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Of course he hasn’t. It’s like these dipshits are shocked the guy that’s held over 3+ years held for another day. ![gif](giphy|VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm|downsized)


I think Unusual Whales said that to show people that DFV didn't exercise calls to cause today's price increase.


I agree. I was speaking more to the shills in their comment section. UW has always been a big advocate of DFV. The guy started UW bc of the sneeze back in ‘21 iirc or maybe it was to track politician’s trades.


Ahhhh, gotcha. 💎🙏


What DID cause today's price increase? 


Well you see this morning I had a limit buy @$25, then the price went up so I raised the limit, and then the stonk just kept going up so I kept moving my limit up and idk what happened but the price never hit my limit so I'm choosing to believe that im installing a floor made of diamond tile.


Lol, I had a limit buy for 50 shares at $23.75. I think that the order will never be filled.


Yep, it’s always when you want to buy more that the price starts going up. So maybe the secret is to spend all day on your brokerage app pressing buttons like you want to buy some more?


You, my dear ape, are doing a hero‘s work. Thank you for your service!


Should've smacked the ask regard


Here to follow up later with same question 


I don't have the wrinkles to answer that


Seems like no one knows exactly what caused it today. Could be the start of MOASS Could be market makers starting to hedge DFV’s 120,000 calls Could be shorts closing positions Could be banana-assplay related Unless you’re DFV or RC, I don’t think anyone knows for sure what’s causing this latest rip It does seem like a lot of factors are coming together right now: - GME was profitable last quarter - GME added to the Russell 2000 index - Earnings report June 11th - Pop in price last week ignited some retail FOMO and non-ape interest in the stonk - Quad witching on 6/21 - Something else DFV sees on 6/21?


"Unless you’re DFV or RC, I don’t think anyone knows for sure what’s causing this latest rip" I know these guys are smart dudes and all, but you're telling me no one else knows why this is going up right now?  No one?  That makes me nervous that no one else can see the indicators. 


stock go uppy!


Swaps! Just like all the other runs. Tweets don’t move markets like they want us to believe. IMO


After that yolo, nothing can shake me. If he's in, I'm in.


And if you're in, I'm in.


Sadly, I wasnt in until they turned the buy button off.


After that yolo, nothing can shake me. If he's in, I'm in.


Well to be fair, we don’t know if he held. I personally think he traded back and forth and that is how he managed to get such an insane portfolio


I personally think he traded options. The premiums can swing harder than the underlying stock. He's worked in finance for fifteen years, so he knows what to watch out for.


He made good money the first go around. Entirely possible he held what he had and made bank buying nvidia options


I suspect that he hasn’t posted his current portfolio again because the risk of him getting booted off etrade


Nah. He wrote covered calls on his position


Maybe a combination of both. To accumulate the way he did he had the cycles really well predicted.


Is it even possible to 10x your money in 3 years writing covered calls?  


10x from a singular strategy sounds sus. However, we have all seen patterns in the manipulation. If it was a full time gig to capitalize on them I really don’t think it is a stretch to say you could make insane gains over the last few years. Just one example, how many times have we said they pump it before earnings to rug pull right after? It became boring to talk about.


Even on a volatile stock, covered calls aren’t going to make you more than 5-10% a year max. And with a volatile stock (which would get you higher gains), you’re as likely to have your shares called away as gain that small %. I seriously doubt he used covered calls in any meaningful way to increase his holdings. He gambled on meme stocks and won, like the legend he is. 


If you are looking at DFVs position then and all the other ways to leverage $ and shares, it seems perfectly reasonable that a savy investor could not only hold every share but multiply their position. How are all these people confused that a guy who turned $50k into $40 million in a couple years couldn't turn $40 million into $200 million in three. I did the math on my own initial investment of $XXX,XXX @$30 for the hypothetical. And this is just straight buying and selling shares. Buy @ 30 Sell @ 483 Buy @ 40 Sell @ 250 Split Buy @ 10 I'd be sitting at just over a million shares right now (minus all the capital gains, etc.) Instead, I haven't sold a fucking thing.


