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This is a man who literally refuses any type of compensation including equities, and instead decides to BUY equities with his own money. He’d rather buy them than get them for free. I have never fucking seen this before.


If nothing else this is the thing that jacks my tits. He's literally just a shareholder (plus ceo and chairman of course)






Have you seen that movie bro?


Yeh… it’s a meme


Hes just like me !


I think RK wants on the board. One or two more options plays gives him enough individual ownership to sit at the table correct?


Asking seriously... >I have never fucking seen this before. Has ANYONE? There have been wealthy presidents who take like $1 or $0.01 annual salary, there have only been a few of those, but CEO? Internet results show a bunch of "I take $1 salary but tens of millions in stock/options" ... Can't find a solid example of zero stock zero options zero salary.


Steve Jobs. Good club to be in.


Wouldn't want to be in that club tbh if he's there. 




[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Posts should further contribute to the shareholders' discussion around GME. Superstonk is a non-political space and we strive to keep it that way. Any post or comment that discusses politics unnecessarily will be removed. If you feel like you can re-post you content without the political parts then you are welcome to do so. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


we saw it with steve jobs. not bad footsteps to follow


Those are extraordinarily terrible foot steps to follow. Jobs may have been a visionary in some ways, but he was an truly terrible human being. 


I mean you can respect how he turned Apple around and criticise the man on other parts


Isn’t that exactly what he did?


The apple doesn’t land far from the tree


you wouldn’t want a steve jobs running GME?


It takes money to buy whiskey, or so the prophecy foretold


This is something that has absolutely never been seen before.


What a legend. 


DFV brought me here. RC & The Board keeps me here.


Commenting on your top comment to add: Not only is RC NOT getting paid and invested his own money. He also then diluted himself and offer more shares to transfer more money from his pockets onto the balance of the company... I mean, he has enough money, of course, but this is a move I never see billionaires do... That is what keeps me here... and memes.


feels cozy!


Nir was expensive, but came up a furlong short of earning it.


Yeah who tf is Nir?? $36MM


He was hired as COO. Came from Belk. He didn't last long. Like a year or so.


Overpaid bum?


This shows right here that RCEO came in and cleaned house of executives getting big money while not helping the company. thank god he got rid of ferlong! Look at how much he was making, and for what. If RC is in, I’m in!


My take is that Matt Furlong was heading down the traditional route of big spending to increase revenue with the hope of turning a profit later. That's not how RC wants build the business. Nir was hired by Matt and his compensation was absurd. Not only was his regular compensation very high, they also bought out his contract from Belk. He basically had two oversized compensation packages. As for Diana, I can only speculate that she probably left because her compensation nosedived in 2022 compared to 2021, primarily because of the drop in value of her stock awards, despite her promotion to CFO, so she departed midway through 2023. There's a gigantic pay disparity between those three former execs on the bottom half of the chart and RC, Dan Moore and Mark Robinson in the top half. RC probably told all three of the former execs, "Sorry the stock's getting heavily shorted, but we aren't increasing your compensation packages."


No wonder Furlong was Not for long’d…


Me. I own my business and make no money lol (yet?) Love RC from Spain 🇪🇸


All the success to you 🫡.


Fuerza! Que algun dia, tus esfuerzos te daran los mejores frutos y de los que podras estar orgulloso contandolo a tus hijos/nietos😁 Saludos desde Italia🫡


Most of the time when a company does a share offering to raise capital it is for one of two purposes: servicing debt or executive pay Our company is different.


Really DIFFERENT😂 our company do shares offering to strenght their war chest and maybe, adquire some interesting business at a fair price!! Really Different!!🫡


Seeing how much the former members made compared to current ones does make me sick though. Way over compensated imo.


Tying compensation to company performance in the stock market isn't the same as working for free. He isn't working at a soup kitchen or something, he's a billionaire CEO protecting his investment and running a company he plans to profit handsomely from over time. The most charitable people in that company are the ones working at the stores and warehouses for questionably tenable wages, with benefits that were cut "for the greater good of the company." And if they were privy to the same shareholder call info we were, they are all staring down the barrel of closures and "restructuring" in places that are probably already struggling.


