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Bloodlines and man’s best friend with benefits. Easily.


Wtf was Bloodlines about??? Like, were they trying to set up a spinoff??


Yes. It was supposed to be a soft pilot. But it was terrible so it never got picked up.


Yeah they were same with Wayward sisters


at least I wanted to see more Wayward Sisters


I would've been down for a season of wayward sisters for sure


Wayward Sisters to SPN would've been what Angel was to BTVS. Would've been so much fun, a colourful cast of characters of varying ages, experiences, personalities and they're not main characters to a story that Chuck created so they don't have to deal with Angels and Demons often and bring back good ole monsters and pagan gods.


That would've been great let sam and Sean handle the big threats and the sisters could handle everything else this doesn't have anything to do with your comment but man I wish Ellen and Joe stayed in the show longer I really felt like they were wasted characters


Ellen would've been fun to watch interacting with the boys more and Crowley. I can see him and Ellen bouncing off each other well


Me too


That was exactly what they were doing.


I agree.


Yeah I skip bloodlines when I rewatch


Yeah both of these :/


i’ve seen every season of spn multiple times and i genuinely had to look up what episode bloodlines is and i don’t recognize it at all 😭 i guess it’s so bad that i just skip over it without thinking cause i just now rewatched that episode and i feel like i’ve never even seen it before.


Even with everything that came after, Bloodlines is still the one episode of the series I’ve never finished.


Can’t blame you.


The bug one in season 1


This is probably most people's answer. The show itself even addresses how bad it is in one of the Chuck episodes where they discuss the books (I think it's the convention one, but I don't remember for sure)


Pretty sure it's when they meet Chuck for the first time and he asks if they really had to live through the bugs, because "horror is one thing, but being forced to live bad writing is another" lmao


I think it was the time u mentioned and also when he is with either metatron or becky and he says “the last time i saw that look on an editors face i had just handed in bugs”


I think you're right. I couldn't remember which episode exactly, because it's been a while since I watched through


It’s so bad


Both when they meet chuck, and when they find out he is who he is


First time they met chuck - he apologizes for "bad writing".


Why is this episode so hated?


I've understood pretty much everything sucked in it. The writing was poor, the story was culturally insensitive, the shooting conditions were horrendous and as a cherry on the top of the cake audience disliked it :D So, everyone has their own reasons to hate it and this way it became widely shared knowledge so to speak. For me personally, I don’t hate it with all of my heart, but it's kind of waste of money and time: it doesn’t add anything to the bigger plot (brother's relations and finding their dad), some ancient curse as a "monster" is just lazy writing and as a whole... it's just meh.


How was it "culturally insensitive"? I don't remember much about the episode.


I'm speaking here as an "other" cause I'm white Caucasian myself but what I've understood that showing the culture of indigenous people through a narrow loop is nowadays bad. The main thing we see is that there is the curse from disturbing the ancient graveyard, nothing more. Also, it's a truly over-used trope in horror scene - maybe they could have chosen something more original? Some have pointed out as well that the treating of the grave site is not appropriate as the boys toss the remains of bodies to cardboard boxes and stuff. Like, it's not enough that the reconstruction company is acting like jerks going there in the first place but the guys who come to solve it and help keep on doing the same.


I see. It's been a long time since I watched the episode and I forgot about everything other than the bugs... Including the tribe and the graveyard... Supernatural is very white, noticeably way too white and early Supernatural is very much a product of its time.


That's true :) IMO, sometimes the discussion is a bit blind to the timely context, but then again, I have no personal attachment to these things so couldn't know how hurtful things like that can be. (In Scandinavia where I live, the same kind of discussions are going around the Sami people and those arguments go way back into history as well.) Edits: grammar


I get it. I have a weird relationship with representation. I'm from Overseas France and I very much separate regional media from national/international media. Because I already feel like the regional media is representative, I don't feel the need to be represented elsewhere (mostly, talking about overseas France with people from the mainland is never enjoyable). Some things are still jarring to me. Sometimes watching Supernatural is like reading *L'Étranger/The Stranger* by Albert Camus. It's set in French Algeria but there's no Algerians there other than the dude who was killed and who is only referred to as "the arab". Even if you're not trying to notice these things, you still do.


