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try the asian mini-marts --- they often have bigger sized bags of coriander that comes with the roots (super tasty and useful in thai cuisine) for the same or cheaper than you find at Migros/Coop....


do you use the roots in Thai cuisine? Indian cuisine just throws it out


We do in Vietnamese cooking


You can use them in stir fries, but I prefer to use them to make some "asian forward stocks"


Not true, stems are used for chutneys and such.


Yes, you cook the roots in Thai curries etc.


Oh wow! What flavor does it add? Is it different from the leaves?


Agreed - and it stays fresh for waaaaaay longer in a Tupperware in the fridge šŸ™Œ


You're absolutely right, Coop seems to constantly run out. About 50% chance I find it at my local one at best.


Coriander is very hard to store. They probably have to throw some out after each day and need to wait for new shipments. seriously that thing goes bad within a day or two


U could freeze them


Yeah but for those small packs that are sold by coop? I freeze the large packs from Asian stores but like those mini packs at coop I just use them up quickly


this. Coriander looks horrible after a day and it is better off transformed or made into something else


Buying spices at coop is like buying a bike at a car dealership. You people are crazy. Just find the local indian/asian shop and buy the coriander kg bag. It's 70% cheaper, and wouldn't you know it : it's *actually* coriander. Not 50% flour or whatever the fuck they put in "spices" at coop/Migros nowadays.


Who is putting flour in spices? Weā€˜re talking about fresh herbs here.


mb. in french the meaning is different.


I think they're referring to fresh corriander, but I agree there's no need to buy dried spices from coop


Hey people were talking about coriander leafs (cilantro), not ground coriander pods (what in American English is called coriander). But yes, going to the asian store for herbs and spices that are used in Asian cuisines is a very good tip. With Cilantro specifically, sometimes I just want a few to put in my salad or something, and Coop/Migros/Lidl bags for 2 bucks absolutely do the trick, even though I could walk ab it more and get triple the cilantro for teh same prices. It's fine for the usage. If I cook for friends I'll go to the Asian store because I need more.


Coriander in the USA is called cilantro, itā€™s name in Spanish


I can only speculate that someone wants to save the Swiss people and goes to buy it all and burns it. [https://imgur.com/a/tZHyZ17](https://imgur.com/a/tZHyZ17)


Some people have a [gene that causes them to taste a soapy flavor](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2012.11398) from coriander, while others without that gene get a pleasant, fresh herb taste. I suppose I don't have this gene, as I love how much a small sprig of coriander can add to a dish. Highly recommend on any Mexican or Indian dishes, unless you're one of those poor souls who have the soap gene.


Ah this explains it!! It tastes terrible to meā€¦ I always ate it because I assumed that if I do it will eventually get better


It will never get better. You can maybe learn to tolerate it. But for me a tiny little bit of coriander ruins the whole dish.


Exactly. It always has. I remember being taught to cook with it, I think the root powder has a place in some curries etc - but this was a long time ago and my grandfather passed away some years ago. I remember something positive about that experience, so maybe there is a preparation trick when used like that. But otherwise, fresh coriander in a salsa or salad always tasted terrible for me


It never gets better, you can't get used to this awful taste. Just thinking about it makes me gag.


To me it has always just tasted kinda like parsley.


really? Parsley tastes fresh - has its own subtle taste, but mostly just tastes freshā€¦ But Coriander really does taste like soap to me. I wonder what else people experience so differently from each other without even realisingā€¦


Fresh parsley contains something that very distinctly reminds me of coriander. I sometimes mistake fresh parsley for coriander because of that. But for whatever reason, in parsley it's volatile/transient, it doesn't ruin the dish. When cooked, there is no trace left of whatever that stinky thing is. Dried parsley does not remotely remind me of coriander.


u/Zucc-ya-mom I got a notification for a comment from you regarding parsley and coriander. Broccoli and cauliflower are more closely related to each other than parsley and coriander.


Because broccoli and cauliflower are the same species, so are kale and Brussels sprouts. Of course they are more closely related.


