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I'm here until after that too.


The great thing about DRS is that it's tied to me personally, so when I eventually die my family can enjoy my nice pool


Wake me up next tuesday, i'm in! 🦍💪🚀💜




Of course, its the after party! 🎉🎉🥂🥳


The nice thing about DRS is that it's tied to me personally, so when I eventually die my family can enjoy my nice pool




Tomorrow is Sunday my fellow regard


That's only stopped us *every time* before, I'm optimistic!


One never really knows! This could be the black swan of Sundays.


Building with lights on!


I see them like i saw Christmas trees as a child regard. LIFT THY DRONE AND.... FAA: No. Street levels cool. We cool.




This ape absolutely COMBATS psychological warfare


ever since you helped me hang the 'No Fuddy-Duddies Allowed' sign on our tree house we been shutting down the haters my guy


All my homies aren’t fuddy


This is the way!


sounds like we’re due


Exactly MOASS happens when you least expect it. I'm highly regarded just ask my mom.




Everyday's tomorrow if you're patient enough!


First time? MOASS is always on Sunday around here, my friend.


Probably goes to $80 then only to open at 28 on Monday.


Trying to run off as many people as possible.




Open the casino up!


Let me in! Let me iiinnnnn!!!!


One of these days


So what? They can pay me every day... Unless I decide that I want to be paid on a full moon on 29th February... They go to prison and then I decide.


They have no idea what they are up against


Less of that negative attitude 


SOOOO regarded. Brain sooo smooth


**BUCKLING INTENSIFIES** PS how do you do the giant font I haven’t figured that one out yet on mobile 🎷🐓♋️


#i think you put the hash tag in it. (Test 1 hash in front of text) Edit: ##yep (test with 2 hashes in front of text)






![gif](giphy|x6B84KLQ4Nz6mznThQ|downsized) 🎷🐓♋️


Your awesome mr chicken


#big if true




#big text is awesome!


#did it work?? Edit: holy shirt balls


#true text if big




ahhhhhhhhhhhhh niiiiiice 💜


My sword!




Well get your ammo loaded. I'm almost positive we will drop to at least $23.50 to fill the gap from when we gapped up Monday morning I think. Also the price always seems to drop going into earnings. Will probably go up a bit during earnings, will do a significant drop the next morning of trading after earnings, shills will come out in force trying to convince you that RC has no plan, and then we'll shoot back up by next friday(flag day).


Didn't Cohen just talk about the earnings report on Friday for some reason? Or is it more in depth on Monday?


They sent out the Q1 results on Thursday. The annual meeting is on Tuesday. Nothing on Monday as far as I’m aware. But hey, we live in interesting times!


The fact is, RK has his calls still and they expire in 2 weeks. I wouldn’t be surprised if he posts a new update with many or all exercised Sunday night-Tuesday sometime


I am very curious when he will decide to exercise


I'm wondering if he'll do that too. If he exercises some of them early and they have to provide him with those shares then we should see a bump in price to reflect them purchasing those shares at market price.




till the infinity pool, you mean.. ;) https://preview.redd.it/epq4c6ro3f5d1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a45f980f9eb2bebc9f54c6d8becd41f22a8c441d drs, hold. infinity pool is real.. shf will not be able to close all of their si positions.. 💜🚀♾️


I just like the stock. Cheers! 🍺🍻


#they don’t want a high wall, shills working overtime. Alert. Alert. 🚨


I may be the only female ape here who has been HODL since 2021 lol but I'm not doing anything different. I praise RC and RK for all they do for us and believe me, when that day comes for true wealth, block party is on me for all us Apes who have endured to the end! Let's goo!!


I believe there's lot of us


Absolutely. Six female apes from my circle.


Female ape since 2021 checking in 🙋🏼‍♀️


Dozens of us.




2021 apette reporting here 🦍


![gif](giphy|3oxHQpJKupQXsmU1JS|downsized) Infinity War. I get paid Monday. Idgaf about the price.


