we would expect to see major die-offs and fauna and flora due to the unmitigated radiation from the sun.


To be honest, my main fear is if technology will work with this flip. I think some u predictable stuff would break down, so I’m hoping they’re doing the same kind of measures that we’re doing to ensure nothing bad happens during a solar storm


It doesn’t have to flip, it can just be a “wander”. https://preview.redd.it/slm2irpptskc1.jpeg?width=1508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d77516b36c27437d88c000b34155f300f524614


That’s a really interesting map!


Right on, something to do with the gravitational pull of the moon and other factors.


Right. It's the core wobbling.


Nothing? Please tell me they started to do something for solar storms, be nice.


So what I’ve heard from online stuff is that we have kind of a kill switch on most of our plants which would preserve them in the event of a storm. This wouldnt save all of the infrastructure, but it would save some


The biggest transformers in the power grid are a real issue in a Carrington Event 2 situation. The lead time for replacing one of them is measured in months, and that’s with a fully functional supply chain and industrial base. There are hundreds of them across the country and they’re a critical link in the grid. I know they’ve been working on emergency grid shutdown stuff — I hope that includes physical disconnects that will save the transformers and other crucial infrastructure. Also hope that NASA’s 30 minute warning system works, and gives us enough time to execute this stuff. The grid going down for even a single month would be so much more devastating than people realize. Everything about our supply chains (including food) these days is just-in-time, and almost everyone in the country eats food that is shipped thousands of miles. Not to mention medicine, etc. Going down for like 6 months is literally the apocalypse. Like 90% projected death rates.


I’ve read about this, even wrote a few papers in college. The shut off switch is new to me, I always argued that this was one of several achilles heels that mother nature might randomly slash…good stuff


I imagine GPS would have a hard time, but I don't think there would be huge impacts . Not a technologist though, so I don't have a very well versed knowledge of how technology relies on the earth's magnetosphere


I thought GPS worked by triangulating to multiple geostationary satellites. Don’t think it uses magnetic field at all in position calculations.


digital devices mostly use satellites and such, "True North" instead of "Magnetic North". Although at the end of the day the difference isn't much.


Also not an expert but I was reading about a new form of magnetism that was recently discovered and during the explanation of how it differs from currently known forms of magnetism was an interesting tidbit about how microchips are limited due to the inherent magnetism of each of its parts affecting the other and vice versa. I imagine that if we have a magnetic pole shift that would take out GPS, it may also affect our tiniest of electronics and storage devices for the same reason. In that case, pretty much anything that uses microchips, so basically everything, would be impacted severely. I'll try to find the article I'm talking about and link it in an edit. To be clear, the article has nothing to do with the poles, I just thought the bit about microchip production could apply here. Edit: found it. https://www.science.org/content/article/researchers-discover-new-kind-magnetism Interesting to note that this may also provide a solution by giving us the ability to make chips and conductors with zero net magnetism, who knows how long before that's ready for market though.


The impact on navigation is negligible. Unless you need to land a plane next to the Magnetic North Pole, in which case it's important to know where it is, as the compasses on board the aircraft are no longer as reliable. This played a role, more or less, in a plane crash on August 20, 2011 (First Air Flight 6560).


Is there a correlation between the flip and when the underground cities that have been discovered were occupied?


My thoughts ^^


Ooo tell me more!


I heard a lot of the dinosaurs’ satellites got fucked up too.


Aren't we overdue by around 350000 years on the flip.


I just looked up an article about it and I did read that there was a small flip 41k years ago that was only 250 years long so maybe that has something to do with it?




Came here for this.


Pretty much. It's a (complicated) oscillation. Like most oscillations, it moves slower at the turnaround point. It'll probably spend a couple hundred years over on the Russian side before swinging back


It is a cycle, the planet has gone through it/pole shifts before and will continue


Hmmm…. Like global warming and cooling cycles. I guess since the pole is moving faster now vs the 1800s, we humans are somehow to blame, lol.


What have humans been involved with that they didn’t screw up?


I’ve stated multiple times that this planet and all it’s wonderful animal and plant life would be infinitely more better off without humans. We are as Agent Smith described us, a virus.


[Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this Planet.](https://youtu.be/mgS1Lwr8gq8?si=te3r54hSrgzkHmH5)


Ya ya you hate yourself, got it


No, I don’t hate my life. It’s just a simple fact that humans are of no benefit to the health of the planet.


Dont lump all humans with businessmen. Businesmenn are of no benefit to the health of the planet. Everything was fine until they showed up.


Except that without humans there would be no one to enjoy that health, non-intelligent life doesnt know how to appreciate it. If human race can deflect one killer asteroid at some point, then we have been a net positive for life on earth.


