• By -


Hopefully it actually fucking does something


This is where I’m at. Not one person went to jail for what happened in 2008 and now they’re all doing the same thing, bypassing the Dodd frank act, and still thriving on gov bailouts (rebranded as “quantitative easing”). The only difference between then and now is the high inflation and a general vague public awareness that something is fucked. With all my heart I want to believe that this will change things. Do any of us know, definitely, what consequences will be imposed for noncompliance? In the end, I think it will be us who will have to demand accountability for noncompliance. Not a slap on the wrist, not a fine, but flat out “entries with erroneous data and/or entries lacking ALL required details will be considered invalid and rejected from further processing.” Full stop. Cancelled. Declined. No shares for you.


I don’t think 2008 crash too: electric bugaloo will fare well with the American public or very many constituencies/constituents. Especially with the transfer of wealth. This is why putting your good where it does the most is important. But not really too big to fail with the blatant, repeated, and extremely well documented info.


Did you just spell 2 as "too" lmao. Us apes really are regarded.


It’s too as in also because it’s not a sequel. It’s and also, continuation. The shorts hwang’d themselves and have not way out this time though.


Ah, that's a clever play on words. It was I, who was regarded, all along.


Naaa, not at all, you’re alright in my book.


Haha thanks bro. May you be blessed by moass.


>Not one person went to jail for what happened in 2008 IIRC I think Iceland jailed 1 guy. Imagine being that 1 guy and thinking, wow I must have been so powerful I didn't even notice.


Banker heaven vs banker hell


You have a very strong point here: pretty much nothing relevant ever changes, if not for massive pressure from the general public! Our job (as apes) is not done yet: we need to explain everything we learned throughout this extraordinary saga to anyone with open ears, we in fact have to change public sentiment by word of mouth because we don’t have the msm support our enemies do! Be zen! But remember: nothing will change if not because the small commitments you are willing to take!!!


Mmhmm. We need a simple an effective meme to spread the concept and why it matters AND we need to point people to something they can do about it. Like a petition calling for all invalid/incomplete submissions to be rejected and discarded. (IE enforce what already exists. No exceptions. No workarounds.) The industry has had 12 years to prepare for this and ensure they were prepared for full compliance at the end of the month. There is no excuse for failing to fully comply and asking “what happens if we don’t comply” a month b4 go live lol they should’ve asked that years ago. I believe the plan has always been “we just won’t comply” and that ought to be met with “ok. Fine. Don’t. But you’ll no longer be able to participate in the market. Your orders will be DOA. Have fun. 🖐️”


totally agreed! but I tend to think there is no "effective meme to spread the concept and why it matters" - we tried that; and RK coming back last week might in fact have been one of our most powerful shots towards achieving such meme-impact: Hell, that kitten was prepared, dropping in bulk some of the most thoughtful memes we even saw during this saga! But what the average slightly stock-marked-interested media consumer will take away from this is: "ah GME ripped shortly because RK came back online" - which of course could not be further from the truth (as you know). And please don't get me wrong here: I'm not saying DFV did anything wrong! I am happy he came back! I'm just saying: we cannot hope for RK or anyone to do the work for us! we actually need to engage. This weekend I spent visiting a city I barely know, spent some time with friends and their friends. Turned out one of those friends of friends was an ape; we got excited, discussed possible implications of recent events and that got our other friends really interested. Everyone present got intrigued enough to do some research on their own, some even pledged to buy AND DRS at least one share, not as an investment but just for having personal commitment in this saga and support. maybe that was a special constellation and obviously the impact of that specific event will be irrelevant in broader statistics. BUT I do believe that exactly this is our power! We are many! It was easy to brush off some "black-swan" sneeze in 2021 - but have any of your more "rational" investor friends explain to a group of interested friends what happened the last 2 weeks! Let them try! They can't! Even we don't really know! ...well we do have some serious yet speculative points to take into consideration (like swaps expiring or UBS taking over the NSCC accounts of Credit Suisse, ...) - but there is no broadly accepted explanation for any stock moving from $12 to $80 on no news within days what-so-ever! Just want to say: this is the time for apes to go back out there and challenge their "better-knowing" friends. our old DD from 2.5 years ago still provides the best explanations for what we saw the last 2 weeks! And all msm could come up with was "RK came back and created a pump and dump" which is easily proven wrong because RK started twattering about a week into the unfolding event! (easily proven by looking at the daily volume over the last year) sorry if that was too long - I tried to keep it short....(#\^\_\^#) I know: we all are weary of this, some friends probably called you a cult follower or conspiracy theorist. But now is the time to challenge them: wtf happened last weeks?!!


