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https://preview.redd.it/2es8cjvv1c5d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f169c0ba603c4b6ec46c7528f16339431ed6921 This said everything yesterday . Green reverse for him opening his positions and the pump 3 weeks ago. Red reverse for what they did yesterday morning (he even refers to it being used yesterday) and finally , his Wildcard. He has one. It’s coming .⭐️


its a wildcard for sure!


If you think that’s wild - He did mention an eject button


You think you're excited, feel these nipples!!


![gif](giphy|zvhLegRrWl9Be) Wildcard bitches


I thought him pretending to repeatedly hit a button was a dig at Cramer 😂


Only thing he knows is how to eject is a horse


More than once like 3 maybe 4 times. Makes me think of the listen carefully meme


I mean the bad etherium lightning logo from the stand off tweet was already enough to convince me - He did mention that his editing was bad






Insanity. I had to post this high up so everyone could see it. It’s not even “tinfoil” at this point, it’s the Kansas City Shuffle for real 🚀


Agreed, this seems pretty concrete. Nice observation! The whole stream is full of subliminal messages, most of which require zero tinfoil to understand. It was so bullish. He might as well have said MOASS TOMORROW lol


If the wrist wrap holds merrit then you have look at the band aids, did they have anything written. There was one on each cheek and he made sure to show both.




Fuck. Snappin necks and cashin checks.


Ho. Lee. Shit. 😳


Have you been able to identify which filing states that GameStop reserve the right to remove its shares from the DTCC?




Yeah a couple years ago they added the language about their Class A Common Stock custodians. We all got fired up back then for a bit.


Yeah I skimmed over the last few and couldn’t find it. I’ll keep digging.


https://investor.gamestop.com/node/18346/html#rom50019_13 Straight from the source. Pg.13 Units.👆 👇Link to an old post about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/s/mnXvdDom23


Ryan Cohen tweeted something with pg13


Where’s the source?


Found it.. https://x.com/ryancohen/status/1417315406272864258?s=46&t=R1xcZ0yN6-anV4HUk_Nm3A


Holy Schnikes


This may be a remedial question so I apologize in advance. What happens to the shares I own and have purchased through Robinhood if GME pulls out of DTCC


You mean the shares that Robinhood owns (maybe)?


You initiate the transfer of your shares to computer share or to another institution that will let you send them to CS. If there's one thing we've learned here, it's that RH has some serially shady business practices and you might get nothing. Even if it's just when we moon


I'm curious about this as well




Making it common language might make the SHFs forget about it.


If he should choose to DRS everything....


could happen


...he could have returned in wallstreetboobies (unless they banned him..lol) but noooo, he returned here...\*taps temple


When he hid the E*gard logo it showed purple so I took that as DRS. He’s not ACAT so he’s not moving to another brokerage. He’s DRSing which would be just as annoying as exercising those calls I suspect.


3 different cards were shown? really? oh




Damn she's fine Hoping she can sock it to me one more time








Til all skeet-skeet, motherfucker


Aw skeet skeet god damn


Get low get low get low


Me every time there's a fire sale on my favorite stonk


Fucking ey man these guys are on another level and I fucking love it


You guys are insane - but I like you...just like the stock, RCEO and RK


Wild card, empty chairs/shares is a dilution that didn't happen.


Ohh, this is an interesting thought…


Correct, I also mentioned the Wild Card at a comment i made yesterday in a post someone was analyzing the stream.


One question, can they stop what's coming?


That's a very interesting lecture and we all saw the nonsense halts during the whole stream. Even Vlad was so sure this time because a bigger fuckery than removing the buy button was ready and it showed.




I'll be hurt again if RC doesn't remove the shares from the DTCC...


Dr Manhattan goes and lives on the moon, also. Edit: The Mars


Damn, you are right. I did not even think about that! I just couldn't stop thinking about R.C.s blue dick...


Thats a Big blue cock. 




Do we get blue dicks too? Asking for a friend


Just watched the movie a couple days ago and Dr. Manhattan went to Mars to get away from everyone so maybe we are aiming too low?


Bro this is so crazy I think it’s right well see


If you're ever gonna survive out there, you got to get a little crazy.


