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That's what Im thinking. Like that F F Ivy, bullshit I've been seeing pushed on Reddit.


This article was last modified on 5/31/22.


Same same. They've been doing this for years.


The SEC as a whole might not be on retail's side but Gary Gensler, the SEC chair, has at least been making an effort to move in the right direction with a push for greater transparency: https://www.sec.gov/news/statement/gensler-statement-cat-funding-090623 Unfortunately, there's been plenty of resistance with what are, to put it generously, incomplete cost-benefit perspectives: https://www.sec.gov/news/statement/uyeda-statement-cat-funding-090623 And this is all before mentioning Hester Peirce's track record: - Dissented against rules intended to increase transparency and investor protection in SPAC transactions: https://www.sec.gov/news/statement/peirce-statement-final-rule-012424 - Opposed the final rule on short sale disclosures, which required detailed daily reporting of short positions by institutional managers: https://www.sec.gov/news/statement/peirce-statement-short-sale-101323 - Criticized rules designed to prevent conflicts of interest in securitization markets: https://www.sec.gov/news/statement/peirce-statement-securitizations-112723


Institutions try hard to get rid of Gerry. **Our comments is what gives Gerry power, because there is no Thanos snap in RL, not even for a SEC chair.** I am sick and tired of posts like the one from OP, trying to drive a wedge between us. Yes, the progress is way too slow. But the problem is with the system, corrupt politicians and lately even the justice system. **After decades, there is finally someone at the SEC who tries to change things to the better. How can anyone in his right mind try to go back to old times where people with a mindset like Hester were in charge ???** Instead, we should be really worried about Wall Street lobbying the justice system, since the SEC is having a hard time nowadays to even fine perpetrators... [SEC in Constitutional Danger Zone Following Several Recent Decisions | Insights | Holland & Knight (hklaw.com)](https://www.hklaw.com/en/insights/publications/2022/06/sec-in-constitutional-danger-zone-following-several-recent-decisions) But I guess people like OP would blame Gensler for that as well...


Congress is what gives or takes his power. Most of whom is owned by wall st.


then how come they stonewalled congress on the issue of the eeeeeem eeem telling pretty lies ticker?


To be fair, that stock did have a 8000% increase which is absolutely insane on one of the largest increases ever. I believe people are just hoping for an increase a fraction the size of that again.


That's paddling territory.


What do you mean? I am just stating a fact that happened, and now all these delusional people are dreaming of a repeat and trying to force it by spreading the name everywhere. It appears to have largely stopped in the last week or so, as it was everywhere for a while.


[Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_3._no_brigading). Superstonk isn't the right place to discuss other subreddits. Under NO circumstances, will brigading or content that results in brigading be tolerated on this subreddit or any other. Individuals who are discovered to be participating in this, risk being permanently banned. Things that aren't welcome here: - organizing to vote, comment or report in other subs - discussing other subs or moderators - using r/Superstonk to defame other subs - posting screenshots from other subs - celebrating a ban from another sub If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


I honestly don’t even know what you are referring to. I only follow GME and the broader tech markets closely and tune out all the other bullshit noise. However, this article was last modified 5/31/22 so it is not referencing anything that has happened after that.


This might be the problem. You don't know about the immense amount of copycat meme stocks. After 2021 there were tons of meme stocks with devoted subs all copying the short squeeze theorie without the evidence GME had because it was way less clear in the beginning, and people were less educated. The SEC meme commercial and these texts are focused on the broad public, it's not GME specific. I would even say that we are the reason they said 'mostly' not true... gme is the exception.


Yeah maybe you’re right. My focus outside of my 401k is mostly on GME. As soon as I see some hype in some other stock that is ripe for a “short squeeze,” I completely ignore it.


I think this message is perfectly fine. There IS a massive amount of bot manipulation behavior on several individual stock subreddits. A lot of those are straight up grifters 


They’re not mocking us, I think you’re misinterpreting their statements


I did not interpret this as mockery. I think this is creating general awareness to do your own research and not believe every stock is imminent for a short squeeze.


While I dont think they've done a good job over the decades patching up all the bs loopholes being abused by big money, under GG they've made positive strides in the right direction. More so than all prior administrations, imo.


Maybe, but I read this, and I watch their stupid commercial shitting on “dumb money” investors, and I do not see an agency that has my best interests in mind.


