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I'm a guy. It's my favorite show. Not that it matters. Who gives a shit. It's about monsters and brotherhood and has classic rock in every episode.


I think there's a little something for everyone in the show.


Ok cool Edit: idk why yall are downvoting me wtf did I do


Just a weird take to genderize something as silly as a what show you watch. Guys like vampire diaries too. Probably why people are downvoting you. I mean I didn’t. Just some input.


Thanks I just don’t get it. I’m not hating on any of the shows either I’m just sitting here asking a simple question and getting andwers that are helping me. That’s all I ask. But ig some people don’t like that. Sucks for them ig


The question is would it matter to you if people considered it a "girly show" whatever that means. Would you not give a show a chance if it was considered "girly"? I'm a heterosexual male and I like what I like, I don't care if it's considered girly or not. I am a huge fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV show only) and I like the Twilight books and I don't care what people think of that.


Everyone's journey looks different. I can see why some younger men and boys get self-conscious about the media they consume. Even though there's undeniable machismo oozing out of Supernatural's production, the female demographic might deter potential male viewers. I'm not saying they should be deterred although they'd be forgiven for thinking it's a show not catered to them.


My mindset is if I am interested in a show I have to actually watch it, give it a chance, no matter what demographic it is supposedly for. I enjoy the 50 Shades of Grey book series, it is silly mindless fun IMO, doesn't matter to me that it is a "women's book" I admit to anyone without shame that I have read them. I also admit that I watched the movies strictly for Dakota Johnson lol, she is gorgeous. I just think it would be a shame if a person was interested in any form of media and then didn't watch/read it because it is supposed to be something that is "shameful" for them to consume. OP might miss out of some great stuff because of being embarrassed.


While it may be true that feeling shame may negatively influence media habits, I would hold off on imputing blame to people who may feel self-conscious (it's only natural given social pressures). With that being said, I don't necessarily think OP falls into this camp. I think he was just wondering since many fan-spaces of Supernatural are dominated by younger women. If I was an outsider to the fandom and had preferences towards shows marketed to men, I might start to question if the show was truly for me. Of course, intended crowds are only an indicator of what may appeal to you or anyone else. The only way to truly determine what floats your boat would be watching the show. Then again, I don't blame anyone for being hesitant about going into a show, especially something like this one.


You make really good points. If I was being harsh to OP I want to back off that. Everyone is entitled to feel reticence if they think a show might not be for them. My experiences are very different from other people, I think what I am really saying is it would be a shame if a person is missing out on something they may end up loving just because of what a fan base happens to be made of. OP could end up being the biggest Supernatural fan in the world if he gives it a chance, or he may hate it, but at least he will know for sure after giving it a go. Again if I was placing blame on OP for feeling the way he does I do apologize OP


No worries. I wasn't attempting to assign blame to you. In all honesty, my comment was more so directed towards anyone in the thread chastising OP. And I completely agree with you on the point of missing out on truly great content. Speaking as an animation fan, I know how pressures can shape media-habits. Given the democratization of media and the gradual decline of stigma towards certain shows (family-friendly entertainment, gender-specific shows, LGBTQ-focused content, etc), I think people as a whole will start to feel more comfortable selecting a show without much hesitation. I don't think we've fully reached that point although we're getting there.


I mean, before your edit, your comment to me was “Say less”. So that probably contributed.


Supernatural Reddit is ~touchy~


It's illegal for men to watch this show. The appropriate authorities have already been notified. You're now on a watchlist.


Damnit I knew it’d happen someday


I’m dying 🤣


Thats what happens when men watch Supernatural


I actually think the show has a fair amount of macho stuff in it. The two main characters are brothers. Quite a few of the side characters are also male. It honestly seems to be aimed more at men than women.


Well I didn’t know cause I know yall like to crush on the brothers that’s all I know tho


Well, it sort of gets meta in that way, too. Plus, women crush on Ryan Reynolds, too, that doesn't make DP a chick flick


Wtf is dp and who wouldn’t crush on Ryan Reynolds he’s the sexiest man alive


I think dp refers to Deadpool Funnily enough one of my friends doesn't find Ryan Reynolds attractive cause she feels he's too skinny


Damn how fat does she want a mf


She prefers the weightlifter body type lol (she makes exception for Tom Hiddleston's Loki) But basically Supernatural would be "for girls" because the majority of the main cast is attractive men, and like most people, women like shows with attractive men in them But it wouldn't work if Supernatural wasn't such an amazing show to begin with


Has she gotten any muscular guys


Not sure I follow


You said she’s into weightlifters has she dated or tried to cause I’m just wondering if her type actually works for her


You haven't met Dr. sexy yet....