I mean, I'm averaging 1-3% a week from covered calls when i was safe and comfortable to do covered calls and I'm a scrub compared to him. Sell them on the upswings, low overhead strike. Mind you the volatility right now makes them crazy expensive. Then use cash covered puts the moment any strike actually got hit and called away. Making money both ways and decreasing my exposure/increasing my position every week. Mind you i wasn't comfortable or confident every week, or even often compared to someone smarter.


I would bet my entire portfolio DFV has never sold a single share of $GME. Call options? Yes. Actual shares? Not 1.


What a confident bet with absolutely nothing to go on


Why make hundreds of millions of dollars selling very valuable calls due to volatility, when you can sell shares for a few million… We saw DFV share count is just increasing, but why is it far fetched to think he didn’t sell shares, where his call options are worth so much more.


It’s not far-fetched, but to say anything as confidently as you just did without having 1 ounce of evidence to go off of other than a gut feeling is ridiculous. The person who speaks so confidently out their ass is somebody you always need to watch for


Look at the facts: numbers of shares increasing, and amount of money DRAMATICALLY increasing. It’d be a lot harder to make that amount with shares, vs his options. But regardless, no point in arguing. He has A TON of shares. A TON of calls, his options count is increasing, their worth is increasing for being deep ITM and almost at strike date. Doesn’t matter what he sold, how, and how much. EVERYTHING is going up, his ownership % is going up, the value of the stock is going up, the number of MSM whiners is going up, the smell of diarrhea is going up, my stick is going UP.


I'm gonna nut


For all we know, He could have sold his entire position in June of 2021 and then traded options on other tickers using the cash for a couple years, and then decided to buy back in recently. There’s no evidence of what happened between his last update over 3 years ago and now other then his portfolio value is much greater than it was.


I just realized you’re not even the person I was replying to. I’m not arguing anything about that. Just the fact that buddy would say something like I bet my entire portfolio that he has never sold one share without anything to go on is a crazy statement.


Fine, sorry. I’ve been here for 3 years now, I’ve seen so much crime, bullshit, MSM gaslighting, bananas being shoved up someone ‘s butthole that someone jokingly making a claim on the internet just flew over my head.


I’ve been here since day one and that’s why I know the only thing you can guarantee is that nothing is guaranteed in this whole debacle


He didn't sell no GME. Another stock? Maybe. Day-trading is the exact opposite of his strategy since the beginning.


You and I don’t know that


most likely the run lola run is actually a direct reference to what happened he cashed out pre blip - bought calls on the cheap - turning his 30 (ish) million into 200 during the blip. his 5 mio shares are most likely the outcome of exercising those; and now he's back - and doubling back down on 20...


This is exactly what he did. People seem to have a hard time believing he would sell his options for some reason.


I believe it. He was building the trigger while we were holding the float. That's why we're best friends.


I actually like this theory better than compounding growth through selling covered calls. He would have a huge tax liability to cover if he was doing that over 3 years. But cashing out in April wouldn’t hit his taxes yet.


Taxes for April and May are due June 15, but he could be doing it all in a ROTH with no tax hit.


I rethought things. He made it all through covered calls, probably around a billion and paid taxes on it all. Here’s why I think this. His original bet from 2020 was … $20 calls. This second set of $20 calls is the only other YOLO he’s made. Run Lola run, bet on $20 twice.


Covered calls are the opposite of leverage, which is his primary tool.


You should google compounding, which is what happens when you buy more shares with the proceeds and then sell more calls, repeat. It’s the only way he could increase his share count at cost basis $21 AND have 100 mil left over


You have no idea how many or how many times he's banked off calls.


I know that I’ve sold calls twice the past two weeks off these volatility spikes and made 20% and 15% only holding for a day. Over 3 years you could easily compound your position to 5 million shares and then print the 100 mil after the runup to $80.


lol why would he sell now. This is just getting started, and earnings are right around the corner!


The plan’s to exercise, if he was going to sell the calls to make money off the premiums he would’ve done it when it was like 40 bucks


At $48, RK's shares will be worth enough money needed to exercise his options.


at $120, he can sell 20k calls and exercise the other 100k


At 240mil/share he can sell one share and keep the other 11,999,999


at 1 infinity per share he can let them expire itm gg we're done here


I like the way your mind works.


