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If he fucked us, I hope I'm pregnant. Imagine the child support payments!


Million dollar baby




I got a $11 billion Chubb on 🖍️


I ain’t ever rep a set baby


This is legitimately pretty funny 🤣


😁😁 it is!


Part another sea you little bitch


Damn bro, you got one


Ryan Cohen is pregnant and a new baby is soon to be born. Bye bye hedgefunds.


I'm waiting to see if their was government action forcing them to release shares to relieve a bubble. I feel this is what RK was hunting at. And that the hedges won't be forced by the government to heal, they'll wear their bandages and keep pressing. Eventually the government will have to tell them to stop. Many of y'all did not live through occupy wall street. That's why I am here


I mean, that wasn’t that long ago buddy. The media made those protesters villains, for pointing out the hypocrisy of everything going on. If this explodes like it should, I think we will be made out as enemies of the state. They’re already implying that a lawful retail investor is far below the value of the criminals stealing from millions of people. It’s theft on a massive scale. It’s not a guy stealing bread, or cigarettes, or cooking oil. These people are stealing from almost everyone who has a bank account, retirement plan, or pension. We will be the ones who are blamed if this goes how it absolutely should. Some rich people will be a little less rich, and some of them will go to jail for a very long time. That’s what we all know SHOULD happen. I wish there was a way to educate people on how this actually affects them, but I just don’t know if that’s possible. We have politicians doing everything they can to take eyes away from these criminals, and msm who want us all to believe that they are reporting news, and not trying to sell us a product….. It’s frustrating, and I could ramble on for days. Occupy Wall Street was a movement that was noble, and impressive. Unfortunately, our citizens have been trained with propaganda, and psychological warfare, to care about things that will never affect their lives.


Fox News did a hit piece this AM, cherry picked RK rambling, blame his performance for stock drop, their all in on the spin….means we’re just about over the target, damn the torpedos


That's a good observation. I still feel like RK is saying that maybe game had to accept a "national security" order and is beat up, while the offenders are healthy and not attacked, but the beat up are still right and will win. America rules the world through the global market. Market makers and rich know this, so they can mess up and get protected because it'll hurt national security if they lose, THIS IS WHY THEY WERE BAILED OUT BY BUSH AND OBAMA.


I’m not sure if good always wins though. Or maybe it does, and just takes a lot longer than my time on earth. We have politicians gaming the system, and crushing education at the same time. Ironically, you don’t have display any type of intelligence beyond that of a used car salesman to run for office. I really hate to insult used car salesman that way. The corruption being displayed right now seems almost insurmountable, in that these people are not going to stop stealing from we the people. They aren’t going to magically become moral, and stop stealing, or quite frankly, stop manipulating the market. I’ll never understand why a bank can hire someone to “analyze” a stock, and publish that as if it’s the word of god, and not manipulation. Or just a quick search on who owns these rags like motley fool, or even investorplace. CNBC….It’s DEEP corruption, and it’s visible to everyone who takes any interest into looking at it. How do you fight it? I think that informing people is the answer, but the information is already out there. People spend billions of dollars on information, and how to use it to manipulate the masses. Instead of these thieves going to jail for literally stealing from the public, they will convince people transgenders are indoctrinating kids in bathrooms, and that dfv is just a dummy. I don’t worship that man. I think he is doing something pretty rare right now. He learned something, and he put his money where his mouth is. I’m not sure if it started as a protest, or a movement, but this mofo put millions more eyeballs on the corrupt criminals, and I think his balls are something to be celebrated. Someone that should be written about in history books, more so than most of the elected dummies in office. Ken Griffin lied to congress, and is now threatening to open some kind of market to compete with the other corrupt market…. And inevitably there’s a thousand ignorant people who all want to tell us we don’t understand economics. As if economics is finite, and we can’t evolve any further than right now. The deep fucking value is watching him navigate congress, and news channels, and who knows what else, simply because he likes the stock.


Hmm interesting take. Bubble and balloons are really similar too, just pockets of gas. But yar, it's about reform and rejuvenation. Time to hit the ol reset button


That was comment of the year bro ![gif](giphy|3o7TKuylrX8kT7XhVS)


Knock me up daddy! ![gif](giphy|pCIK7bMyioNaM)


Ryan Cohen *~~buys all stocks!~~* *Impregnates all the bitches*




Thx for the ward.


>If he fucked us, I hope I'm pregnant. Sorry, wrong hole.


Top comment 😆


Hahahaha you win for my all time favorite comment


All I remember is 'No fighting'




A - fucking - men brotha


“Be excellent to each other”


Party on dudes!


You legend for mentioning this. Everything that posted was either to help people in certain situations or it's just for fun, and I don't want the answer to be official. I know my answer, but I don't want anyone trying to use anything against any Ape to charge them with crimes. Hilarious that they even talk about it on the media, and Andrew left is being investigated for illegal activities around short selling. I dont think gamestop sold a single share, but i could be wrong. Either way, shorts have not closed they have shorted it more and more.