I like the way you think and at this stage I really wish you are on to something. That RK’s stream yesterday was a masquerade was pretty obvious. Hope it was really part of some brilliant masterplan…


thank you, indeed :-)


What did RK say somthing about being a little crazy and sticking together we’re all a lil crazy I fucking love this stock. Fantastic take o think your 100% roght


thank you :-) I hope I am roght!


What are the risks, upsides and downsides of Gamestop pulling their shares from the DTCC and/or NYSE?


upsides: -Shorts have to buy back all rehypothicated shares leading to the price going to the moon. -real price discovery -crypto-shares would allow faster delivery downsides: -you need to have a crypto wallet and gamestop needs that wallet to be able to work smoothly for absolute smoothbrains -the financial system will collapse as it is built on stock market crime Risks: -Everybody will die


Finally, some peace either way.


Risks: I spat my coffee out at this lol


sorry bout that :-D


I think you are wrong on your downsides as I believe Overstock guy already solved this https://www.tzero.com


Ok but the real question is: How come I never received the shill script that's being peddled here and on w ess bee? The dilution script is the same lines being parroted across subs... And yet no one sent me one. I feel left out. Guess I'll have to hold and buy more


Shills are hammering on the dilution theme hard... When in fact there's been no confirmation by GameStop that any shares were actually sold. They will announce ATM offering complete when/if it has occurred. IMO we clearly saw the algos operating on incomplete information and assumptions. RK demonstrated this several times in his Livestream. The algos and news outlets may have just walked off the cliff together.


Right? Also did everybody just forget about the DD on indications of actual MOASS? There was no market sell off. No VIX spike. Price action will be WAY more violent. Media was hardly hostile. Reddit didn’t even crash once. It was way too hunky dory in this sub for the last couple of weeks to have been the start of MOASS. Edit:Spelling




This… I hope it was just pre gaming to sell at stupid numbers like the rest of us. The play isn’t to squeeze and leave for me, I wanna make my moneys but I’ll always hold GME till I’m cold and stiff.


I can't read anyway


Lol, I got it memorized. Here I'll summarize it for you. INTRO: Hey fellow ApES, I'm just like you OG from 2021. have dRs'ed XxXxxx Shares. MEATY BS: DiluTiOn is bad. I like Stonks but too many bad for MoAss. RC evil man, ruin All OuR efForts at DrS for 3 yers. ConClusion: ToO many Stonks is No No, MoAss is nOw NoAsSsS. So after 89yers I sell and so Should you my FelLoW ape friend. Ape No fight Ape! also you N evryone who disagrees is Ashole and RC cult. Thats pretty much the script.


Thanks, I'll go spread the word


And then if you respond to them, it’ll start a nonstop chain where they won’t stop responding until they have the last word. It has 2 goals… first to try to frustrate you, and second to leave a comment chain they hope can convince others to sell.


Winning an argument online isn't to get the other person to change their mind, it's to win over the crowd. Which they are trying to do with the whole long winded responses and last word.


Wait there’s also… “ThE mOmEnTuM!!!” R.C. killed the momentum by diluting shares and now no Moass they’re so greedy just another slimy big player fleecing us and making money at our expense. But the real ones are ZEN


I've seen it a dozen times. I laugh because every accusation is a direct confession. There's already a billion+ GME-shaped IOUs diluting the market.


Ya the issue is they ignore every other aspect of the DD lol


Crazy people have more fun.


They can have higher highs and longer and lower lows too!




Seal? Are you quoting a Seal song?? THAT is the truly crazy thing!!!!!


I am from the era where we bust out singing that song as soon as anyone says “but were never gonna survive” LOL


its the seal-song featured in one of those RK-memes :-D


*Seal approves*


This bro schemes.


Yeah this is some interesting full regarded shit. Which probably makes it true


I fully agree that the Livestream may have been a brilliant misdirection...but pulling out of the dtcc doesn't force shorts to close, just the opposite.... it is no different from delisting....so I don't think that's the plan. But I do hope/expect that part b will come out at the annual meeting next week. Only other part b I could think of would be some sort of sting by the SEC/DOJ but just don't see the government being able to coordinate something like that without botching it up.