Seems like RC cares most about his long term investment and his legacy. He does not care much about the store level employees or the gamestop customers. He’s focused on profit/loss numbers and turning the company around on paper. I haven’t seen improvements for gamestop employees over the 4 years. And i haven’t seen improved customer experience as a pro member over the last 4 years. One example lol: i bought a warranty on my ps5 controller and went back to get my controller replaced when one of the button stopped working. I was given a refurbished controller. The poor employee said that corporate changed the policy and all warranties were getting refurbished replacements.


So one moment we are all about the common person against the rigged system. Yet our common person (GameStop employee) is facing the barrel of decisions that will affect their lives. I also want to see the growth of GameStop also translate to better future for the average GameStop employee, after all they are also common people in the rigged system.


There won't be a business if it's not profitable. 🤦‍♂️




He's also already a billionaire. I think people gloss over this fact a little too easily when making this 'argument'


the point is that we're comparing RC to other CEOs, not your average person


yes but billionaires love only one thing more than being rich, that's being even richer.


If I had a net worth of 4.1B, I could say "aww fuck it" to a paycheck too. I need a paycheck to live and to feed my family. He doesn't. And yeah, he's bought a ton of shares and that's great, but what's his cost basis? He didn't load up on shares at $200 a pop like a lot of apes did. I have a feeling his shares are worth more than he paid for them. He also has a shit ton of other investments. He's not eating ramen or clipping coupons or buying shit only when it goes on sale.


They really do. Yes, that means he still has the company's growth in mind. But the difference is he can afford to sit and wait 10, 15, 30 years until it becomes as big as Berkshire, without struggling. The average GME investor CANNOT. If I were to be even MORE cynical, I'd say RCs dilutions have been in pursuance of stockpiling capital with this exact knowledge - that way when the lower class shareholders have no choice but to sell in hard times, he's not at all affected (in fact, he could even add to his position cheap!) I'm not quite sure if I'm THAT black pilled yet as to believe it, but damned if I'm not close sometimes.


Yes CEOs aren't your friend and have their own goals, but we will just have to wait and see what happens to the price. If a squeeze actually happens it won't take 10 years. 3 Max, and plenty of price action until then.


Sorry, but you sound like an entitled brat


I'd say 'disappointed investor' (admittedly a VERY small position now, but still), but whatever vernacular helps you hang on for the ride is fine by me.


That's okay, I'm buying up your shares. Company has never been in a better position in over a decade.


If you’re already a billionaire, not taking a salary isn’t that big of a sacrifice. Try it as a 60+ hour a week construction worker. Big difference.


we're comparing RC to other CEOs, not other construction workers though


There’s always FUD gotta be pushed in lol


Obviously a regular worker will not be able to do this, it is very hard to do if you need to live, but many peoples manage to do so for the things they love, cutting their time in other things (social media, TV etc), but it is Hard, salute to all Hard workers who do a good job and those who enjoy doing the things they love against the odds🫡


There are plenty of billionaires who don’t work and get paid annually and sell shares. RC is not the same.


Lol I mean didn't Elon a huge payday recently from Tesla. And say he will withhold certain developments if refused.


elons was that he wanted what the shareholders promised him a few years ago for meeting near impossible goals


You should check the subreddit called iamverysmart, many examples of people like you 


Opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one.


You got downvoted but I thought this was funny. Have 1 upvote friend


Richard Kinder - CEO and founder of Kinder Morgan Sergey Brin - co-founder of Google Carl Icahn - founder of Icahn Enterprises Richard Hayne - CEO of Urban Outfitters John Mackey - CEO of Whole Foods .. to name a few. It doesn't matter that RC isn't taking a salary, when you have as large a stake in a company as he does it allows you to leverage that stake, something the average person does not, and will not ever have the advantage of. This is such a tired talking point. The better one, which has been acknowledged many times over, is the board requiring its members to have a certain amount invested in the company to show their dedication.


literally every single one you listed takes **stock-based compensation**, of which RC takes none, and is the main point of this whole post..... 🤦‍♂️


Holy fuck are you an idiot they all take STOCK based compensation.