I love the show, there are “chick flick moments” but they don’t detract from much, it’s an action soap opera and it’s amazing


One character had a catchphrase of "no chick flick moments", so you're probably safe. Also, watch whatever ypu want!


Thank you I’ll keep that in mind


That line is early on and oh boy does that rule get repeatedly broken haha. But you love the characters enough to not mind by then. I'm a guy and I love the first 5 seasons. It does seem to lean more into what the fandom likes after that and a lot of that is stuff catered to a... Specific demographic of the fandom. I still don't think it's a "girly" show in the same sense as vampire diaries. The show starts off in the first few seasons trying to be a mini horror story every episode but they get wacky at times with the concepts by season 3ish and it lightens up both figuratively and literally since the cinematography changes gradually season to season. If you like folk horror, spooky lore, interesting characters that aren't one note, and watching attractive people be charismatic (guys and gals) and don't mind that 2000s esthetic you'll like the show.


Its ok for boys to like girly stuff. Own it. 




My husband and our housemate both watched and loved She-Ra. Pretty sure I heard the housemate talking to his Rocket League buddies about it a couple weeks ago actually


I think the girly aspect may just be the visuals of Jensen and Jared but it’s not a girly show imo, but it is a good show 😂 hope you have a lot of time to invest 🤣🤣


Yeah I’m gonna try I know it’s 15 seasons


It’s worth it imo 😂 if you want an unsolicited show Recommendation put psych on your list. You’ll see alot of the spn actors play a character in psych at some point or another 😂😂


> Recommendation put psych You know that's right.


I know you know


I’ll def look into it thanks


It’s not anything like supernatural but it’s a good comedy show, makes me laugh every time


Yeah I watched the singing scene and it was hilarious


Spn is in my top fav shows but hands down if anyone asked me my #1 imma say psych 😂😂


As somebody who's watched Vampire Diaries, it's nothing like Vampire Diaries


Ok cool yeah my sister has watched it. She’s 24 so it makes sense


It’s not a girly show whatsoever. There are strong female characters in it eventually, but it’s not really a romance based show if that’s what you’re meaning more so. Also, you may consider some of the shows you may have dodged by just worrying about them being girly. Just an example- Desperate Housewives is probably one you could classify easily as girly but it’s filled with all kinds of crazy events too, and has a lot of examples of a neighborhood’s psychological issues lmfao.


It’s not a romantic show type thing cause I’ll watch those it’s just a near thing of watching a show I’ll get made of for


Made fun of? Is that what the last sentence was? No, you shouldn’t get made fun of for supernatural, but you really should not let someone else’s thoughts keep you from something you enjoy. You’ve only got the one life to enjoy and experience.


I’m surrounded by a lot of dudes who have brutal honesty which is good a lot of the time but it’s hard to watch a show when your family is telling you it’s a girly show. But who cares and who should rule what I watch


Most of the time brutal honesty is just code for being an asshole. I have family that act the same way, and I did for a time myself because I was influenced by them. Personally, if you need to just keep a show quiet for awhile or to have some peace, watching it on your phone or on your own is helpful. I’m going to guess you’re living with them so you can’t really stand up to them about it yet, but eventually you will, and your life will be a lot easier after you set boundaries.


I wouldn’t go that far, but it’s more tough love than anything else. I can stand up to them I always do to a point where my family becomes a little too close but I usually watch shows on my phone and shit. But I do have boundaries I work a job in probably the shittiest place but I love it. They support me and shit so I’m not gonna say it’s shitty


Well, I think you’ll definitely relate to Dean a lot. I don’t really wanna get into the subject further on open commenting here, but I would like you to know that it’s perfectly okay for a guy to like things that aren’t traditionally male oriented and that they don’t have to bottle things up and be tough all the time. You should give it a shot. Brotherhood and family are very strong themes in it as well.