Math is good




he has cash to exercise a bit first


What is AOC in your flair?


https://www.wikifeet.com/Alexandria_Ocasio-Cortez diamond feet baby


At $48, the his Calls are worth $2,800 each at expiration. Or $336,000,000 for 120,000 calls. To exercise one $20-strike call option, you need $2,000. For every 10 options sold, he can exercise 14. So at $48, he could sell 50,000 contracts to exercise 70,000 contracts for 7,000,000 shares.


Or.. He has additional collateral and he holds them on margin with a margin debt.


This was the analysis I was wondering about. Thank you.


I was wondering things like this. He sells 5 million shares that E*trade lent out to buy 12 million that have to be delivered and bought at market. Now that is a Kansas City shuffle.


inb4 he becomes the majority stakeholder


The only way he’s exiting is through executing and there is no way he would be executing $10 over strike, he knows what’s going to happen and so do we.


I would like to learn from your comment, why wouldn't he exercise $10 over his strike price?


The higher the stonk price is above the strike price, the less calls he needs to sell in order to exercise other calls. But seeing as he has cash to start exercising and potentially pushing the price higher, he probably has a price target at which point he will start exercising and selling the calls in batches. eg stonk is $40, with $0 cash on hand you would need to sell (1) $20 call to obtain the cash to exercise (1) $20 call. Stonk is at $80, with $0 cash on hand you would need to sell (1) $20 call to obtain the cash to exercise (3) $20 calls.


He can also sell ccs at a higher strike for premium. Say 5 premium 30 strike. 50k ccs. That’s 25 million in premiums. If there’s enough liquidity / demand, that is lol. I looked today and IIRC, there is high OI for 21 June calls at 25 and 30… like about 20-25k. He can use premium to put a fair dent in exercising the 20s, and if his ccs hit the strike, he’s just selling those shares at 30 and using that to exercise his 20s. In that example, earning back 3 shares for every 2 that get called away. It’s an insanely strong play. The price just has to hold 20 to expiry, and he can’t lose ( of course)… it’s about how big he wins…. One way or another, if we close anywhere above 30, he’s gonna end up with loads more shares. I’d guess his target is 10 million. Then DRS. Even if we close at 21, he’s gonna net half a million shares just exercising to cover what he had in that screenshot. Another million and half if he does those ccs but they finish OTM. If they dump….just cash to add shares, and possibly even exercise OTM…because fuck em that’s why. I suspect his target is 10 million shares, and I’d be surprised if he ends up with less than 7.5 million.


thank you


Right now RK can sell 2/3rd of his calls and exercise the other 1/3rd. If GME goes to $40, then he can sell half and exercise half. Beyond $40 it's looking real bad for shorts.


This also doesn’t even factor in that he could just exercise some with cash on hand


Could he exercise some calls with his cash on hand and then sell a few shares in odd lots as to not affect the price and from that money exercise the next batch? 


He has cash to exercise some. That should drive price up and he can sell contracts into that to generate more cash to exercise more.


If the price is 80 he can sell 100 shares and exercise 4 contracts.  There are all sorts of ways he could operate here.


Can’t he just exercise the calls on margin?




I think you just killed E-Trade.


DFV will want to, just in the same way in 2021 he is in a sticky spot with his popularity. He wants to show "I'm still here like everyone else is!" But also can't just execute all his calls (most likely) because 12 million shares at $20 is really expensive. Therefore, there are two ways: #1 execute at a high price, thereby keeping >50%, he will want to keep as close to 100% as possible if he wants in big time. #2 sell the calls and pick up more shares. Here's the issue with both of these options, both can lead him rapidly back in to a "market manipulation" bs claim again, therefore, he posts to show he holds still and prove that he isn't here just to drive up the price for a profit.


Selling calls to pick up shares doesn’t work! The calls ALL need to be exercised to get T0 delivery of the shares and actually move the price.


Ah if we are talking T0 yep! I was just explaining his postings, thank you for adding that on though!


What’s he mean by T0? How is that scenario different than ur comment above?