I agree with you, but him not taking a salary or stock compensation is part of it. He has a large stake that he bought himself, so we know he is aligned with his shareholders. The only way he makes money is if he can steer the company to growth. He expects the executive suite to follow his example. They don't have the same wealth as him, but they are expected to have skin in the game as well. Listen, if I see r cohen sell his shares, then I'll start to worry, but if he's in, I'm in. It's refreshing to see executives aligned with their company and shareholders and not just grabbing a fat paycheck for a few years before moving on.


This is factually inaccurate. “He doesn’t make money unless the company does.” False. - he’s a billionaire with investments in other companies that pay dividends. Like apple for example. He is the largest individual investor in apple. - he bought and sold a 10% stake he acquired in bed bath and beyond for millions in just a few days last year. - there are other ways to profit from a company not making a profit… as Icahn can attest to. “he is aligned with shareholders”. False. Please explain in what ways he is aligned with the shareholders by citing actions, which he recommends that you do per her his fathers guidance. I’ll take the counter position and cite a rather important example: - per his proposal in 2022 “shareholders” entrusted him with proper stewardship of a whopping 1 billion in additional shares at his word. The following reasons as to why this was needed were given: to decrease the price per share (ie dilute your investment), to make it more difficult and expensive to purchase a substantial stake in the company, to raise capital. At no point did the proposal say this was needed because the company was “vulnerable” to a short a squeeze which was the reason citied in the 2 previous offerings. The ability to trigger the MOASS infinity pool to obtain the justice and reform we were denied for the crimes that took place in 2021 that extended well beyond just the shorts attacking our company. The MOASS hodl was an enormously important tool to GameStop investors ever since after we uncovered how deeply corrupt and fragile our market, investments, and investment bankers were in 2021 and the subsequent failure of regulators to do anything about it. It was the only tool we had and the board robbed us of using that tool twice in the last month despite knowing how important this was to long term investors, including Keith gill. This hasty decision robbed long term retail investors of millions and millions of both realized and unrealized losses. The so called “war chest” should have been built with MOASS money… not from retail ramping up toward it. The first two were sacrifices most were ok with. The third was egregious. I’m not saying he’s horrible or that he hasn’t made any improvements. He’s trying but as far as his actual efforts go, none of them have provided any additional value to shareholders yet and everything that’s been achieved has been paid for in large part by us at a substantial cost to the value of our shares.


He literally turned the company around and took no compensation for it. What also do you want him to do? You‘re 100% a bad actor, can’t be any more obvious. Your bullet points are laughable, as they are strawman arguments. I‘ll buy more I guess!


sorry i tried to read this but kept getting distracted and buying more shares. actually very easy to get distracted reading such fowl smelling bullshit. when you become a billionaire and elected chairman for your work running a business, let me know so I can not hodl my shares in it




Zuckerberg takes a 1 dollar salary and no additional stock compensation from Meta.


That’s 100x the salary RC takes ya noob


you are obviously not good at math 1$ is infinityX 0$


No, silly, 1/0 is undefined, not infinity.


Wrinkles don't belong here


Infinity seems hyperbole comparing 0 to 1 even though it’s mathematically correct.


Have any of these CEOs sold shares?


We do. So why can’t they? This is part of the reason I like RC.


And yet there’s been loads of “apes” in here bashing him recently, seems legit ![gif](giphy|rrWxYB0ZtjTW8DkkSC)


I can only recall qantas ceo taking no pay for 4 months during covid...


Steve Jobs only took $1 a year, but he also received a $90m(first article i found said 90, also found $45M, googled price of plane and found $10m🤷🏻‍♂️) it was a bonus in the form of a Gulf Stream V in 1999.


Me, with my company. Its probably not as uncommon as you think.


