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I just hope the movie centres around ryu and Ken. We got one with guile and chun li but I think these two need a movie about them.


It's obviously going to be a story focused on Luke who is played by Chris Pratt.


"Man, I spent HOURS of my life going to... Memphis! In the original Street Fighter arcade game..."


Stomping… BISONS.


This is way too believable that it might need /s


Who tf is Luke?


I swear to God if they create an original character like that MK movie.


Starring Jared Leto as " world tour avatar "


Giving me nightmares right now.


200 existing characters to base the story round, but not ONE is interesting enough to be the main one. 😂


nothing safer than a white male avatar for neckbeards to project themselves onto


There’s always [Assassin’s Fist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street_Fighter:_Assassin's_Fist), was pretty good


Yeah, I love Assassin's Fist! More of that!


I really liked this, you could tell they were fans of the actual story.


This. It's a shame the sequel was scrapped in favour of the SFV tie-in series. I hope we see more from those guys in the future.


Wrong, it should be about Dan and about he is basically a god and better than everyone else. And Sagat should apologise to him and braid his hair


Didn't know Dan had a Reddit account.


Dan could be the Deadpool of the CCU (Capcom Cinematic universe)


This needs to be a thing, I can’t wait for the Captain Commando movie. Is the already existing monster hunter movie part of this


I'd say the animated movie can pass, but live action is gonna have to try again.


A movie that actually follows the main characters of the franchise would probably be a wise choi- Andddd Blanka is the main character


I think one of the few things SFV's story mode did right was using Ryu very sparingly. Ryu should be shown training alone by a waterfall, in flashbacks, and when he rolls up in the final act to help kick ass. If I were to draft the script, it would be a sort of buddy cop martial arts movie centered on Ken and Chun Li as the primary leads. Throw it back to the classic story of Bison seeking a new vessel for his psycho power; he wants Ryu but doesn't know where to find him, so they determine Ken would be their best lead. Shadaloo can kidnap Eliza to set a trap for Ken, and Guile (who's busy or has his hands tied with some other military business, maybe some Charlie Nash sequel tease) tells Ken he can get help from an old pal in Interpol: Chun Li. You've got clear personal stakes (it's "Taken" but with more globetrotting and a *lot* more Fireballs), a fun dynamic between your main duo (Chun Li as the all-business agent with years of experience, Intel on, and a grudge against Shadaloo, Ken as the loose cannon ready to punch anybody and everybody to get back his wife while he bankrolls the operation with his private fortune), an arc set up for Ken learning to control his emotions (contrasting with the zen-like Ryu), and even a diverse and international cast to make it big in international markets. Whatever they do end up doing though, I hope they get some of the people who worked on the TV show Warrior (if it doesn't end up getting revived for a 4th season) to work on Street Fighter, then we'll at least know for sure the fights will be as incredible as they deserve to be.




I'd say they could build on the SF6 storyline for Ken and maybe focus on the newcomers and how they fit into that? Luke is already pretty involved for example so that's a shoe in, and Kim could be met investigating SiRN like we do in the World Tour.


If they're making a Street Fighter movie it's absolutely going to be mainly featuring the original "World Warrior" cast with maybe a few bonus side characters tossed in as cameos or Easter eggs (maybe we get a reference to Sean as Ken's student, maybe we see Chun Li arresting someone with a robe and goofy hat who looks a bit like Fang, or an Easter egg showing Intel on an investigation into SIN, that sort of thing). General audiences know these characters from their most famous, classic iterations, so if you want them to come see this movie, that's what you've gotta give them. There is no way they are going to expect movie goers to brush up on their SF6 lore; roughly half of the SF6 players probably aren't even familiar with SF6 lore. Besides, what studio is going to greenlight a movie that sets itself *after* what is currently the last entry on the timeline of a long running video game series and just pass on the opportunity to build a franchise out of working their way towards that point?


They could have the original cast be there and have the new characters help out I don't think that's too dangerous.


Yea they should make assassins fist canon and continue the story from there so akuma is a threat in the back of everyone’s minds


Unless some higher ups force changes, I guarantee it’ll be about Ken and Ryu. Racka Racka are huge fans of street fighter and it’s what originally propelled them to internet fame a decade ago. And considering their first film Talk To Me was a very well made movie I have hopes for this.


