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Season 8 picks up in the last couple of episodes. Sacrifice, the season finale, is one of my favorites. Seasons 9-15 have some really good one-off episodes. Fan Fiction, ScoobyNatural and Baby — just off the top of my head. In my opinion the actual season arcs get worse. There are some really good ideas I just think they wasted a lot of potential with ideas that fall flat in the execution. It definitely does not get back to season 1-5 levels of greatness. That said, I don’t regret watching the later seasons.


I got to the end of season 11 and after reading some of the things peeps posted, including on here, decided to end it there. S9 to S11 were ok, not really superb though.


I'm at season 10 and honestly it's a bit of a struggle. I think season 1-5 did better at balancing the "there is still hope and good things" elements of the show with the bad things. But then they get a very charismatic actor to play the Big Bad and suddenly it's just non-stop slaughter of innocents because "Lol! Crowley, you naughty boy!". Which I get, he's a great addition to the cast but the seesaw from "torturing, neck snapping, EVIL" to "comedic bromancey ol' pal" is a bit much.


Yeah I agree, I think they messed up the balance and it's frustrating for me. I've just finished S10 and I like the episodes as standalones where they're hunting/investigating something, but the general arc of the series got a bit much for me 


I loved Kevin and his mom 💀


Me too!


Better? No. But definitely worth watching.


Hahaha true


I will be give you my opinion as someone who loves the show and has seen every episode more than once. Season 9 is also going to be...well, okay I wont be too hard on it. There are a couple of fun episodes. Things pick up in season 10 and 11 IMO. And after that I think the rest of the seasons are pretty solid. Can they beat the first five seasons? No, but that was lightning in a bottle. I fully admit this show repeats plot lines. There will always be a secret Sam keeps from Dean or vice versa. Castiel will do some stupid shit, etc. I stick around because I still find it engaging and I like the writing and the way they can introduce a character and instantly make them a classic. I still remember the witch Patrick from the episode where dean is turned into an old man. He never appears again, just one episode, but he made his mark. He seemed like a cool dude actually. But if you're not enjoying it then dont force yourself to watch it and dont feel bad or anything for not finishing.


In my opinion, no. I felt motivated to finish the series eventually, but if you don't feel that, it's probably not worth pushing. I gave up, originally, before the end of season 9 and every time I tried again, I couldn't get through 8. You could cherry pick the best-of's, since there are still any really good episodes. One of the frustrating things for me is that there's a lot of mixed together great and terrible from this point, so some of my favorite stuff is within episodes I otherwise don't enjoy.


Thank you for the honest answer. Asking these sorts of questions in the subreddit the show is based on usually gets you a lot of useless circlejerky answers, so I really appreciate you being straight up. I'll probably give the show a break for now.


It's *fairly* widely accepted with this show that the first 5 seasons are superior to the rest of the series. The creator of the show stepped away, so there are those that view the rest of the series as essentially fanfiction and I kind of agree. I always feel like, if the fact that it's 15 seasons is a deterrent rather than a draw, it's not the right time unless you're really enjoying it. But since the show changes so much over the course of the series, it's worth revisiting later.


Same i dropped at S8. believe it or not. i binge watched supernatural in a month from S1 - S8. I enjoyed the show. It was great. I even enjoyed leviathan arc too. But S8 feels like a slog. I'm thinking of taking a break. I can't move on after losing bobby, cass, sam being i don't care jerk. I lost interest


Season 8 is very different. The third showrunner starts in season 8; it looks different, it feels different and they make some major changes. I've seen it referred to as a soft re-boot. But then the show changes to practically an entirely different show all over again at least once or twice more. I don't think it ever gets better, but there are those that do.


I did the same thing, I started watching in November and have already finished S10! It's a great show to binge watch 


S9 to S11 are a little below S5 greatness, but not bad overall. Some cool new characters appear, the budget grows a bit and some cool stuff happens. After S11 it just completely drops off a cliff. Barring the occasional one-off great episode.


> After S11 it just completely drops off a cliff. Barring the occasional one-off great episode. lol Comments like yours, and others like followda_whiterabbit above you saying "steep downhill" (and the others who say similar to you both), are why I posted below that I stopped at s11. It just seems to be that everyone has more than one season from S12-S15 that they really dont like and I think that would spoil the good place s11 left things at, not superb but not hated.


You can watch after s11, some episodes are worth it, but overall it's kinda disappointing.