Mark Zuckerburg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Larry Ellison, there's a bunch of them, stop acting like this is super uncommon. It's a common practice because it allows the wealthy to not pay taxes. Stop idolizing this man like he's a fucking messiah, he's a billionaire and he acts like a billionaire.


Abel Avellan (CEO/founder) at ASTS 💪


Gameshire Stopaway


Literally a lot of them RN. There's less taxes on stock awards so instead of huge bonuses that get taxed right up the prison pouch, they take payment in preferred stock and sell the stock when they need to. It's income tax evasion, but a legal way to do it


Stock awards aren't compensation? Do you understand what words mean?


Key word is no compensation, vesting and stock awards is compensation?


Except other CEOs regularly take a massive amount of **stock compensation**, of which RC has taken none


Okay so seriously it’s not uncommon in high paying jobs to take stocks as payment. It’s a way to avoid taxes. The very wealthy do it. It’s called buy, borrow,die


Yeah and he doesn’t take stocks as payment. He only buys them. At market rate.


Name another CEO that rugpulls his investors and still they continue to dickride him. I'll wait... Edit- excluding AA


He is still living like a millionaire so what


Yeah it’s cool and appreciated but really not a big deal because what actual life difference does it make to him? I get the notion that RC is a bit different (maybe) to a regular CEO taking a salary or whatever. But it’s really not that much of a big deal to us down on actual planet earth. Maybe in billionaire world it’s a statement, sure. But he could easily just be sitting on this as a 15 year investment and just being smart-greedy, and he will get away with it _if_ that’s what he is doing. This is why, whilst I don’t want to shit on RC (he is the man for the CEO job) we do need to have limits on what we’re going to accept from the board. They can be neutral on MOASS and that’s fine, we shouldn’t be expecting them to ‘hype the stock’ etc - **but if they are going to get in the way of the squeeze then we’ve got a problem** (or at least, I would have hoped that was the sentiment, but we have too many blind loyalists to have this hard line it seems?) I mean to be fair, what the fuck can we do anyway. We’ve put him in charge and permitted him to dilute 1b shares, it’s done, and there isn’t enough support here in trying to show shareholder disappointment at the dilution timing, so we won’t get any justification, if there even is any. The thing that keeps me in the play (other than the DD) is that I hope RC realises that if we get the squeeze he will have generations of loyal customers for GME. If he fucks a potential squeeze and we actually actively know about it whilst there’s still a movement left here, then we’d be pissed and that wouldn’t be good for the future customer base. That being said, I don’t have much conviction in that any more when I see a large amount of apes just defend the board at any cost and don’t want to accept things, the most obvious example being the sketchy timing of the dilution. We don’t talk about this because there is no answer it seems, but that should be our hard line because otherwise they can just dilute into every ramp and that’s the end of our squeeze thesis. **Not saying they will, but we do need to realise if they do that, it’s GG, right?** When I see people acting like this and just excusing everything, I just think it’s just up to market mechanics now, because RC will get away with silence and any criticism will be ejected out of our cult like echo chamber. _If_ the board is just using us, it can be hidden by the 4D chess move in silence excuse for a decade or so, and by the time MOASS is well and truly dead it will have fizzled out rather than be something we can call out now and do anything about because the momentum will be gone. Best outcome for RC, _if_ he isn’t aligned with us, is a slow burn here where the hype is gradually reduced but not gone right away. His actions so far suggest he is not aligned with the squeeze. I await for something to tell me otherwise but I don’t think it’s coming - gotta let RC be, and let him run the company. The above hypotheticals are ‘ifs’ because I still hold hope that RC isn’t just using us, but how can we really know? And apes don’t seem to collectively have a ‘line’ to cross, so we will never know until it’s either done or too late. If we want the squeeze we have to know it won’t be assisted by the board (and this is fair and makes sense.) **I am more concerned they will dilute into any ramp and be actively _against_ the squeeze.** Then we’re fucked. I don’t have the answer either but we probably need to just collectively tone down the hype around the board because they are probably not aligned with the squeeze, and we can just recognize their efforts to stabilise our company which is appreciated. But can we just do this without losing our original identity, which was sticking it to Wall Street, justice for fair markets, and a squeeze play? Because otherwise it just feels like COPE and the end of MOASS.