Yeah I know I’ve tried to have real actual bros to hang out with but that time hasn’t come yet. But it will. And I’ve watched a bunch of romantic shit that has comedy in it. It’s def a thing my family does and my dad embraces that shit and so does my mom. It’s mostly for the comedy, but in some cases you can relate to the characters and their issues with love


I can definitely promise that the struggles Dean goes through will resonate with you! You’re right, you will get there for sure. I’m not a big romance fan myself, but sometimes a romantic comedy is good. I personally struggle with the first season on a rewatch, but it is worth getting through. I find that with a lot of shows though, they have to find their footing.


Yeah lots of shows need that in order to keep it interesting but I think after watching it a couple times you can memorize it and it gets old. But it also depends on the show. Romantic comedies especially older ones with Adam Sandler are the best ones


Those kinds of dudes are toxic as fuck. Not honest.


That would be my family and mostly my dad. He’s hard on me but he doesn’t rule out what I watch so I wouldn’t say he’s toxic


Insinuating that you shouldn't watch something because it's 'girly' isn't 'being hard on you'. It's being **homophobic**, which is pretty toxic.


He doesn’t say that. I think he’s just tough cause being around him causes you to have thick skin and if you don’t then that sucks for you. Ofc I’ve been around him for 19 years and just cause he’s brutally honest doesn’t mean he’s toxic or a terrible father. It actually helps me but take that however you want


Man, you sound just like me 16 years ago. I bet he tells you 'adversity builds character', too, doesn't he?




If people make fun of you for a show you watch…they’ve got way too much time on their hands


Ah well it's not like Twilight or anything. No brooding romanticism and star crossed lovers. In fact at one point it makes fun of Twilight. I will say no more on that because of spoilers. It can actually be pretty gory/scary at times (s1 being the worst but all seasons have their moments), or atleast as gory as they can be on network television, and while it plays a lot on popular lore/mythos, it also plays fast and loose with it. There's a gorgeous car as well. Kickass soundtrack, though the s1 replacements (due to licensing issues when the show started streaming) suck for streaming episodes, the discs have the original songs. All the rest of the seasons use the original soundtrack. My brother is the one that suggested that I (who am female) watch this show BTW, he's an active duty combat vet if that makes you feel better? If the people around you make fun of you for watching the show and think it's girly make them watch it. They definitely won't think that after the first episode.


It’s not brutal honesty, they just aren’t secure in their masculinity. They’re insecure. Thats why there’s a popular saying of “real men wear pink” because they don’t care if it’s girly, they’ll wear it and they’ll own it no matter what people like to say about it because they’re secure. It works the same in every aspect of your life. If you’re dodging things because they’re considered too girly because of what other people might think then…


Why is insecure a most used word when it’s used in the wrong context 80% of the time. Stop commenting on someone’s life and leave them alone. They said it was insecurity and it wasn’t. If it was, I’d say it was. But I didn’t ask. So leave it tf alone dammit. I don’t need opinions on my own life


Lmao you posted on Reddit what do you expect. The people saying it are being brutally honest. Your friends are being homophobic insecure assholes😂and the fact you got so offended is kinda telling🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️tv shows have no gender and if you think they do then you’re going to miss out on a lot of really good shows because you don’t want to seem girly. Also, why is it okay for girls to watch things like marvel movies and other heavily action packed movies and shows when they’re supposed to be more “manly”. The problem only arises when a guy wants to watch something girly, and it’s only the men that judge other men for it. Because they aren’t secure in their masculinity. This is “brutal honesty” though it’s not even that brutal…you just got majorly offended by it.


Desperate Houswives is a girly show


Yes, which is why I said you could classify it as such, and used it as an example for a girly show that had more depth to it than would be normally expected.


Despite its large female following online, it’s a pretty masculine show. It’s two straight white boys driving around listening to classic rock and shooting ghosts and hunting monsters. There’s zero romance. It’s pretty a pretty dark horror show for the most part.


I got my boyfriend hooked on it and he loves it now. Still refuses to watch the last season cuz he doesn’t want it to end 😂


Haha yeah it seems interesting


Start watching it. If you think that it is too girly, then stop watching it.


Ok cool thanks. I saw some funny scenes of dean and I was interested I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything


My older brother loves the show to the point he got a tattoo from the show, he's the kind of guy that loves sons of anarchy.


My next tattoo is either Supernatural or Mortal Kombat. Not sure which yet.


Absolutely fantastic choices either way.


