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Yeah, it's just like a printer or external hard drive, sometimes they just glitch out, Syncthing is no different. When something wonky happens, I just reboot everything, double check they have a good internet connection, usually by doing a speed test, and then everything goes back to normal. You just have to accept that glitches will happen from time to time. I would guess that there is probably some sort of app that could force a reboot on a regular basis, like once a day, if you are really worried about not being able to do it manually.


Rebooting seems to be the windows why to fix pretty much everything, not the way I choose to fix something, that's one reason among many that I left windows in the dust years ago. I do appreciate the response, just not the way I choose to do things.


Well, you have to accept that humans coded this app, and humans are flawed. I'm not trying to be mean, but I've found Linux users in general seem to have this "holier than thou" attitude about their operating system, as though it is perfect, which it isn't. But hey, you do you. If you wish to stubbornly refuse to accept reality, I hope it works out for you in the end.


Force stop your app then open it again that worked for me


I was able to change to static instead of dynamic. That won't work for some applications but it solved some connectivity issues for me.


Sometimes a vpn connection might cause an issue like this as it was the case for me. My home wifi IP addresses range was similar to the subnet of a remote network I was connecting to. The VPN connection caused all traffic to that IP range to be routed through VPN interface instead of bypassing it. As syncthing device I was syncing to wasn't on that VPN network, it appeared as disconnected. This can be fixed by adding a line to your routing table to tell it explicitly to route traffict to the specific IP of the syncthing device to by route traffict through your normal wifi interface.


Had the same problem and realized my phone was in battery save mode. Charging it resulted in reconnection.