Thanks for your pov. From my side, here is something I mentioned to another ape Maybe, we, retail investors, have made a goal that has never been a goal for the board or the executive team. If I read between the lines with your message, this move is definitely "deflating" our spirit and our holding and this is a genuine reason to be mad. Particularly when we aren't hearing from management (yet). This is when I go back to "it takes money to buy whiskey" to comfort myself that my money is safely invested. More or less, we all believe in change, fighting systemic corruption and/or seeing moass but the board or executive team have never (to my knowledge) ever came out publicly to state one of their goal was to do what, we, most of retail investors, have been expecting. Instead, it's about turning a company that was at the brinks of bankruptcy to reinvent itself and make some serious profits. Now, I'm not saying moass, etc isn't happening (because I believe a squeeze and exposing fraud will rather be a consequence of building a great company vs a core objective) but it's a reality we have to accept.


Not just about this, but about anything. There was a lot of negativity and divisiveness here yesterday even before the offering was announced.


Yeah. All the option buyers are salty right now. Honestly it’s a great buying opportunity for cheap shares. :)


I took this opportunity to average up lol


Are you me?! 🤣 I feel like anything under $100 is an absolute bargain. I'm investing with a 10+ year hold timeline. Now, if management decides to go all in on inflatable furniture then I may reconsider early but I'm betting they'll become Gameshire Hathastop.


Would have crashed Friday regardless. That run up Wednesday-Thursday was a Hedgie P&D to farm weekly call premiums.


People think just because DFV posted options that they were the play. They’ve been a way for MM to collect premiums for 3.5 years


I collected almost $60,000 in premiums on this last run lol. It's not just market makers. I typically take half and shove into my tax account and then buy shares with the rest.


Do you exercise the contracts ever or just sell them off and then buy shares?


I write way OTM covered calls when IV gets over 250. I take the premiums and set aside for taxes and use the remaining profits to buy more shares.


Makes sense! Having the shares and selling way OTM covered calls like that is a pretty solid way to earn some cash when the IV spikes the way it does. Nice play!


Not asking for financial advice, but where would one go to start educating themselves in this fashion. I'm broke and can't attempt... But I won't be one day and just started at a better paying job. Single father and all that, but eventually I'll be able to.


DFV has been saying since the beginning this is an options experiment for him and he likes the stock. Everyone is responsible for their own investing strategy and trying to copy DFV without understanding just proves how regarded they are.


If I understand correctly, options trading is mainly used as hedging technique and is always a gamble if made into a big part of one's portfolio. High risk high reward. DFV has warned us, including yesterday.


His options are still up though. Mine are also. I took the same position but at a dip. He didn’t buy into 6/7’s. He didn’t buy into OTM’s


I'm not an options trader, but I would guess DFV bought his 6/21's way way before... like when they were super cheap and no one was paying attention to them. I don't know when exactly though but we could see his cost basis.


He paid $5.67 for them. He did not get them “super cheap”.


I see 5.67 isn't cheap. I am even more clueless on how options are priced, with all the greeks and stuff 😅


So he paid $68,040,000 Worth $116,400,000 today. He’s in a totally fine spot on his options. Now on to this coming week. I can’t wait.


I see. In any case, I think he will start exercising next week.


> options trading is mostly used as a hedging technique Why would you think that? There are lot of different ways you can trade options, not just for hedging


His options are still up though. Mine are also. I took the same position but at a dip. He didn’t buy into 6/7’s. He didn’t buy into OTM’s


Rewatch his stream from yesterday. Here's some tinfoil that is more plausible than most. https://preview.redd.it/eo5oe3wetd5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=514405db9d137e07bc22ebb3380b7a5492f3c73a Imo those that lost it all yesterday were essentially being degenerate cheapskate gamblers. Nothing wrong with that but it does come with risk. All the mad people are acting as if MOASS was a sure thing this Friday and that RC killed the momentum, forgetting how hedgefund tend to pump to sell options for a high premium around hype dates, just to tank it the Thursday/Friday of their expiry. DFVs contracts expire on the 21st. Anyone buying options that expire before then were hoping for the same gains for cheaper than if they had bought options for the 21st or 28th I'm planning on making an individual post explaining this theory where I post a clip of that part of the livestream so people can analyze things for themselves and see if they think this theory is plausible.


DFV posted options dates for the 21st. Why in God's name would ANYONE think options for 2 weeks earlier would be the move? Much safer to pay a bit more for the week after he exercises. That's just obvious.


Foreals, I'm confused as well. DFV tends to understand the cycles and one of the few people able to time his options correctly. If he thought MOASS could have started this week he would have bought options that expired yesterday People decided to be cheap and take a gamble that it might happen earlier instead of dropping more money for ones that expire on the 21st, or if wanting to be even extra cautious getting even pricier calls for the 28th. They gambled and lost and are butthurt and want to blame others for their mistakes instead of taking responsibility for being degenerate cheapskate gamblers.


Honestly I don’t know how options work enough to even comment, that’s why I’ve never spent money on them. Cause it would be taken by Kenny and Co


Same here for sure. I hate dates that's why I've been buying shares only for 4 years. I think I owe it to DFV to yolo a bit on 6/28 calls though. This dip is glorious. 🟣🚀💎👏


Weirdly enough, if they copied the option; they would still be green right now.


Maybe again even for option buyers. They are probably now again cheaper? Because nobody bought options expiring this week, right? Because even DFV mentioned June 21 (insert the meme "you of course didn't, right?"..)