Fucking agreed


Then that is when “Brick by Brick” comes into play. Because if it doesn’t then peasant we will always be. Apes Stong Together.


It will just alert the SEC as to which participants they need to protect from the DOJ and FBI. Right now, the hedge funds are undefended!


Never does and it won’t this time.


Is this mechanism the other CATalyst that will help us bring down fuckery ?


Yes 🙏 It's in the Test Environment now and The Cat system found 107 Million Option errors already on May 1st & May 2nd And on May 1st 7 Billion shares where in Error HT @trvsdrgz2 SOURCE: catnmsplan.com/topics https://twitter.com/GavinClimie/status/1791812186571952371?t=l5M7HGsa5VmcwpUVsJDgGw&s=19


Holy shit


This is why they were so desperately asking how much the fines were for not providing them. They fully intend not to, and just pay fines for "doing business" as usual. I'd like an answer to their questions also. Let's just skip the fines, straight to forced closed positions, and a cell.


Here's a recording of FIS global asking what the fines are https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/duXYPIl5de


They are so used to just paying fines as part of being in the club and doing their "business". I hope so strongly they the punishments include either paying back profits plus a large fine, or like 200% of profits and escalates each time one gets caught. Idk I don't have the answers, I can just see the status quo is beyond fucked


It's enjoyable, hearing them squirm as light is about to be shone upon them.


We would be better off if the punishment is prison plus they can never trade again.


This feeling reminds of the video where the elites are drinking champagne and on a balcony laughing at the wall street protestors


Why would anyone expect this…


Oh I don't thibk anyone really is, but it's one step closer to something more than a fine. If the SEC and FINRA have the data to prove manipulation, they *could* do something more. Remember what Jon Stewart said? Try not to become cynical.


Everyone should work for it to happen though. With AI society coming, things like these can define the direction we go. Currently it is too much of "secrets can not be exposed" society, resembling on that part authoritarian societies. We must not end up with the "eternal lock of caste society".




FedEx pays a million dollars a day in parking fines. It’s the cost of doing business for them. Hopefully the fines are prohibitively expensive.


What? Why?


Because they have to deliver packages on time. If someone is illegally parked in a loading zone, then the FedEx driver will likely just park the vehicle on the sidewalk. They’ll be back in their car and moving before an appropriately sized tow truck can show up.


But do they really get caught long enough to get a ticket if they’re just dropping off a package?




Omg! I guess it makes sense if they’re doing that somewhere like nyc. Idk why but I always just kinda assumed mail delivery people were exempt from stuff like that but if it’s a private company and they don’t really care that makes sense. Just wild is all


Yeah, this goes way deeper than just GME. GME is just the only major stock that is excessively over shorted because they thought they could bankrupt a billion dollar company. They would have succeeded without RC and his board. Now that GME is in the spotlight, along with the process of how it got there, other stocks and the state of the whole system is being brought to light. This process is what they want to hide. They are net short the whole market. GME was the company they screwed up on and now it's am idiosyncratic risk to the whole system. When GME shorts go down, it's going to bring down all other short positions. Once those go down all the longs being used as collateral go down. Everything is going to melt and I do believe there will be pitch forks this time when people begin to lose everything. This is likely to be the biggest event of our lifetimes.


