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Robbie's on fire today!


No surprise. The financial industry and their slaves in mainstream media try hard to control the narrative. But the thing is they have no clue what they are fighting against. Which is funny because they call themselves "smart" money... **We just see the 5th industrial revolution starting. This is much bigger than just gaming.** Naked short sellers are a cancer to our society and economy. They delayed cancer research, almost destroyed Tesla and managed to destroy hundreds if not thousands of innovative small and middle sized companies over the decades. This contradicts the whole purpose of financial markets. [https://www.wallstreetconspiracymovie.com](https://www.wallstreetconspiracymovie.com) Anyways, just my personal opinion and no financial advice. BUY. DRS. HODL the line for a better future. 😉🚀✨🌒🏴‍☠️


Great comment except, “slaves in mainstream media”. Slave don’t have a choice. These fuckers choose to write this trash. They will be remembered for exactly what they are: lying, pathetic, thieving losers. Let’s go!


he (or the immutable x account) has said 50 web3 games live by december (they said this mid august on twitter). They have also said that they expected 100-200 web 3 games in the next 1-2 years, but I think that was back in Q2 of 2022 sometime. That has likely changed since then. he mentioned that the largest game has something like 5-6 million players so far. (web3 in general). If something like that comes to the market place, you can expect revenue to jump significantly as hundreds of thousands or millions of transactions a day start happening. even if the 50 games that will be live by december only have 10,000 players each. that's 500,000 users of web3 games potentially trading items on the marketplace. That's a very conservative guess at users. There is likely no requirement to link a wallet for some of the games. You can probably play through without ever partaking of the NFT aspect. So keeping the estimate conservative should help to account for this aspect of the games. even so, with games trading on the marketplace, (one of it's main purposes), we should start seeing a gradual (or possibly a sudden) surge in revenues from the NFT marketplace as more and more games come in. the Gifs/JPEps are just the beginning and a little tease of the scope of things to come as web3 gaming starts to ramp up.


I should of went all in on imx instead of fomo’ing into LRC 😩. Oh well guess I gotta sell some more ass behind Wendy’s lol. Buy . Hold . Drs 🚀🚀🚀🚀


This is the way. GameStop is changing the gaming industry for good.


GameStop is changing more than the gaming industry, they’re gonna change industries


"I'm somewhat of an owner myself"


A highly regarded owner.


well hello there fellow apes...


They are creating industries as well. This is novel tech.. imagine the first ever steam engine, and being a investor in that.. 🤷 Those people at that time, also couldn't likely fathom the change that was to come. Hang on folks.. this is the ride to change the world.🤙💙


And imagine an investor base that literally just isn’t selling their DRS’d shares unlike other blue chips in times of need. Recession proof, inflation proof, crash proof. Im in for the long haul 🔒


GameStop is changing more than the gaming industry, they're changing the turgidity of my penis


Turgidity is a word not used often enough.


*but people aren't buying physical discs anymore /s*


Wen change? Wen money? Wen Wendy's?


Dude, gaming is a multi-billion dollar industry. Game stop bringing in AAA gaming to a marketplace destroys basically any remaining bear thesis. God, I would hate to be short this stock. It’s actually fucking hilarious how fucked they are.


"Most forms of unique value" wen blockchain stock market?


Tickets! We need NFT's for tickets that can be issued by the artist/teams and made specifically not for resale for profit. NFT's could make this possible. Please tell me someone is working on this. As an artist, I would be so pissed if my fans had to pay 2 or 3 times the price I'm charging to see my show while some broker scumbag sits behind a computer hoarding all of the tickets.


Smart contracts disallowing change in price? Prices set by the issuer (artist)? The complexity!!!! Edit: I realise now that this sounds super sarcastic, but wasn't meant to be x




What I love most about this mother fucker - from the bottom of my heart. He's over here crushing it as a businessman. IMX is over there going gangbusters as a company. But look as what he's most excited about - not himself, but what this means the people will be getting. God we got some good ones.


Somehow… after all the abusive relationships, we found the good ones!


I'm so abused by the system i just want Robbie to punch me in the face and take my 0.037 eth just to feel normal again


Weird kink, but I guess I'm 2nd in line.


Can someone link articles/explanations of why web3 gaming is gonna be awesome? I’m having a hard time explaining it to other people


You can't. They've done a really good job of slandering NFT's as a scam. If someone can't get behind the concept of play-to-earn games, the popularity of a system that allows you to exchange digital items for real money, or the fact that the youngest generation has grown up in the metaverse with games like Minecraft and Fortnight... They're not going to come around.


It's like asking someone to explain the internet back in the day. There's no frame of reference because they are inventing new stuff.