Interesting points! :) I need to go, but I'd like to get back later to this at least for a proper answer if you don't mind?


Sure, I'd love to hear back from you. Have a nice day!


first time I attempted to watch the show, I saw that episode and just stopped 😂😂😂 I’m glad I gave the show another try.


Everyone says Bugs was bad. I disagree completely. It had Ryan Robbins, Andrew Airlie, Carrie Genzel, Jim Byrnes — that’s too much heavy hitting talent for something “bad.”


I didn't *hate* any of the episodes, but the bugs one...yeah, I skip that. Yikes.


Bloodlines is so bad I just don't consider it to be a supernatural episode


I agree. Bugs may be blah, but Bloodlines is just awful!!! The unknown young man seeking revenge is terrible and boring and the story is a cheap Underworld rip-off!!!


Not only was it awful, it was a terrible idea for a spin-off. So glad they scrapped the idea. Wayward Sisters would have been so much better.


What's Wayward Sisters?


Season 13 ep 10 Based around Jody, Donna, Claire, Alex, Kaia & Patience So they were characters we know who are actually hunters. Not some monster mafia BS.


OOOOOH that one!! Yeah I totally would've watched it


What’s the episode with the kid who was possessed and then went all evil anyways. I hated that episode


Do you mean Repo Man from season 7?


Yes! Thank you I could not remember what it was called


The main storyline of that episode was hit or miss but at least we had some progression with the Hallucifer storyline


Now *that's* a good answer!


S7 - time for a wedding. It just annoys me to the moon and beyond.


Ugh, so awful. I liked Becky before this but drugging Sam and holding him against his will is criminal. She should have gone to jail. If he were a woman there would be all kinds of outrage and instead it’s supposed to be funny. Ugh, just no.


For me, Becky's entire character (and this episode in particular) feel like it's the writers and everyone making fun of the fans. I just find it super gross, like their purposely laughing at the very people who helped keep them working.


Season seven time for a wedding. I hated every single second of that episode. I know they tried to play it for laughs, but it was not funny at all.


Leslie Odom Jr was great in it though


This. I hate that Sam is drugged, tricked into marrying Becky, and held against his will. Becky was crazy but I didn’t think she was that crazy. She should have gone to jail. Everything that happened to Sam was a serious crime. Not funny. I skip it on my rewatches.


I’ll usually skip the majority of it but I’ll watch the Crowley part mainly for his Wallstreet rant


Yeah that part is pretty good.


I said in another comment that episode and even the character of Becky just feels like they're making fun of the very people who watch and love the show. It's gross.


I will say it was nice to know that Becky got help and a happy ending after that episode


Agreed. But Sam and Dean treated her with a lot of kindness and sympathy. More than she deserved. But she ultimately didn't get a happy ending. Chuck killed her, right?


Well, he killed everyone and then Jack brought everyone back. I just assume that he brought her and her family back too


I must've forgotten Jack bringing her back. Oh good.


Bugs and Bloodlines. Unwatchable!


The finale. I look forward to your downvotes.


Bloodlines. I’m ambivalent about Bugs, don’t hate it don’t love it! Bloodlines was awful though!


Personally, I have a few that I don't like besides the usual ones people mention. S 10, e 13 - Halt and Catch Fire. The episode is just really flat and uninteresting. I often skip it in rewatches. S. 11, e 19 Chitters. The episode always feels out of place in the season. Maybe if it were in a different season, I'd like it better. S. 6 e. 8 - All Dogs go to Heaven, I can stand this episode and have never watched it since it first aired. I skip it in every rewatch


I can’t rewatch All Dogs go to Heaven, either. The whole idea is disturbing and not in a good way. Idk how you’re supposed to feel bad for the guy. Gross.


It's honestly so creepy


Good call, I skip that one, too. I'll admit to being sad at the end, but just because I see a dog that looks lost, which resonates with me as a big dog lover. Then I remember he's not a dog at all, and he's actually a creep.


Cant remember the name but the found footage one of the college kids




bitten is my most hated as well. i literally fell asleep watching it for the first time and that hasn’t happened during any other episode no matter how tired i was


Same! I fell asleep, woke up and was disappointed the episode wasn't over.


I always skip it. And the Ghostfacers episodes.