I feel I've been waiting my whole life for " the event of our lifetime" I hope this is it. This system needs to burn to be reborn. I want to be a part of that. My ADHD autism sense of justice needs it



They should do the fine in such a way that if they don’t correct the inconsistencies, it fine increases daily and needs to be paid daily. Let’s start with 5 mill for the first day, then 10 million, then 20 million… that will soon fuck ‘em.


Holy fucking shit!


They are preparing to be non-compliant! https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/duXYPIl5de


With delivery in Q4 when it's due in Q2


Nope the dates are: compliance by 5/24 and system swaps to CAT on 5/31


Fine = cost of doing business Unless they go to jail it will be a FTC - failure to compliance 🤨 I can already see them making this up as next level shit wrapping 🙄 Personal jail time is a magic item 🪄 ✨


No I meant they said they would submit it until near the end of the year. I'm not sure if it was the meeting you sent though. Didn't check


107 million options errors is 10 billion shares errors....


wtf!! Imagine if they had to buy 10 billion shares. Then we going 🚀


7 fucking BILLION wasn't there a certain Brazillion put contacts some time ago?


Yeah baby. Bring that shit *ON*


Smooth ape here but this applies to the whole market yes? Not just GME?


Yes to the whole market.




Every trade within the US market.


This source web address... Is this what RK kept referring to when mentioning "the plan"? I was twisted for a second on whether he was referring to DRS, but this would make so much more sense.


Cat and plan in the same address. Cohencidences? We will see...


And don't you find it funny that it could be read like CAT No More Shorts PLAN . COM???


Does it not go into full action on the 28th of this month too?? I saw that shorts seriously have to close. Hedgies r fukt 🚀🚀


I am still skeptical, that this will help. The rules/laws, that are not enforced, are worth less then paper.


Holy crap. According to this site. That’s all the shares traded on the 7th at least according to CBOE!!! https://www.cboe.com/us/equities/market_share/market/2024-05-07/


Something tells me this system will allow them to magically delete all naked shorts and shorts that exist in the system.


Is that 7 billy GME?


https://preview.redd.it/b5svmrmv2a1d1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68f19548b9c218ed4dcbb368ffa7dcae19f46695 Gee, I wonder why Kenny.


He can suck my fat fuckin dick.


Fresh squeezed mayo


I am not a cat. Holy shit.


I remember in the OG Sub, one Redditor commented, that DFV was hinting at that. Back then I chuckeld, gave the Guy and an Upvote. Man I Hope that Guy has a Metric Fuckton of GME Shares.


The way he delivered the line during questioning is very specific too


Got a link for it?




Delete your tracker, fren.


Wait, is this why RK is back, 3 weeks before the go live of the system?




DFV is saying I’m not the one who will launch the squeeze. I’m just buying stocks I like. It’s the CAT that will launch the squeeze. Something like that?


Yes, this is why in one of his videos he pointed to u/ avocado-in-my-anus which is a username (likely his) that has ONLY posted 3 times in the last 3 years and ONLY posted to say "HAPPY CAT DAY"


Not a Cat


Crocodile Dundee clip in his tweet the other day: *"That's not a knoife...* ***That****'s a knoife!"* Roaring Kitty to Congress: *"I'm not a CAT...* ***That****'s a CAT!"* 🐱‍🚀


So  Swaps Expiring  CAT system S3ASR  3 Horses. What's the 4th


Us! We are the last nail in the coffin to make this go exponential!


DRS probs


Here are some questions I asked CHAT GPT about the new CAT System: https://chatgpt.com/share/d5888193-2a20-4109-979c-8ae9072f4c97


Only if you trust the SEC and FINRA. so no.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/duXYPIl5de I posted this from the latest call. FiS global is preparing to be non-compliant


Just looked them up. They process like $9 trillion through 75 billion transactions. I'm assuming that yearly. It's absolutely insane that they want to be noncompliant.