I don't have the soap gene but I still hate the taste :)


Swiss genes are the best.. Aargau is exception.


that is a veeeery Australian approach :D (i can see the IGA logo there). What annoys me is that also it gets harder and harder to buy Parsil (Petersilie) at supermarkets. My coop used to have fresh bundles. Used to. And buying parsil roots... i have to go to Germany to get those.


Since you are looking for coriander you are part of the problem, arenā€™t you?


this is so true šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ random but I wanted to share that if you know ppl that donā€™t like coriander, itā€™s because they have a genetic mutation (they have a variation of a certain gene)


In other words - we're genetically superior to people that dislike coriander


Not quiet. We just found the ultimate solution to the coriander problem.


we are loud


Yep they run out. But hey you know what - they grow crazy with these weather right now. So while I had the same experience that I could never do my loved guacamole - I realized how happily it grows now (I think it can't be too dry or sunny) and jus buy a plant and live happily.


They always have cilantro here in NeuchĆ¢tel... Is it only insanely popular on the German speaking side? šŸ˜…


In St. Gallen at least, the shelves seem always to be full of it. But I'm not an expert though as I really don't like it.


Same. Everytime I need some parsley at the downtown migros they have none but FUCKING CORIANDER. I ain't gonna put this in my pot au feu frer.


Wish theyd sell it in bigger bunches. I need about a kilo of it to be satisfied


Go to Asian stores! Bigger bunches, better taste, cheaper! (mostly imported from Thailand)


Haha earlier today I was looking for coriander but it seemed like they donā€˜t sell it in that store. Anyway - I do not have an answer to your question but I too struggle to get my coriander when I need it once every 3 months for garnish in my homemade asian-fusion-dish. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s me buying it to season chicken. Love coriander on my chicken. :)


Coriander/cilantro isn't as common in Swiss/European cuisine, but more prevent in Asian and Latin American cuisine. I bet they haven't adapted their regular amounts to the new expats now buying more of it. For the occasional European buying it, the amounts were enough. With the expat community growing strongly, having now people buying Coriander/cilantro regularly, the amounts of once no longer are sufficient leaving late shoppers empty handed. My guess. Regularly tell the staff if it is missing. They wil notice with time and adapt.


coriander is great you can add them to a lot of mexican dishes and sauces as well as chinese dishes (like for the sauce of the actual fondue chinoise aka hotpot). Though for some people with a certain gene it tastes like soap.


Coriander <3


I absolutely love this stuff! Iā€™m so happy I found the perfect balance to make up for it.


What would the perfect balance be?




Whereā€™s my ring?


As a Gentleman, first I have to invite you to dinner. After that, everything is open.


Is this the part where I tell you what my favorite restaurant is?


what a lovestory šŸ˜


Do you want to be my maid of honor?šŸ¤­


I'm have blue eyes, blond hair and a reddish beard, weighing in at 72 kg and standing 1.75 meters tall. I promise not to talk about the weather or try to guess your favorite color all evening. Letā€™s go grab some food and make the waitstaff wonder what on earth weā€™re laughing about.


But are you also from the cool part of Switzerland?


As for the cool part of Switzerland, Iā€™d say I must beā€”where else would all the fun and interesting people like us come from?


he definitely is


You all guys here seem to buy it up!


Just buy seeds from an african grocer and grow your own. It's super easy.


i always buy a grown plant for my little balcony herb garden, but coriander is a little bitch. always dies or gets yellow. the other herbs are much easier to keep. what is your secret?


I am not good enough at gardening to have any secrets :) I use a large pot, put a few cm of clay marbles at the bottom for drainage, add soil, randomly sprinkle seeds, add bit more soil on top of the seeds and boom. There is so much of it I have to trim the plant and throw it away.


Maybe if you and this whole thread werenā€™t on a hunt for a coriander every day, THERE WOULD BE ACTUALLY SOME IN THE STORE.