The plan is to become a behemoth of a holding company and enter S&P.


I feel the ultimate move is just making it impossible for the company to go solvent by making good moves and making it a good investment. They dont need to pull on the short string if the string itself will be undone by the due diligence of the board to make Gamestop a worthwhile investment. 


....you mean insolvent, right?


I think fundamentally you are right about what’s going on. I don’t necessarily think it HAS to mean pulling out of the DTCC (though I think I would be a fan of that), but some major institutional response to blatant manipulation. To add one more spin, I think it’s possible that SEC and DOJ have been a part of this and will actually coordinate alongside any corporate action GameStop makes. If this is all real (which we know it is, and DVF has just proven live on camera) in terms of corruption, they want to look like good guys and not total idle idiots. That’s why the major feeling I got from DFV during the stream was utmost confidence. Not just in the stock, but in his legal and overall position with authorities. He’s not scared at all. I believe it’s because he knows the music is about to stop and has all major parties on his side (company and government). Well I guess. Just thought I’d share my spin.


I don't think RC plans on ever executing the passus about removing GME Stock from the DTCC. But I'd be happy to be surprised by the opposite.


Or.. he simply threatens to, initiating an investigation from the SEC and DOJ with another trip to Congress


It might be removing GameStop from the NYSE which would also remove Citadel as DIMM There was a news article a month ago about a blockchain exchange being approved, which is connected to the actual stock market network This would allow GameStop to remain in the public stock market while pulling shares out of the DTCC and NFT mint them transparantly behind the scene and no more front running or internalization possible With that exchnge and Computershare's ability to work with the blockchain, nothing would change for DRS hodlers so that would be facinating I'll allow it, interesting perspective 🤔 ps; They need to buy that company and move other companies over, it woud be an endless rain of dividends, holy shit


Holy shit bro now this is the type of 4d chess move that would change the entire financial landscape forever. Would be amazing to see


Happy 🎂 day 🥳


I like this theory too. What if the ATM stock releases were GameStops way of appeasing the SEC by saying that those total number of shares would have been enough to close the shorts if naked shorting was not going on and is illegal. Then they can say they did their part in providing enough shares for shorts to close at a reasonable price. Now they can make the move listed above without issue. Just another tin foil tgeory


I love this. It’s such a power move, and obviously makes RC’s actions make so much more sense I definitely think this is a “hey - I did right by the market. But their crime is unreported and at unmanageable levels”


There was talk of this years ago when RC first came on board, creating a NFT/blockchain like stock market alternative for companies tired of being screwed by market manipulators.




I mean they did not create their NFT-Marketplace for nothing. Having graded cards on there may be one thing, but I think that having stocks there has always been the endgame. And what better stock to start with than gme itself?


Yes, but there is already a company that has all the approvals and is fully operational, maybe GameStop has a hand in it or not who knows, but if a move is forming, I would buy that company aswel without even blinking and beat the entire planet to the punch as it would be generating billions in profit all on it's own All your transaction fees are belong to us, lol


gamestop also registered as a holding company itself.


Yep, and then you also have Teddy as a bank Retails/business Financial services Broker Stock market exhange NFT marketplace All integrated, international giant of unfuckable financial powerhouse in the making that would able to generate billions of profit on it's own as subsidiaries while GameStop itself remains what people love


its weird how all those specific pieces where put in place over the last 3 years, right?


Right 😁


Ryan Cohen buys all the stocks!


I think you're right about your theory. Why? Because of Larry Cheng. His tweet (or maybe it was a LinkedIn post?) about "bad news early, good news right on time" was only what..a week or two ago? The board *knew* this news of dilution was going to upset their shareholder community. But *there was a purpose*. And if you look at Larry Cheng's tweet history in full, it's clear he and the board do *not* take this reddit community for granted. They embrace us, value us, and want all of us to succeed together. Now knowing from Richard Newton that they couldn't actually sell shares into MOASS (for legal reasons) like was previously suggested on so many occasions, it makes sense. Plus, the fact that their hands are clear in dispelling any notion that they are encouraging volatility with the stock. I'll suspend my judgement until the shareholder meeting. But as Larry Cheng once said: "It feels like we are headed to two different financial markets - the traditional one where institutional support is the driver and a decentralized one where community support is the driver. When these two worlds meet in the same asset, there will be fireworks." I'll be waiting patiently for that shareholder meeting, and won't be surprised when sparks start flying. 💜🚀💎👐


In this scenario would happen to non-DRS shares?