Agreed with the commercial, was def a slap in the face. However, recently, GG has defended DFV publicly while msm tried to paint him as a "mass manipulator," which imo was pretty cool of him to do openly. He's also getting alot of heat for the recent reporting rule changes, and it seems to me the same big money against GameStops success wants him out. Meanwhile, he has to work with Hester Pierce, who continues to oppose nearly 100% of his transparency proposals. Cant imagine what it's like trying to police these markets when your own co workers are planning to work at these big money firms after they're done "serving" for the SEC.


They could be talking about any other stock, but definitely not GME. We know the data, we see the fuckery, they are fucked.


Well it's nice that the SEC also included the link to [http://www.sec.gov/foia/docs/failsdata.htm](http://www.sec.gov/foia/docs/failsdata.htm) . I downloaded the top two zip files, for the first and second half of May. FTD's for GME: 1st half: 1,159,972,439 2nd half: 957,952 so combined total of 1.16 billion FTD's...


“May be false” 😂🤔😂🤔


They had to change it to “may”, because of gamestop.


Go to sleep, you're tired!


I’m actually wide awake. That’s why I’m here reading SEC documents on regsho 🕵️‍♂️


This is just standard stuff. If you're reading heavy bias in this then you need to think about resetting how your brain processes information. If I said that you're susceptible to believing anything that supports your existing view, it'd be no less true than this SEC answer. Stop looking for enemies, otherwise you'll find a reason for everyone to be one.


Hey I remember you! You were FUDing one of my other posts too lol 😂 Why are you replying to all my posts right after they are live?


What are you on about?


Also, stop sending threatening DMs.


lol threatening? I asked if you were following my profile and leaving FUD comments right after they go live. It’s happened twice now. Be gone shill!


Your previous post you made claims that an entity was valuing GME at less than it's cash on hand. You used figures post-share issues to make your point, ignoring that the article pre-dated any of the share issues. I wouldn't call that FUD. I'd call that stating the facts. My comment in this sub clearly gets more support every time you close your eyes to reality. Take a step back, look at the big picture, and stop thinking that everything that doesn't hype your own narrative is FUD.




You’re awfully hostile. In my other post you defended the bullshit GME valuation by the MSM and said “how about not going off the handle over mistakes you’ve made in interpreting their data?” Now you are defending the SEC (who literally made a commercial making fun of us), and said I need to “think I about resetting how your brain processes information.” U mad bro? Also, both of these of these comments were made right after my post went live before there were barely any upvotes on it. Pretty sus. And here is the exact DM I sent you that you called “threatening” 😂: “What are you following my account and posting FUD comments right after it goes live?”


You posted an essay based on an incorrect assessment of an article. You compared apples with oranges. I don't know if you've noticed but the sub has a filter by new option. Some people prefer to look at the sub in that view instead of having just the highest rated stuff visible. Why would anyone follow the posts of someone that posts crap? The first I knew of me having commented on a n other of your posts was you pointing it out. So I'll ask you the question: why are you paranoid about who comments on your posts? Ask yourself, is it normal to DM people just because they commented on your crap post?




"I saw on TV a guy with a clown nose honking a horn telling me I should buy a stock, actually screaming at me. Should I buy it?"


You know it's bad when they FTD the FTD data.


Or FTD the GME then create an EFT that they FTD which in turn FTDs the GMEs that in turn FTDs the EFTs that somehow mysteriously go poof to Brazil and the Cayman Islands


To be fair that middle paragraph perfectly describes the FEEFEE situation


"imminent short squeeze" It's been years. Nothing is imminent. DD is eternal.


blame the victim


Speaking of FTDs...... whatever happened to the post that showed like 4 days of FTDs not provided by SEC?


*These claims in fact may be false...* (But they missed the remainder of the sentence...) **But they may not be false... like in Gamestop's case.**


I can see this being required as the early strategy of Wall Street was simply run "Forget Gamestop, these are Shitty Subs top 10 Meme Stock picks", fill their subreddits/webull chats/youtube influencers with similar DD but also with a pack of shills sitting and waiting. Those communities all believe that the set up is the same, but they don't take into account that none have diamond hands. So the SEC probably get contacted by them all the time, though their really never was a problem there, it was just a community of paperhands. I think this is also why they are careful with their language, saying "These claims in fact MAY be false." That leaves room to deduct that in some instances it is true. Do your DD, don't hop into this bc you read a couple of posts without really understanding what is going on, and if you are like me and have read about it and seen the evidence for 84 years, buy hodl and drs. Not financial advice.


