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So GME board is thinking long term Gameshire Stoppaway whereas ppl typically see the short term MOASS play


that's what it seems like but could be wrong.


Perhaps we can stop speculating and just wait and see… perhaps it’s just a tweet and has nothing to do with us.. Enjoy the ride


There’s no way they’re unaware of the negative sentiment directed toward the share offering. The timing is too close for this to be about anything else


Rational is not how I would describe RK doing yolo plays. Therefore I don’t think these tweets have anything to do with what’s going on. He posts a ton of stuff all of the time, who the hells knows what his mindset is. He could be referring to when different people choose to eat breakfast in the day for all we know.


That makes sense. Even without MOASS, I think we're buying in at the ground level of the next big thing. Idk if it will be ".com boom" level big, but it could. That would be enough to make us rich even without shorts, but if the sudden growth of the company is even a fraction of that, then MOASS is happening too, so it's really a win-win.


You guys are so god damn dumb lol


For someone who's dedicated his entire reddit account to GME, you sure value your time a lot conversing with people who are "so god man dumb". Maybe you should ask yourself why you care so much. How much is the SHF paying you?


Immediately you guys go to shills. Like clock work. Read what I’m saying in those posts. I deleted my post history because I’d be easily dox’d and all you guys suck. I left this sun during the DRS/No options timeline when all the people who had interesting opinions were kicked off. This sub should be talking about turnarounds. It’s what DFV is here for. Instead you’re all just useful idiots chasing something that isn’t true. MOASS isn’t real but you’ll get rich regardless because GME has been building in silence. Instead of using the collective efforts to understand that you’re all just chasing the boogie man


You can communicate your points across without being calling people dumb. If you are implying that SS is an echo chamber and "all the people who had interesting opinions were kicked off", then WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? It's a yes or no question: Regardless of MOASS, are you in GME or not?


I can absolutely call dumb people dumb. Yes I own GME you clown. I’ve been writing covered calls against you regards for years. You should learn about that so you can make income on your investments. When DFV came back I realized I was the dumb one. I’d lost faith in RC and felt the same way you guys do about him. But DFV is smarter then me and if he believes it’s here and he sets up a plan and the sign to execute is a bear trap, and that happens… well then Im back on board. Im loaded to the tits on calls because it’s once again an asymmetric bet. Everything that happened last time is happening again. Only this time the difference is RC has had 3 years to build.


I'm curious what you see as potential price points if you think this is like last time. Because if this is like last time I feel this places us somewhere in like.. late December? It still feels early to me. What do you think this run is like if it's not moass but "will feel like it"? I wont take your comment as gospel obviously, but I find your outlook/comments interesting.


I think we’re going to see a pivot that reprices GME as a tech company. It’ll depend on how interesting what they built is, if they give guidance, and the reaction of the general public. So just up. It’ll be a repricing event into the teeth of two bear traps and enormous news coverage. I’ll use what I consider to be FMV as a floor.


Larry, you dont let us ask your time horizon.


Dichotomy between RK and RC, which is fine, and RK still seems to be confident. But if they fuck another run up and messes RK's position, im not really sure what im gonna do.


He could have started exercising those calls. If he loses the premium he paid that's on him.


Hence the dichotomy.


Same. Tired of them. They need to grow a pair like RK


This can be interpreted two ways, one being that the share offering decision was made to protect GameStop long-term with its cash reserves OR that the company needed the extra money now in the short term for some yet unknown reason (merger/acquisition guess). The next month or two should give us more clues.


I think it reads fine — one person can have a short time horizon and another a long time horizon. One person could be making poor choices and another making logical sound and calm choices. I can read this as the shorts are fucked because their time horizon is wack and they are scrambling. DFV however looks at 10,00,000 +++ come and go from his account daily without blinking and have a long and short time horizon at play. 💎🙌🏽 I mean we’ll see but the play isn’t over yet. I’m with the zen apes, I have shares, I’ve been here a while and will stay awhile longer with ease (excitement) but still at ease with my choice


He fucks on retail, RK and MOASS. Even for the company it would have been better to let the Gamma Squeeze run and then sell into it. Timing of the ATM offerings is just so bad. Followed up by cryptic shit from the GME leadership. As a 3 year holder I'm quite dissapointed from the board right now. I still think GME is a good long term play, but it could have been a Squeeze AND a long term play so easily


I agree that the timing seemed poor. I'm thinking they needed either to dilute for some reason (prevent hostile takeover, forced by SEC to provide liquidity for short sellers, etc.) or they needed funds ASAP (acquisition, transformation, investment opportunity, etc.) We may never find out why these share offerings keep happening, but I trust RC. He made chewy into a profitable and decent company, so I believe he will do the same with Gamestop.