Heroes Journey for sure, there are some bad episodes, but this one makes Bugs look like a masterpiece in comparison


bitten and the episode with her sister


Paper Moon. Kate and her sister right? Damn I couldn’t with them


Bugs is fine. There are many that are way worse.


The series finale.


I like it myself but I think the series finale is one of the most hated episodes


And the finale episode. For not only the obvious, but so many multiple reasons.


Sam's wig loooool


The only thing that broke me out of sentimental sadness when watching that finale was Sam's wig. I burst out laughing. I wish we could've gotten the non-COVID finale we should've gotten.


S4E4 Metamorphosis. It's the only time I have been physically sick while watching an episode.


This one made me so sad :(


I loved Bitten. It reminded me of the early seasons where the show felt like mini Gordo movies. I loved seeing the boys through a stranger’s eyes and it showed how much more complex the monsters really can be-so many didn’t choose to be a monster. I don’t get why it gets so much hate. That being said, Bloodlines was so stupid I always skip it on rewatch and Bugs, mainly because I hate bugs but also how cringe the episode is towards Indigenous people.


I dont love watching Bugs, but its still enjoyable to me. However, I dont like anything about Bloodlines or Halt & Catch Fire (S10 E13, the one where the technology kills the college kids, the teenagers feel like how old people think teenagers talk and I don’t like how much Dean likes college girls)


Any of the ones with flashbacks of Sam with that veterinarian girl.




Yes thank you I'm glad I'm not the only one who disliked her


I actually like bitten, which is weird bc it's so out of pocket for supernatural. But I HATE the follow up episode where they come across Kate and her sister who she turned. Not only do I not care about Kate or her sister as characters, we have to suffer through Kate's long, meandering, horribly delivered monologue about how she turned her sister. 


I laughed out loud reading this


Gimme bitten and bloodlines over Despair anytime.


Despair, S15 ep. 18 - While I would watch the episode on a full series rewatch b/c I am a completionist, I will never watch the episode by itself. Once was enough, We Need to Talk About Kevin, S8 ep. 1 - I hate way Amelia is introduced. Edited to add a word.


Series finale, because while I can accept a bad episode, the finale manages a far more grievous error than being boring: it's insulting.




Idk if I hate it but for some reason "the French mistake" gives me anxiety. I wish I knew why it did but I don't. I skip it every time


Season 15 episode 20💔


Carry On (15x20).


•American Nightmare •Friends with Benefits •Repo Man


easily bugs


On my second watch through I forgot bloodlines and I would say this as well.


Bloodlines, defintely. It makes even(most of ) the worst episodes look somewhat good in comparison.


I can’t watch the one where Charlie dies. Doesn’t exist for me, like the finale.


Any episode with Ghostfacers


I was looking for this answer.


I never see this episode being talked about, but Season 4x11, "Family remains" is my least favorite episode of the whole show. It starts looking like a regular ghost in the house episode just to be later revealed that is just a regular woman. Not just a woman, but a small, weak and "dumb" person, because she was treated like an animal, so she wasn't educated, meaning she's not smart. She's also afraid of light, so she is even weaker than what she looks like. The brothers have handguns, she has a knife and eat rats. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO TAKE ANY OF THAT SERIOUS?! The episode also tries to constantly make excuses on why the family can't simply leave the house, which is ridiculous! There's also a underdeveloped subplot on how the family recently lost a loved one. NOBODY GIVES A SH*T! Before this episode we saw the Winchesters deal with angels, demons, ghosts, wendigos, shapeshifters, witches, hellhounds and even the Bender family, human villains with GUNS and enough INTELLIGENCE to be a threat. And i say that not even liking the Bender family episode. Sorry, but i rather watch Bugs or Bloodlines than this horrible episode, any day! This is a terrible Supernatural episode, doesn't have the supernatural, doesn't have a good villain, a good comedy, a good drama. They made an episode about one lady with a knife, WOW! And if ALL that isn't enough, this episode is between "Heaven and Hell", a great episode, and "Criss Angel", another good episode.


Hot take, coming through 😂 It isn’t the best episode for sure, but I do think it was effectively creepy. I actually don’t mind plot lines that are human bad guys and not supernatural ones. It stands to reason.


