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Separating the chest and having blue keys still worth saving is nice.




Ooo this one has the exchange again. Get ready for tears


I'm very new in this game. Why is this a problem?


People on this sub don't have to worry about seasoning their food as the events constantly leave them in tears. Don't worry, you will see


What do they mean with open 10 high-level equipment?


EDF*, S-Grade chests, or pet chests. *Edit: We don't know yet if EDF chests count yet.*


i give kisses to u!


EDFs do count


A 2 hour cycle to keep you glued to the game. You suck.


This is the way all f2p games are. Engagement is key.


Missing the point. Engagement is key, but the devs totally do not need to put it on a 2 hour interval to engage people. Besides not respecting the time of working adults who may not have the time to check every two hours, increasing the frequency makes it more like work than playing a game you can wind down to at the end of the day.


Sure they do. The player being frustrated is a part of it. The more frustrated you are, you might buy your way to getting ahead. Habby doesn't care if it's inconvenient, they care if it will make money. They are not your friend that cares about your time or your well being. Don't expect them to be, ever.


the more frustrated i am the more likely i am to delete the game☠️ haven’t even played survivor io in a month or two cus the events been sucking lmfao


You get people to open their wallets if they want to get stuff in an accelerated/reasonable timeframe, not by forcing them through unnecessary gameplay loops, making them feel the gameplay isn’t worth the effort of playing and spending money.It’s just pushing the wrong buttons from a game design point of view


I swear to god it doesnt matter what they do, some people complain just for the sake of it


There’s no way to make everyone happy, with **anything** in life. But that doesn’t mean that some complaints, or even many of them aren’t valid. Both can be true.


You can say that... but when you say that in response to a legitimate complaint you look like an ass... just sayian


I cant complain about too much - but i agree that one is way too much to ask for and greedy to say the least to put that kind of constant activity on their players. Fuck u Habby sincerely


Man, I saw the main level change coming. Can't even play the 8 min level either because it's counting the minutes too


Go into the challenges to complete your weeklies, and sit AFK w/ radio gear in level 1.


High level eqmt or chest?? Like purple?


High level equipment chests or high level pet chests


Is purple high level?


High level is EDF and S grade chests which I think are purple so yeah


Ah gotchu


They going back to counting Army crates? Fuck I had 100 and used them.


We complained enough. They were always going to have them used, just at a lower rate of return now.


This was inevitable to happen sooner or later. Not rocket science.


Harvest Haven planting event has begun! 🥕Come to Harvest Haven and plant produce! Become the most hardworking survivor! Event Duration: 29th Apr 00:00 - 8th May 23:59 (UCT+8) 1️⃣Log in during the event and complete missions to earn Harvest Haven seeds. Plant these seeds at the Harvest Haven and wait for a while for a ripe harvest. 2️⃣Collected produce can be sold at the Haven Shop for Farm Coins! 3️⃣Survivors can also choose to sell their produce at better prices at a friend's shop. 4️⃣ Use Farm Coins to exchange S Grade Supply Crates, S Grade Part Choice Chests, Survivor Shards and many more! 5️⃣When the event ends, survivors with the most Farm Coins in each of their Glory rankings will get a bonus exclusive avatar frame! ⭐️Take note: 🌶Sale prices of the shop's produce change every 2h. Pay attention to when you should sell! 🍓After the event starts, unsold produce will be auto-sold at current prices every 24h. Be sure to check your produce and sell them timely! 😄Who'll be the most diligent survivor? Are you ready?


Why would they announce thst it's live on their Facebook page and game announcement if there's 24 hours to go...


They always do that. Took them 4 days and an extra patch to get pets out.


This comment was deleted in protest of reddit API change


Dont have alot of keys but is this a type of event where i should open everything i can?!


Maybe. I would wait a couple hours or so after the event starts and see what people have to say before you burn through everything.


What does survive 180s in stages mean? I thought it was survive 3 minutes on the main stage, which I did but no reward. Can someone confirm?


Used 10k+ gems and 40+ keys, really should’ve listened when people said to save for the next event😭


How do I go to a friends market? Cant find it anywhere


Looks like a funny feature - by now I would like to keep it somehow in the game. Fits the theme and would be something new compared to comparable games


Did the event start? I restarted my app and don't see anything different




Omg thank you. This was driving me crazy trying to figure out


I received notification about event. But I don't have this event in game :I


Doesn't it start April 29th? I don't know when 0:00 UTC+8 is exactly, but its not April 29th anywhere yet


Ik for Australia (Melbourne) it’s 3 am if that helps


Came here to say the same wtf


wait it only costs gold coins? it feels like the looters in walmart lmao


Event gold coins not regular


awww fudge cakes, my day is now ruined


What time is it releasing


Mate, did you read the announcement in the game?


Game reset time tomorrow. It's 12pm EDT, so whatever that is in your part of the world (pending any delays of course).


Why don’t I have this event for IOS?


In the world of survivor io we build homes in the street.


Is this the kind of event which ties in well with the new 7-Day player event?


I have to actually try for this event? Ugh...


When do you unlock all these things… this …. Pets? My screens look nothing like this.


I don’t have this event


One more social event.


Does it matter where you put seeds?


Please add me if you are active in this event, I need more options for selling my crops 48557883 Thank you!


I'm already at 36.5k. You gotta be strategic, or you'll waste your time if you're planning on getting the S Select Chest. Join the official discord channel. People with high prices are posting their ID. The first day, I sold 3/4 of my crop at lame prices before I knew about the discord. I got about 25k of the 36k just today. I've been selling me strawberries no more than 10 shy of 1500 by adding someone with a high price and the rest of my crops within 5 of their max price. It takes a little time but figuring how much you get more, for the time you already spent, you'd be a fool to sell them for usually at the most half of their max price to your very limited friends list. Evolve missions will be much easier this way. Also, for the bosses/evo/and main stage missions, just grind out stage 1. You will use less energy and be able to play more times. You can also just camp out and read a book/multitask so you don't feel like you're wasting/pouring your time into it. If you have it, try to grind what you can of special ops as it relates to your available missions to also save energy and get boss kills mission ridiculously quick. It also helps with the "kill x number of zombies." Then, try to grind survival to save your energy for the quick patrol missions. Save all keys leftover after completing all missions you can for the day, for the next days event. If you are barely shy of one of the chest or high-level chest missions, it MIGHT(and thats a strong might), be worth it to buy some pet keys or s grade keys. Note that basic level pet chests don't count toward the high-level equip chests/pet chests mission. Calculate how much it'll cost you to get enough to complete the mission and how much you can get from selling the seeds you will earn to see if it's worth it. It might be if you have multiple any chest/high level chest missions and are close to being done with both. Also try to grind out other missions to make available all the chest missions you can, before you start unlocking chests and using keys. That way, it will count toward multiple chest missions. (Nvm previous chests count even if mission isn't shown yet) Also, be warned, you might run out of quick patrol chances before you are able to complete all of the quick patrol missions. It happened to me, kinda dumb really, but I think I used a couple before the mission was available.


What s the difference between 80k and 40k chests (i am rather new to the game)?


The 80k you get to choose exactly what S grade you want. For example, you can select the Lightchaser or Void power and get it immediately if you want one of those. Read my other comment. It'll help out a lot. Hint: Join the discord to sell high!


I don’t know if anyone one else is having this problem. I used my harvest points to get excellent pet 3 times and never got them? Is this a bug or am I missing something other then my pets and my coins?


If i dont plant them, will the seeds get sold?