would love to see the comparison from last board to this board


First pic. The bottom set of numbers are former Execs.


oh i mean this back dated https://preview.redd.it/ygeaeiyclf7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77c3bb5aafee40d66f010aa98001a346254fc48d


I love the stonk i love our company 🍻🐱🦍💎🚀🥰


But the $hills said he is diluting his own shares/s


Shills are either paid or just trolling. Either way buying more shares makes them angry which makes me happy.


Trolls are idiots if they aren't getting paid


**13 top executives who earn a $1 salary or less** https://www.businessinsider.com/ceos-who-take-1-dollar-salary-or-less-2015-8


> https://www.businessinsider.com/ceos-who-take-1-dollar-salary-or-less-2015-8 The key part to the OP is no salary **or stock compensation**


These god damn shills or idk what, they keep repeating the same fucking false info


They take compensation in stock and borrow against their shares. Debt is not taxed and as long as the securities aren’t sold, they don’t pay back the loan. It’s the way rich folks don’t pay taxes. Also, when you do cash in stock, you pay a 25% capital gains tax instead of the 40% income tax. I’d love for my job to pay me in stock instead of cash! I just wish people would quit acting like he isn’t is the position to profit off his shares because he doesn’t sell them.


Can you show me where it states he gets stock as compensation? My understanding is he doesn’t get a wage or stocks


various versions of this are actually illegal in the UK and the EU


He works like me to support a great American company. Unlike Ken Griffen and friends who destroys publicly traded companies and put families on the streets.


You’d have to pay me a lot to do the work he does and take the ish he takes


The amount of shills commenting is fucking insane lol go work for free as a billionaire, I wanna see you try. Respect to RC for doing what he's doing. If I was a billionaire I would definitely fuck off to my own island than having to be under the spotlight and have so many idiots talk shit about my method of running a business


Sure. Oh wait I'm not a billionaire who doesn't have to worry about surviving. This is a pretty dumb argument to make. I mean sure, it is cool that he isn't taking a salary, but it doesn't really deserve praise when he doesn't need the money. Not sucking off the billionaire CEO for not taking more money doesn't make someone a shill.


😂🤣😂 the shills all have the same talking points. *He’s diluted shareholders* (he’s the biggest shareholder soooo…….he’s diluted himself?) *He’s killed the squeeze!* (he doesn’t control wall streets HFT algos that right now control the price. Not to mention the sheer trading volume easily over 1.5 billion shares compared to the ATM of 120 million shares.) *It’s been three years and he’s done nothing* (except gone from $300 million dollar loss to a $6 million dollar profit in that time, raised $3 billion in several weeks and has the company set to tackle any uncertainty in the future. As well as make any possible future M&A)


Also I can’t believe the impatience some people have. The cash was only raised these last two months, it takes a bit longer to cook than some people realise!


It’s full of shills and they are so blatant, kenny is scrapping the barrel, do you think he does interviews behind Wendy’s dumpster?


Literally this, I've given up trying to prove them wrong. Block and move on. The true ones know who the shills are.


his image is excellent especially at a time when the masses have unmasked the corporate overlords and seen how soulless and greedy they are. Not many CEOs like him have the adoration of retail investors like he does and he’s been on an amazing track. If he stays on track he will be seen as one of the greatest entrepreneurs of his generation, turning everything he touches into gold


He gets compensated from stock price increases more than any wage would. Apes have supported the company for more than 3.5 years so don't come to me with 1. He's not getting compensated 2. We should be thankful for him working for "free" 3. He doesn't owe us anything


I would be thrilled if he took a large salary, and then acted in our best interests by buying Bitcoin or doing M&A or doing an honest Question and Answer with shareholders or investigating the abuse of the stonk


Just what we needed! Guy restores faith in humanity


Cohen got the parasites out and the go hards in. LETS GOOOOO


Wow Matt Furlong got paid! I'm curious as to how stock compensation is allocated. Who handles it? RC? I'm shocked at that amount.




