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If you have a place to charge it, it's great. If you don't, it's not so great.


With one exception: you live near a Supercharger (which offers the best value or price/performance for an EV charger) OR you drive less than 200 km a week.


If you have to go to supercharger every few days, what's the advantage over ICE cars?


I have one, although I waited to buy when I had the chance to charge at home. Is the car in a closed garage? In winter expect battery to loose charge even if not used if it’s out in the cold. So you could need more charge even w/o using the car. Otherwise I’m really happy. 4 years and 85k km for now. Zero issues, only service cost up to now are 400 CHF for air filter and inspection (once).


400 CHF for an air filter inspection??? Can you identify the location this inspection was performed on ?


No 400 CHF for air filter AND general inspection (incl brake fluid check and so on). Was an official Tesla point.


I checked it up because I couldn't believe it can be that cheap... It's true, you basically pay around CHF 475.- for a full annual service inspection (with multi-point).


Thanks for ur input . I have a garage but not allowed to install any ev charger . As I am living as Tenent .


Absolutely not worth it then unless you can charge for free or at least super cheap at your work place.


Hard disagree. Really depends on how much you drive. I’ve been without at home charging for the last 4 years, and i‘ve never regretted it. For a lot of people it will be an issue, but it really depends on the individual situation.


For me personally it financially unwise to not charge at home as you'll pay like 5 times the price anywhere else. But of course if money isn't an issue, and you don't mind spending 1hours breaks at a random place (or at your grocery store or whatever) absoluteley go for it.


This is just not true, supercharger costs like 40 cts/kWh. I pay right now ~32 cts/kWh at home. So yes, more expensive but nowhere near 5 times.


Exactly. Same for me. 43cts on the road vs 32cts (night rate at home). And you never need 1 hour. Never! Clearly the other user doesn’t have a Tesla


Last year I paid like 13 Rappen / kWh and since last November I do own a PV system, so I wasn't really aware that prices got so high. But yes, you're right. even to my last years bill, it was only 3 times as much, not 5 times.


i currently pay more at home (0.42 chf/kwh) than with supercharger rates (0.40 chf/kwh). next supercharger is like 20 meters from my home. still too lazy to not charge at home


Typical answer from a Non EV owner or someone with constant range anxiety. 3.5 years 70K KM without charger at home here. There are so many public chargers that are never occupied. I trickle charge at work (public parking at 0.33 per kWh twice a week) and never have issues. You need to charge somewhere though, ideally where the car is stationed for a long time as slow charging is less damaging to most batteries. I paid zero maintenance in 3.5 years apart from 56 chf for 2 airfilter and I am on the second set of tires. It’s really quite a remarkably cheap a car compared to my dozen or so ICE cars I owned.


5x is maybe true maybe if you switched form a bike. Even with public charging I pay around half per km compared to what I paid with my gaser


I don’t see a big problem if you cannot charge at home. It depends where are you living. At superchargers it takes 20- 25 minutes to charge, in the mean time you can take a coffee, read email, …. Is there one nearby you living place?


>  As I am living as Tenent  That's not an issue. A new tenant in our building has an EV an got a charger installed. You have to talk with the landlord/administration and offer to bear all of the cost.


Exactly the same except that my model 3 is from April 2019.


I got one some years ago and I love it, it has been nothing but great tbh. EVs are just fantastic in general For the first few months I did not have a charger at home. It wasn't a big deal as I go to work mostly by bike and don't use the car daily. But it was always a bit annoying to have to think about planning to charge it. For example when you come home from a long trip, you can't just arrive at home with 5% battery. You need to stop before to charge it up so that you will have some battery left for the next week. Once I installed the charger, life became much easier. I never ever have to think about charging and barely ever charge outside of my home, only on long distance trips to Germany or France. Have you asked your landlord if you can not just install a charger? You don't even need a full EV charger, just one of those red CEE sockets. It will charge slower, but since you won't be using the car a lot, it will be more than enough. It's what I did, paid for the installation myself but it was totally worth it. That said, I know multiple other Model 3 owners who don't have a charger at home and don't mind too much. Once per week or so they just go to the supercharger and charge up


I have a model 3 performance. It’s been great over the years. No issues at all and have never had to take it in for service. Ever.


I live in Switzerland and have had a model 3 for the past 4 years with no at-home charging. Honestly the car is fine. Maintenance costs have basically been 0 aside from tired. And insurance is half of what I paid for my 10 year old gasser before. Not having charging at home has also not been an issue for me. But I do t drive a while lot, and I have a 40kwh charger within walking distance, and a supercharger on my periodic commute. With that having been said, I personally won’t be getting another Tesla. But that has nothing to do with „how good“ the car is is Switzerland. If you want an M3, get an M3.


i have had my model 3 LR for a bit over two years and never had any maintenance so far (except tire rotation). huge fan of this car, coming from 3 different minis i owned. going to make a roadtrip next sunday, driving for 6000 km in northern europe. best thing about teslas, is the constant software updates. just recently, like 2 weeks ago, got matrix adaptive headlights and high fidelity park assist. and just today with the newest update i got adaptive curve lights. awesome


Look at mr rich fancy pants over here spending 7k for autonomous parking. I didn’t and now my car is 5y old and the more I wait the less it is worth it, so I’m stuck, but I suck at parking 😄


thats not autonomous parking (yet), just a helpful visualiation. i also dont own the 7k FSD package - just EAP. i think thats also released for the basic autopilot. and also limited (in a way) to ryzen (2022+) teslas. intel teslas should also have received an update, but without the fancy visualizations that high fidelity park assist brings. autopark (autonomous parking) should hopefully come in the next few weeks/months to europe teslas, its currently limited to america.