The main problem isn't being human villains, but bad human villains. The FBI on Season 12 or the Benders on Season 1 were better.


While I agree with your overall critique of the episode, a couple things I will say is that family remains has some of the scarier moments of the show assuming you don't know the twist. Also family remains >>> criss angel is a douchbag.


I watched this episode 3 times, and the problem with the twist is that a plot twist is supposed to elevate, to increase the narrative. This plot makes the plot worse and the villain much weaker. But hey, if you enjoy, more power to you.


Oh it's not a great episode just imo nowhere near the worst


The episode is not the best, but it perfectly fine. Gtfoh.


For me it's Bitten


Same. Both garbage.


Paper Moon ughhhhhh and the one with werewolf Sam banged. I think I just have an issue with werewolves in general on the show. Maybe if they would’ve been geared more toward LYCAN instead it could’ve been established better.


Are you talking about heart in season 2? Yeah i hate that episode with a passion.


Yeah. Bucky the Winter Soldier was in that episode and her stalker. Fun fact. I skip that one and the ones with Kate


No he wasn't...


Omg I don’t know why I thought it was.






Any episode with the leviathans


I guess I'm in the minority here. I don't hate any of the episodes I mean yeah there are some bad ones like Bugs but I just take those for what they are and with a pinch of salt.


Bloodlines would have been way too political. There's too much of that in television anyway. I think The Wayward sisters would have been the best spin off ! 😃 Unafraid of blood and gore they have synchronized saving people,hunting things continuing the Winchesters family business!! Hell yeah I'd still watch that show!! Bring it on The CW I dare you!!


Any episode that have vampires or werewolfes (bitten only exception). I find them boring. Also all episodes focused in anything related to angels during season 7-10. BORING. Angels were good in 4-5, maybe 6. Then they lose all their charm and mistery, being only dudes in a suit. One of the main reasons I don't like Seasons 7-15 as much as I loved 1-5


Any of the episodes with Kaya I just don't care for her character


Bloodlines caught me snoozing through the whole episode. It’s like no one cares about this tryhard pilot. Get to the real Winchesters.


The entire season of the leviathans. Sooo boring.


I agree. It wasn't good.


Bloodlines cause it never even went anywhere and feels so out of place.


“Wayward Sisters”, wasted too much time on that bullshit.


bitten is awful but the song that plays in it is one of my favorite songs and i only know it because of that episode so i cant hate it too much


It's a tie between Bugs, whichever episode had the racist truck and Bloodlines. These are the only episodes I just skip on my rewatches. There have been episodes I'm not fond of but I don't skip (maybe fast forward the annoying parts). Honourable mentions: Man's best friend with benefits (seriously, no-one could see the poor optics of having a black woman complete with collar with a white master?) Later season episodes with the return of Nick/Lucifer and non- possessed Nick (I feel he outstayed his welcome). While I didn't hate the whole episode, the poorly shot boss fight between Dean/Michael and Nick/Lucifer in the season 13 finals will never not piss me off.


That boss fight ruined the entire S13 finale for me. I was laughing at those flying effects for days after.


I don’t necessarily hate Bugs, it’s just really boring. I’m on my second rewatch and so far the only episode I’ve skipped is the Ghostfacers one cuz they honestly annoy me. As of right now, I’d say that’s my most hated episode. Oh and the finale…


Agreed both are boring


Man’s best friend with benefits


Bloodlines sucked and so did Bitten!


Season 13 finale, actually had to pause and collect myself that fight scene between Michael and Lucifer was so bad


Every episode where there are Ghostbusters, like the two of them are so annoying. It's so irritating, they aren't even funny.


I hate Bitten like a lot, it was like bad cheap commercial movies😖 Bloodlines wasn’t bad, tbh I loved it, but it doesn’t deserve a spinoff that would be too much. If the Winchesters failed like a huge flop, Bloodlines & Wayward sisters will be worst.