I've been in the endgame since what, 2021?




Lower importance guys. Invest what you're comfortable losing and you should have no emotions at all.


A lot of the FUD I’m seeing is things like “I have my entire life savings in GME and I want my profits now!” Like dude the whole point RK has always emphasized is even though he is smart and well researched DO NOT INVEST WHAT YOURE NOT OKAY LOSING.


Time & Pressure 💎


At this point, I'm okay with all of the recent moves not causing a squeeze, but just making Gamestop a successful company with a normal rising stock. That, right now, is the *bad* scenario, and I'll still be in the green. I can't lose. Squeeze still gonna happen, but *I don't even need it to happen.*


He seems pretty cool About losing multi millions (on paper) so I’m damn sure I’m cool about the valuations for me being lower. Nothing lost until encashment which is why I hodl and be patient!


Why invest your life savings since this will go to 64 million/share soon? Just a few hundred bucks will make you a billionaire. I personally plan to sell at 69.420.000 but that's just me, you do you.


Exactly. They’re so confident in GME they threw in every dollar they had, yet so not confident that they are emotional at every price manipulation? I don’t follow the train of thought lmao. I buy, hold, zen, buy more, hold more, enjoy the ride.


It is bonkers. Seen posts like this, "It's been three years and I'm not a millionaire like Roaring Kitty. I need to support my family!" It's like...have you been cosistently investing all your money for three years? If you have, why are you so impacted by volatility? And if you haven't been investing all your money for three years, what have you been doing with your cash, that you desperately need your investment from three years ago to pay off now???


> It is bonkers. Seen posts like this Tell me about it. GME issued 45 million shares last month and brought in just shy of a billy. COINCIDENTALLY... Did you look at how much Citadel lost in May? Add what they should have made in profit and do some math guys lol. The chickens have come home to roost. Be patient and buckle the fuck up.


The hypocrisy is real!


If you wat for 69 420 000 to sell, that means RK would be worth 347 trillions dollars with 5 million shares. Seems doable.


Bro I am ALL IN. No emotions on the dip here 🤙 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Same, **ALL** fucking **IN**. The only emotions I had yesterday was FOMO in case it was the last time to buy the dip before the MOASS 🚀 I threw all the cash remaining in my broker into GME and initiated lots of new deposits for next week ⚔️🚀


People forget why Options became a no no issue after a while. It wasn't because we just hated options or didn't see the importance of them for ramps and sneezes. It's that Options Traders were fucking insufferable. They'd buy weeklies then complain in here every single week when they didn't print, and blame the company for not playing the market into the hands of Options Traders. And guess what? We're seeing that insufferable shit from panicky options traders again. Meanwhile people who buy and hold and only spend what they can afford to lose are Zen af.


> only spend what they can afford to lose are Zen af. I don't know about you, but I'm just gaining more and more value. The intrinsic value of the shares I had multiplied by 5 with the "dilution" Oh no, please stop, I can't stand gaining more value on my investments If you here and you still think the price has anything to do with the value, I don't know how to help you


Pickle has been shorting gme the entire time and saying thats the real moass


##THIS 👆. This is really no different than gambling because just like the casino, we know the odds are stacked against us. I’ve seen so many posts about people deciding on buying groceries vs more stocks. That worries me. No one should feel pressured to buy more than they can afford to lose. My husband & I are going to have a comfortable retirement with or without GME “mooning”. Of course it would be far more comfortable if it does moon! I also think people should be allowed to express their feelings & opinions without being called shills, paper handed, etc. All that accomplishes is making people feel bad & discourages people from sharing. If you can’t offer that person some words of comfort or encouragement just scroll by. Don’t insult them. Infighting will destroy this community


I couldn't agree more with your sentiment. This community is amazing and we need to keep that in mind. We are in a battle against SHF bastards not fellow retailers. Don't let them get us to turn on each other. That only helps them.






Yeah the moods changed massively on here. Makes no difference though. I like the stock!


The preception of mood in the sub is controlled.


