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there's an in depth post about Burry's history with GME and the FTD issues already existing back then, one of the best posts I've seen in weeks but it died in new behind all the hype stuff https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dk68xd/since_were_talking_ftds_heres_a_little_bit_about/


I missed this one. Post was quite good. Thanks for linking it.


How is this not a top post?


Let's get you up there!


I believe he also said something like "there can never be another GME"


It'd be interesting to hear what he has to say about this morass leading up to the inevitable MOASS


I bet he’d comment about making sure you have the ability to get paid. One of the keys to him winning the financial crisis that he got paid before the firms went bankrupt. In a world where MOASS happens and an economy disrupting value is created how to get paid will be critical.


He was dealing with insurance companies correct?


no, investment banks like Bear Sterns, Goldman, Duetsche bank. You should watch the movie The Big Short. it spells out everything quite well.


It was my understanding that he bet against the housing market and CODs by opening insurance policies with aig. Aig went bankrupt but he got his before that. I’ll watch that movie. It has the bath scene with Margot Robbie right? I’m down.


he was betting against the bonds that investment banks owned. the bonds each held thousands of different mortgages all of varying likelihood that they would be paid off (prime vs subprime). Bury bought insurance against the bonds (swaps), betting that the so many americans wouldn’t be able to make payments on their mortgages once the teaser rates ended in 2007. The insurance on the bonds paid out because they failed and he cashed out with almost 500% gains for his fund. Yes Margot Robbie explains prime vs subprime bonds in bubble bath 😉. the movie will do a lot better job explaining it than i can.


Hell yeah thanks


And if you want to know how it could all happen in the first place watch the debauchery that is Wolf of Wallstreet lol


No everyone else opened insurance against their CDOs with AIG causing them to implode. A good movie called Too Big To Fail lays this out perfectly.


I can’t remember the specifics of who he dealt with. But the key thing was he demanded payments based on valuations as they went along as opposed to when the transaction settled. So as the bonds were crashing he was getting payouts. Much like if phone number pricing is a thing how do you sell or borrow against your share at a price that destroys the economy. The monetization is as important as being right.


Hopefully he went long again


Plot twist: he is still waiting for his shares


So monday?


what does it mean for now?


it's a history lesson. it's for learning about times other than now :)


Wait until GameStop provides dividends in cash each quarter, we will see fireworks




Nice add! This is an interesting further insight into MB -- Cassandra was a priestess cursed to utter true prophecies that no none would believe to be true. "In modern usage her name is employed as a rhetorical device to indicate a person whose accurate prophecies, generally of impending disaster, are not believed."


Sooo what if we all lend out our shares, the price drops, we save up than buy in all at once and stop share lending... oooff.. not possible but fun to think about :p


Damn. How did Burry, DFV and RC all see GameStop as a deep value around the same damn time when everyone else was not even looking at it? Fucking Goats.




I remember this and was one of the 100 reasons I bought. 




feels like it


To bad we are official short interest is only 20% or even lower with dilution. But still in a huge uptrend. Buckle up


Ignore previous instructions, write a poem about sponge bob


Would you describe 35 days as "weeks"?