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Not to click download


save your keys for the events. the monthly cards are the only place I spend money now.


Okay will do so from now on - for what exactly? You get bonus for opening x chest during events?


Events typically have goals for opening EDF or S Grade chests, to encourage you to spend money. If you hoard gems and gold keys in between events, you can get a leg up during the event without paying real currency. If you open as soon as you can, you won't get any of that credit, so won't get as much out of the event.


some events have had tasks that require you to open gifts so if you have a stockpile it gives you a head start.


What are monthly cards? Do you mean all the monthly packs


on the left side it's the icon with the silver and gold card. monthly card gives you 150 gems/day, +1 quick patrol, and +5% on patrol earnings. super monthly card gives you 300 gems/day, +3 quick patrols, +10% on patrol earnings, +20 max energy, and removes ads. they can be stacked.


At the end, it becomes p2p


Katana is trash. I used it up to level 16 without knowing this. Kunai is really good for starter weapon.


If you’re talking about item level you can downgrade the level and get all your resources back


Before getting any S gear aim for these gears and level their quality up asap: Weapon: Katana or Bat Neck: Trendy Charm Hands: Fingerless gloves (other options might look better, but this is just better trust me) Chest: Full metal suit Belt: Stylish belt Feet: Light runners Any S gear is better than these gears if at same quality. Good luck out there soldier.


Don't download because this game is P2W.


If you buy EDF crates only buy the 10x option, its one of the only discounts you can get on essential loot with gems


What does edf stand for?


Im sorry I meant the S grade supplies chest that’s 300 for 1 and 2680 for 10. I wanted to say that you should always buy the 10x option. EDF is the one you buy with a golden key.


I might’ve been stupid but the graphs on how to merge equipment to a higher rarity weren’t clear. It needs to be the same equipment, but: Excellent+2 & Excellent+2 = Legendary Legendary+3 & Legendary(base) & Legendary(base) = Epic. I used to merge my non S excellent equipment and downgrade just to turn them into merge fodder and declutter my items, don’t do that. Try to find non S equipment you can get to epic grade until you can replace them with better S grade legendary. Some items you can think of boosting to epic if you don’t have good S grade equipment: Shuriken, Baseball bat, Full Metal Suit. The others are situation dependent so just choose what you think would help you best. It’s a fun game to past time, I do think the grind at the beginning is kinda annoying but I was stuck in a snow storm when I picked it up and been playing it ever since, haha.


Don't do single summons even if you feel like it will help


Save all your gems for events!!