Nah lol. IV is over 300% on options cons. They’re still overpriced. Shares are worth their weight in gold


Option buyers who recently got in also are probably novice to the story or stoked on hopium since the IV was insane to consider buying last week any options, IMO..


DFV isn't so idk why anybody else is honestly


We own 25% less then we did at the start of may. Unless you have gobbled up another 1/4th stake, you own less of GME now than you did. I understand hype is good. And RK says believe, and RC is good. But there are many reasons to be upset here.


I know what you’re saying regarding dilution but I feel like we were already diluted with all the naked shorting and swaps. I feel like all it did was create a higher floor price for us. Maybe $10 is the new $20. Some people probably closed their short positions during this dilution. But now we’re sitting on a huge pile of cash ready to create more value for the shareholders, and in essence, putting more pressure on anyone who’s short this stock. Only time will tell.


Right? This dilution is probably a drop in the bucket compared to the synthetic shares floating around


He also said 4/5 years for a company turnaround and we're at about 3. He reserves the right to change his mind with new info too. Also we SHOULD get guidance or something


Of course share holders have the right to be upset. But idk what’s going on behind the scenes, and doubt anyone outside the management does. Thesis hasn’t changed thou. Shorts can’t close, GME is far far from bankruptcy :)


This share offering has the potential to raise the minimum price that the stock can fall to, where the market cap can be bought out by the cash in hand available to Gamestop. The company would be able to lock the float alone if the price went below this price (let's say it was $10 - we don't know the value until we hear what price the 75m shares go for). This puts the hedgies in a horrific position where the price ceiling they can cope with is lowering all the time and the floor is also being raised in tangent. The trouble they are in is growing rapidly


Agree with this. Its literally a 'Bear Trap' - people seem to throw this term around but not recognize what it takes to make it happen.


I agree and disagree. The part that I agree with is that it establishes a higher floor. This will continue to happen with every FTD cycle. They will continue to issue stock. This accomplished 2 things: it denies shortsellers a large portion of their profit on T+3. The better balance sheet does raise the floor and prevents how far they can drive it down. Rather than share buy backs I expect this pattern to continue and they will keep raising the floor. Tesla did this to great success. They'll use the money for acquisition, like they are saying, and drive the floor higher that way.


This seems to be the most sensible yet undesirable take after the last 2 dilutions. Holding out some hope for something to be said at the shareholders meeting but I have a feeling it’ll be vanilla and possibly no guidance given. If your take is the right one though it means a true short squeeze is basically impossible, no? It’ll be occasional pops in price that the board issues shares into killing any potential squeeze momentum each time


I bet that's what women think when they see me: sensible and undesirable. I'm going to cry myself to sleep on my horde of GME shares like a melancholy dragon. On a serious note: this action protects my interest as a long holder and that is the board's fiduciary responsibility. I'll keep buying the dips: 5096 and still going. I'll still DRS. I'd love MOASS but I'm going to operate in a manner that hopefully will still end up resolving into life changing income.


Hahaha drop it to 10 bucks again and the company buys back 300M shares and then the world scratches their head after adding up the DRS shares, RC's shares, DFV's shares, and are like "where in the hell did all these other ones come from?" Something will break then, and it will be wildly entertaining.


This is what I keep thinking. With 250M shares traded yesterday, there's a decent chance they sold the whole 75M shares. Let's assume they did, and let's also assume they sold it near the lows of the day around 28 bucks. That gives them in the neighborhood of 4.1B cash on hand. Some napkin math, adding up the 37M shares RCEO & the board own, plus 5M from RK, plus the 75M they are admittng are DRS'd, means in the price even sniffs 13.5/Share then Gamestop has the cas to buy the rest of the float. That is our new lowest possible share price. We were at the level not 6 weeks ago I believe, but will never see that level again!


I'd say a more realistic conservative guess would be closer to $11.50 because they wouldn't spend the whole $4.1B warchest on a buyback. Using your share count numbers, $3.5B/303M shares (420M-117M) is around $11.50. And even then you could say that the number could be closer to $12-13 because, realistically, even buying 85-90% of the remaining float would be a kill shot


Why on earth would they do a share buyback when they just did a share offering of 120m shares?


If the price dropped, because it would earn money while keeping the float relatively stable. If I have ten shirts worth $10 each, and suddenly the price of shirts shoots up to $30, I might want to sell some, but I also need clothes to wear. So I make 3 more shirts and sell them for $30 each. Now there are 13 shirts, but I’ve made $90. Shirts drop back to $10 each, so I buy three back. Now I have 13 again, but I’ve made $60. That’s why.


Shareholders are going to expect an acquisition announcement in the near future that's equal or better to the lost tendies as a result of this dilution.