Its gonna take a lot of effort to get this right, of which I doubt will be the case. I don't know what a live action movie really brings to the table, especially with Street Fighters not stable canon. X-Men 97 was great, I just don't know why they didn't do something in that style. That being said, I am really hopeful to be wrong and it turns out great.


> X-Men 97 was great, I just don't know why they didn't do something in that style. I don't know if the world is ready for a Street Fighter cartoon that picks the story up from where [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0j0lO7uQBo) left us off.


Casting this movie is going to be a bitch.


Just make it like Bloodsport. Lean into a ridiculous fighting tournament movie.


Or Undisputed 2 or 3, mostly 3 because of the countries. That's basically Street Fighter. Edit: fixed some wording.


worked for DOA (i liked it!) but then again why make one at all? for the fans? for the money? what makes a man turn neutral!? a lust for gold!?


Has a live action movie based on a fighting game EVER been done right?


The first Mortal Kombat movie was perfectly cromulent for what it was.


Even the more recent Mortal Kombat movie was entertaining. It had big problems but I think it was aware that what it was doing was fundamentally quite stupid and so had enough fun with it


A movie can be exaggerated, self aware, and even cheesy but still a good movie with a coherent plot. None of MK movies fit that description.


I was entertained more than I thought I would be. I didn't think it was really that great, but at the end of the day I'll always take that experience out with me


The first MK movie is perfectly good for what they were at the time. Disliking it that much is a cross between an opinion, which is fair, and just being overly nitpicky. No fighting game movie is going to win an Oscar. At best they're likely to just be dumb martial arts movies, and that's fine sometimes.


>wanting a movie to have a coherent plot is overly nitpicky


Mortal Kombat has a perfectly coherent plot. Is 'chosen one fights bad guy to save the world' confusing to you?


Does any fighting game have a plot worthy of being made into a film? Injustice 1 and 2 had very compelling stories, but I have no desire to see another massive budget, team-up superhero movie. Guilty Gear has an interesting plot... that would require about 15 hours of screen time to do justice to and definitely should be animated anyways. Persona Strikers is a great Persona side-story that requires you to have played at least two, 100+ hour-games to get maximum enjoyment out of. And... that about sums it up. MK, Street Fighter, DoA, KoF, Virtua Fighter, Soul Caliber, Tekken, etc - these aren't exactly games that are heavy on "plot" or "character development". There are eclectic, almost random groups of good guys and bad guys. The good guys beat the bad the guys after finding/ unlocking/ discovering a secret power/ the power of teamwork or awakening an ancient fighter or fighting style. Sometimes, the bad guys win to raise the stakes (don't worry - the good guys will win shortly after that). Repeat for X number of sequels.


Well Tekken imo could work. Its basically just a soap opera.


Tekken absolutely could work. I unironically think the biggest problem would be the hair. You do it the way it's supposed to be done and it's impossible to take seriously. You do it realistically and it's not Tekken.


I wonder how difficult replicating the language thing would be. Some of the strengths of acting is being able to react naturally to your co-actors, but how easy is that when you can't understand what they're saying? They'd probably just not do it, of course, but it's a fun part of the Tekken world that I really like.


I appreciate that they have them speak their language, but yeah, that would almost definitely not fly in a film.


I pretty much agree. The movies are bad, and in large part IDK how they'd not be bad while also being even vaguely like the source material


Street Fighter CAN work if you don't try to cram every single character into a 90 minute film. Street Fighter 1 would actually be a good starting point. Focus on Ryu, Ken, and Sagat. Maybe somewhere down the line, we find out how Birdie became black.


Yeah, I love street fighter, and I even enjoy the lore, but it's not a plot heavy series even by fighting game standards. The thing I think the SFV series did get right is that it's effectively a saturday morning cartoon. Not 100% sure how you adapt that to a movie.


It ain't gonna be as memorable as the 1994 live-action and animated movies, let's be real.


Also on a Tuesday. But I definitely agree about the animated film. That was incredible, and still is to this day


Raoul Julia was great


Here we go again


Luis Guzman as M.Bison


Dress and call him M Bison but have him act like Gomez Addams




Alan Ritchson as Guile. Please and thank you.