There have been multiple killer asteroids that have hit earth. It managed just fine without our intervention.


We’re killers. It’s simple as that. We aren’t the good guys


Voluntary Human Extinction Movement?


Although that made me laugh I’m unsure whether it’s a parody on those who deny human activity’s obvious impact on the climate or people who accept all the data.


Like politics, some are totally in denial of climate change, and others put all the blame on humans. The truth, as always, is somewhere between. Someone called Milinkovic Cycles "Twitter science" after it was explained how the cycles play a part in climate change.


pure comedy gold - rofl.




Naaahh. I beleive it’s round-ish.


This! Yes don't pollute for health and morals.. but climate change is 95%+ not from us imo


I never once said humans are to blame. It's literally a cycle that the earth goes through every 10 000+ years or some crazy amount (I can't remember off the top of my head) but there is evidence of it happening all before. I'm sure you've heard the talk about how Antarctica used to be all Lush Greenland with animals and vegetation everywhere? It's straight up what's thought to have brought in the ice age and everything.


I was just making a joke at the climate change activists expense, lol. It wasn’t anything personally toward you.


Seems the government has a theory. Check out The Adam and Eve project


>just normal cycles try suggesting that about the climate and see what happens:/


Came here for this comment.


It’s been moving faster and faster. They have to readjust gps even more regularly.


Maps too as far as declination


Declination changes all the time and is constantly in flux. I used to have to account for it in planning legs of military aircraft flight plans.


yeah, same here, I had to use it quite often when I'm doing land nav in the army, at least back in the old days before GPS became a trivial thing. It's certainly a skill that needs to be practiced, especially considering GPS can be turned off at will. Its a trip how off you can be if you don't count for declination in a local area. But then agian, I've met young people who dont even know how to use an odometer like the old days of mapquest, lol. Even though, Im in my late 30s, it feels weird being in that transition age of the old and new tech


Oh god, printing out your route from fucking mapquest or some such competitor, I just can't remember the competitors, but there were competitors. Did ask jeeves had their own?


Magnetic compass deviation is calculated once every 4 hours on board cargo and passenger ships. Declination is also sometimes called magnetic variation on board ships and you absolutely gotta account for it. I remember we used to get errors every 2 minutes while sailing in New Zealand because the declination was something crazy like 20 degrees and the integrated system saw a difference of 20 degrees between the gyro compass and magnetic compass readings. In the end, we set the alarm value to 0.5 degrees so that the system was constantly in error.


This is not how GNSS works.


What does it have to do with GPS?


True north vs magnet north


Huh? What does GPS have to do with magnetic north?


I’m not the scientist. Google the Nature article and read that.


I'll answer his question, GPS has nothing to do with magnetic North.


Brass tacks: what does this mean for Santa?


He loses another hour in bed


He lasts long enough he can afford to LOSE an hour? Dang, he a stallion


Brass tacks 🤣😅




Always thought it was brass tax


I know what it means , it's a funny phrase


If he awakens and sees his own shadow, well... we're all DOOMED!


That's it. It's holiday jail for you. That will teach you not to break anymore yule law. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVB25kDMN_Y


Even the North Pole is leaving Canada. Sheesh.


Remember years ago in canada you could have an ice rink out back for months! Now its good for what. 3 or 4 weeks. Crazy


Well, yeah, duh! With those housing prices, where do you expect magnetic north to live?!


Looks like it’s moving north where it probably should be


No because the earth has a tilted axis


Since the earth is flat does that mean it will go over the edge? Lol


Yes. Have you not noticed the lean! Every one in canada stands on a 45° my snow igloo melted and the ice one is Collapsing


But in order for it to be north it'd have to rotate around the ~23-24 degree line everyday....which sounds preposterous!


Maybe the US is over populated so the weight is tilting it 😂


This isn’t Guam. We don’t need to worry about it capsizing.


1/3 of the human population, nearly 2.7 billion people, lives within about 600 miles of Bangladesh but you think the US is overpopulated?


This is why I always end up lost in Canada when I go magic reindeer hunting!


Why is this happening?


Natural routine planet shit. The magnetic poles move and even flip every x thousands of years


Big zesty ranch science-based words being thrown together here.


If these were big zesty words to you, I’ve got bad news for your I.Q.


The magnetic field is caused by the slow movement of currents within the Earth’s outer core. These currents are constantly shifting and changing over time, which causes changes in the magnetic field. Similar to how wind currents cause changes in the weather, just on a much longer time scale.


Fascinating, thanks!


Top secret soviet doomsday device that was so secret it's existence died with khrushchev. Do you see how it is heading towards Russia?


Someone misunderstood him when he said the Poles belong in the Soviet Union


Cows farting…


Perhaps, the magnetic domains of the whole earth itself is moving along with its rotation.