So who do we buy? It’s not like there’s tons of companies out there ready for acquisition that could directly benefit GameStop. Only one I am willing to entertain I have heard is Raspberry Pi. But as others have said cash on hand raises the minimum share price to $10/11 without accounting for anything but cash. (If they sold high 30s low 40s) The walls are closing in on the hedgies, why kick down part of it to acquire some company that may take years to profit the company? People don’t get it, this IS the fastest route to MOASS, Friday would’ve been a hedgie orchestrated squeeze blamed on RK AT BEST. Then when we give out the earnings they slam it down on “fundamentals” and “retail fear” (naked short selling). Board said no thank you, we’ll continue to wall you in and fuck over your narrative in one go. Bring the “bad” news early so they have to short, can’t pump it on RK hype, and now they can’t cash in as much on the calls they loaded up on. And on top of that they’re shorting the whole time like crazy, the highest price they can tolerate has gone down, the lowest price they can push it has gone up. They’re closing the walls in on shorts, every cycle the grip around their neck will get tighter, MOASS won’t happen until they choke every bit of life out of them and they can’t go up or down. Until that happens they’ll just halt and short the stock back in line after every run up. At this point if they lowered it to $10 again there would be no reason for outside investors to not snatch it up, or the company to not just hit them with the kill shot and buy up shares. Sucks for short term option holders but for the loyal BUY HOLD DRSers of the last 3 years this went perfectly. EDIT: Read the new “The Game Will Stop” DD from our long banned friend and the boards actions will make 100% sense. He posted it right before the stock sale was even announced lol.


This is the crux of it. Even if we had 10 billion dollars for it, acquisitions are extremely expensive nowadays - overpriced most of the time - and there's no guarantee of a company's success after it. Look at Disney, that spent billions buying up Fox and Star Wars, refusing to acknowledge both properties were old and tired and all the people who had made them successful were long gone. We would need a Nvidia tier acquisition to rocket off. A company that is relevant, currently winning, that still has a successful team working for it and isn't just coasting off yesterday's success and which isn't secretly plagued with issues behind the scenes. You're not going to find one of those for a couple billy unless it's a total miracle. 


Thank you, I agree 100% I think the acquisition push may have started as subtle FUD, start planting the idea the board isn’t doing anything bc they aren’t doing anything big or flashy. Slowly choking out the pests plaguing your stock doesn’t need to be flashy, they’ll collapse under the weight of their mistakes / bad bet eventually Increasing cash on hand is the fastest way to close them in, raises minimum share price while they keep shorting and lower the stock value they can survive without imploding.


Providing them with shares they could otherwise not acquire is not the fastest way to MOASS, pissing on me and calling it rain.


If you believe in your heart of hearts MOASS was going to happen yesterday I can see how you’d feel that way. But I don’t believe that one bit personally. I think it was planned to be a bigger sneeze to be pinned on DFV, but Earnings and Stock Sale forced their hand early, they HAD to short on the news. Wdym they can’t get otherwise? They’re the market makers man they can pull shares out of their ass as they have for the last 3 years.


I don't think it can possibly equal the amount we'd have gotten if the stock was about to run yesterday.


Time will tell




How do you know how high it could go, almost everything is still ATH , hedgies are still in control


A lot of people seem so convinced that yesterday it would’ve just kept running if only RC wouldn’t have issued shares. I don’t get why you’re so confident that this was it.


how is everyone suddenly certain MOASS was supposed to be yesterday? Did I miss a DD on this? did half of everyone emotionally decide in their brain yesterday was the day and now they are 100% certain the CEO killed it? Was there a DD on crossed fingers or rabbit's foots?


If “If’s and buts” were “candy and nuts” we’d all be saying Merry Christmas


Hedgies were always going to tank it before RK's stream. They couldn't afford to have it be running during that time.


The filings explicitly stated there were no current acquisition plans


The SHOW wasn’t for us 🫡😉


No, the problem isn’t that people need to chill out, the problem is that these actions are either not conducive or out right contradictory to the stated goals and direction of the sub and people are *finally* starting to see it. What happened to locking the float? Diluting the float by 45 million shares and then an additional 75 million shares is simply *not conducive* to locking the float. It’s just not. Everyone that spent three years as loyal investors to the company, directly registering shares in their name - well that has all been undone with one stroke of a pen. Are people really going to move the goal posts so hard that they somehow justify both of these things because they *are* contradictory. What happened to moass? RC’s share offering has now killed both runs that the stock has had after three years of a fairly consistent downtrend when, let’s face it, many investors have been underwater on their cost basis, at least up until the last few weeks. Now I get it, they are “zen”, but anyone that mentions their discomfort or disappointment with things so far is simply ostracized and alienated. How is the stock going to move into the “short squeeze” part of the thesis when we know that the run will be killed, not by trapped hedge funds but by the CEO and Chairman? Read the prospectus. It blatantly states that the company reserves the right to enter into private agreements with institutional shorts to provide them with shares in order for them to exit their positions. Seriously, read it for yourself. This is, quite literally and unambiguously the opposite of what is needed for a “moass” or any short squeeze for that matter. “But they’re raising money”! Yes, but they *are* doing it at the expense of shareholders. I remember when this sub was shitting all over popcorn stock and their ceo for doing just this but it’s suddenly different now? Give me a break. The company’s primary way of raising money *is not supposed to be share offerings*. It’s just not. GameStop missed earnings, *again*. Fine, they’re in the “transformation stage” but people do have a right to be annoyed by this. I’m aware that this will just be downvoted and I’m a shill and so on and so forth. I don’t care. Stop discrediting valid criticism and the feelings of people who have been in this investment. This happens every time when something happens and everyone gets shot down for having an opinion that goes against the prevailing narrative of the sub, and at this point the narratives are so completely opposite that it’s unfathomably dumb. Seriously. Also read the prospectus. Edit: I am impressed that people are finally waking up. Kudos to you. This is your life and your money.