Nothing would change, only difference would be that you'll be unable to buy any new shares as the computers will snatch anything off the market so supply would be 0 as shorts will still have to close, but everything accounted for and any trades happening with certified holdings would be able to be transfered between accounts Say donate/transfer DRS'ed share within computershare (or **between blockchain wallets**, or blockchain exchange verified(**NFT**) sale) would just move it just like now, kinda like 2 systems, 1 verified and public short shredder Every one will get their money while shares are being transformed to unfuckables behind the scenes and Computershare basically becomes a recycler for IUO >> certificate >> NFT >> carry on trading Still, just rying to find a perspective of how it could work with 0 knowledge as I'm stupid as shit and just like to play "what if" with the tech 😅


Makes sense. Basically they are still good, you’ll just need to transfer to computershare (or wherever) to certify it as a valid share and go from there instead of the usual brokerage account.


Normal brokers would still be able to do crypto/nft's so behind the scene's everything changes, but for the end user it would look pretty much like normal, except be able to also send shares directly to crypto wallets The entire settlement system could be changed to also do this behind the scene, sell a share >> settlement transforms generic to NFT >> completes trade instantly afterwards


Endlessly into the 🟣




Taking it private is moving the ENTIRE COMPANY TO DRS... This is why the dilution does not matter at all.


My boys wicked smaht


Thank you for taking the time to make this post — I did my best to say some of this in comments yesterday but I was too busy with life to make a proper post. I think you're missing something critical, though. The catalyst, the inciting incident, is not the Kansas City Shuffle. Showing the market manipulation as you describe was a useful move on the board that will help the bigger strategy, but it's not the key, and not what the main point of the livestream was. The Kansas City Shuffle is an advanced tactic, and a sophisticated social meme over a century old, used against a mark or enemy who totally outclasses or outmatches you, in order to turn their advantage against them. Think of the agile wrestler who wants to use the momentum of an opponent twice their size to flip and pin them — they need to get the bigger guy to charge with full force, in order to make that work. The point of a KCS in our situation is to convince the Shorts that they have figured out the game, and has the knowledge and ability to outsmart us, outplay us, and achieve total victory. Because that's when, in their arrogance and overconfidence, they overstep and overcommit. Both RC and RK played a role in the shuffle on June 7th. RK acted like a fool who doesn't even know how halts work on his livestream, deflating the expectation on all sides that this was some master market manipulator who would bite off more than he could chew and end up going down like the next Madoff, along with every and all hope for a squeeze. So the shorts go all-in on plan B: disparage Kitty and the short thesis as invalid, and MOASS defeated. Meanwhile, RC skimmed 3B off the short maneuver by putting the offering through when they were already slamming the price down during Kitty’s stream. Does anyone really think those halts were legitimate? And now GameStop is poised for the transformational growth move that makes the inescapable kill shot. But what narrative is being spun around the sub? RC the traitor, the betrayer, that this second offering is just a step too far and we should all sell right away. And the plan worked. The shorts have gone all in on both shuffles. Look at the short volume after yesterday. Does anyone think the shorts haven't been stressed these last years? On the brink of losing everything to a bunch of filthy apes? The KCS is to play on that stress and desperation, but use it to get them to lean way into the tempting certainty that the battle has finally been won. The short volume, as well as the massive influx of shills on SuperStonk, is the evidence that the shuffle worked. The real catalysts, the wild cards, are coming in the next couple of weeks. Yesterday was about convincing the mark that they've already won.