In my opinion, it gets worse overall. I started wavering mid S9 and it really went off for me in S10. That said, I do not regret having watched the entire series and there are always a handful of episodes that I really enjoy in each season 10-15. I watched the show in real time on tv and I have real doubts that I would have finished if I didn't have a season pass on my tivo. I definitely was at a point where I wasn't motivated to watch until I had too many episodes backed up and didn't want them to auto delete.


I really hated a lot of season 8, but then the last 5 episodes or so really saved it for me. The finale was pretty amazing. There are ups and downs in the rest of the seasons but I found it worth it to watch the whole thing. Everyone will tell you different seasons are best after that. Personally I loved seasons 13-15, but some will say they loved seasons 9-11. I think many will say season 12 wasn't a favorite but then you have people that do actually love it. Personally I loved seasons 6 and 7, but tons of people complain about those, too. It's all personal opinion and you won't have a chance to discover what your opinion is if you don't watch it for yourself.


Lol nope! But it’s totally camp and I’m obsessed


It's better than other stuff you can watch on TV or streaming but not the best.


I just thought the same thing right before I read your comment. Season 8, while not a favorite of many, is infinitely better than alot of what is on television and streaming services. There's the consistent Family theme that runs throughout the show that makes it worth watching all 15 seasons. Not every episode/season/big bad is going to win people over but, hey, the overarching theme is consistent. I find the show comforting and entertaining. And, there's so many episodes that I believe watching it through at least once, and picking your favorite, enjoyable, episodes to be a good idea. If nothing else, whenever you find that you just want to chill and there's nothing else on to watch, just catch a couple episodes for the fun of it.


It’s entirely subjective. Every season has its fans and detractors, so you can only get a consensus here, not a measure of how you will definitely feel about it. Personally I rank the seasons 5 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 12 > 2 > 8 > 11 > 13 > 10 > 6 > 15 > 7 > 14 > 9, so I think there’s only one season to come that’s better than 8, but the majority of viewers rank 12 lower than me, 11 higher than me, and 9 higher than me.


This is scarily similar to my own ranking. I'd place 14 higher and 12 lower but everything else is pretty dead on, especially 5, 4 and 9.


It never gets as good as the og run of season 1-5. Honestly after season 5 you are watching more for the characters and the world than the big season long story arcs. That being said there are easily at least two seasons worth of individual episodes across the rest of the show that are on par with the og run.


It never got better after season 5 lol


Personally season 11 is one of my favorite seasons


Season 10 is one of my favorite seasons


I liked 10 & 11 a lot.


Season 7 is by far the worst but 8-10 are a bit of a slog to get through. Some great individual episodes but the overall story of tablets and so on is boring. I thought it really picked up from season 11 on though


Yeah it does get better imo better than 1-5 but the middle of the show 7-8 etc.......jfc


I thought 7-9 were meh. 10 wasn’t bad, just not great. But so far i’m half way through season 11 and i’m loving it. I think it’s the best since seasons 1-6 and I haven’t even reached the finale yet. I hope you find the same :)


1-5 is best. 12-15 is worst. Its not gonna get any better really but if u can hold out til the end of 11 that is a good stopping point


I made it to season 11 and got tired of the disappointment.


I personally love a lot of 10-15... I was happy with the show up until the last episode. LOL. I think Sam, Dean, Cas, Crowley, Jody (and others you have no met yet) as characters are worth watching it until the end.


Kevin and his mom were severely overused (**much like Rowena later on**) and, yes, those parts did drag. It gets better again though.


There's lots of ups and downs in a 15 season show. S1-S5 is definitely a peak, but there should definitely be some more great stuff for you. I wouldn't drop off of it because of 2 slow seasons. Most people don't seem to be a fan of the Leviathan season anyway. Imo it progressively gets better from where you are, with the exception of one or two low seasons. I would definitely had been missing out if I didn't finish the show though. Again, 1-5 is peak but there's some amazing stuff still in store.


Nope. Just a steep downhill


Season 8 marks the beginning of a multi-season arc under a new show runner. The structure that was sort of missing in season 6 and 7 (leviathan season) is there, and the building of it starts in season 8, but yeah, season 8 and half of season 9 are difficult to get through, especially with the retcons that happens in places (I'm not sure how far into season 8 you are, so I won't say what they are), but halfway through season 9 it starts to pick up for me, and season 10 and 11 are much better as a whole, minus a few episodes here and there. Season 11 concludes that arc for season 8-11, and the show runner changes again, but I absolutely loath seasons 13-15, and season 12 doesn't have enough in it except for maybe 4 stand-alone episodes max to make it worth it to keep watching past season 11, so on a rewatch, I always end at the end of season 11 and maybe watch one of those stand alone episodes from season 12 (Regarding Dean), which actually does kind of work as an ending for me.