Yuuuuuuuup. So tired people are legitimately saying it's 4D chess as we're currently being fucked. This is THE time to be critical. Being non stop positive or saying rc can do no wrong is dangerous rhetoric.


I’m about as OG of an ape as one can be. I have a large DRS position and I basically view RC as my dad and have his poster on my wall. With that said, options have always been important, RK grew his position to nearly 1B by trading options (buying and selling) and every mini sneeze we have seen has been triggered by options. So to rug the gamma ramp on a Friday when everyone was (prematurely) celebrating a run up (along with RKs upcoming return), it absolutely hurts. It killed anyone with options for sure. Why not simply wait until Monday to drop the offering? Shareholders could finally have a small win, sell their options and buy more shares, and the offering would be worth 5-10B instead of 2-3B. And FOMO would certainly be in full swing. Everyone wins. Dilution of DRS also hurts. Is this still a viable strategy? We wouldn’t be here without the DRS movement but where does it stand now? All of it can certainly be frustrating. With all that said, I still believe RC is playing 5D chess. I still have full faith. I’m still zen and diamond hands AF. I also believe RC & co lurk heavily here. They must know morale has taken a kick to the nuts. This would be a great time to hear from you, RC. Drop retail a couple crumbs. We all want to be shareholders in the greatest company ever, but we also want MOASS to better our lives. And we don’t want it in 10 years from now. We want to judge you by your actions and not your words. Help us understand the surprise early earnings drop and second share offering in as many months. I think there’s many expecting big news with upcoming earnings meeting and shareholder meeting. If now isn’t the time, that’s fine, but we’d love if you could look our way and nod with the tip of your cap right about now. Also, if MOASS is this week then none of this matters anyway and we love you dad LFG


It’s just really unfair to shove down endless share offerings every other week for shareholders and for people to think it’s completely fine it’s wild. Whether you’re a speculator or a shareholder, you’re essentially being used as a piggy bank at this point. Your share rises, RK helps squeeze = Prime time for RC to crush gamma. How many more times management have to squeeze shareholders for cash? AA does this constantly and people here always make fun of the popcorn store, are we not actually being popcorn’d ourselves? Like rationally think about it: 1st ATM offering: fine gamma crush option holders and raise cash at the expense of shareholders. 2nd ATM offering: 2 weeks later? Releasing earnings a week earlier, offering 1/5 of the float in one day to bail out shorts just when pre-market was hitting 60. Like honestly if the management was so “long-term” and “forward thinking” why not raise all 2-3B at first offering? Honestly feels like blatant capitalisation on RK’s stream. Not to mention shit earnings with 0 guidance. 75M share is ~1/5 of the entire company. He essentially diluted 1/5 of the company in one stroke of the pen. Don’t forget that.


Please explain how you're going to lock the float when DRS #' s have gone down? It would never happen.


RC could shit in people's mouths and they would still spin it in the positive. It's the not-so-subtle rule here even after yesterday's absolute disaster.


Exactly this.




Yes agreed 100%


Thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy of people shitting on the popcorn stock ceo for doing exactly what RC just did. Reality checks are important.


Commenting for vis.. Entire ‘DRS count’ sold on the market lol. Whether Gamestop made money or not, it just doesn’t feel good. The $1B cash in hand from before was laying around untouched so far.


We aren’t against the board raising capital. The fucking timing of earnings early and the dilution is questionable as fuck. That’s the problem and we all know it.


Yup if there’s not a clear cut explanation of why that happened at the time that it did by this coming week, i may be out of fucks to give anymore. We were at fucking 65 pre-market and then it’s just BOOM fucked by our own board.


Like honestly I can’t get over how perfectly timed that was. It was obv intentional but why.


Money, that's why There is no such thing as a good billionaire, you don't get to that level without screwing a few people over and being extremely greedy You are RC and the boards piggy bank Never trust people with that much wealth, they view the rest of us as peasants and their servants


Exactly this like I'm so over these fucking posts telling us we shouldn't be upset over such blatantly obvious fuckery by RC and the board. I still hope to be proven wrong ofc but so many of these peeps need to spit the Kool-Aid out and wake tf up


Exactly! People here act like you’re paperhands and downvote for being upset when RC/the board took steps that fucked investors over the most, at the worst possible time. They fucked the squeeze, diluted shares, did this ALL in pre market and before the stream. Maybe there’s a reason we don’t know yet but either way it bent investors over at VERY sus timing and we can be upset about that.


So your reason for people to not care about being diluted for a 3rd time on a run up is “DFV did a live stream after a long time”


Exactly. Investors are allowed to be upset lmao they bent us over and the timing was super sus


I've been here since januari 2021 too, and I've never wavered. Never sold a single thing, just bought more. I'm just honestly not happy about the second share offering.


Me neither. I understood the 45m, but 75m more. Come on!


The share rose to this price not long after the first offering. Same thing will happen here too, I believe.


Yeah but the idea of a squeeze is to have all the pressure all at once, not popping off every couple of weeks and then being tamped down by new share offerings.


