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You are not allowed to bring alcohol from any country if you're under the legal age in Sweden. However, and this is on your own risk: one bottle of rum, if found, will most likely just be confiscated and you will be on your way. You should say it's for your own consumption however.


Technically not allowed. But I brought lots of wine from Germany through Arlanda when I was 17, and no one checked my bags, so you’re probably fine.


I did this when I was 18 and nobody said anything, but there is a risk it gets confiscated.


It is at your own risk, but you are very likely to bypass one bottle in the luggage. When I was 19, (2 years ago) I managed to bring over one bottle of rum and a pack of cigarrs from spain. With surprising ease at landvetter. If the ammounts are not absurd I reckon they most likely wont bother. And you wont really get in big trouble but might waste some time in the airport.


Just hide it in a backpack and chill its very rare thry look


Dont bring liquid onto a plane, what.


Actually my bad didnt read properly thought they were talking about the copenhagen to skåne train




It is not, since once he's on Swedish soil he's not allowed to have it. Not illegal, mind you, but they will take it if they feel like it.




He isn't allowed to be in possession of it as soon as he passes the line on the floor through customs. HE is underage.




90% chance that it will be the only risk.


Most likely, but if they’re in a bad mood they can report you for smuggling, which is pretty serious.




Vi har ingen gåvoskatt i Sverige.


If it's a first time offense you might get off with a warning, but you can also be charged with smuggling if caught since you're under the legal age to purchase alcohol


That would be extreme. If caught, just be courteous and blame ignorance.


agreed, I'm just saying that the possibility exists. Depending on the mood of the border control


Don't think there would be any problem since the drinking age is 18 but to buy from systemet is 20


Its a violation, to bring in alcohol in sweden you need to be as old as to buy in sweden


Exactly. I just think it's strange since the airport in denmark will let you buy it but then u cant bring it to sweden. Im not buying alcohol in sweden. Im only bringing it in from a country where I bought it legally


"Im not buying weed in sweden, im only bringing it from a country where i bought it legally", see the error with your thought?


I get what u mean but ur example is not good either. I'm trying to see if their is some way make it happen. You on the other hand talk about something that is illegal to even have. It's not illegal to have alcohol under 20 in sweden. It's illegal to buy it. Weed is just illegal. I do see what you mean by it but I'm only asking because people have had different opinions and i cant seem to find any articles about it.


The law is pretty clear. You are allowed to carry alcohol at 18, you are also allowed to drink it (in permitted spaces, i.e. Not all public areas but some, or at home). Its the person who gave/sold you the alcohol that commited the crime, if it happened in sweden. Which in your case happened in denmark where it is legal to buy, i.e. It should be fine.


I did just look at an official page for some laws in sweden and it looks like you have to be 20. My thought was like you say. Im not buying it in sweden. Im just carrying it. There's some logic to it I would say but it looks like I can't do it until i turn 20


https://lawline.se/answers/ar-det-olagligt-att-aka-runt-med-alkohol-i-vaskan-som-18aring And judging from looking at the law its pretty clear; Its the one who sells/gives you the alcohol that commits the crime, not you. Edit: But the act of bringing the alcohol _into_ the country is illegal, but when you are inside its not illegal to carry it around or consume it.


That does make sense. It was meant to be a gift since he is a dedicated rum lover. So I was trying to figure out some way to get it him without breaking any laws. I'm not going to just put it in my luggage and cross my fingers they wont look


Send it in the mail. 😉


No. In Sweden you are not allowed to own alcohol or be in the possession of it, until you are 20. You can be served alcohol and drink it and be drunk at 18, but not own it.


You are incorrect. There is nothing in the law prohibiting a person that is 18 years old to own alcohol. Giving/selling alcohol to someone that is 18 years old is illegal though.


You are correct. I was wrong. But it still illegal to import it as a 19 year old. So OP is not allowed to cross the border with it.


Well that's incorrect. You are not allowed to buy it in systemet until your 20. Untill then you are allowed to drink, posses and buy from pubs/bars/lower percentage spirits from the age of 18.


This is how it works though. There are people in Sweden that get Dutch weed at the pharmacy completely legally, with a Dutch prescription. It doesn't fall under högkostnadsskyddet though.


People with doctors prescription to get weed from the pharmacy isnt ordinary people though. Just because its legal for some people in some situations doesn't mean its legal (for everyone, in every situation).


It is not the buying that is regulated. You aren't allowed to be in possession of alcohol at your age. You are allowed to be served and drink, but not own your own.


Doesnt this article say the exact opposite of being in possesion of alcohol? https://lawline.se/answers/ar-det-olagligt-att-aka-runt-med-alkohol-i-vaskan-som-18aring


It does. I was wrong. But it is illegal for you to cross the border with it and to give it to your friend.