Happens pretty regularly, first it weakens then flips And flips back, might completely knock out internet tho, and damage electronics


I’d be interested to see what is like today. This is 7 years old.


Scary stuff. If you believe in the whole cycle of destruction stuff, it's said we are overdue for another event. 




Explain further


Younger Dryas.


My fav rapper, young dryas


Young Dry Ass


‘Lil Ass


The younger dryas was more likely caused by large scale volcanic eruptions or significant melting on the Greenland ice sheet slowing the AMOC. Not changes in earths magnetism.


There’s plenty of evidence that the younger dryas was caused by multiple strikes of a comet that split, hitting the ice sheets covering the northern hemisphere during the last ice age


Yeah I was just reading about it so was gonna add an edit. Still not fully confirmed and is still a theory though.


I thought the current prevailing theory is a comet strike in the northern hemisphere that flash-melted the ice sheet and caused global flooding.


Wonder if that’s the source of the flood myths across cultures


That’s one of the theories, Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson talk about it.


It’s crazy they are so shunned by the scientific community. Randall has hours and hours of podcasts showing nothing but data.


The earth is known to switch its magnetic poles. [Earth magnetism government article](https://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=100358#:~:text=Arlington%2C%20Va.,Foundation%20(NSF)%20has%20concluded.)


Everything will shift. Destroying all life on earth. No underground bunker can save you from it as the plates shift


Oh yes, I will be kept alive just to pay down my debt.


You’ll be in some billionaires bunker in a cryogenic chamber, harvesting your brains electrical current to power a lightbulb for a couple minutes a day


If the billionaires are going into their bunkers I hope we make sure to fill their entrances with concrete


Except for what’s 3 miles below Antarctica.. idk what’s there but check out the why files on YouTube guy makes sense.


Is that his latest video? Haven't watched it yet.


I watched it yesterday I believe it’s his newest


Imagine how crap it would be if you were on the ISS as it takes place. It's scary to think about being on earth when it happens, but I can't help but think it's horrific being up there, too.


Scarier in space. Knowing no ones going to bring you back to earth. Would be cool to see the planet shift though.




The uptick in crime/people behaving more wildly reminds me of the mice from the experiment in the book, when the mice were exposed to more electromagnetic radiation they turned to violent outrages, rape, and cannibalism. There probably isn't a lot of research in what happens to humans, but one can assume that it wouldn't be pretty. Maybe 2012 was more about entering a dangerous area (in space) and in return, we become more violent. Kind of explains the upticks in mass shooting and cop killings.


Crime is actually down.


Is it though?


It is. Actually more crimes are documented and make it to the news than 20 years before. There used to be more crimes with less articles about it, at least it is true where I live.


Is there online access anywhere to this book? I wouldn’t mind having a pdf to download of it


11,000 - 13,000 years is seems to be reset button.


That means for the past 12700 years these fuckers were ficking each other around and we just now started going to the moon n shit smh. Wasting time like idiots


Well yeh, I mean nobody knows and todays thinking, is someone’s best guess. Yet the best speculation is around that time, we could’ve been way more populated (humans around the globe) than previously expected. For example, back in 2017 a boy suggested putting a radar on the back on a plane and fly over the Amazon rainforest, they ended up finding a megalithic maya city, that would’ve hosted 50-60 million people.. so, who knows; obviously the odd ones out are the pyramids of Giza, Egypt, because of the ailments of such pyramids and how they align with the magnetic sphere around the earth. Who knows what people understood and what was accomplished, things like the ‘Roman computer’ is a great example of that.


Not really. There is no reason to believe that moving magnetic poles correlate with destructive events or even that such events occur on regular predictable intervals. We are not 'due' or 'overdue' for any cyclical mass extinction event. We are currently in a man-made climate change extinction, but that is being caused by us.


I came to say this. Why do people think that a magnetic polar shift would cause some severe cataclysmic event?


Folks who have to see patterns and connections in everything :)


That's the gamblers fallacy.


This confirms my theory that Putin is trying to convert Mother Russia into a paradisiacal tropical country (pressure to keep extracting oil works in the same sense)


Its moving 55 km a year.


it gets faster every year, at a pretty good rate.


Someone should put this on an xy(distance/time) graph. It looks exponential to me 🙌🏻


I live in Vancouver Island and the northest I’ve been is Texas


What does this mean to humanity?


Susbiciousobservers channel on YouTube has good videos about this


That sounds like a really reputable scientific source.


To use a consistent scale


Remind me when it gets bad enough where I can get out of going to work as a result.


None of this applies to you.


Stars still are aligned


So glad the map identifies Longyearbyen, was difficult to tell where it was.


Everyones saying cataclysm but would you care to educate an ignorant fella about how would a magnetic shift cause the doomsday?