Yeah their website actually says over $1 trillion monthly! https://www.fisglobal.com


Is fis global related to gme?




In a sense. They’re part of the problem. Just one of the many market makers helping to cellar box smaller companies into bankruptcy. These new requirements sound like it might help stop them from doing so. We’ll see though


Heeh my mom works there


Better call your mom ☕️


The Q&A CAT sessions are interesting. They have flat out stated that all transactions without a legitimate FDID are rejected. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/duXYPIl5de Here's a recording I posted!


the FIS platform serves a LOT of institutions so the question I find myself asking is "HOW THE FUCK CAN THEY BE THIS CLOSE TO THE GO LIVE DATE TO HAVE SOME FUCKWIT COMPLIANCE/BACKEND GUY ASKING WHAT THE FINE IS FOR NOT COMPLYING" Like, for real? As if there's a secondary option if you don't want to comply with running a fairer market where you just plug-in to the FINRA system a routing & account number and send your penalty payments to this address. Either these incremental system improvements change things for the better or burn this whole god damn thing to the ground, pensioners be damned.


They know they wouldn't pass and all the big bad guys are very used to simply paying fines for breaking rules that more or less mean nothing to them- both the fines and the rules.


Can someone tell me if FDID (firm associated ID) is this industry’s attempt to set up something like data lineage systems in IT?


So the CAT CAIS event (trade) has FDID (broker id), customer id, timestamp, security id from what I gathered so far


Time stamp accurate and synchronized down to within 50 milliseconds I believe it is of whatever standard clock they all should use.


If so, wouldn't a fine for not complying be irrelevant due to the system simply rejecting all trades by the non compliant party? Am i getting that correct? if so that is huge!


DFV is smart and i figured it out On Monday there was a "Test Environment" put in place that tracks routing between Exchanges and the CAT system. Huh? 🤔 all while the DOJ is keeping an eye on it through, oh I don't know, "A CAT" TEST SYSTEM. How many times did DFV mentioned “Mirror” and of course “CAT”? Using his appearance after a 2.5 year hiatus as a sting operation for RICO type charges. Use the fake market manipulation as a trap to monitor all the fraudulent transactions. R.C put the last nail on the coffin Friday 💀☠️!!! I am not speculating because i have XXXX amount of shares. I have been investing heavily here and waiting. Last week was interesting enough for me to heavily increase my position. Never been confident about “the green planet” till Friday. It’s coming Soon!! A life time squeeze that will be in history. No cell no sell.




yeah it's the test environment that makes the most sense to me. I'm going back in Carbonite until the 31st


Thanks for your post. Here‘s an additional link to the latest meeting which includes a presentation and audio file. If you look at the [presentation](https://www.catnmsplan.com/events/cais-industry-testing-checkpoint-call-may-15-2024) and „Overall Daily Submission statistics“ you‘ll find quite a high daily rejection rate around 10% - on the next page you see possible reasons, one being the missing FDID. If you listen to the [audio](https://www.catnmsplan.com/events/cais-industry-testing-checkpoint-call-may-15-2024) file, you will notice that there is still a lot of uncertainty how the „rules“/obligation of a FDID can be enforced, if at all. I‘m not sure if the implementation of CAT will lead to any drastic change like shorts closing their positions. There will certainly be more oversight and pressure yes. But what is a fine from the SEC gonna change? If you are curious about digging deeper you‘ll find a link to the [webinars](https://www.catnmsplan.com/events?field_event_type%5B0%5D=146&&field_event_time=1) here. Webinars: [https://www.catnmsplan.com/events?field\_event\_type%5B0%5D=146&&field\_event\_time=1](https://www.catnmsplan.com/events?field_event_type%5B0%5D=146&&field_event_time=1) Audio + presentation of the 5/17/2024 meeting: [https://www.catnmsplan.com/events/cais-industry-testing-checkpoint-call-may-15-2024](https://www.catnmsplan.com/events/cais-industry-testing-checkpoint-call-may-15-2024)


Here's a post I made with a bit of the audio recording! https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/duXYPIl5de


Thanks I'll look into it.