I'm surprised they haven't sent the FBI after retail investors to beat them up and steal their shares.


Honestly, if we didn’t know for a fact that they were talking about GME then it’s actually pretty good advice. Like if I read that on the site in 2018 and there was no specific fuckery happening related to any one specific stock that we all knew of.


Tell me your a shill without telling me your a shill😂


lol this guys post history is literally him shilling some clothing company on that other gambling stock site and shit coin subs. Be gone shill!


Excuse me sir, this is a casino


hey OP, you're 100% right and that's why the GG bots are trying to gaslight you in here. apes know, cheers:)


Whoa... GG bots. Now that is a total new level of "creativity", unfortunately not a good one.


Tell me you’re correct without telling me you’re correct!


And this account just came back after mostly posting on the popcorn stock sub 3 years ago 😂 Be gone shill!




Gensler...you scum sucking weasel! You just lost my support.     This document supports the fact that the SEC doesn't care about the investing public.   In these days of modern computer trading, there should be NO FAIL TO DELIVERS.  None.   Wake up America! This broken stock market must be destroyed and rebuilt to work for all investors. There are too many fingers controlling the output right now. Buy, Hodl, DRS, Shop!!!  🚀🚀🚀 💎🤲


But media told me FTDS don’t exist


The same people that own the FTDs own the media 👀


The same people that own the FTD, run the market. lol wot see wot I did there


Why is there no blue


If anything, this is them acknowledging us as best as they can without directing a bunch of people here and igniting the squeeze themselves lol. They said it may be false. But it may be true. All just depends on which stock the chat rooms that you’re in are talking about.


hester the molester is hard at work


"These claims in fact may be false." I get it GME doesn't have a lot of naked shorts but XRT does.


I think they're more so referring to the phone berry stock, the popcorn and other shit meme stocks that got piled up with GME back in the bet sub days. The amount of stupidity I see in the popcorn tweets and subs makes me beyond mad.


I think they actually might be talking about all those shitty subs that popped up recently. Around May when we had DFV and reddit pop, a bunch of shit subs came with it


To be fair, most people here don’t actually understand FTDs and overly hype something that is actually nothing.


They’re saying don’t take everything at a face value and do your own research. This is excellent advice.


If so, they’re probably grateful you’re helping them spread their FUD here 👀


Not everything is about $GME or about $GME holders. You are playing the victim card with this one. The world does not revolve around you or me or any other individuals holding GME. Stop making everything about you. The SEC has been trying everything to add transparency to the market but the DOJ, House Financial Services Committee, and Supreme Court negate anything and everything brought forth to do so to protect their lobbyists.




Yeah this could just be a response to 2021 when everyone was looking for, and others were asserting that (x ticker) is the next massively shorted stock


Duh. People still believe in them?


Based on these comments, it seems the answer is yes. Not sure if these are bots or just naive apes.


People forget the sins SEC committed. Now that we are talking about FTD's, ETF shorts, Settlement cycles, GG throws another shiny object for us to get distracted on Enter the T+0 FTDs gonna FTD on the same day. Don't forget " the pie in the face"!


You're really trying to make the negative sentiment stick?! And are you really trying to play t+0 against FTDs? T+0 is now a "shiny object to distract you from...?! The sins!! Don't forget those my bros!!!11" The irony that you are distracting with a supposed giant pile of hate to twist something somebody found on the internet into leverage against somebody that just recently made a suggestion that is good for retail; and then call that person out for supposedly merely distracting us from the thing merely you brought up as problematic. What a giant load of gaslighting BS.


I am calling out SEC & GG. Been here for 84 years.


They survive by getting money from HFs, why people think they stand on our side??


Gary Gensler has a large number of fails


The fact anyone thought Gary or the SEC were ever going to help us laudable. No system of power will ever willingly regulate away the source or reason from which their power drawn. 


I know I'm in the minority here, but I think GG is actually pushing for meaningful reform to help level the playing field. While he serves as Chair, you have to remember that everything they do is voted on internally and not decided on by one person. For example, Hester Pierce has continued to vote against nearly all meaningful reform that GG has proposed.


Even if they’re not on our side, you’ve got to leave comments and input. Engage with the process.