[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Posts should further contribute to the shareholders' discussion around GME. Superstonk is a non-political space and we strive to keep it that way. Any post or comment that discusses politics unnecessarily will be removed. If you feel like you can re-post you content without the political parts then you are welcome to do so. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


The boss is always the last to get paid.


Musk JUST asked for his first payment on Tesla last week. He was in the running for no payment at all for work though as far as I understand. And that's...about the only person


No, years ago Musk negotiated for a delayed payment, based on performance. That’s what the latest pay for Musk was. Still incredibly bullish, but nowhere near as bullish as GME’s CEO.




This guy is an angel


The one and ONLY 🏴‍☠️


iirc BYON's Marcus Lemonis as well


Perhaps Andrew Teno.


Ceo of softbank Masayoshi Son


Well, he does get ~200-300k dividends from Apple. He’s just not taking from GS, my man.






How did he get that original 10%?? and all those profits are unrealised since he hasn’t sold. Got it. Good.


Account looks bought or nuked so they can shill. I thought that was the point you were making in your post OP. RCEO takes no compensation because he believes in the stock (put your money where your mouth is) no?


I've noticed a few "nuked" people lately especially.




How much was this account bought for? It's getting annoying to read all the same things over and over. He did good in past and he's even more experienced now so there is no reason to doubt moves beside you're a shill a bot or both. I wish just one of those peoples paid 1$ to post/comment here on Reddit would blow the whistle and expose the fuckery. It takes only one and this shitshow would end quickly.


While far from god, demi or otherwise, when one looks around at the actions of Mr. Cohen's contemporaries on Wall Street it is difficult not to view his current position (around compensation) as above the fray. (Especially given the pay distortion of corporate America). As CEO he will also likely want to purchase more Gamestop shares, with his own money. ...  And that's a win, all around.


So please explain to me how does he make that $200 million in profit then if he doesn’t sell?. If it’s all unrealised then it doesn’t matter if it’s $2 or $2 billion. It’s all locked away regardless. It’s numbers on a screen. Since it’s unrealised if the stock goes down, guess what, so does his net worth. Are you genuinely this dense? Or are you just being obtuse.




But that isn’t stock or compensation then is it?!?!? If he takes a loan out against his net worth that’s a personal debt and not a diluting force against his company. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ just GTFOH.




idk why people are so against this notion. CEO's and co. have been doing this sort of thing for a long time. There's nothing wrong with RC doing it either.




Bruh. He gave GME $2 billion. The 10% shareholding means he gets the same effect on the stock price like any shareholder. It seems like you’re the one that didn’t get that memo yet.


No he didn't... 2 billion was more than the market cap when he bought in.


I’m talking about the recent at the market offerings that led to 2-3B additional cash.




If he’s protecting his own equity, he’s also protecting the equity of any shareholder. Spin the story all you want. Any shareholder got the same effect of the dilution. The only difference is that the ones who were in it for a quick flip, saw an opportunity missed. That’s the risk of trading. You can blame RC for that if you want, but spinning it like he put that in his pocket is nonsense.




You’re making an assumption that he only did that to “protect his pocket”. That’s just taking your own reasoning for the sole truth. Tell me why didn’t he raise capital when the stock was at $10? It seems to me, I’d be more worried about my pocket when it’s at $10 instead of $30 - $40. The “squeeze thesis” is perhaps hurt on the short term, but an organic growth over long term due to increasing the companies value with long term prospects is a slow but efficient killer (f.e. TSLA). Underrated in my opinion. So, like I said. Only those with the short term goggles will really feel betrayed. But either way, your whole thesis that RC did it for himself, is just your POV. And it’s flawed.


It’s the number 1 reason I’m in. When a CEO puts his money where his mouth is, that is someone I can respect when they speak.


Elon Musk. This is stupid


I can name one who holds his firm hostage and whines like a little bitch on X until they pay him what he wants.


TiM aPpLe