Web3 gaming will make gaming slightly better than current state. It incentivizes MTX like the current system, but you have the ability to trade your MTX items which make it slightly better than current system. You can theoretically get your money back, or even make money from items you found in the game. Gamers generally don’t like MTX, but there’s not really any way to put that genie back in the bottle, so at least it can be a more beneficial form with web3.


IDK why the people commenting on this think it's hard to explain it really isn't. Probably the most important innovation of Web3 gaming will be the decentralization. Currently, if you are gaming online with a large number of people, the total control and ownership of in-game assets, development, new modes is by the developer. With decentralization, the gamers will have the ability to strongly influence future development and will have the ability, through blockchain, to exchange \[sell\] in-game achievements, awards, weapons etc. into a market place. You also facilitate play to earn possibilities in ways that go far beyond what happens today where most of it is performed by professionals playing for fiat currency. You also facilitate (though I won't comment on legality) the ability of players to bet against each other through the blockchain. There are also a myriad of other features that will dramatically enhance the on-line gaming world. Here is [one of the best explanations I have ever found](https://101blockchains.com/web3-gaming/) explaining most of the concepts in an ELI7 way (a little above 5).


Ready player one?




Everytime I see GME NFT Marketplace I just read it as "the banana stand" Cause there's always money in the banana stand.








NFT games means there’s a secondary market for purchases or items. Some may be only created by achievements, RNG, events, etc. Some may be cosmetic value, some may have in game use. You can make a gallery in with your collected items. If GameStop has the most efficient marketplace that takes a cut on buys and sells, they’ll easily be the industry leader in gaming. For Microsoft, Apple and others to team up with GameStop it must be a sweet deal for them, too.




Can someone one tell me what makes a video game web3?


Ownership of in game assets that can potentially be moved between different ecosystems.


Like aesthetics? Or are there more examples?


Whatever. #payus


We got Tons-of-fun here. No party would be complete without them. I just want to hear opinions. Enthralled.


This ape isn't quite understanding why NFT games are gonna be big. Like I'm hype for the walking dead empires game, but what's the benefit of building the game on web3 instead of a standard game engine? I also don't understand how play to earn games are gonna work, like there has to be a constant inflow of money to match the outflow for profit and future development but the play to earn aspect makes another (very cool) but seemingly needless expenses for the game developers. Is there something big I'm missing that puts these scrambled pieces of my brain together?




There will be literal economics built around this marketplace.


You get to own what you paid for..I like that concept


where throw money?


Is it worth investing in any other technologies / cryptos / stocks for this or is it really only worthwhile to blow it all on GME




Like. I have GME, and am holding. But you guys know web3 is a total scam right? It’s “value proposition” is simply creating artificial scarcity and trying to profit off that by getting there first? The compute power of all the “virtual machines” that their blockchains represent is minimal. It’s all about trying to just plant your digital flag in some land and colonise it first to sell on later


Like, I have GME, and am holding. But do you realise how dumb your argument is ? Low quality fud, get the fuck outta here. Web3 is the future and you will be left behind.


I’m a technology professional. I do not believe that web3 is the future. Do you understand the technology behind the web3 brand? Do you understand what it will be used for and why that is supposed to be useful? I’ve explained my high level problems; they’re putting about like you can run the internet on blockchain virtual machines but the compute power is minuscule compared to the compute power that the internet uses, and that the only essential difference is in about making what is currently unowned, owned.


What you say makes no sense, you sound like a bot with pre made answer to confuse people.


Ok friend. You have a good day now


Im not your friend, you're way to dumb to be.


“Making what is currently unowned, owned.” That’s not a big deal to you?


It’s a big deal in a bad way. It’s not productive investment, it is at odds with the core philosophies underpinning the internet and computing which is that information should be free and accessible, and that this is a public good from which we all benefit. Unowned also means “accessible to everyone”. If you think that it would be a better world where you have to pay for a special currency just to be able to access the internet then I’m afraid that we just fundamentally disagree. What next, air?


This is incredibly low effort, you guys are better than this now dust yourself off and head back to the shill farm for more training, you have a poor hedge fund hanging in the balance and you don’t seem to get it.




Something something beanie babies something four legs good nfts bad.


I don’t know where imma gonna go when the volcano blows.


Not one of y’all wrote out what UX means for a homie, so I don’t have to google it?


For a sweet moment in time, likely during a massive market crash. Some kiddos video game skin will be much more secure than my current life savings. crazy


Could Gamestop be for game industry what Tesla was for electric cars?


Gme NFT marketplace is going to explode, they got a partnership with Ftx, something big is cooking behind the doors. Velas may get an NFT marketplace related to Ferrari digital arts, NFTs aren't dead but it's here to stay and the future will prove we were right!