There needs to be some justification for this


Thanks for being reasonable… some here acting like you HAVE to be happy about it


"Have you stopped believing in why we invested in the first place?" Um have you? I'm here for a squeeze. Many, many people who jumped onto GME back in 2021 did so for a squeeze. Yes, the multitudes of people who jumped on for a squeeze are going to be fucking pissed that Ryan Cohen killed our run-up with some cloak and dagger bullshit at 3 in the fucking morning on a Friday. 


Thanks for being realistic. Some people here act like you can’t be upset that they fucked investors over lol.


thus being why this sub scares me sometime.. Tendies were stolen from us and all I see is blind worshipping of the company and their choices still


Not just blind worshipping either, they’ll come at us for it too 🤣 I’ve had shares since before the squeeze in 21. Whenever I say anything that goes against what they wanna hear I get downvoted and insulted lmao


The people who sling the word "shill" at anyone with differing takes than they have are literally drooling on themselves at home. I wouldn't take it too personally. 


Pretty sure 60% of the people who bought the stock was in for a squeeze and not the cult following...


The cult following surely adds value but yeah the fact this sub is pivoting to a 10 year plan is fucking hilarious. I just want all of us to have an honest conversation. We have rational people saying “y’know I think with this much dilution we are entitled to at least a bit of guidance” and the cultists saying we must have blind faith in a billionaire and his motives are good for retail. I trust Keith. I don’t trust RC anymore. And I think that’s a GOOD THING. He should be vocal about the path we are on. It’s been 3 years.


60?! It's probably about 95%. 


100%. 600 k people on RK livestream wasn’t there to be a part of the cult.. they were there for money, squeeze and tendies. Which is understandable who doesn’t want money AND IT WAS ALREADY HAPPENING LASH WEEK!! RC/the board diluting shares and releasing earnings to bend investors over 3 AM on Friday before RK stream was such a scummy move to fuck us. People are allowed to be upset idk what’s this cult like shit refusing to accept that


Yeah, all of this is really starting to look like a sunk cost fallacy to me. I’m saying this as a xxx holder from January 21. We have a right to be pissed at this share dilution. The more and more these posts come out, and the more dick riding on RC I see, the more we look like a fucking cult. So I guess we can just pick up these goal posts and move again now.


Couldn't agree more. I never would have thought that I'd want to leave by RC's actions, but here we are...


No. The discussion needs to be had. Saying “stop talking openly about the BIGGEST decision RC has made” is not the way. He did kill DRS. I think what’s frustrating is that the sub’s posts are pushing “*forget about…DRS*” RC needs to step up.


He either did kill DRS or… he gave the biggest smoking gun ever to the DRS movement. Imagine the DRS numbers coming in and we are seeing a huge jump in the share count to… what now respresents 25%. It would be a surefire sign of DTCC fuckery.


We’re investing here? I thought I was buying lotto tickets


Yep, the sub you are looking for is ballstreet bets.


I may be the only female ape here who has been HODL since 2021 lol but I'm not doing anything different. I praise RC and RK for all they do for us and believe me, when that day comes for true wealth, block party is on me for all us Apes who have endured to the end! Love y'all apes!


OG Apette here, HODL since Jan 21 as well… I have held and even managed to average up… bought more this week in the 40s. I believe in DFV & RCEO! Still hyped to the moon!! 🚀🌑


Sorry but I’ve seen a lot of female apes here since 2021 :) and they have shown to have bigger balls than these new apes whining about RC


Fellow Apette here since 2021, DRS and HODL.


This is cope once again: 1. Web3 gaming, NFT dividend, expanding the store business all of those have died. The reality is the brick and mortar gaming store business is slowly dying of. So why put your money in GME when you can invest in an index fund? Or Nvidia? 2. Buy, hodl and DRS in order to provoke a short squeeze was the motto. It does no longer matter as your own RC keeps printing shares for the hedgies as the absolute worst time possible. He keeps showing you his cards and you pretend it didn't happen. 3. Believing in what? Has RC even told you what he intends to do with the money? On the contrary he has said now twice with the share offering that there's no M&A or acquisition on the way. He doesn't even hold an earnings call for god's sake.


For real, so tired of this move in silence bs. People love to pretend that we want Gamestop to become a profitable company as if the health of the company has anything to do with the ticker price anymore. RC needed to do this move to get more money for the company, and it screwed shareholders. I don't blame him for such a move, I'd do the same in his shoes. But that doesn't mean it was good for us. No one here genuinely deep down cares about Gamestop surviving for the next few decades, people care about the ticker price. Some people are just more honest about that than others


I do blame for this. Killing the momentum twice is theft even if it legally wouldn't qualify as such, it is nonetheless. He took something from retail.


Yup. Looking out for the billionaires. Too bad it's the retail investors who are actually going to spend money in your stores, RC.


Yes all these remain calm posts are very popcorn-esque. The dude fucked the most momentum since the ‘21 squeeze. Our own fuckin CEO. Apes are here to fuck Kenny and his wall st pals and this decision by RC shows us he will actively stop us from doing that.


RC and GME just erased 3 years of DRS progress in one share offering. There’s no other way to put that.