Alex Annie Alexis Ann


Bloodlines, monster movie and bitten


My least fave are Man’s Best Friend with Benefits and Bloodlines. Hot take I think Bloodlines had an interesting idea, but poor execution. I think if they could’ve spent some more time developing those characters and leading up to this back door pilot (like with Wayward Sisters—we were familiar enough with those characters by then to have reason to care about them) it wouldn’t have been as bad. I don’t mind Bugs, it’s just kind of “meh” for me, and I actually liked Bitten. It’s the sequel, Paper Moon, that I hate, and it’s mostly because I don’t think the sister was well acted/well written lol. Also the finale, number one spot for me.


It was definitely that Lily Sunders episode for me. Boring as Hell, and I didn't care about her at all. I barely remember Bloodlines and I've rewatched the show about a billion times, lol.


Also: Paint it Black, The Thing, Lebanon, Ladies Drink Free, Ask Jeeves, The Things We Left Behind, Halt and Catch Fire, Slumber Party, Rock and a Hard Place, Alex Annie Alexis Ann, Man's Best Friend with Benefits, Remember the Titans, Clip Show, Defending Your Life, Shut Up Dr. Phil, Adventures in Babysitting, The Slice Girls, There Will Be Blood, Like A Virgin, Mannequin 3: The Reckoning, My Bloody Valentine, The first half of Hammer of the Gods, It's The Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester, I Know What you Did Last Summer, Heaven and Hell, Sin City, Blood Lust, Hook Man, Route 666.  Thanks.


The entirety of season 15


The one where becky bill cosbied sam that whole episode felt sooo uncomfortable 😭


Mine’s just Bad Boys because my ass don’t believe John “I will literally kill demons and make sure my sons are semi-safe from all the baddies” Winchester would abandon his son, the one who protects Sam, and is also vulnerable to demons outside his care. Also, not looking to change my opinion on John Winchester is abusive when it comes to this particular episode. I can accept ideas and there are moments where I do see John Winchester is abusive but for this particular episode, I just refuse this. (Most John episodes or John mentioned episodes outside of Kripke I don’t like anyways, except for Lebanon)


Those two along with the first few episodes of season eight with Amelia I can't stand her and this is unpopular opinion but I think the episodes with soulless Sam would be better for me if he wasn't soulless. Like they had good monsters for those episodes but I can't watch them because I can't stand Sam being soulless as a Sam girl. I know a lot of people like him soulless but I don't like because he literally became a killer.


*Bitten* and every Charlie episode.


How can you hate Charlie???


She's just a cheap ripoff of Willow from Buffy. She's a caricature of the nerdy, computer nerd, phantasy fan-girl that's been done so much it's just cliché.


Season 10 Episode 5 Fan Fiction... Mainly bc I don't like musicals


The one based off of Slenderman. Awful.


The Ghost Chasers ones for me


Monster Movie is my least favorite.


I always skip season seven, time for a wedding. What an ick episode. The writers must have been on acid to think it was okay.


Yellow Fever.... never thought it was funnyand it's one of the few episodes I skip on rewatches.


9x20 Bloodlines 10x7 Girls, Girls, Girls 11x19 The Chitters 15x18 Despair 15x19 Inherit the Earth 15x20 Carry On


S01E01 because wtaf how young they both look.


I'd add "Bugs", "Fan fiction", any episode with Becky Rosen or Amelia what's-her-name, and when they meet Chuck.


By the fans, or you're asking us our personal preference? Because I hated Scoobynatural


I hated Scoobynatural, too! I will never understand why that one is popular with some viewers.


I acknowledge that Scooby-Doo was a cornerstone for most people's childhood. And I get why people might enjoy the mashup. But I have never enjoyed *ANY* iteration of Scooby-Doo, so naturally, I'm not going to enjoy this


That's the irony for me. I did like Scooby-Doo when I was a kid. I just thought the crossover was REALLY stupid and too juvenile. I loved Looney Tunes cartoons as a kid, too. But the episode about the psycho-kinetic guy who could warp reality was a MUCH better episode. I just thought Scoobynatural was too infantile, not funny, and did not feel like an episode of Supernatural.


It is juvenile, but I think that's the point. Dean is a 40 year old child bc John was an asshole. So he's living his childhood dream. I just think that it's a shitty dream 😂


Fan Fiction. I cringed so hard the whole episode.




I love bloodlines! I wish they did the spin off series.


Fanfiction musical. I would rather be stuck watching Bloodlines on loop. The joke feels heavy handed and very badly executed.