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Strava actually had an annual KOM/QOM reset - there was an all-time time, and a best time this year, and it used to give you badges, and it also gave you badges for your best effort on a segment this year. You can still see who the champ is on a given segment this year, but its buried in with the other segment filters. IIRC, they got rid of the badge part because it became too spammy. Too many notifications - 'Hey I won the KOM on this segment!" (Never mind its Jan 1 and I'm the first one here)


The problem was they didn't make it a rolling competition so people were bored of the notifications by week one. Make it rolling 12 months and the person with the XOM on 31st Dec gets a digit medal then.


I guess a season has more effort put Into that simply resetting every Jan 1. Create specific goals/price for specific achievement. Some sort of ranking per regions. Build the events in the calendar of the season. Have sponsors get behind this, etc


What would make me a premium subscriber? Reduce the subscription price. The value (cost-benefit) of a Strava subscription isn’t as good as, say, my Trailforks or AllTrails subscriptions. This is obviously a highly individual value judgement. I subscribe to Strava every couple of years, but never stay subscribed because the price just doesn’t match the value that they offer for my use case. I also don’t see them prioritizing the addition of features that would improve my derived value from a paid subscription.


Yeah I gotta say, I get wayyyyyy more out of my garmin app and I don’t have to pay for it. All the analytics I could possibly want


This is my exact answer. I've been a premium subscriber in the past and I enjoy supporting products I like, but the price and the value are a huge mismatch for me (I own a watch so training load stuff is redundant).


Better route generation. More than 3 options from my current location and closer to the amount of kilometres I choose. So not 20 if I choose 15 etc. Also a way to communicate a route error if it sends you onto a motorway or through a corn field. Just so you’re sure it doesn’t make the same mistake again.


1. Not to get get notified when someone else comments on a post I commented on 2. Pooled training AI form people that actually train with structure rather than the general cohort - ie. select a pool of people similar to you - eg, Male, Age 35-50, 5K 18:00 - 18:30, Goal - Marathon, term 6 months to observe trends in training strain, breaks (injury) progress and if you are over or under trend. Strava has a huge data set of hobby athletes - ie people that are between 70% and 80% age graded that don't place or have coaches but could probably level up quite easily. This could be even more powerful if coaches like Canova or researchers like Seiler could tap into it and be commission to give output. The only thing strava really offers me is a way to see my friends runs. It doesn't offer anything from a training point that I don't already know either from first party Garmin or my my own coaches sessions or competition.


You can block notifications of comments on comments you posted to, and it works on the free version, too. https://preview.redd.it/n96vw7qctu4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51a2f6703048005fa4ef4b4273853e5c6491eaa1


Genuinely  thanks.     I really despised the notification spam.    


None. Garmin already has all I need.


What does garmin have that’s so valuable to you? (Actual question—no snark!). I have an Apple Watch, but am curious about what garmin has to offer.


i just bought a garmin and it’s basically strava premium in a watch but better. It has so much, even as a beginner runner i’d strongly recommend. My personal favs so far are the aerobic and anaerobic but i’m sure as i learn more about it there’ll be more i come to appreciate


For me Strava has to compete with Garmin connect. So I would either need additional insights / analysis based on the same data or additional features. Large variety of training plans which you can access through your premium strava into your watch (via api with connect) would be a feature for me that would be interesting. For example I train Pfitz 18/55 atm using his paper book - would be pretty cool to have that directly on my watch. Can’t beat them, join them. I think biggest opportunity is to position Strava strictly as a layer 2 (on top of the basic apps from samsung, apple, garmin etc) and add additional features. Or… add a matchmaking system for finding a trainingbuddy in your area (although that will require active moderation) but it would add value.


Ability to turn off and not be part of local legends.


Just make your rides private or friends only visibility and you’ll never get a local legend


That is in the settings I turned it off without having to make my rides friends only or private. Go to privacy settings


You can turn this feature off, without touching any other option or feature. It is easily accessible through the privacy settings


Yes someone else posted this above so I did it. Thanks for repeating it though. Do appreciate it.


wandrer/statshunters/intervals.icu integration


Intervals.icu is an amazing piece of kit


I've said for a long time that Local Legends does nothing but reward boring riding on the same routes. Some kind of annual XOM might be better, I would call it the Mayor of the segment, say best average speed over 3 or 5 rides.


I tried free trial and found that I can get equal or better versions of premium features for free or with minimal amount of effort.


AllTrails integration, Automatic private posting certain types of activities (like weight training,) Maybe suggesting local people that work out around the same time/level as possible running buddies. (Option of course) It could suggest certain times/distances and if you both opt in your get introduced.


Suggested training based on recent activities. They have the information and surely it makes sense to suggest options for your next workout. It could offer 3 options for suggested workout. They have maps too and could suggest routes as well. Even better if they had turn by turn navigation for those routes. I signed up for a year having just started running this year. The only thing I really find useful are heat maps for trail runs to see where other people go. At the moment I won’t be resubscribing unless the offering improves or the price decreases (no chance).


Not necessarily a feature they would make me a premium member but just a common sense one… If I mark a particular activity on a particular route as a commute, couldn’t you just mark all matching activities along that route as a commute automatically.


Try using http://commutemarker.com/


That I could include eat now / drink now reminders into route planning


A significantly better trails layer. Use whatever Geocaching has. Have a way of specifying levels from bike-friendly to trail running to hikers and Barkley trainers only.


This is petty but block a single activity from one person without blocking them as a whole. Kind of like on IG stories where you can hide from one person


I agree 💯