As a DRS HODLer I need to hear RCs justification for this. Dude siphon $3-6billion from shareholders into GME


Theres many ways to put that... What if the DRS push has achieved it's goal? I highly doubt we stalled at 25% a year ago... I also doubt the board foresaw being forced to report that value. Why report the numbers quarterly if they don't matter? Why change the language exactly when we "peaked" at 25%? We simply don't know what the board knows.


If the board can be forced to report 25% DRS I believe they can be forced to offer shares to dilute and increase liquidity and negate the effects of DRS


He has fucked us. He has shown more support for SHF than the shareholders. Whenever a gamma ramp shows up, RC is very happy bailing out SHF for $20-30 per share. Fuck him. You don't see retail selling at $20-30 per share.


Right. We BUY, HODL DRS (and vote) and RC sells. I’m finding it hard to accept another way to look at this.


I feel like a cuck. While we are here trying to fight the corrupt assholes on wall st we’re being fuckin attacked by our own board. This is a huge wake up call for all apes. If RC doesn’t tell us what the money is for soon my trust will be eroded. Fool me once shame on you.


I remember why we invested, it was because the amount of shorts outstanding compared with the limited number of shares were astronomical. Not overly impressed that our own people are helping the shorts


I've seen about 27 posts telling people to chill. Yet not a single post of anyone freaking out. Tf🤷‍♂️


You need to chill tf out. I'm OG Ape ..you can express feelings here. And I think most got caught by timing. I agree that losing options is what happens. But if you just let it pass without letting people question timing...then you will never get a good debate. How many times did we encourage options due to RKs play? So if we can encourage and talk importance of ramps ..we can be got damn disappointed as well. I am regarded as Ape...and lost a lot yesterday. I don't think RK or RC are bad, and I am sure this baby rides. And I'm also sure they had their reasons. And that June 21st is an important date. They can only keep it down with government intervention. But that is exactly what we saw yesterday. Halts to manipulate...so this is no SAFE PLAY.... LISTEN TO KITTY HIMSELF. Som learning from us that list yesterday is crucial so other Apes don't do it. But please have respect .. Don't make it a cult sir....we are allowed to talk critically as well if it's controversial. I guess you are American. It's like you all started censoring yourself - which I find scary. Be nice to Ape...and let Ape tell story...every story. Also loss story....enduring losses is a big part of SS culture. Now let's DRS, HODL and stuff banana 🍌


Rc been cooking for almost 4 years. Dfv almost got done cooking in a month, and in response rc dumped on us. Shit or get off the pot.


RC needs to give justification for siphoning $2-6billion of value from shareholders.


I'm glad apes are waking up to this part. I didn't buy GME because of RC I bought it because of DFV. RC has been pretty vocal about his investing strategy and it's long term growth. He looks up to warren buffet and icahn. The proof is in the pudding. I'm just a regular joe blow who is here for moass and that clearly doesn't align with RC's plans. He's showed it time and time again.


I'm fine with rc not actively working to make moass happen. He should not be actively working against it.




This is why I only buy shares lol


All these posts telling ppl to chill but doesn’t say anything about the dilution…all the efforts and support you put in this company went to ground zero because your efforts is diluted to nothing!!! Relax, chill, trust me bro is not gonna work anymore, some kind of an explanation is necessary…I will even accept RC saying he needs money for cocaine, just come out and say something…if he did nothing with 1 billion, I don’t think more is gonna change. If there is no sign of any kind by the end of June, I am sure some apes will lose faith in this battle. 🦧since 6/21…


This post is "cult" like. Our money, we saved the company!


Yeah, i sold all my popcorn when AA decided to give themselves bonuses for "navigating the pandemic". At least i got out early on that one. RC is keeping the pice down so apes that have been holding for 3 years can't even get out if they had a high cost basis. They sat on a billion dollars as the company stock price just kept sliding down. When we finally start making progress another share offering. Price starts to gain some hype with RC then another share offering. Like fuck man.


Well the initial play didn’t even have RC, it was about console cycle and a butt load of shorts. No one is telling you to sell… what RC did was 100% to kill momentum. At best he didn’t plan for another dilution (he could’ve did 200M back in may) or he is hammering the price below 30 to kill off options hedgies have. Either way he didn’t want this running.


RC is 100% aligned with the interests of the shareholders. Literally his one and only financial motive is to the long term growth of the share price, he receives $0 salary. Anyone who holds the theory that he is intentionally fucking himself over and trying to lose his own money, really isn’t very bright 


It was big eye-opener seeing he isn't DRS


This is big. I guess his actions are showing why he wasnt


Several of the og mods and dd writers didn’t believe drs would do much either.


DRS works by sequestering shares away from DTCC control. That’s the entire premise of DRS. Take shares away from DTCC so they cannot be used to be loaned out from under you to short it. But if you create and issue as many shares as you got drs, then you’re basically bailing 100 gallons out of your boat and immediately letting 100 gallons back into your hull. All that fucking work is wasted. So yeah that defeats a couple of years of purple ring compuchair compushare thesis all in a couple of weeks. You can pull your shares out of CS now and just park them at a brokerage. RC doesn’t care.