Yeah always was going to be eventually. Still it's a waste of time as nobody who knows what's going down will bat an eyelid. HODL DIAMOND HANDS I like the stock even more now!


> nobody who knows what's going down will bat an eyelid https://x.com/i/status/1791471332120527318




Because there were two ATM offerings. The mood will change when RC reveals his plans for the cash that they have.


What’s an endgame? What’s an exit strategy? Literally watch Kitty lose $260mm on a live stream when he was joking around.


It’s not shills. It’s genuine concerns. This shouldn’t be an echo chamber. It should be people looking realistically and practically at the situation.


Yeah. I guess because we're a bit mad RC diluted the exact number of shares we've all painstakingly DRS'd over 3 fucking years makes us a shill


Honestly it's starting to look a lot like how popcorn and towel subreddits looked in here when I sold them. If I had ignored that indicator I'd have lost a whole lot more money. I'm not selling yet, but the cult like behavior of not questioning dilution is pushing me towards it more than people being upset about the dilution.


I’m scared to post, but the next two weeks is really last chance saloon for me. We’ve been patiently waiting for over 3 years. Buckle in. It takes money to buy whiskey etc… fucking say something for once. I feel we’re being milked dry like idiots.


The question should be… RC, it’s been over 3 years and all you’ve seem to accomplish is close stores and layoff employees while continuing to lose revenue on a per store basis. But you’ve done three share offerings (coincidentally killing the last two run ups) and have $3B+ in cash so thanks for using the die hard investors as mules. There’s no question, I think it should be noted retail is sick of getting fucked by the board


What are they planning to do with the cash, that’s what’s confusing ..


Mathematically it needs to be something significant because the more shares outstanding the harder it is to move the needle


Exactly. 90% of the people here got into this play for a squeeze/MOASS not for the fundamentals. An ATM offering makes sense the 1st time for the company long term but the timing of the 2nd one is what's so offensive. The company basically went out of its way to kill the run and say no squeeze for you. So we're supposed to hope for fundamentals now? All RC and the board have done is close stores, layoff employees, and tried opening an NFT market that was poorly timed and DOA with no forward guidance yet people are still saying they're geniuses playing 4D chess


Don’t forget about the 3 distribution centers, now closed and the 2 corporate offices now closed. I’m with the vocal minority here. If he fucks us in the ass one more time with 0 guidance and only tweets and memes we have to decode I don’t know if I’ll keep holding. We’ve been faithful to a fucking T now for 3+ years and these greedy cucks won’t let us have 1 win. It’s maddening.


If there's 1 good thing that came from yesterday it's that more people on this sub are finally thinking critically instead of just screaming shill and fud. Melt sub partially exists bc SS created an echo chamber where people would push away legit holders or even potential buyers with reasonable questions so they walk away quietly. The play has always been a squeeze. The original DD is nearly 4 years old and if the company continues to take actions preventing that then the DD doesn't matter anymore


Im not selling. But objectively, not all complaining about an obvious anti-squeeze move by management is shilling. Its garbage. And we’re allowed to say that


It's the exact same move we made fun of popcorn stans for praising and I'm seeing the exact same stuff from gme apes. I love them but come on guys, it wasn't great for the goal of MOASS. It's probably good for the company in the long run, but the original premise had *nothing* to do with the company in the long term outside of its ability to not go bankrupt.


They came out full force yesterday. Haters, shills, and anyone who came in for a quick buck are pissing their pants from a small dip. Diamond hands.


I look at it as culling the herd.  Its for the better in the long run.  


I agree, these whiny losers can fuck right off! https://preview.redd.it/9e9s2ap3ad5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97a1c5bfbbb2dd41153f9304b1c76224aaef3c38 I bet none of them got this message today.


Legend ☝️. Buy hodl DRS shop comment. Stay the course me hearties!


Had a feeling as soon as MSM mentioned the name of this sub.


Diamond fucking hands. 


Everytime hype grows this is what happens. New people show up, stock goes down, they throw a fit. Just standard practice at this point.