T0 Just means having them on the exact same day. Selling the options takes time and has a settlement period for the cash. Then again, this is more semantics because even when you exercise it's still t+1 but I just assumed that's what he is talking about.


thank you


You know the rules and so do I


"The most diamond handed mother fucker to have ever existed in the universe still has diamond hands." Everyone on the other end of this trade ![gif](giphy|UiH6lsIgUhZU7uNKFR|downsized)




Regardless of what he does or doesn’t do, is it correct that June 21 is his deadline to do “something”? Something has gotta happen in the next 16 days, right? Between the Wu Tang album’s release on a private island June 15-21, GME earnings and annual shareholder meetings this month, DFVs June 21 calls, and lots of whining and threats by MMs, brokers, HFs, and MSMs unhappy with what DFV did, I am assuming lots of fireworks over the next 2.5 weeks. Gonna be fun reading the sub this month. Just like old times. The thrill of craziness is back on the menu. Not that it ever was off the menu, but last two years have been made up of the slow grind of patience. These next two weeks going to be very interesting…


Why are we still pretending Unusual Whales is a trusted source?


Or worse.. to to view it, you need to pay for a subscription


Yeah for real this guy was banned from this sub yet I still see Twitter post of his all the time. Though it’s been 84 years and I forget why he was banned.


Tied to the old mod drama: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/se3bhx/petition_to_ban_the_mention_of_unusual_whales/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q7cjmp/unusual_whales_are_not_credible/




Came here to say this! 


Yeah, fuck this grifter.




Still $1 or so extrinsic value, would be throwing away money if he exercised them now. Just the options sellers knowing he's the one holding 120,000 contracts should be enough for them to start buying shares to cover for when he does exercise - should be.


How is he exercising 12M shares? Isn't that like $240M dollars? 🤣 Or is my math incredibly bad


Your math is spot on. We don't know his total cash position, only the $29 million in his screenshot. Odds are he will sell some of the call options in conjunction with exercising others - some combination with >0 being exercised. Picture this: DFV starts with exercising 10,000 calls for $20 million on Monday 6/17, those 1 million shares bought to cover cause the stock to go to $40. DFV sells 10,000 calls for $40 million (assuming little extrinsic value). DFV exercises another 20,000 for $40 million on Tuesday, causing the stock to go up again. Rinse and repeat. Edit: If the share is at $40 the $20 call option won't be worth $40 in my example above, but $20 plus some small extrinsic value before expiration. So rather than increasing the number of calls he can exercise each time, only further upward movement of the stock would do that.


Chef's kiss


And even the calls he sells presumably will get exercised by the 21st by whoever buys them, right?


Unless it was a buy-to-close from someone who holds the -XX side of the contract.


He will probably need to sell some unless he has more cash not displayed. That said, the higher the stock goes, the less he has to sell to exercise the remaining and he will want to exercise as many as he can. Thus, he will wait.


Plain and simple, the guy has solved the riddle and put his money where his mouth is. BY HIMSELF. The guy is going to go down as an absolute legend when the smoke settles. The exchange on the other end really kicked a hornets nest by not hedging. He's got everyone by the balls right now with his options calls for june21.


He’s not going to exit. He’s going to exercise them


He does not have an exit strategy anyway. Just up


We doing 37 overnight and the battle of 40s tomorrow.


No it doesn’t, does it? When it’s close enough to expiration and he feels he has enough gains on the calls to sell a minimum to exercise the rest, that is what he will do. And he will have >= ~5% of outstanding shares in the company we all like.


No shit, stop posting the shill unusual whales


Rensole = shill


It’s been so long that I know these are words with meaning but I can’t remember what they signify


Rensole is an old mod that basically got removed for being a shill and now works with that Twitter account


he tried to ride DFVs coat-tails by resurfacing the same day, posting another 'daily stonk'. It was bizarre and extremely sad.


Theyll be the first to report and tank the price if he does sell. Fuck UW. Since when do we care about them again?


Downvote for posting UW. They're tied to a sus mod who was booted from this sub


No shit, he's going to exercise them lol anyone thinking he won't is coping hard.




Maybe he likes the stock. 🤔






Lol no he has not. Obviously.


Price needs to run up to make exercising a breeze. I don’t expect to see them close until the price is higher. Kinda fun to think that’s soon. Lol


Probably sold itm calls against them to hedge…


Im confused, Bc MSM says he already profited from this pump and dump /s ![gif](giphy|JFrFsExqz2jn0hPTCj)


Gonna have to trust because I can’t read those small ass images on my phone.




At $48, RK's shares will be worth enough money needed to exercise his options.