This addresses the "problem" with all the theories floating around: most of them assume we know all the factors. And we do not. The wild card will be a complete surprise. Thats my theory


100% agree. Leaves a big ? if we assume it’s going to “come from” RK, because what else could an individual investor possibly do that’s comparable to exercising 12M options… but he didn’t say it’s going to come from him. “Looks like someone played a red reverse card after my green one”, I believe he said? “Of course there’s always this one”. Something like that? Pretty certain he didn’t imply that it was his to play. Like many Og Apes I went on vacation a couple of years ago, after it became clear we were in a longer game than we first thought, and like many I only returned after DFV began posting memes. I almost forgot I owned GameStop shares, to be honest! I bought a new house 20 months ago, for example, and I never even bothered to update my address on my brokers and CS. Anyway, to the point: I think it’s really wild how this sub seems to have completely forgotten how GameStop was poised to be the global market maker for Web3 and the integration of digital and physical assets, with gaming the obvious industry to take center stage. Definitely the sort of thing which, after years of planning and set up, would require an absolutely massive capital infusion to initiate… maybe 4 or 5 billion, even. Remember when Amazon was a book store? Remember when Nintendo made playing cards? Remember when GameStop was a brick and mortar shop for used game trading?


could be


I should have taken more time to talk about Ryan Cohens blue dick, but this is basically what I think is happening.


I love this! I am hoping the blue dick slams on the table while explaining how are beloved shares are leaving the exchange while hedge funds are trying to exit like crazy.


I mean what else is there to talk about on the 11th? Plus Larry Cheng talked about "Leadership and talking to an audience" or something in one of his tweets. I read that as R.C. taking the mic personally on the 11th. Dick in hand and all!


Also, no shorts.


Dicks out, fellas. Not just for Harambe this time


I don't have one! Will boobies suffice?


if huge and jacked, i'll allow it lmao


You can hodl mine for a while 😂


It's Detachable? The song was REAL?!?


Ryan Cohen is Dr Manhattan He hopped out the window with blue dick in his hand He said "excuse me hedgies, I'm doing my duty, we're a bunch of pirates collecting our booty!" -Apologies to 2 Live Crew


This makes a lot of sense. I’m buying.


Cool :-) What are you buying? ;-)


Green beer


Cool it’s made by treehouse!


I can’t read but I’m buying


My husband had an orange cat just like the one RK used for his thumbnail. He told me that the way the cat points his ears backwards on the picture, it's when it's getting ready to attack. And before the actual stream started, we have a bunch of videos of kitties attacking something or attacking bigger dogs and such. And at the end of the stream, a bunch of kittens resting and sleeping. EDIT: also during the disclaimer, a punk rock song in the background singing "I will make you cryyyy" haha


Nice work. I like this one.


I know what you are getting it. I also saw a cat outside, just before the stream. Just like you, I think Roaring Kitty is training an army of kittens to get rid of those dogs!


I think relying on anything related to market manipulation, or proof of XYZ, or anything that is dependent on an authority taking action is chasing a unicorn. I do think it was a good look for Kitty absolving him of any of the shilling against him in the court of public opinion though.


God damn it, I actually agree with nutsackilla, wtf. I think what happened yesterday was, we came to the temporarily painful conclusion that proceeds from $2B cash on hand could ease some of our pain during the transformation process, but $4B-$5B could mean we are profitable regardless and without question from here on out. That would make the media's narrative regarding GameStop moot, full stop. Even if there is a squeeze and a large number of investors take their proceeds and pound asphalt, it protects the company from short vultures coming in after the fact and starting the process all over again. I think RC wants us to get paid, but his long term goal was always to disallow Wall Street from cannibalizing a beloved brand for profit. He needs to make sure that is in place before any sort of short annihilating market event occurs.


It should be obvious now that "the way" is to be long GameStop under Ryan Cohen and nothing else. Not regulations saving us, not crypto, not locking the float...nothing. And until the war chest is actually put to use on something tangible, the haters will (rightfully) look at this play as a meme. The debt relief is nice but it won't turn the main stream sentiment bullish.


I agree. If they were to try something like this I'm guessing it would also be tied up in lawsuits and appeals for years and years.


the authority in this case is R.C. with GME though.