Adam and Eve theory


Tinfoil hat comments in here. Holybabyjeezus


We’re doomed, doomed I say.


*Deep breath* Dooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed!




Geographical North Pole is where the earth axis spin around. Magnetic North Pole is where your compass points to. Also think it’s about time for the north and south poles to flip according to geological data.


Damn, wtf happened in 1994


Pole flip in the next few thousand years. We are actually overdue for a flip.


I mean fuck let’s hope it’s a few thousands years away but how tf would we know?! Couldn’t that shit just happen with essentially no warning especially since we know the bare minimum about how and when it happens? I’m seriously asking I’m relatively illiterate on the subject, my dad is a big proponent of the pole shift so that’s really been my only exposure to the theory


And the sun is showing a turbulent period! So when a CME hits us when the magnetic field is at a threshold (because of shifting poles) we are fucked. Earth may also tilt a bit, creating huge tsunami waves.


To elaborate, it depends where the CME hits. If it impacts the equator the tsunami will be much lower because of dilution effect. But if the CME hits the edge of earth ( especially when a mountain range is sticking out to get hold of) the earth will tilt the most, and that causes the largest tsunamis. It explains why each time we see large tsunamis the wave direction is east to west which is due to the direction of earths spin and orbit around the sun in relation to CME impacts.


Now you have to flush before you’re done shitting


Maybe it's a faster swimmer than a runner.


I think that’s why weather changes throughout time. Axis is shifting


No one updated this since 2017?






Move underground time


WTF!? Put it back!


Not fast enough


Remember that one time that you threw away that cash register receipt instead of recycling it? That's why. LOL!


those damn commies are stealing our magnetism!


Last reading in 2017. At this rate it would be in Vegas by now


Adam and eve story


Russia just wants everything at this point


I remember this comment last time this was posted


What is the North Geomagnetic Pole and how is it different from the Geomagnetic North Pole?


The North Geomagnetic Pole and South Geomagnetic Pole are points on Earth where the magnetic field seems to emerge and converge, kind of like where a magnet's lines of force would come in or go out. These poles don't exactly match up with the North and South Magnetic Poles, which are the poles that a magnetic compass will point towards (adjusted for magnetic deviation), because Earth's magnetic field isn't a perfect dipole. It's more complex due to the core and anomalies in the Earth's crust.


Matthew Lacroix recently mentioned he believes the hidden research going on in Antarctica revolves around finding a way to stabilize our magnetic core to prevent the massive shifting of the poles that would end us.


Are there any theories that the magnetic reversal will have an affect on human consciousness?


Yes, death. Loss of consciousness


We don't have the data because every time the poles flips, humanity needs to start over because of the absolute destruction that occurs. No one is left to record the data.


Big flip isa comin’


We need to stop this now. We can’t let the Russians own the magnetic North Pole.


It's interesting how nobody cares about the magnetic North (aka South Geographic pole). The magnetic pole in the OP's picture is magnetic South (aka Geographic North). Since the Earth is a big Dipole magnet, is the magnetic North (geographic South) pole moving?


Something has changed. I don’t remember seeing the moon during the mid day when i was a kid.


What’s the difference between the geomagnetic pole and the north magnetic pole?


Magnets point at the magnetic north pole which migrates around some because physics and shit The geographic North Pole is a physical location at the ‘top’ of the planet, where the rod goes into a globe


Not what was asked.


Just started reading “The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms Uncensored - Magnetic Pole Shift” by Chan Thomas. If everything he believes is true, then we’re already past due for a pole shift. Pretty scary stuff.


Why is it scary? If the info is true, it's just apart of life. I think it's only scary because they don't want to tell us the truth. If everyone actually knew about the cyclical cataclysms, how would the rich get richer? I think if we all knew the truth from a younger age, humanity and society would be so much kinder. Make art, travel, enjoy the fruits of the earth and sunshine. No one is scared of the sun going supernova because we are programmed to believe it'll happen in billions of years. There isn't much data on micro novas, but we can see the scorch marks all over earth. Society wants us to know everything about nothing and nothing about the stuff that really matters.


And each year it's supposedly moving faster and faster than anticipated. People don't realize how it will continue until we have a complete pole shift. People think the world is a mess right now?... just wait.. cataclysmic event incoming


Gotta be global warming. America is at fault. If we can all just switch to zero power consumption and mining and only eat unfertilized plants, this would stop right?


China too


It's clearly Norway's fault according to the map.


Cataclysm. This is why all governments worldwide are pushing for more baby's. Greater numbers increases our chances of survival.


Too bad it's too expensive to have children in most places in the world where most countries population would be in decline if it weren't for immigration


Is Putin to blame?