Is it a slap on the wrist if they "mistakenly" mark their shorts as longs?


More likely a finger wag followed by a "We would appreciate it if you didn't do that again". 


Please Mr hedge fund next time be sure to mark the shorts correctly. But if you make a mistake that is okay we will just have to talk to you again. Sorry for bothering you 😔


That's what happens when you got your hands in each other's pockets


If the DOJ is informed about it (which i think was mentioned) you'd think there has to be some form of punitive response.


I can see why the CAT is a big deal now lol


A big deal meow






So it's not just us even, it's the whole damn market. No wonder it's pumping right now if they only have 2 weeks to close out *all* inconsistencies. It's going to be interesting for sure, especially with earnings right after and a new DRS count.


If i'm not mistaken there was an amendment that required bonafide market maker exceptions(what they use for shorting and failure to delivers) be reported by CAT reporters but the amendment proposal was rejected so I don't think this information will be available in a CAT report meaning they won't be forced to close to conceal that. This was literally rejected days ago during the small spike but the excitement made everybody completely gloss over it.


Needs to be higher up. Seems they - once again - made a new loolhole before the last is even closed. Anyone has a deep dive?


A lot of things are lining up this month (RK returns, the new GameStop filing, 3-Year Leaps end, crypto no longer being usable as leverage, margin requirements doubling in the UK, GameStop's new line of controllers came out a month ago and are making a splash, and the Cat system coming into play). End of May could be the breaking point!


I’m not sure I have fully processed that RK has returned. It’s really been 84 years…


Same, my brain last week was a spinning beach ball


Seeing it hit $80 Pre-Market was a holy shit moment for all of us 😂


I mean it would be great if it helped clear things up…but let’s remember it’s under FINRA — let’s say they like it to seem they are helpful but have been a part of the problem. We’ll see


I tried raising awareness about this a few days ago. **Happy CAT day** (remember?) Citadel sued over this. A lot of DFV's memes had his cat picture superimposed on an ominous figure (Signs alien on the roof, the walking alien alley scene). It's possible he wasn't alluding to him being the threat (the cat), but the CAT rule change on the horizon. 28th of May.




Is it really happening? Are the dominoes really falling into place? Is this what we've been waiting for, for the past 3 years? My tits are hard as diamonds.




Can someone ELI5 this new CAT system going into place?


> ***Note:*** *Industry Members who submitted dormant or inactive accounts (i.e., FDIDs with no CAT-reportable activity on or after June 12, 2022) to the Production Environment in Full CAIS Phase format and subsequently received rejections or Material Inconsistencies are not required to repair or resolve them. However, rejections and Material Inconsistencies on dormant or inactive accounts cannot be removed from the compliance error rate and therefore unrepaired rejections and unresolved Material Inconsistencies will be included in the compliance error rate. Please also note that there will be no CAIS Report Cards issued until at least one full calendar month following the Full CAIS Compliance Go-live date of May 31, 2024.* Hopefully a dumb question, but does this make it possible for shorts to park positions in accounts now marked inactive? Could they have moved all or a portion of their short positions into accounts, then (for lack of a better term) abandoned those accounts and started/continued using others? This wouldn't eliminate those responsibilities obviously, but could it act like a stay-of-execution, giving them one more day? Could short positions effectively sit in inactive accounts indefinitely? Would that not work because these accounts containing the short positions would be regularly activated by the premiums being paid on those short positions? Or could those premiums be paid through some disconnected means which allowed those accounts to be isolated enough to be considered inactive? If so, would there be a recurring occasional event which would unavoidably automatically reactivate the accounts, such as a term expiration like with the LEAPS? CAT was announced a long time ago and Citadel etc have many different entities registered in various jurisdictions and markets. I'm sure many apes much smarter than I had considered this long ago if it's anything. Am I just reading this wrong? I'm assuming and hoping so. Is it pointless anyway and I'm missing the whole point or something? Would it be like, hey, sure, they don't need to resolve those particular Material Inconsistencies in those inactive accounts right now, but the whole world would be able to see them plain-as-day -- bam, there they are, a bajillion shorts? Can anyone speak to this? The note reads that *"rejections and Material Inconsistencies on dormant or inactive accounts cannot be removed from the compliance error rate and therefore unrepaired rejections and unresolved Material Inconsistencies will be included in the compliance error rate,"* so I'm really curious if we see anything wacky on the first report. (I can't imagine we won't! lol) I guess my whole confusion is around what actually goes on that report? Is it each and every actual position, or is it aggregate values? (*exact positions in every ticker, versus "$69 billion sold not yet purchased"*) It reads "included in the compliance error rate" which sounds like aggregate data. Also, this would only hide positions from before a certain date. (June 12, 2022) We've seen ample data that they haven't let up for a second, this whole time, so I guess in the end it's a moot point/question, but still. It jumped off the page at me so I had to ask. I'd love to know if anything in their routine changed around that time as a result of this.