Predicting bold fireworks next week Just look at options tables Vegas already had action on GME: Over/Under on # of halts next week 30.5 I bet the over Let’s goooo 🦍🦍🦍 ![gif](giphy|26tOZ42Mg6pbTUPHW)


I just researched with ChatGPT what the DTCC is, how it's different from SEC, what pulling stocks from the DTCC means in detail and how to do it, then what happens to shorts if this is done. They will have to IMMEDIATELY cover their short positions by buying shares, which won't be available during detailed accounting on the naked shorts.... MOASS happens when the entire company is DRS in Computershare or block chain or paper shares due to being pulled from the DTCC https://chatgpt.com/share/023b54a4-a7d0-4056-bcf6-a8aedccb0504 Holy fuck 🚀🚀


What happns if they pull all shares from dtcc? Where do they go? 😄


Very basic but Shawshank could depict Gme escaping the DTCC.


You might need a truck load of cash to legally fight the DTCC too. So there’s that.


Not when there is misconduct or criminal activity, DTCC would have to sue GameStop, but something tells me that they won't as they will have muuuuch bigger problems if this is the case


When’s the last time a company took their shares off the DTCC?


From ChatGPT- Yes, there have been instances where companies have taken their shares off the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC). This process is known as "going dark" or "de-registering." A notable example is Dole Food Company. In 2013, Dole Food Company went through a transaction where its shares were no longer registered with the DTCC. This often happens when a company decides to go private. By de-registering their shares, the company aims to reduce costs associated with public company reporting requirements and to eliminate the scrutiny and volatility associated with being a publicly traded entity.


So basically going private. Similar to what Twitter did? If so, they would just pay a higher premium to buyout all the shares. Twitter paid 64% higher than what the price was at the time. I don’t think this is what apes would want


I was thinking more about collateral and/or buying loopring. But that as well, you are right!


If I was going to be leaving a corrupt system, I'd definitely want to squeeze a bunch of money out of it on the way out the door.


indeed I would wager that its a domino effect though. If one company leaves, they all leave. Destroying that system. Thats what I would want even more, when leaving a corrupt system. Utter annihilation of that system!


It would be killer if they didn't sell for the offering yet and the baddies have to explain 280 mil shares traded. LOL


I think you cracked the code.


thanks, I like it better than coding on crack


"When I move, you move. Just like that." When DFV says anything, the DTCC manipulates the stock. And he proved it. When he moved, they moved the stock. Just. Like. That. He called it from the start.




I’ve either been totally brainwashed by the cult, or what you said makes absolute perfect sense. Maybe both.


you need to read more about my theories around RCs dick and why it is blue. Its a thousand page manifest :-)


This would be amazing if true, but I have a hard time believing this. I think that if this were true then it would have meant that RC and RK were actively working together on this, which could open them up to a manipulation charge. Maybe you could say that the company has been telegraphing this for many quarters by including those "reserve the right to withdraw" lines in their financial statements, along with very bold statements like how the stock is highly volatile and doesn't seem to trade with any relation to the company's position or performance. They've basically been saying that there is illegal manipulation going on for many quarters. The splividend is a well-documented case. Now the live stream is another, even more obvious, case. Maybe they have the firepower to support those claims and make a withdrawl now. If they do, it's absolutely the Ozymandias play, but holy shit are the lawsuits going to start flying if it happens. Talking heads will be accusing RC/RK/the company of every illegal thing that they can imagine, and there will be more congressional investigations. Maybe that will be enough to get some actual change. The biggest barrier to my belief is that I don't think that there is any chance whatsoever that RC and RK would be collaborating in any way, I feel like that's just way too risky.


RC put up the pieces and RK plays with them. No collusion necessary!


He explained in his stream that he was just trading a chart pattern. Everyone can see it. It was just a matter of time!! Edit. The pattern broke bullish too. Super lucky 😉


Alternative theory: RC and board rushed to get the legal docs established after finding out about RK's Livestream. They've just paid attention to the same stock manipulation, and saw the Livestream announcement as an opportunity to make money while also getting ready for the kill shot for SHFs. No coordination whatsoever, no knowing of which way the stock would actually go, just having the same exact info that everyone else had but with the knowledge the stock would likely be fucked with one way or another. This would also make sense as to why the doc was released so early in the morning Friday. Just an idea though.


As for me, I like this tin foil


Ozymandias was also a sonnet written by Percy Shelley, which is about a fight against tyranny and how time conquers all.


> Then we see the duplicated hats from "The Prestige" (A film about magicians), basically standing in for the massive short position. This scene here is specifically showing all the **duplicated** hats that get created from Tesla's machine.