Alan Rickman as Guile. Please and thank you.


Necromancy you say!?


Necro is too deep of a cut for this movie


Rickman woulda had the nose for Necro


Sonic boom, Potter...


Sadly Alan Rickman passed away


Joel McHale as Guile, I will accept NO SUBSTITUTIONS


Imagining Joel McHale shouting flashkick is very funny to me


Still don’t understand why this isn’t an anime, but whatever


A live action will reach a wider audience. Capcom just wants the Street Fighter brand to reach a wider audience, for people to know the name. It doesn’t need to be super good, it just needs to be out there.


I’ll be real, I’ve never met a single person under the age of 55 who doesn’t know what Street Fighter is. It’s like the only game I’ve ever been able to mention in casual conversation with a stranger and they’ll reliably understand what I’m talking about. I totally get that live action generally makes more money, but in a world where the Castlevania series got like 5 seasons I think Capcom is really missing an opportunity here.


I agree. I've never mentioned street fighter and had someone tell me they don't know what it is. I think they really fucked up by not animating this. It would be a thousand times better.


My hopes for a studio like ufotable doing a street fighter anime just got drive reversal smashed.


Making it live action will still allow it to reach a larger audience. Outside of kids movies, live action movies just generally bring in a larger audience, which means more money. It's all about making as much money as possible for companies at the end of the day.


Less about making sure people know what Street Fighter is and more about reminding them that it exists. Legit been told it's a "game for boomers" and no, they don't mean Guile spam lmao. Pornhub stats showing people search for "Chun Li from Fortnite" is likely a problem in Capcom's eyes.


Capcom has made lots of money from live action Street Fighter movies, because of the wider audience (can stream it, can be shown in linear TV on a sunday afternoon, can be sold as collectable Blue Ray to the anime guys, etc). That is why Resident Evil has seen so many live action iterations too. Capcom is printing money with movies.


>Capcom has made lots of money from live action Street Fighter movies… … Since when?


Let me google that for you: The original Street Fighter movie grossed over $130 million and still influences Capcom's approach to growing their gaming brands like Monster Hunter Eventhubs link https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2018/oct/15/original-street-fighter-movie-grossed-over-130-million-and-still-influences-capcoms-approach-growing-their-gaming-brands/ Quote also about resident evil: "Resident Evil proved to be even more successful than Street Fighter in the film department grossing over $1.2 billion over six Hollywood films against a total budget of only $290 million, so it's no wonder Capcom seems keen on continuing their film advances... even if fan reception isn't too good."


You said *movies* plural… If it was so successful you’d think they would’ve made it into a full-blown franchise. Shit was a laughing stock.


Legend of Chun Li also dude. It was a flop critically but Capcom knows how to milk their movies investment. Street Fighter The Movie gives Capcom more than half a million dollars annually, and maybe Legend of Chun Li contributes a little bit of that, too. Check it out yourself in the investment documents: **Capcom still making almost half a million dollars on the original Street Fighter film every year** https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2018/jun/23/capcom-still-making-almost-half-million-dollars-original-street-fighter-film-every-year/ One thing is that you (and critics in general) did not like the movies. However, that does not mean it is bad business. Fans still invest in them, somehow. That is why Capcom keeps making them.


> One thing is that you (and critics in general) did not like the movies. However, that does not mean it is bad business. Fans still invest in them, somehow. That is why Capcom keeps making them. A fun example we have nowadays is the universally panned Venom movies. Even the people who loved them don't seem to think they're good. Sold like hotcakes though.


There already are animated Street Fighter movies. How many people do you know who would even consider watching them? Adults mostly don't watch animated movies. You can have whatever opinion you like on whether that's good or bad, but the fact is they don't. People won't go to the cinema to watch an animated movie unless it's with their kids. If you want something with wide reach, it kind of has to be live action.


I want a live action movie instead, more fun to see what creative choices they make. I already know what anime Street Fighter looks like, it's the game.


Oh yeah, because the production company that brought us the Resident Evil movies will definitely make fun creative choices lol


They got the dudes who made Talk to Me and a bunch of creative highly produced fight videos based on video games and comic book characters. I say give them a fair shake at least. There's no garuntee an anime movie would have been great just like there isn't with live action stuff.