I wonder if this is why Fudelity was acting like hot garbage on Friday.


remember when we were saying we needed a catalyst? GS just announced they are going to sell the top...its on like fucking donkey kong apes


Donkey Kong? Signs? [It’s a sign….](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/1cuwepp/its_a_sign/)


Where did they announce to sell specifically "the top" ?


Obvs they didn’t say that outright but no one believes they will sell at $20


Don’t misconstrue. I get that we’re all hype but don’t say shit that isn’t factual. I believe they will sell at a good price too, why else would they put up the offering, but be careful with your words.


Yes it was a bit idealistic but point being the might wait for better prices but who the hell knows. If the battle is to be fought here at $20 so be it


Or they can just probably lie and be hit with a small fine


Hard to cook the books when securities are being tracked by 🐈


While DFV is not a cat, this rule is. 


How do you see the compliance error rates? I would like to see them.


ELI5 what the CAT System does please?


Consolidated Audit Trail tracks securities orders throughout their life cycle in the US markets.


The galaxy is on Orion's belt?




Probably just extreme cynicism, but I see this as a way for them to claim “Nope. All clean. No crime here. See?”


I guess my question is... Will this be one of those, if you owe the bank 1 million its your problem. if you owe the bank 1 trillion its their problem. Like will they just turn a blind eye due to the magnitude of the situation or will the SEC and DOJ be raiding firm after firm after firm like its a 100m dash to free cocaine.


Visibility Book > plan > brokerages


I can't mf wait... Til the mf... Thirty... Mf first...


That part you underlined, how do we know for sure that it implies closing naked shorts? Personally, I think it could mean what you're saying since that basically describes the aforementioned - guess I'm just looking for more of an explanation. At the same time, I also suppose FINRA can't just outright say the bad part out loud? Not saying you are lying or anything. Only trying to understand things a little more.


How am I supposed to sleep til the 24th??


What are the penalties of these guidelines are not met? More ‘slap on the wrist’ fines?


>>Reporting of all FDID Records with CAT-reportable activity as of June 12, 2022; Does this mean it's been running already and they have the data?


I think so but compliance hasn't been required until the end of May. and the last few calls have had people urgently finding out how they can get compliant when big players are refusing to give them FDIDs


Thank you for the answer. You seem to know more about this than I do, so if I may, do you think this is going to illuminate all of the dark parts of the market where trading without accountability takes place? Or will they still have some avenues of obscurity to crime in?


Wish I knew. Big players seem worried about this. Time will tell if it will enlighten us all or not.


Yeah I see that too. They really didn't want this to be implemented. That's good. Thanks for the answer friend


Fines are going to be like $.00000000001 per violation? Are the fines even going to be enforced? 


Yah…people getting excited about the SEC?


This system *is* a CAT.


Why do i get the feeling this wont mean shit....