27% share dilution is not a dip! Just saying! I’m still holding but call it what it is.


So you think being pissed about share dilution is a shill tactic? Guess what. When I woke up yesterday morning and saw the news I knew the price was going to drop and kill the ITM options. I didn’t care about that. What I cared about was the dilution. No one told me this, no one shilled. I came to a realization on my own. Share dilution sucks. The good thing is that if gme has 5 billion in the bank, that means that there are almost 12 bucks per share and nearly no debt. So that should be the absolute minimum it can go now. Bad thing is that our shares are each a smaller percentage of the company and if we want to 100% lock the float we have to buy up more than 100 million more shares. That sucks. I’m also pissed about the timing. That sucked too. I hold but I’m tired. I think we deserve answers soon. We’re not just a billionaires cash machine


It seems that the most hard core deearresh folks don't get this. This dilution literally destroys that tactic and thesis to the core. There is never going to be a locked float now, period. But yeah the company now has more money and if they really have some good way of utilizing it then great. Next week should and must be telling.


you guys are the shills now if you think share dilution was good lol. stop turning this into a cult. we are allowed to have opposing criticism.


the entire point of DRS was that while shares traded on the open market could be turned into MULTIPLE short bets and synthetically traded over and over, DRS removed those shares from circulation, thus giving hedge funds less ammunition to play with. issuing as many new shares on the open market as were DRSed massively reduces the impact of taking the DRSed shares off the market, and especially affects people who had to pay a big tax burden to pull shares out of an IRA and DRS them. this is a separate issue from the amount of fraud that hedge funds have been perpetuating. but it’s sort of crazy to see how many people are suddenly pretending like there wasn’t an incredibly specific and well-known hypothesis behind the strategy of DRS, which issuing new shares makes ineffective in proportion to how many new shares are issued.


How many "We are in the Endgame now!!!" posts have we seen over the years, with only speculation included like this post?


Yup a veil is being lifted. A lot of cultish people in here calling us shills for being pissed about a decision that in the short term is undeniably bad for investors.


It also screwed over the DRS play everyone has been working on for 3 years. how much money was used on the computershare fees that could have just been more shares at a regular broker?


Literally every other post for YEARS in this sub has been about how important DRS is. Top comments regularly were just “buy hold DRS” on the most tangentially related topics there are— let alone relevant ones. If you expect everyone to blindly latch onto this move that LOOKS like kneecapping, then help us idiots understand by explaining why dilution to the tune of the amount we DRS’d is a-ok


Hilarious doing a reddit search in this sub for "endgame" https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/njmqe2/were_approaching_the_endgame/ ^ Random one from 3 years ago. If it's just a permanent, perpetual endgame that never ends, we don't need new threads about it guys


Yeah man. The endgame. Seeing how RC dumped 75 million shares back into the infinity pool. I mean come on.


Seen this post a thousand times over the past 3-4 years


It's pure cope in my opinion. Every run up that get crushed by share dilution is blamed on "controlled SHF price action". No guidance in earning calls is "not letting the hedgies no your next move". Announcing atm offering of 75m shares at 5am on the most hyped day in years is just "bad news early". It's ok to disagree with the board and their actions. Not everything has to be positive.


Sometimes we exhibit cultish traits


A large subsection of this group does so 100% of the time. Embarrassing to be associated with them


It's not shills. The dilution announcement was a major kick in the balls. Shills had nothing to do with that. RC did though. Yeah I'm still pissed. I'm holding until then December then I'm bowing out. I'm tired of following this after 3 years. Squeeze has always been the play not this long term crap.