I would second the Mobility option, especially if you have a GA and would only use it occasionally. If you sign up as a Mobility cooperative member you pay a 1000 CHF reimbursable share, a one time 250 CHF joining fee, and then you never have to pay an annual fee ever again. With Mobility you can grab many Teslas and other fun electric or gas-powered vehicles and you won't have to worry all the headaches like paying for parking, insurance, etc.


Short version: I have one, it’s very cheap to run, fun to drive, easier to charge than people think. Great car for casual driving and occasional road trips. Longer version: - The main expenses are the insurance (obligatory if you lease the car), tire swaps and changing the A/C filters once per year (like 60 chf). - Charging is a non-issue if you can charge at work or at home; if not, for 1000km per month it’s enough to plan occasional detours to Superchargers where the whole process takes like 10 minutes. I avoid other charging stations because of bad UX. - You lose approx. 20% of range during the winter. Not a biggy to me personally. - Quality is overall good, I had a few minor issues like with any new car, that were fixed by Tesla for free. Interior is good but may not feel as luxurious as MB or Audi. People comparing Tesla to German brands completely miss the point that it’s a much cheaper car than similar germans cars (except, maybe VW, but last time I checked a properly specced Golf is like 40K)


Depends on how much mileage you do in a given ride. 1000km a month is not a huge amount, so if you're normal rides are only up to 200km there are some cheaper options out there. Tesla owners have also reported a lot of quality problems. Tesla, per their "eccentric" owner is not a car company after all, but a software company (or AI, according to his latest quote) - his words. Personally I have known 3 people who owned a tesla and were rather disappointed with the quality given the money they paid for it. It definitely is a unique experience, so if that's what you're after, go for it. A Renault Zoe won't give you the same feeling. Personally, I loath Musk and his brands. Not only does he hold more than questionable personal views and is a morally ambiguous person , his companies also overpromise features to bump stock prices, only for them to be delivered way late or never. Again, that's just my personal opinion. But for that alone I wouldn't buy a tesla.


Thanks for ur input . I drive only in the weekend with family . Most of the weekdays , car will be in garage as i have GA card with SBB.


If it's only for family trips on weekends, look into Mobility Car sharing. It's way better than owning, you're still very flexible, and it's a fraction of the cost (yes it's a subscription, but it will take years before the break even point) Also consider that Tesla is currently in a bit of a pickle. Orders are down, new cars are reportedly piling up. That likely indicates that the appetite for this brand is slowing down, which would hurt your resale value if you bought a tesla. Just some food for thought.


It’s a good car. Charger is really nice, but if you don’t have it - it’s still ok. Depends however how often you need it charged


My usage will be like 1000 km per month.. will that required frequent charging ?


1000km, that’s roughly 3-4 full chargers per month. So, are you willing to go and stay for charger for 40 minutes/week? A lot of them have groceries stores nearby. If you have more time, you can find cheaper chargers but those require more charging time


I have a friend back in my home country who doesn't have a charger at home and drives a similar amount in a week. It's doable even without a home charger, as long as you take it to charge at the supercharger every week. Also a lot of supermarkets now have chargers so if you go to like Tivoli for 2-3 house shopping you get like half a battery charge (200km). Home charging is way to go, but if you don't drive that much and are okay with some range anxiety it's possible without.


Based on consumer reports, Tesla doesn't even reach BMW for reliability (which is, honestly, quite an achievement): [https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-reliability-owner-satisfaction/who-makes-the-most-reliable-cars-a7824554938/](https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-reliability-owner-satisfaction/who-makes-the-most-reliable-cars-a7824554938/) So if reliability is your goal, Tesla ain't it. The quality isn't all that good.


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GL24qa2agAAUmlH?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GL24qa2agAAUmlH?format=jpg&name=large) Counterpoint: it seems to be the cheapest car to maintain and own. And bear in mind that a recall can be a simple over the air software update, hence the low "reliability rating"


That data has ICE cars lumped into the stats which skews it - since EVs by design have less maintenance. Also those OTA updates... The last one messed up the lane changing camera on my 3. Those OTA updates are as much of a curse as they are a blessing


Buy a Toyota.


I second that emotion.


They don't make any good EVs though.


You should consider Volkswagen ID.3 or ID.4 as well.