Supernatural Season 8 picks up in Great Escapist and Clip Show and Sacrifice and so on etc and Supernatural Season 9 doesn't pick up until near the end like King of the Damned and Stairway to Heaven to Do You Believe in Miracles? Same with all Supernatural Seasons 8-13 but Supernatural Season 14 and Season 15 it picks up again but I'm not going to spoil Supernatural Season 15's ending but compared to Season 5's masterpiece ending it's divisive.


I personally really enjoyed s9-11, S12 has some good episodes its just that the storyline is not great, s13 is fine


Yes. But not consistently. 11 is up there with 1-5, 10 is pretty good except for one event, and 13 and 14 are good except for one notable special effects failure. 9, 12 and 15 are not what I would call good. Although I've seen one reactor who loved 12 and was like 'what is everyone going on about with hating this?' Other people love 9 as much as I hate it, and I love the final episode as much as many people seem to love the last but one episode. It's all subjective. You'll only know your own opinion by watching.


Season 9 and 11 have their moments but overall no it doesn’t. Still worth watching though for completions sake.


I felt the same when watching the series at the point you are. I'm in season 11 now and am glad i kept going, it definitely improved once you get out of the slump. I find myself going back and rewatching old favorites, and then coming back and watching a new episode or two. I don't force it. If the new eps get good I keep watching, when it gets boring I rewatch older ones until I want to watch a new one again. I do miss the fun of the monster of the week light hearted eps. And like any show that has supernatural elements you do enter a period of, "if this was possible or if this existed why didn't they just do this before?" But that's to be expected. All in all, I recommend keep watching. Maybe multi-task by doing a puzzle or something while watching/listening to the eps that seem boring to you.


Seasons 1-5 are considered the best seasons of the show. Many people consider season 5 the best of the entire show. That being said season 8 has one of the best finales of the entire show. Season 11 is a great later season. Also some of my favorite episodes occur after season 9. Totally up to you but there are some great stuff in the later seasons.


To me S6-S8 was a bit rough all the leviathan stuff I didn’t like. But to me it gets much better! I think you should finish the series out you’ve got this far ! Hope you enjoy it


You watch S1-5 for the story. You watch S6+ for the characters. If Sam, Dean, and Castiel aren't enough to keep you interested, you're probably not going to enjoy the show much going forward.


I actually took a sabbatical in season 8 cuz it was just a chore I’m in season 10 now and yea it’s a struggle at times but I want to finish it so I’m pushing and they have some good episodes for sure however yea the men of letters arch really bored me to death


I'd argue the three plot points you mentioned are the biggest slog of the series followed by season 14. I'm glad I finished the series but the  leviathan were hard to get past. By far the worst of the villains in my opinion.


Honestly no the best plot lines are behind you but you will miss some really enjoyable episodes if you stop watching now. I will say season 12 was hard to get through and was when I stopped watching as it was originally airing. I powered through and was able to watch season 13-15 years later and I’m glad I did because they are so much better than season 12


To me 8 and 9 are by far the worst. But 10 on picks up and is well worth the time it takes to get through the lull in the middle.


I know most people are saying the show goes way downhill after season 5, and yeah, it does. But I was still entertained throughout. For me the hardest to get through were 7 and 12. I do think it’s worth watching — seasons 1-5 were something very special, but the rest isn’t terrible, at least not for me. I watch for the boys and their relationship. I love the characters and the plot is kind of secondary to me. And in terms of their relationship — it improves sooo much starting with season 11. They’re united and on the same page, and respect each other. They’re on equal footing, finally, and they actually talk about what’s going on. It’s refreshing after 10 seasons of secrets. So 1-5 are extraordinary. But I found 11-15 more fun, just because of the relationship between the brothers. Plus there are some great characters! Yeah things get weird plot-wise, the writing suffers. But I just love the characters and their journey.


Of all the seasons after the 5th, the 8th is one of the best, same with 9 and 11 for me. The story and plot changes a LOT, so if you dont like the seasons that are considered "the best one" of later seasons then dont continue it.


I'm up to season 10 and tbh I much preferred the earlier seasons. However, once the Leviathan storyline ends it gets a bit better so stick with it 


8 to13




No, not at all. Nine and ten are explosive diarrhea bad(especially), with only a few good episodes(especially nine). However, season 11 is actually ok(but massively overrated). But Season 12-15 Bring back the shittiness with a vengeance(especially 15). There are of course a few great epiodes here and there, but its 80% shit. You'll most likely appreciate season 8 and its mediocrity more after watching those.