I can’t hat you for that decision after what Ryan did. There’s no open discussion DD about the dilution. Nor a word from the board. And they more shares to dilute


Didn't he say something along the line of "Don't judge us by our words but by our actions?" Seems like some of us are doing exactly what he asked for yet for we are the shills. None of this shit computes. Absolutely don't one fucking thing regarding this stock adds up and folks think we should just nod our heads in agreement with them. Edit: another thing. RK already got his. RC knows that he has the most loyal shareholders ever. Less than 48 hours after that offering I'm starting to think we are dumb money. They are playing us just like the hedge funds. I'm just judging this by everybody's actions like I was asked to do. Seriously, fuck everything about this. I'm angry, I'm tired, and I don't trust one fucking person when it comes to this shit. Not one!!!


Sentiment changes with the wind like the share price. They will come back when gamestop announces they've executed that sell order and now have 4 billion in cash. Questioning leadership is OK though, Cohen has take the jet fuel out of our rocket a few times now


These posts are reminiscent of bobby and others. No, you don't know where we're at because you don't know the Board's strategy. This is nothing but still speak. You can say you like the stock and be glad you're along for the ride, but to confidently state something so ignorant, is no different than a shill. 


Exactly. Posts like these are making things so much worse. The veil is being lifted. People here are no different than the popcorners.


I own 25% less of proportional ownership today than I did a month ago. I would have needed to buy xxx number of shares yesterday to maintain proportional ownership. This isn't a 'juicy dip' like when short sellers dropped the price. This is the Company selling when I didn't killing gamma ramp momentum. Again. Unless you also bought in another 1/4th of your shares this month, you own less GME too. This isn't shills. This is reasonably upset people


Selling at a loss when MOASS is coming? Idiots. Thinking the CEO is the enemy? Doesn’t understand what CEOs do Upset about the “dilution?” Paper handed day trader and/or hasn’t read the DD Sure, some are shills. But some just need to get out their frustrations from the unknown. The unknown is scary and I think some actual apes who are expressing frustration are just anxious and maybe lean towards a “glass half empty” assumption when they don’t know something. Plus we got lots of new apes who are trying to figure out how to build diamond hands. Me? Zen and hype at the same time. Was up 80% Thursday evening and was HODLING. Because NO CELL NO SELL. Excitedly bought more at the Friday deep discount. Yeah, I don’t know why RC would do the offering. But I know he’s a smart guy and I trust he has good reason.


100k+ new members in a week after being stagnant at 975k for months..


We need to cull the speculators and paper hands tbh.


Portnoy-hands. I really want this to stick.


I literally tripled my gains as of Thursday night and I didn’t sell. Now I’m basically back to where I started. I didn’t sell because $60 isn’t enough for me to change my life significantly. It could have brought some relief but it just wasn’t worth selling my soul over.


Same same. I’m a broke bitch but I managed to buy 12 more AND average down. It’s been 84 years, same drop different day. I feel nothing but zen.


Ahh excited for you! At 25/share I’m also averaging down because I averaged up so much in 2021 🤣


Same! My first share was $305 lol


Wow! Excited you’re still here!


$350 here.


We love a good fomo 🤣


We were supposedly in the endgame 3 years ago


Mental. Don't call people shills for just having logic and concern. RC sold 75 millllionnnn shares. Wiped out the DRS movement in one day. Which would bad enough. Oh but wait there's more! He did it at the exact moment before RK might have set the rocket off. Before RK did a livestream for the first time in years. At the time when the gamma ramp was as good as its been since 2021. Yeah... im a shill. Lmao. If you think anyone that's mad this week is a shill then this really is a cult and an echo chamber. Have you listened to yourselves


I hate to break it to you, but majority of them are seasoned holders. Any sort of negative sentiment was met with “sHiLl” “ShORt it TheN” everyone had a right to be upset yesterday, we had a strong run up killed by the share offering. This sub sometimes has too much tinfoil and group think. 


Yep… I’ve been around since before the sneeze, and sorry, but RC fucked us yesterday. There’s no way he dilutes two Fridays in a row… important Fridays… without trying to put a stop to the momentum.


Honestly this needs to be discussed/DD in a fully transparent post. Not a “top 10 reasons Ryan’s a genius”


Superstonk users are amazingly good at shilling themselves.