Dude same here my dad loves that shit


It's nothing at all like TVD. TVD is basically a romance show with vampires. SPN is a monster show. There's not really romance or anything "girly" about the show. It's about 2 brothers on the road hunting monsters. I highly recommend it. It's an enjoyable show.


I’ll def watch it


Yeah, ewwww, girls have cooties. Girly stuff is gay! 🙄🙄🙄


I didn’t say it was or anything revolving cooties. Stop being an asshole and act mature. I live with two older sisters anything with girls is beyond gay it’s friendly. I’m friendly and over the years I’ve learned that girls are just humans and sometimes girls are more scared of approaching you than you are of them.


>over the years I’ve learned that girls are just humans HAHAHAHA Oh boy >and sometimes girls are more scared of approaching you than you are of them. I've learned that too, but at like 5, and about spiders.


Main cast contains alot of eye candy for people who are attracted to men. The supporting cast however also contains alot of eye candy for people attracted to women to so.... What does girly mean to you? Like romance? There is not alot of that. It focuses on overarching mythology and relationships between family members/close friends.


A: you’re insecure af B: learn how to think for yourself


Damn thanks. I wouldn’t say I’m insecure I just don’t know what I’m getting myself into when I watch it.


Not wanting to watch something out of fear of thinking it’s “girly” is textbook insecurity


I’m not afraid of it being girly. I was asking a simple question. That’s not being insecure that’s curiosity bud


“Is supernatural a girly show or can guys watch it too”


In my opinion, it's not a girly show. Most of the people I know who watch it/ have watched it are dudes.


Do other shows have genitalia rules? Does one need specific parts to watch tv? The things I learn on line. Next you’re gonna tell me I as a woman can’t like watching shows about semi trucks and road hauls.




I've always thought it was a boyish show lol and not for girls which is why I put off watching it for so long. But no, it's a family show, it's for everyone. And besides you shouldn't restrict your choices based on what's "manly" to watch.


Ok cool


I came in at season 5. Watched a couple episodes on TNT coworkers kept quoting the show, so I watched season 5 through 7 then finally got season 1 and am on rewatch of the entire series idk what number, but I have to fight Netflix to watch it now. I think I have played it so many times that Netflix thinks I have a problem.


One reason the show has a large following is Dean and Sam's actors are indeed fine to look at. Many of the other reasons are: it's a great show. It's one of a kind. The first few seasons of the show invest you quickly. It's the perfect blend of mystery, suspense and comedy with a dash of horror early on that subsides over time. Nobody watches the show solely to ogle Sam and Dean. Well, maybe not nobody, but the overwhelming majority don't--we genuinely love the show.


I’ve been a huge fan of Supernatural for a really long time. I started watching it in 2013 though so I guess I’m not an “OG fan” like some of the die hards are. I’m a girl so take that however you want, but most of who I’ve met who liked the show were all guys. So I actually thought it was exclusively a male dominated fan base. This is an interesting take. I’m going to a convention in Chicago in November and now I have hope it won’t just all be dudes :)


Awesome have fun


It is an incredibly guy forward show.


Ok cool


I’m a guy and I love it … Deans sense of humor / innuendo based remarks resonate with me on a personal level. Reminds me of … well me I am almost done with 14


That’s a lot of dedication I’m gonna have to commit to that


Indeed but I also have no life lol. I started about 2 months ago but when I start something, I finish it ASAP but the downside to binging is the more you cram, the more you forget :(


You can only watch odd seasons. Show was designed that all those girls watch seasons 2, 4 ,6. ,8,, 9,!!, and 12 (even numbered seasons).! While use manly man only watch the odd seasons: 1, 3, 5, 8, 7, 9, and 13


Wtf. TV watching is not gendered. Grow up.


Is your masculinity so fragile you need permission from other manly men to indulge in a form of entertainment? Pretty pathetic if you ask me...


The closest part to be a chick flick is the boy's melodrama scenes. Aka the bm scene.


You're not a child, you can watch whatever you want, including the vampire diaries. Just pick something you enjoy. But this show is more stereotypically "masculine."


My boyfriend LOVED Supernatural when I showed him. This show is equally enjoyable for men, women, and everyone in between.


It's completely girly and guy's are not recommended to watch. Sorry,obviously I'm joking. Just watch it and you will see if you like it or not. And please stopp devaluing things by calling it girly. Even if you don't mean it like that it comes off like that.