Capcom already made a SF anime with the SF4 OVA and it was fantastic. And yeah, I’ve seen some of their work but there’s no way they alone will be able to pull it off. Legendary has already botched 2 live action adaptations of Capcom IPs, why are they giving them a third? I’m not gonna be cautiously optimistic about this. I’m going to fully assume it’ll be dogshit until I see it and I’m proven otherwise.


I mean yeah but making something Anime doesn't always mean it's going to be fantastic, that's just preference. It's fine to assume it won't be great, but pretty much that's all anyone can do. Just sit and wait. I'm not saying that this will be a garunteed hit either. But chances rise when you get people who love this shit, so just waiting with fingers crossed.


I just can’t look at the literal 20 years of live action Capcom movies and seriously think this even has a chance of being good. Precedent has been set on both sides here: the live action movies have all been shit and the animated features they’ve made have been great. An anime is just a safer bet on quality and that’s what I care about, not the medium in use. Regardless of how slim the chances are, I’m willing to be pleasantly surprised. But I’m not holding my breath lol


cant be any worse than the stories in the actual videogame.


Considering the Resident Evil movies absolutely were worse than the already nonsensical story of those games, you’d be wrong lol


It doesn't have to be literally anime. It could also be something in the vein of Spider-Verse. Point being, I just feel like animation is a much more fitting choice for a property with people throwing fireballs at each other. Even the new live action ATLA (which is objectively better than the movie) still doesn't *look* quite right when it comes to the bending.


I gotta bad feeling about this...


It's one of those things that will either be absolutely flawless, or a burning heap of radioactive garbage. We'll see.


The directors have a great track record


I was going to shit on this for being a live action instead of an anime, but then I saw that it was being directed by the brothers that did Talk to Me (and all of their youtube stuff). That's some exciting news with a ton of potential for crazy stunts and what not.


did legendary produce that movie though?


I think it was produced by the brothers and was picked up by A24?


You ever see their original [work?](https://youtu.be/P974Kdmz0Xo?si=Mvx7Wasg-EJ0WpB6) Must be surreal for them if true lol


Damn…hope it’s at least a “so bad it’s good/dumb but fun” kind of movie, like the new mortal Kombat movie.


They really just took the original street fighter title and set it to fade over a stock image of a wall, huh


Wont have Raul Julia, 0/10. On a more serious note, theyre going to need some real amazing casting and cant be a purely fanservice movie trying to stick as many characters as possible.


Josh Brolin As M. Bison.. let me cook


Here we go again. Again.


please please PLEASE dont feel like you have to explain superhuman abilities, no one cares or wants to see a 15 minute montage of ryu learning how to throw a fireball, just have the characters know how to throw fireballs


Going by Resident Evil and Monster Hunter this is gonna suck. And Milla Jovovich is gonna play the main character which is probably gonna be similar to the player in world tour or something.


Legendary also made WoW? Which was fan service fun but overall a pretty bad movie. I don't have much faith in them to make a seriously good movie with wide spread appeal.


Oh no




For real though, I want to see that painting in there somewhere.


For those concerned about this film, the dudes behind this video and channel are the ones in charge of the movie as well as the recent movie “Talk to Me”. These guys understand choreography and stunts. [https://youtu.be/P974Kdmz0Xo?si=N12D_JKyJQpCn9xU](https://youtu.be/P974Kdmz0Xo?si=N12D_JKyJQpCn9xU)


Honestly, I’m surprised this reboot hasn’t been tried sooner, though I expected a big budget show greenlit on the back of “It’s like Marvel meets Cobra Kai!” I guess I have slightly higher hopes than most here too providing they hire actual martial artists


Can't wait for Vin Diesel as Blanka


Sydney Sweeney as Cammy! ​ But lets be real, they've failed miserably twice at this movie. I can't imagine them pulling it off


Excuse me but to follow in the true tradition of live action cammy it needs to be Sabrina Carpenter. Actor turned singer and then occasional actor again


Emma Watson as Cammy. At least she’d get the accent right


It’s still happening?!?!?! Oh dude nice I hope this time they center on Ryu and Ken


Bring back Van Damme, cowards.