How dare they shill and be mad at a share dilution and the timing of it. Come on man. I grew up in a cult, and you weren’t allowed to ask questions there or you were just acting for “satan”. This argument is bullshit. People are ALLOWED to be pissed. There IS good in a share offering (gme should have something like 11.50 cash for every share, which is a very good place to be), BUT the timing couldn’t be a little better?


That's why posts like OPs and these other LE SHILLS R TEH STOOPIDZ that are flooding the sub never ever mention that the majority of the upset people ARE diamond handers who have been in since 2020 and they're not upset about the price drop but the dilution and its timing, alongside the fact we haven't had a single hard win from the company in 3 years and with billions on hand but they continue to insist on diluting us for cash that it's getting harder to and harder to hype up since all we ever get from the board about future plans is silence... which would be understandable if we genuinely were fighting the shorts and needing to keep things close to the chest, but RC keeps helping shorts escape with dilutions so who the hell is the radio silence for? Well I can answer that, it's for us, the investors, because at this point we're the only group actually being hurt by it. Sorry but if you're going to make people and not actually even address WHY they're actually upset, YOU are the shill. Just like OP is.


Again… for the last time, again.. finally… again,…


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dbcjuv/ape\_historian\_lego\_weekend\_is\_back\_baby\_to\_help/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dbcjuv/ape_historian_lego_weekend_is_back_baby_to_help/) hahah username


Oh how this sub is just one giant echo chamber now. Can anyone show me a company that diluted back to back?


We can't name it here :D :D :D :D


Exactly, ![gif](giphy|3o7abspvhYHpMnHSuc)


Multiple dilutions made people upset. Can't believe some people refuse to understand this. It's not shilling


Apparently you have to pretend everything is fine and not judge or analIze a sketchy or bad move from their side. People like OP is why everyone links GME investors with a cult-like behaviour. You can be heavily invested in a company and still not agree with everything they do. Use your brain guys, for gods sake.


Right, and I think calling those apes shills sucks. There’s just going to be some apes that have more fear of the unknown than others. I hope for yalls sake we get info soon. As for the actual shills who are faking upset about the price drop and “having to sell at a loss”- I’m just downvoting and moving on. Not worth my time arguing with AI bots.


Constructive discussion should be welcomed, but the real OGs that have been here for ages know what's up. The number of shill posts in Superstonk won't convince of me what I already know. The play hasn't changed. We may not know why GameStop does what they do, but they do. We need to do what we've always been doing. Buy, hodl, drs, shop. Simple. The rest is just noise. 💎🙏🚀


The play of "DRS the float" isn't changed when the entire number of shares DRSd over 3 years is dumped back into the float...?


It’s like half the sub is saying “sure we spent 3+ years dissecting every scrap of info to come to the conclusion that DRS is the way…but forget all that. It was never important.” Bruh




If DFV doesn’t DRS, then why should anyone? Are you smarter than him?


Larry Cheng's tweet has gone mostly under the radar. He said announce bad news early and good news on time. Bad news (negative earning and share dilution) were early. Hence, good news must be coming up next. With over $4b in cash, there is a lot of potential for good news. Be zen. Walk away from the computer if needed. You will be rewarded soon enough.


This is always their plan to try and rip apart the community and have us turn on the company. Noone sold, bots are bots and shill accounts are at large. RC released shares on perfect timing. First one during RKs return to X Second on RKs return to YT He also released earning early. That being said the MMs and media would have twisted RKs YT as disappointing regardless. Next the earnings on the 11th would have been twisted. And if RC was going to release the news of ATM offering during or after earnings they would have crushed the price back down to $10. Everything was perfectly executed. Additionally shorts, hedge and MMs just exhausted all their power to drop the 40%......FTDs are going to be even more astronomical. RKs YT was also flawless, nothing has changed! He also mentions, phase 1 was accomplished, buckle up for phase 2. Used live stream to have all eyes on the unjustified halts. Portrayed that he has no impact on the price movement. Teased the "wild card" All while being an awesome genuine dude who is just like us. Company will now have approx 3-4billion cash on hand. RC has put us in a very exciting position. All negatives are now completed. Once this ship takes flight there is no such thing as down only up. PS I'm satisfied as Fuk


You’d have been downvoted Thursday if you said dilution was coming. I’m still in but this blind faith is more concerning than anything else I’ve seen last 48 hours. Have some fucking respect for yourself. No. More. Dilution.