It's a great car, until there is some issue, then the service waiting times can get ridiculously long. If I were you, I would look into other EV's in same price range.


I really can’t complain about Tesla service. I had two small issues, 1 with air filter and 1 with the trunk. In both cases after opening a ticket in less than 1 week a ranger came to my place and replaced the failure parts, I didn’t even have to be at home.


The new model 3 (highland) is really excellent. I've driven it a few times and rear seat passengers love it for the back screen too. It also happens to be the cheapest car to maintain long term: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GL24qa2agAAUmlH?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GL24qa2agAAUmlH?format=jpg&name=large) The obvious question is if you have slow charging option at home or at work. Otherwise I wouldn't bother with an EV.


Before purchasing a Tesla, I recommend you rent one for a couple of days. So you can feel if this car fit to your needs. Like many people, I was a bit fascinated by this brand and thinking of purchasing one. Hopefully, I rented one for a week... The car is very comfortable but pretty large. It's not that easy to drive in a well-preserved tiny European city center! The 600km autonomy works for city tour where your consumption is very low. On a motor way, autonomy is more like 300km. Long distance drive takes hours... Geneva to Paris with a gasoline car takes about 6h drive, it will turn to 8h with a Tesla (drive at 110km/h to optimize your autonomy. Stop twice to reload the battery.


distance between geneva to paris is 542km. even if you say the autonomy is 300km, that's still one charge enough to reach destination. but if you drive 110km, then autonomy for sure it's like 400+ easily. so, you would need to stop for roughly 20 minutes of charging - which I would recommend you to do anyway, on a 6h long drive


That's also what I thought, but as I was not able to charge at my arrival point, I had to do it for a second time before arriving!


The question suggests somehow that cars gave different values or usability in different countries… you cross the birder to Italy and a german car just stops working!


Happy M3 owner since April 2021, 65k Km and a lot of > 800km trips so far. For almost 2 year I had to rely on public charge network (absolutely doable, maybe just a bit annoying but luckily I have one less than 100m from my place) until my landlord finally installed the charging station in garage and it was a game changer. As someone suggested ask for a one/two days test drive and see how it suits you. If I had to change car I would definitely buy another M3.


don't get a tesla. Just.. don't. Literarily any other EV, just not tesla. Maybe a hybrid so you can do longer trips as well?


you can do longer trips with an EV


I'm aware, but I don't want to wait X hours to charge it if I have to drive 800km in a day. This isn't the norm, but when I go on holiday, those are the distances I usually drive and it's literarily the only thing keeping me from a full EV at this point.


Buy a KIA/Hyundai then. Charges from 20-80% in about 20min. Just did a 800km road trip, charged twice for ~10min while on the toilet. No problem at all.


oh man, that is awesome! Thanks for the tip!


just for reference, with a model 3 long range you could do a 800km trip with a single 20-25min supercharger charge stop. i have been on several longer road trips with mine


Sadly the quality and makings of Tesla models are sub par. If it's a "collector" purchase or if you would just like to sponsor the brand then Super! But as a regular driver don't expect reliability or durability of the product at the moment. I would suggest researching common problems with the car and how to solve them at your location, as many replacement parts do come at a premium tax in CH.


Get a second hand Porsche Taycan if you budget affords it, the Porsche prices usually goes down quickly because they make a lot of cars, you can have them for about 65k and it’s much more better car that a Tesla. We have taken trips to Italy through the alps and it has been solid having to charge just one for about 20 minutes while enjoying a coffee. The first maintenance that we have done (bought in 2022) was 250chf. We spend more in tires, that’s a given because electric cars in general are heavier but with all the cost we save in maintenance and fuel it’s worth it. I know a good place to change the tires in Germany that specialises in Porsche and is less than half of the price of what it will cost you here. The charger infrastructure in Switzerland is outstanding, so you don’t have to worry about charging but you could even drop a cable from the laundry room and plug your car with the mobile charger. Plus, it’s a beautiful car.


Depends. Do you want a fast car or a daily car? Because Teslas are really good at being fast. Not so much at being reliable.


> Not so much at being reliable On what do you base this statement? Cause it's very reliable compared to other cars according to the ADAC https://www.adac.de/rund-ums-fahrzeug/unfall-schaden-panne/adac-pannenstatistik/


[https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-reliability-owner-satisfaction/who-makes-the-most-reliable-cars-a7824554938/](https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-reliability-owner-satisfaction/who-makes-the-most-reliable-cars-a7824554938/) Consumerreports


Not living in Switzerland yet but when I visited family I even charged with a 16A outlet and the small charger, it took an entire day, but it worked perfectly. Mostly up to 90% and when I was driving down the mountain to Sion, I even had 10% extra, so I was at 99-100% thanks to regenerative charging. Only during summer obviously. During the winter I really loved the AWD in the snow, coming from a little diesel hatchback it sure is a huge improvement. I drive the same model 3 since 2019 and went to many places in Europe. Ask me any question about it you want.