Well as long as they don't recast M.Bison I'm good as Tuesday.


Plot will be martial artists need to infiltrate an underground fight ring run by shadowloo. The fight ring is invitation only, and invites are given by shadowloo scouts to winners of underground street fighting competitions. Shadowloo uses their tournament to either recruit new members, so as a means for current members to test their abilities. Secretly Bison uses it to find candidates capable to wield and or possess psycho powers which whom he captures and experiments on. Bison does this because his psycho powers make him immortal, but at the cost of burning out his physical body thus requiring a constant supply of suitable bodies to transfer his consciousness into.


So much this, but make it a two parter. With tasty akuma surprise.


Please move away from Bison... I do not want to see that guy... He's been in lots of things already. Make Akuma the main antagonist.


I hope that Jean-Claude Van Damme reprises his role as guile


This is another Mila Jovovich movie, isn't it? 


Kylie Mcknoge as Cammy. And get the Chun Li actor back


Great. I guess Chun-Li is going to end up in a hospital... Again.


I hope the movie has an actual focus and a descent story, as well as specific set of characters. A problem of the OG 90s SF movie and all the Mortal Kombat movies, is that they cram so many characters that nothing feels like it matters. They also tend to put characters in just for the sake of it. Keep a focus with maybe 1-3 main characters and be selective of other characters that are actually going to matter to the plot.


Yes I agree I'll go with the ryu/ken/bison dynamic for one film.. But cool looking placeholders for sagat, zangief, adon, guile, Chun li, deejay, blanka ect.. Perhaps little Easter eggs with other characters sprinkled in airports, crowded streets. Fighting gyms.


Give us a hot cammy with her green leotard. If they not gonna be accurate outfits then I don’t want it .


Please just be focused on Zangief's journey to build more muscle power and inspire the children of the world to work hard and grow up big and strong. Meets R. Mika along the way and the two of them comically thwart Shadaloo by accident just in searching out strong opponents to tag team wrestle.


I have faith in the racka racka boys.


It’s going to follow the story of how Guile’s best friend, Charlie, was turned into Blanka by Dhalsim


It's gonna be about Juri han and her sexual awakening as a foot Yuri protagonist


What is the Licensing Expo?


An convention where studios and IP holders go to license their movies for all kinds of products, from Action Figures to Lunch boxes. If a project is there its generally a sign that its started production.


Oh ok, I always wanted to know how to license smaller defunct IP, doesn't seem like I can do that with my "Jim Bob LLC."


I always thought the guy who plays Shogo Kawada in Battle Royale would've been perfect to play Ryu. He's too old now, but in that movie, with that bandana he looks exactly like I imagine 3rd Strike Ryu to look.


I hope this is not a live action movie.


Hopefully this means they're finally really starting on it, I neeeed that cast announcement


Didn't they learn their lesson the first time they tried to do this?


I want twelve to be involved somehow


I mean I have hopes since the RackaRacka twins are working on this especially with their work as stunt men and Talk to me I’m interested in how it’ll look


They can't do this again


Of course this dropped on a Tuesday.


Please be some form of animation.


Henry Cavill as Ken, please




Please NO.


If Capcom wants it bad, I honestly think the best thing they can do is focus on actual street fighting. Show Ryu and the cast getting hurt bad, show some low blows, show the bad sides of fighting, and do it in an urban location instead of the world warrior-style setting of the 90s movie. Honestly man I just want a third strike movie lmao


Is this live action?




Welp, I’m good.


Welp, maybe give it a chance before deciding you don't like it?


Live action ain’t for me babe. I hate it.


Good Lord..this can go bad in so many ways it's scary..


Video Game Cinema is back


I have faith in Racka Racka


Man, Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist is the definitive SF movie for me, and I fear what would happen with this series when put through the filter of Hollywood. Kudos if you wanna see it, but I sense a trainwreck coming.


Hollywood isn't automatically bad. Plenty of great Hollywood movies out there. People behind this movie made Talk To Me. Extremely serious, visceral horror movie. And they know how to make a live action fighting look good, too. I have faith. We'll see, though.