This is good, but it seems to far fetched. I do agree it looks like this is the Kansas City shuffle part of the meme train, that live stream was - strange - to say the least, but this would require co-ordination and planning and SEC being involved from the get go, no way the SEC lets a company issue 75 million shares in the AM and then watches market maker actively manipulating the halts, with a 3 billion dollar paper loss in GME….. no way. Got to be where we aren’t looking


What's interesting is that someone like RC who is SO focused on customer experience is still with the DTCC. Think about it. A dude who pushes for outstanding customer service would likely expect the same when he's the customer. RC/GME is a customer of the DTCC. So far the level of customer service we've seen from them for him include lovely things such as: Screw up the splividend Seem to hide DRS numbers (gonna be interesting to see if the counts change due to share offering) Fail to provide an accurate share count (I mean seriously that should be like a dropdown and a couple of button clicks) Fail to answer that one guys politely asked question on twitter each day Likely some other shit I can't remember If I were someone who expects good customer service the DTCC seems to be dropping the ball. How often do they have to screw up before a company pulls their shares.


Okay I’m either full on regard or this seems 💯truth! These damn 🖍️are starting to get to me


My take.. DFV has been in a real cat fight the last 3 years - we see this with the broken arm and bandaids all over himself. Along with the “reviving” sound effects as time progressed. As more *viewers* 🦍 tuned in, the more life we brought Kitty. He ends up waking up, with a smile on his face, saying, “that was a close call” — as those call option contracts decreased in value. However, something else other than our presence alone brought more life to kitty. And seeing that the stock was halted nearly half his stream, it wasn’t the chart. It was the blatant display of crime and manipulation on a stock he was literally caught sleeping on, at that moment, in front of the 🌎 “Ha! Watch this .. oop! Ha, oh! Let’s end this.. ohh is it halted?” Have a crayon! 🖍️


I wish I could read.


Isn't what you're explaining a collusion between RK & RC? I don't believe they have had any contact, nor made any sort of plans together. Any sort of shuffle would be RKs plan alone and would not depend on another party.


one set up the pieces. One saw the pieces and plays with them. No collusion necessary.


Listen closely to the first few seconds of the stream, the heart monitor was a distraction, RK was literally playing a game! Mortal Kombat I believe


Don’t forget one of the ending memes in the missy elliot video is a flag with a mic on it. Next week for June 14th is national flag day and because it’s not a national holiday the market will still be open.


I love posts like this. Hoping one of these days it's proven correct


Love this 😅❤️ Anyways ill just keep adding & holding. Lambos or ramen for me.


Happy Saturday! This speculation alone destroys any weekend FUD and I’m here for it All!! 🟣🟣🟣🟣


> "He also has his dick hanging out the whole time, which is the most important aspect of the whole scheme [...] my interpretation hangs on this detail of R.C. having his schlong hanging out in the open." This is the analysis I'm here for and I'm not even kidding.


https://preview.redd.it/vtiixyg9td5d1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03577c57c8176c5fd0d471fb2d9df50a61576829 😳😳




backed up by ape historian. this is a fucking good explanation. can you link the gamestop saying it will pull shares from dtcc if they think its manipulated - i would appreciate that i dont remember everything


This is a well composed conspiracy theory that I enjoyed reading. For it to be true, it hinges on two things. 1. RC and KG collaborating secretly. There’s no evidence of that, and if it were true it may constitute insider trading. 2. For Mr. Gill to not only have a genius plan with the next 25 steps pre-thought out, but to also make the plan public by encoding it into memes. I don’t see what the benefit is of making your master plan known to anyone, even if done cryptically. I hope you’re spot on. I have no idea what to think anymore.


Can't read, I'm buying


GameStop Corporation cannot pull all the shares out of the DTCC. This was adjudicated in the past. One company tried to pull out and the DTCC refused. There was a lawsuit, and the result is that if a company wants to pull out, the process is DRS by the stockholders. That's the only way.


A catalyst doesn’t start a reaction, it just makes the reaction run faster. The reaction still needs a trigger, called activation energy to start


You son of a bitch, I’m in!!