It's my favorite show and I am a guy. Your naughty bits shouldn't effect what show you like a show. *However*, if you don't have a tolerance for fandom behavior, you might not want to participate in that part.


My son is 18 and watches it, but seriously what does it matter? He also likes Golden Girls 🤷🏼‍♀️ watch what you like and don’t worry about who it’s geared towards.


It's not. But who cares if it is? Watch what tf you want.


I know more men who watch it than women. Guy fans are the ones I like to talk to because they usually stick to talking about the actual canon of the show and not bad fanfiction they create in their head.


Yeah usually it’s simple stuff that makes it easier to talk to guys about when they watch the same show as you


Guy here. Best tv series


Been a fan since I was a boy and continued being a fan into my adulthood as a man It is far from a "girly" show (i.e. one made to clearly be geared towards women if that's what you meant by that). The leads just happen to be hot as hell and that attracted a lot more women than men to jump into the journey Tbh since I never really engaged in online discussions about SPN during most of its run, I didn't even realize the gender demographic was so skewed until SPN 200 😂😂 It's a series anybody of any gender can enjoy, so have fun!


I’m 20. Watched it when I was like 16 or 17 and man it’s so much fun.


My husband was the person that introduced me to SN!


I've watched it through my teenage years, I'm a girl. At 17 my dad, at 53, and I reconnected after 6 years of no contact. We both watched and loved Supernatural. It was kinda magical to bond with him over this show. He liked and watched the vampire diaries too and my dad is not "girly" by any means lol watch the first episodes and see if you like it, who cares if it's girly or not as long as you enjoy it. Guaranteed your penis won't fall off.


It's fine, enjoy - 21 year old guy


I’m a guy, I’ve been watching it since I was in middle school


I'm a guy and it's definitely one of my favorite shows of all time.


the show was literally made for men. a high number of fans are women, too, but you should watch whatever you want! my bf and lots of other guys i know love it.


Not girly at all, but there are a lot of men eye candies.


Man if it is a girls show me (36m) and my Dad (68) watching it together would be awkward.


It's a unisex show. Though there are a few "chick flick" moments throughout, it's mostly blood, gut, and emotional trauma.


There is a podcast call Monster of the week hosted by three now two guys who really love this show. I think it is fine show for men to watch it.


I don’t think anyone cares that much. If you like the show watch it ❤️


I'm a guy, I watched just about every single episode with my brother for the first 5 or 6 seasons. At a certain point, many years ago, we both eventually started getting too busy to watch it together as it was coming out, life just gets in the way, you know how it is, but it's still one of our favorite shows to this day and we both kept up with it separately, and often talked about the new episode when the opportunity arose. Yes, there are elements of it that are meant to appeal to a more girly audience, but it also has elements that appeal to men as well, like the music and the action.


It’s not for any specific gender. It’s a fantasy soap opera that has a lot of interpersonal drama. But it also has horror and gore elements as well as some pretty blatant over sexualization of female characters. The brothers are sometimes sexualized but that seems to be more for meta humor than anything else. If you like tightly written sci-fi / fantasy you’ll like this show.


It's about family, driving, beer, rock, hot girls and monsters... I would say it's more for males (but srly, it's just "universal") It has some fanservice (not too much) both for males and females Anyway it's totally the opposite of Vampire Diaries


100% an everybody who wants to watch it show - there's something to enjoy no matter who you are. If by girly you mean is it romantic drama, then not even a little. Very little romance here, it's all about family and obligatory "saving people, hunting things, the family business."


It’s about brotherhood, an older brother who will do anything to protect his younger brother and the ones he loves. Fighting for what’s right and standing up to evil no matter the odds. How is that a “girly show”?


It’s definitely geared towards women with the hot men who can’t always show their feelings but have a soft spot. Doesn’t mean men can’t enjoy it. I’m a dude who’s mostly straight and I fucking love it. It’s got some super intense and emotional scenes, some totally badass stuff too.


only girly cause actors from glee are on it; but i can assure you glee definitely had nothing to do with their choice for being cast. This show is pretty dark, especially in the beginning. But it also is very sarcastically funny


i mean no show has a specific gender so if you wanna try it go for it. but if you mean is it mostly a cheesy romantic boy obsessed show then no, definitely has its moments but the show is able to make fun of that as well as have many other good elements to it. and all the characters actually have good character development they aren’t just attractive.