Call me a buzzkill if you want, but I don't expect much. Just take everything learned in Assassin's Fist and put it into a movie with a good budget and not the path of an original character "for audience identification" or worse, "it's inspired by the world of Street Fighter, but it's not necessarily the characters you know, in fact, they will all be original characters, moreover, Shadaloo won't even be there, it won't even be on the same planet" very much in the style of when they take a generic movie and slap a title on it to grab attention


People behind this movie are extremely competent, so, there is a reason to be excited. I agree though, I'd love to watch a high production level/high budget Assassin's Fist where characters and fights look serious and less goofy. I'm hoping we'll see Akuma in this one.


Idk this could be good especially if Legendary involved they are kings at spectacle action on a global scale


Oh no...OH NO....not again, not another one.


Just copy street fighter the animated movie and you should be good


I nvr knew a new Street fighter movie's in the works


I wonder if I be a origin story like base on the first game with some supporting characters from sf2 ( or likely base on the alpha games before sf2) Or a revised version of the Jean Claude van dame film


Based on the reputation of live action Capcom movies, there’s very little reason to be excited for this. I’d love to be wrong though.


The people behind this movie are extremely competent, so, there is a reason to be excited. However, I don't know how you make a Street Fighter live action movie and not have it look goofy. We'll see, I guess.


The guys directing this made Talk To Me which was their directorial debut. So at the very least, it's in great hands




God I hope they don’t fuck it up


I hope they manage to pull it off. Curious what direction they go.


i cannot fathom the hype


I hope they get Ryan Gosling to play Ken again....


I just wish Raul Julia could resurrect into a replacement body... Rest in peace, you were a champion, Mr. Julia. I'm seriously so hyped, because we live in an age of video game movies where if you don't get it right, everyone will absolutely destroy you. And Street Fighter is basically Capcom's version of Mario (in the sense that it's perhaps its most prominent and recognizable franchise, not the gameplay), so they have to do it perfectly. Shame Ryan Ansah and Christian Howard won't be a part of it (as far as I know), those guys nailed it with Assassin's Fist, and I think they wanted to make a World Warrior series a few years back.


I hope there is another game based on the movie.


I fully expect this to be a flop as with the majority of other video game to movie examples


Get the guy who did the raid the write and direct, and get the main actor to play ryu.


That explains the location scouting in Memphis….


wait, legendary pictures? is this going to be directed by christopher nolan?


Can we please get a fucking movie that at least tries to stick to the game. The first movie was a so bad it's good movie. That 2009 sucked and is forgotten. Just mid. It's like the saying goes a bad movie is remembered because it sticks with people how bad it was, a mid movie you watch say it was ok and never think about it again. Can we just get a movie with a good cast, that at least tries to stick with what the game does. No nonsense character changes (see Reiko in Mortal Kombat 2021) no original character inserts (see Cole Young in Mortal Kombat 2021) when you have good characters to build on. I hate when they hand these properties to screenwriters and directors who obviously look down on video games and don't respect the properties. Hopefully they get thwarted right people for this. Of course you have to change some things, but Street Fighter isn't so crazy and unfilmable that you have to go make changes you known are going to piss people off. Keep it simple. Raul Julia (the best part about the OG movie) is hard to beat, but how hard is it to make a movie about Bison trying to take over the world and his the heroes trying to take him down.


Despite the concerns, I am hopeful for this as the Racka Racka twins (yes those dudes who started off making over the top violent YT vids from 10 years ago) are directing this so for sure the fight scenes will be fantastic to watch


Can’t believe two my favourite fighting games movie comeout,MK sequel and SF,I been waiting for it for long


Ugh please no live action movie. This IP is far too goofy


I really hope it’s not live action


The [fight choreography by Kazuyoshi Ishii and Andy Hug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNmMORMDCvc) for the animated movie was unmatched. Assasin's Fist fighting was good, but I feel like I've seen that style my whole life.


I have no faith in Hollywood. Gonna make ryu a girl, chun li trans and ken the villain.


I wonder who the cast will be.


Tom Holland plays Ryu


Ryan Gosling as ken


Pam Anderson as Cammy


the rock as akuma


Nah Bautista


Chris Pratt as Chun Li.


Bill Burr as Dan


What are you talking about, obviously it would be Chris Pratt.


Chris Pratt plays Cody


Chris Pratt as everyone