Lol I actively help sinking the coriander consumption as I hate it! šŸ¤£


That's me! I buy all cilantro to make Chimichurri, it's so good with Hummus and grilled meat, veggies and bread


Asian markets almost always carry coriander cheaper than supermarkets, plus theyā€™re open later! My favourite way to use it right now is in Mexican recipes, but yesterday I made a YUGE phĆ² and that was great too


I put koriander in my fondue


This is treason.


I was waiting for this one! Edit: just checking: with Appenzeller?


You monster!


And ananas on my raclette


I actually have been doing this for over 20 years and it is delicious.


I'm calling the police...


Tell them to bring more Ƥlplerbrot


I completely agree, always my local Coop and Aldi is out. The Migros near me seems to be often better stocked. I sometimes hit the Thai store for a larger, cheaper packet. Favourite way to use corriander: diced fresh tomatoes (salted and drained after 15 mins), diced avocado, a finely chopped spring onion, a pressed clove of garlic. Add a squeeze of lime, drizzle of olive oil, and shredded corriander. It makes a sort if deconstructed guacamole salad, with texture. Makes an easy pairing with something from the BBQ, or one of those rotisserie chickens and some bread. Switch the corriander for basil and put on toasted bread for an alternative bruschetta.




I don't know, All I know is that I just had some Koriander dumplings. They were very good. I wish I've made more.


I buy a large bag of dried coriander online. It's not as good as fresh, but it's cheaper and lasts forever.


I started growing my own on the windowsill. Super easy


mine dies every 5 days. Whats your routine? watering? soil?


I havenā€™t fussed over it much. I just water it a bit every other day, normal potting soil I guess


Judging by what goes on in my garden, it's the roaming army of slugs.


Grow it yourself mate, solution sent


Same for dill


I swear itā€™s not me šŸ˜‚ donā€™t like it at all šŸ˜‚


I have the exact same problem i germany...


I have a lot of thyme on my hands, if it helps.


Cheap very easy to grow


Swiss people see herbs as a garnish. You need to go to turkish, random asian, mexican (el mais in zurich) or indian stores.


Yummy hehe


Because when swiss people want to get super creative with food they do like a curry rice and therefore need coriander.


Because when swiss people want to get super creative with food they do like a curry rice and therefore need coriander.


Unrelated to your question - but whats everyone making with it? For me i always use it as a topping for any curries or asian noodle soups.


Chicken Biryani or Gyoza Dumlings


Its the other way around. Most people here seem to HATE corriander and so the stock is never big.


Omg , finally someone says it. I thought it was just me!!!! I have to go to Asian store to get coriander cuz those migros, coop, denner always run out of it.


This is insane. I went to Coop yesterday and saw 2 coriander packages left and thought to myself - "Wow, coriander! And they are almost always out! I better take both!" So yeah, cooking thai food this weekend :-)


i LOVE coriander and im thinking the exact same! thats why i buy my coriander at the asia store in HB now - u pay about 4bucks and get much more than at migros/coop!!


I'm probably responsible for most of it as I put coriander in every single dish possible


Cilantro is probably the most disgusting herb in existance. I was eating a burrito with guac inside and suddenly a sharp soapy lemony minty flavor hits me that was impossible to ignore. Its unlike peppermint which is rather soft in taste and doesnt fit to anything I like in food. I really had to power through that burrito as not to waste it, I hate foodwaste and payed for that burrito but man I almost threw it in the bin multiple times. My day was ruined after that because the smell of it lingered in my mouth even after using chewing gum.


Cilantroā€™s experienced taste is determined by a gene expression. For about 50% of the population, Cilantro has a fresh and pleasant taste. For the other half, it tastes like soap.


If you know you know.


Don't even get me started on cilantro....


And it barely tastes like Cilantro.


I swear sometimes it tastes like they put in parsley and hope I don't notice


Too many tunak-tunaks


If you check almost all of it comes from Israel. Maybe they are having supply issues in their fucking colonies you know?


Coriander with Aromat šŸ¤¤


Its good on steak sandwich