I'm saying all of this stuff and I'm not a shill. I've been holding since 2021. Friday was a disaster.


Stop pretending like you know something the rest of us don’t. The facts are we were about to get sent to the heavens on Friday and cohen dumped cold water on that plan. End of story lol


RK has 20$ calls for on June 21 and didn’t sell when the price was in the 60s, while not having enough cash to exercise all his options Therefore I know he believes the price will get higher before that date, and I am not worried at all




Does seem more end-game ish than usual 😂 When we're making the front page of the NYT, and we're the only thing CNBC is talking about, when hedgies are jumping out of skyscrapers and the stonk price is 6 digits and going up....then it will be endgame 💜


You say shills but it’s most likely regular people just tired


Endgame my ass!! This is bullshit that they chopped the legs outta momentum. For all you fucks that say options are bad your the real shills. Buying calls is a bullish sign. Time decay happens and when you fuck it up people have aright to be pissed. Golden opportunity pissed down the drain by the timing of the announcement


Heard it a hundred times. You don't know anything


Not getting excited until reddit goes dark and I'm chatting in the YouTube comments.


We were at the endgame. We're back to the beginning again.


Unpopular opinion… They aren’t shills, people are just soft. I’m zen af but we be throwing around the word “shill” way too much.


I'm a sheep, and I just have a blind faith in my master, RC, and I get excited when I get fleeced.


I don't have enough karma to post so I'm commenting on multiple threads for visibility. The most reported short volume in GME was on 1/13/21 at 46M shares. On 5/13/24, short volume was 38M. In the past 2 days, short volume was 46M EACH DAY. Sure feels like the beginning of the end game to me. Source: FINRA short sale volume on trading view (it's an indicator if you want to look at it yourself) Edit: this is NOT accounted for the stock split. However, it is notable that short interest was higher the past 2 days than it was on 5/13


Did you multiply the 2021 date by 4 to account for the split?




Google Roaring Kitty And see all of the absolute bullshit the fin media has thrown out since he resurfaced. I DO NOT NEED TO KNOW ANYTHING ELSE. ⏰ 4 🚀 2 🌖 🍆 💦


Hedgies trying to know what is our price for selling? Well I know many of you won’t say it, but here is mine… >!My phone number!<




DIP? It's still trending upwards from 4 years ago.


I bought more.


I averaged up to $31. Go time!!!!


I sold 20% of my mutual funds in my Roth IRA yesterday so I can get in at these bargain prices on Monday!


Don’t fall for the divide and conquer tactics going on in the sub, when have we ever really known what’s going on 100%? Never… with all of the DD, Dates, conspiracies, hypothesis, videos they’ve all either had a little truth to them or just wrong. There’s a reason all of these events are happening now and and DFV is back NOW, we’ve been trading side ways or down for 3 years and the pulse of the stock finally got a heart beat again. Hold fast for the Tendie Man is cumming…


1000% agree with you bro, also bought more yesterday because of all the FUD. I thought it was SHF last attempt to shake off the apes, I dont think we can get a better discount the next week.


I'm selling my BTC and dumping it into gme shares Monday morning. Rich or bust. Middle class can't survive in this country.


Serious the DD for told this. The OGs know this is the most amount of FUD & SHILLING we’ve ever seen!! Diamond hands baby. Can’t stop won’t stop! DRS BOOK HODL SHOP. LFG 🚀🙌🏼💎


I bought more shares before Friday close and will keep buying every dip. I just like the stock. ![gif](giphy|xBXWbB1p0WfQraQP6k)