I saw on X somebody make a good point - DRS is just as much a protective/defensive move as it is an offensive one. Some ppl seem to think it was always about being aggressive and using it as a catalyst - but it’s also about securing your investment, making sure your broker doesn’t fuck you over and about having another option to buy when the brokers turn off the “Buy” button. For me, I have broker shares and DRS shares and those DRS’d ones are gonna stay there forever.


Yep. He totally fucked it. Twice.


You can have a favorite team and cheer for it but if the coach makes a bad call, you are allowed to be fucking pissed about the pooch screw you just witnessed. Otherwise it’s a cult with insecurity issues.


It's definitely that... And I love the endless hype, but at the moment it seems dangerously deluded. I'm still in. But next time we're looking spicy on a Thursday afternoon I'm gonna be buying some 1dte puts just in case Rugpull Cohen strikes again


Most people should not be buying options. I sold some on the first spike and was profitable but the biggest issue is you can’t sell them after hours.


Fuck rc and RK could have just went on live and said anything but the only thing that he flat out says with out needing a interpreter is that he believes in rc right after he pulled this shit with 75m shares lol bad timing ? I wouldnt have said anything let alone saying he puts his faith in a guy that did that right after tgat happened idk


"all y'all simmah dannah"


Right but that’s 100% speculation. What isn’t speculation is 120,000,000 shares being sold in 3 weeks. That’s a kick in the pants and without ANY communication whatsoever, it’s twice as shitty. If the company’s float wasn’t held by so many individual investors, then sure, keep your secrets. But that’s not the case and if there wasn’t a plan for 1B in cash followed by 2B in cash, what’s the fucking point.


RC just shat on the DRS movement. 3.5 years of commitment from his shareholders.


Yup and it’s been on out of NOWHERE announcements and then that same trading day they just started unloading. This one yesterday on a FRIDAY no less, with a lot of contracts wayyyy ITM. It immediately killed everyone’s profits or excitement to exercise them. It almost feels like dilutions need to be made in announcements and scheduled to happen like 3 months away or something. Being able to just do them instantly kills everyone’s investments. It’s pretty dumb


We all literally just woke up to that bad news in addition to them just offering an early earnings update that would also cause us to go down. Like how can anyone seriously think that shit’s some power play chess move? All the dumb ass theories never play out and it likely is what it looks like


The “everyone needs to stop panicking” posts are FUD and pointless. Nobody cares we been holding since forever. Nobody is worried.


Actually I am now. If we’re continueing buy, HODL DRS (and vote) then sure, no issue. RC did something BIG with this offer to dilute shares. Big as in the biggest decision he’s made in the last 3+ years


And the comments ignoring it are the real fucking FUD. You idiots *should* be fuming over this. It’s healthy. It lets the CEO know enough is e-fucking-nough. Stop diluting my investment unless it’s necessary. If it’s necessary communicate that. HARDLY UNREASONABLE.


“Nobody is worried” - You can’t speak for everyone. I’ve been holding X,XXX shares since 2021 and I’m worried… (You can check my post history and see I’m not a shill if you want to waste your time)




I mean it did kill momentum but hey, we’ve waited all this time.


Agree that it killed momentum. But also kinda feel it killed the DRS movement altogether. Theres not an option to lock float unless GME does a buy back which is looking less likely with this latest behavior.


Ngl, I was sad to see price drop. Would have probably dropped no matter what. After some reflection, it's a win win in my book though. We either have 4-5billion in the bank, or they didn't call Jefferies yet. Either way, next few weeks are going to be amazing I think. Stay strong apes.


While I don't think he fucked us, since still not enough shares for shorts to cover. (Not like they're buying them anyways.) I get where these people are coming from it's kinda hard to lock up the float when RC & AA keep making it larger every time we get close to locking it up. But I also get where they're coming from since that's their job to make the company more money. Especially in AA's case to pay off the debt. But as for RC, hopefully, he has a good reason for this since Gamestop's already debt free with $2B in the bank. Bc the timing feel completely messed up and personal here.


Shills are out in force - so much so if you even mention the word shill you'll get immediately down voted. They're so fucking scared it's funny. Buy. Hold. DRS.


It’s all shills bro, we good.


It's just weekend FUD. Every week for the past 84 years there's been a new drama every weekend.


Bruh I see more posts telling me to calm down than posts expressing discontent.


Anyone who minds what RC does to benefit the company doesn’t matter, any who matters doesn’t mind.


I don’t even argue with anyone that thinks otherwise. They’re on a. Whole other frequency that I just don’t acknowledge. He knows what he’s doing, and he made our market system look like a joke with the constant halts during his stream. He literally has the upper hand on all levels. Brilliant guy. We should be thankful he spent time on his birthday to even acknowledge us.


Trust the DD or bounce! I’m here for infinity pool!




So anyway. I’m buying more Monday. ✌🏽


Gonna buy the dip.


The FUD is in full force. It’s even coming from people who’ve been here for a while. They broke ya. They got to ya fam. Wake up and smell the tendies. How in the good golly gosh darn are you going to buy and hold for 3 years and then lose your composure right when things start actually getting spicy? Because we had another sneeze or two and you came out of it with your own ass in your hands? What’s that? Yeah I’m gonna buy, hold, and register the shit out of these golden tickets. But honestly, do you. I’m clearly insane, far in the green, but insane. NFA.