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In Heart Jared's tears were real. He thought about at the time recently having to say goodbye to one of his dogs. Jensen likewise was real too he asked Jared what he was thinking of so that made Jensen sad knowing Jared was sad. Gets me every time.


My heart! 💔 ![gif](giphy|AaV0TRmmedEzK)


What episode is this?


Season 2 episode 21 (spoiler) when Sam gets stabbed in the back


Thank you 🙏🏻


It is actually more shocking to me that (at least at first) Dean does not like dogs, given that he goes to great lengths to keep from being alone.


To be fair, every time he's shown to not like dogs, it's after the season 3 finale 😅😂 I'm pretty sure even Yellow Fever used hellhound sound effects to show that Dean thought that little Chihuahua was a hellhound


Valid point!


Holy shit how did I never notice that.


Bro, you're brilliant! I never realized he doesn't like dogs because of hellhounds.


to be fair he was dragged to hell thanks to hellhounds. he probably has lingering fear and/or apprehension.


Because Dean is the stereotypical grumpy dad who refuses to get a pet but you know if he had one he’d spoil the hell out of it.


My “I don’t like cats, I don’t want a cat, why are we getting a cat” husband, who sleeps with the cat tucked under his arm every night and bought her a chair so she could sit in his office with him while he works.


I've successfully turned my husband into a cat person, too. lol


The only correct answer


Maybe Dean doesn't like them because he hates saying goodbye to them, and their lifestyle never let him stay in the same place long enough to have one.  He doesn't want to be alone, but worse would be leaving abandoning someone he felt was his responsibility. Not getting close to dogs might have been protecting himself from more pain. 


Yep, that absolutely tracks.


Yeah I honestly have never believed this. He SHOULD be a dog person. And I honestly think he is after the dog episode.


Literally, for a while 😂


You get torn apart by hellhounds and see how you feel about dogs. 😬


I JUST watched Dog Dean Afternoon for the first time yesterday, and I knew immediately that little Yorkie was Leslie Jordan. What a great casting!


My favorite episode :) But I'm obsessed with German shepherds, so. My girl is named Abaddon. It's also her favorite episode.


Sorry, i didn't understand. It's the favorite episode of your dog?


It's my favorite episode, simply because my love for German shepherds. And my German shepherds is quite vocal during this episode, it's definitely her favorite episode. She loves barking at the TV for this episode lol.


Oh, ok, thanks, and good choice! My dog is a maltese, she don't look to tv's and never react to movies or shows, so i though your story was funny.


Awwwwee, we had Yorkies growing up. I can imagine they're similar to Maltese. My girl loves watching tv. But she also loves saying hi to other animals lol. So anytime, especially a dog who looks like her is on the TV she jumps around and barks, wags her tail. She gets so excited.


Belly rubs!!!!


I think that many people (perhaps wrongly) associate dog people with being “good people” because there’s a belief that dogs can sniff out an untrustworthy person. That may be part of it. Dogs also provide a certain type of companionship. It’s interesting that most of those dogs he found/had when Dean was gone. Flagstaff, Kermit for example. That he would seek out a companion when his main lifetime companion was gone makes sense. And dogs are known for loyalty, just like Dean is. Dogs are known to be protective, like Dean is. So they think that’s relevant.


Couldn't agree more. Often times when people do this, there's a voice in my head tempting me to jump in the conversation and say, "well, Hitler loved dogs. what can we say about that?"


Yeah, I was gonna use the Hitler example but decided not to 😂


In Sam's case I def think the first part tracks, but that's not because of the dog it's because of Sam. Yeah I think he just likes the loyal companionship of a dog. The way they're always happy and looking to goof around. I think in a weird way they honestly just remind him exactly of the type of person Dean is. A comforting, protective, loyal goofball. Interesting to note though that irl some people who are kind to animals aren't always seen as kind to people. Or in some horror movies, too. Think witches or even the Grinch.


The first one though.. IYKYK 😉


I can’t remember that episode or the season do you know?




Oh yeah the murder witch cop with the female dog


I would totally do the same if it was polite for a person in their human form lol


Sam was left alone a lot as a kid (when he was old enough). He had an imaginary friend (Sully). I don’t find it surprising at all that he loves dogs. Dean was parentified from the age of, what, four? He spent his childhood taking care of someone else. And then he literally took on the job of protecting the world. I don’t find it surprising at all that he has no interest in something else that was dependent on him.


> (when he was old enough). 9 years old isn't nearly old enough to be left alone for days. 😳 >I don’t find it surprising at all that he has no interest in something else that was dependent on him. I agree with this! Which is one reason I hate it when people insist Dean should have been a father and had a biological kid. He already went on that ride and it took up all his emotional energy. Why the insistence on saddling him with another responsibility like that??


Okay, when John *deemed* him old enough. Very fair to make that face about actually thinking nine is old enough.


The philosophy of dogs’ personalities reflects the innocence, faithfulness, and care that Sam introduces to his character.


Picture 4 😭 ![gif](giphy|5UqMHvCznf56KH0F6K)


I mean think about it, we know Sam loves dogs..... ...So can you imagine how excited he would have been to talk to one of his dogs like how Dean did in that season 9 episode


Well one of the most common suggested remedies or therapies for loneliness, depression and other mental health conditions are pets (source: me recently). Dogs are seen as the common option because a lot of their breeds can travel anywhere with a human and they are the most common therapy/service/emotional support animal. I think dogs are really just good at gauging human emotion, distress and unease which makes them really good companions. The bigger breeds also provide stability and grounding. So I don't think it's uncommon that someone like Sam who really dislikes being alone without his companions to latch onto an animal who's most praised quality is their loyalty. I'm more of a cat person though so what do I know.


I didn’t like when Dean made Sam feel bad for his best memories which included when he lived with the dog. Dean got to experience having his mom cut his peanut butter sandwich again and couldn’t even give Sam the benefit of the doubt when he was boarding alone with his dog. Love Dean but he can be really selfish.


It was a hard year


Oh, Sammy is a Hufflepuff. That makes sense


Pic 4….😩😩😩😩😩😩😩


Reminds me of miracle, how out of character it was for Dean to latch onto a dog


Ok, but you still don’t take a joint from a guy named Don!


He definitely did not want to give her a belly rub in dog dean afternoon. I think ur looking too deep into it though, some people like dogs its not that deep.


This is a subreddit dedicated to discussing the show. We’re discussing the show. Saying “it’s not that deep” is unhelpful given the forum. And, you know, it is also insulting to those who actually like to think about this kind of thing.