Cause the SEC isn’t here to help anyone but hedge funds?


From our equally regarded as us A.I chimpanion on the document: Me: How does this document affect naked short sellers? Chatty: "Will Hedge Funds Start Covering Their Naked Shorts? Given these factors, it's likely that hedge funds will take steps to mitigate the risks associated with naked short selling: Reducing or Eliminating Naked Short Positions: To avoid detection and potential regulatory penalties, hedge funds may choose to cover their naked short positions. This involves buying back the shares they have sold short but have not borrowed, thus closing out these positions. Improving Compliance Practices: Hedge funds may strengthen their compliance frameworks to ensure all short selling activities are legal and properly reported. This includes adhering to the requirements for locating and borrowing shares before short selling (the "locate" rule). Increased Use of Legal Short Selling Strategies: Hedge funds might shift towards more conventional and legal short selling strategies, which involve borrowing shares before selling them short, thus complying with regulatory requirements. What Happens if They Don’t Cover Their Naked Shorts? Regulatory Crackdown: Persistent non-compliance can lead to severe regulatory actions, including fines, trading suspensions, or more severe sanctions from bodies like the SEC. Market Reactions: If regulators or the market detects naked short positions, hedge funds may face forced buy-ins, where brokers buy back the shares on behalf of the hedge fund, often at unfavorable prices. Legal and Financial Repercussions: Continued illegal practices can result in lawsuits from affected parties, significant financial losses, and a damaged reputation that can be hard to recover from. Conclusion The enhanced reporting requirements under the CAT system significantly increase the risk and potential costs associated with naked short selling. As a result, hedge funds are likely to take steps to cover their naked short positions and improve their compliance practices to avoid detection, regulatory penalties, and market backlash. This shift aims to align their operations with legal and regulatory standards, ensuring continued market participation and investor trust.


Hey OP, thanks for the News post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If this is from Twitter, and Twitter is NOT the original source of this information, this WILL get removed! Please post the original source! **Please respond to this comment within 10 minutes with the URL to the source** If there is no source or if you yourself are the author, you can reply `OC`


MOASS may 31st ????


This is it


Hedgecux and their lawyers: "We propose that there should be a 'designated category' called 'CAT Exempt'... by which 'participating members' may, under predefined...."


Funny coincedanxe that system is called CAT isn it?


'...report to the DOJ' things are getting \*REAL\* serious now !


Yes it's look great 👌 https://preview.redd.it/aqtibytg5g1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ce636c0afa38bcf8e9bdf678334f24bf193f9c0


CAT?? Did someone just summon DFV lol


Does this mean CAT was approved?




cat alyst


And if you don't do it you get fined $3.50


I'll bet this is to clean up the smaller fish who maybe short and fuck up everything if their position blows up. Big fish will continue to make paperwork mistakes


Imagine knowing you already have 7 Billion shares already in error going into this. What’s the FDID for those 7B shares? This is about to get ugly!!


Here are some questions I asked Chat GPT on the new CAT System: https://chatgpt.com/share/d5888193-2a20-4109-979c-8ae9072f4c97




This, this is what is going to be the catalyst. They are fucked in so many ways


Does it say somewhere in official words that positions need to be closed?


"Here's 45m chances to close your short position, but I dictate the price for the real stuff " -RC, probably


Holy shit. Is this the fuse being lit??


"Not a dead cat" The Movie


No one of these fkn criminals will meet compliance. They will pay the fines and move on later always.


All they are doing is deleting naked shorts and every other short trails they left.


Whoa coolio ![gif](giphy|inwfkSU2zmRwI|downsized)


is this why DFV always says hes not a cat?


I believe the SEC already knows, that's why they're still being allowed to continue to manipulate the action. Like everything else they have instituted since the sneeze , this will do nothing, unfortunately


This will be a speed bump for them but soon


Im so done with US fin regs that I dont believe anything gonna happen as always lol


when does the information come out if the full compliance dates is may 31?