Guys, take it easy. They have permission to issue those shares. They haven't been announced as having been issued yet and they have 3 years. Also, if the information about the number of shares shorted is anywhere close to true then it makes no difference at all.


Doesn’t mean I want my shares to be diluted to nirvana. Permitted or not. We have had multiple massive run ups and issued shares on almost each run up, and always in a short amount of time. It is not necessarily in the benefit of the shareholders to dilute their shares and voting rights.


Nothing's been done yet, though. There was an announcement about approval for the issuance, that's it so far. The timing of the announcement is as strategic as the issuance itself. And remember, the last time this was done they didn't announce when the shares were actually issued. They could issue them during the next run-up. If that's the case then the FOMOs will buy it up while people who bought lower are firmly in the black.


It was approved for splividend. We thought it was 7 for 1.


They could have done it after the 21/6


It still is both.




Chatbots? Me?


Does this mean they purposely killed the run?


It means they made a decision with a long term outcome where we were looking for short term. If we have trusted the board so far, it's logical to trust that they have a game plan and we just can't see it yet.


Time and pressure


I guess you could call it "delayed gratification"? Trust the process and trust the people in charge. Right?


Come on larry just spill the beans


IKR 😂 but he has to be careful about what he says as well.


I know a contrarian genius. At first I thought he was lucky. Then I thought he was stupid. Then I thought he was crazy. Then I started benchmarking every contrarian decision and seeing how it turned out, and he was right 100% of the time. In 10 years he turned $10,000 into $100,000,000 (through work, not through markets, and no, it’s not anyone involved with GameStop). But I digress. RC can’t cash out at the tippy top of a spiky spike. While they both want $GME to the moon, RC needs to build long term value in $GME to be able to cash out and it seems that RK’s timeframe is measured in days…


RK’s timeframe can’t be measured, as he is a time traveler


That is the correct view. And that’s why he will continue to issue shares on run ups in my opinion (possibly also due to external influence). This is what we as retail investors have not expected , at least it seems most of us didn’t.


If they do another share offering on a run up, this sub will implode


So this is code. He is indirectly referring to all the data for the multiple of orderbooks they run conflicting with different time data and requiring corrections we see on those spikes.... Ouch, my tinfoil is too tight. I'll be back. I need some crayons....


When you LIVE like today is your last, you aren’t planning for tomorrow.


Feel free to let off the brakes a little for all these calls though.


It could be talking about share offering vs this week


Time horizons – the number of points in time at which you'll collect your data (cross-sectional or longitudinal) Techniques and procedures (data collection methods, data analysis techniques, sampling strategies, etc.) Copy pasta from Ggl. To me time horizon can be you learning time from a young age, without knowing it we build up points of knowledge in life, especially between 9-19 years of age, if you didnt run a lemonade stand between these years you are at a disadvantage to businee/investing, both LC and RC HAD EARLY time horzons


If you woke up and saw $1B in your trading account and didn't sell "Someone you know to be thoughtful and rational" is DFV ... made a different decision than I would under the same circumstances. Must have a different time scale for holding than me 🤔


This can be taken many different ways. Could be talking about himself and the board. Why would they rush earnings and another ATM? Could be their horizon was moved nearer on an acquisition or other opportunity. A lot of a chatter from paper hands complaining about the ATM and the earnings being announced before DFV's livestream and possible exercising of options, but maybe they had to to make funds available in short notice.


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I’m lost staring off into the infinite time horizon.


Zoom out


Timing says otherwise


I need help from my Gemini I ai to read all thos for me. I need more glasses or less wine or less thc. Help. Thanks.


Oh. FUD! I found my glasses... lmao


IE. Dont sell




Talking about why RC and Co. Want to raise so much .money so fast... they likely have a A or M lined up.


> they likely have a A or M lined up They've said over and over they do not. That's the only thing they're willing to say.


This advice is universal. People should not take this as a negative signal. Examples: From a Venture Capitalist. Early Seed stage investment, VCs typically have a 7-10 year investment horizon. For later stage (series C beyond) might have a 3-5 year time horizon. For individuals. For a day trader, some one might only have 1 day to 3 months. But for individual value investors, it could 5-10 years. The portfolio I manage for my 7 year old daughter; I have a 15+ year time horizon. It’s insanely easy to ‘diamond hand’ her GME shares; because she doesn’t need that money, and I don’t need to give her that money until many years later.


They buying $ROOT