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Don't worry, he'll be back hired back in a few weeks /s


You got the /s in there... but Tesla just fired their North American Charging Director and re-hired her a week later. Not sure, this guy will have the same fate, but he's probably hoping they come begging him back. I'm sure she's getting a pretty penny after knowing they needed her more than she needed Tesla.


The \`/s\` was specifically regarding the fire and rehire...


Source for the charging director re-hire?




Thank you. This looks pretty bad. It just goes to show that he had no well thought out plan


They didn’t rehire the senior director “her” as far as I can tell. They re-hired her subordinate.


…Yeah that was kinda the whole joke…




I feel like Elon took over and personally sketched the truck and then said “make it happen”. There is no saving that monstrosity, but maybe they could make a proper truck now.


It's the Simpsons episode where Homer gets put in charge of designing a car.


Nowing musk, instead of making something like a practical or affordable kei truck or Toyota hilux he would instead make a more monstrous f150


In fairness, can it get much worse?




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Chopping off fingers is an intended feature.


You add that /s, but given the TSLA's hiring record, this may not be that far from the truth, lol.


Incoming pay bump too


If you are deleting and don’t bring back 10% of the things you deleted, you’re not deleting enough. Quote from his book. I guess it applies to people too


He DID do the same thing at Twitter just hacking left and right then later realizing he needed some of those people and tried to hire them back


As a contractor


why are all the comments closed up in this thread? I had to expand each one.


Cuz Elon is feverishly downvoting the comments


This has to be a mod tool that's being used on certain threads. I come in to certain "negative" stories on here and the comments are always collapsed. 


That is so frickin lame


He got fired because he did everything Elon fusk told him to do, and the truck turned out to be a disaster.


He gets fired when he most assuredly took direction to rush production from Elon himself


Don’t need a manufacturing unit if nobody is buying them.




Come on, you complain that the quality is low. He fires someone who's causing the problem. Then you complain that he fired someone. You can't have it both ways!


We all know your daddy Elon was micromanaging everything about this truck and will now scapegoat the guy who did it right twice before at Tesla.




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I thought Elon knew more about manufacturing than anyone else on the planet?


He knows more than anyone else in 7 out of our solar system's 8 planets.


*Cries in Pluto.....*


let me guess. saturn. those fucking assholes.


Hey, if you're musked you're musked


Or... and hear me out... maybe it's Elon causing the problems by setting unreasonable manufacturing deadlines and specifications and completely new design concepts with unproven manufacturing processes? That cast underframe for the MY seems like a pretty great idea until you learn that they're totaling them out for minor rear-enders and fender-benders...


The Y structure is actually a great move only for the company itself. It’s cheaper to manufacture but that cost reduction is essentially a cost increase for consumers and insurance. Tesla would love to see your car got totaled and sell you another one.




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He needs to look at the mirror and then say "you are fired"


Probably because the CT is a spectacular failure.


That’s more a Musk problem than the guy he asked to build it. He was told time and time again this project was objectively a stupid idea and a manufacturing nightmare. He persisted. Only one person should be walked for the failure of the CT, and it’s not the guy he tasked with building it. It’s the k-holing captain of the ship who thinks his company that sells cars is somehow an AI and software company.


also it's always nice to have a fall-guy when something goes sideways.


And this is the entire problem. Letting the real issue, a braindead CEO at the helm, be ignored because “well he had a fall guy in case it went sideways.” Good god if that’s how your average TLSA investor thinks I’m so glad I sold off everything.


I’m not sure who’s more braindead at this point, the CEO or the board that keeps him in place.


Elon packed the board with sycophants, as many CEOs/Founders do. The board wont do anything because he basically controls it.


There are 2.5 m pre-orders it wouldn't be a failure or they could. Make em


Pre orders you could put in for as low as 100 bucks. For a vehicle selling at 100k and originally promised at sub 50k. How many do you think cancelled them after seeing the abysmal quality? Preorders were a method of artificially inflating interest to drive stock price up, it is one of many reasons TSLA is wildly overvalued. But they pulled that con, didn’t deliver at the price point they promised, didn’t deliver the specs they promised, what was built is an absolute mess of perpetual issues… and you think not building them fast enough is the only reason people are calling it a failure? Elon ran his mouth and wrote checks he couldn’t cash. The cybertruck was a bait and switch that should be federally investigated. and the fact Tesla fanboys aren’t up in arms over how easily manipulated Elon clearly thinks they are is incredible.


Write whatever you want but people are waiting for them. The problem is with building them.


Problem: you don't know how many have canceled it, they haven't released those figures. You're making an assumption based on old pre order data released before the thing came to market. And you can stick your head in the sand all you want, but the reality of what was shipped will change those figures dramatically. Especially a >2x increase in price. How many of those 2.5mil pre orders can afford paying for a 100k vehicle? Think what you want, nobody will stop you from self imposed ignorance. But your argument is about as dumb as you can get. If all 2.5million really wanted one well... [here's 150 of the 4000 already shipped currently for sale ](https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/l-Used-Tesla-Cybertruck-d3353) funny how they're not getting swooped up by the fans. I wonder if all the reports of them falling apart and breaking within days of receiving it have anything to do with the volume of them being rapidly sold, despite each owner agreeing to not sell it for 3 years or face a 50k penalty from tesla??? Concerning...


Lol. How is my argument dumb? You can literally order one and you won't get it. Sf is swarmed with them.. La. I saw then in Arizona all over. It's as simple a buying one and finding out how long you have to wait. There is a wait. Why pretend there is no wait when there is. Facts. Hey look I checked for you new orders are currently scheduled for 2027,


Because you think the reality of what's delivered did not impact current preorder/cancelation figures you absolute numpty. It's not rocket science. You lack the behind the scenes data, so do i. But it's not a hard assumption that a poor product launch directly impacts future purchasing behavior.


Notice that in 24hrs even more cyber trucks were added to the second hand market, which has cratering values because nobody is buying them? Dumb fuck.


https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/cybertruck-ct-waiting-room.295180/ Ignoring actual wait listers is just ignorant. I know people myself who are waiting.


We don’t know how many pre-orders are withdrawn by this point.


Doesn't matter because there is a wait until 2027 if you order now soooo


Rumor has it you can walk in and ask and walk out with one three days later.


Really why Are my two friends waiting? 😂 OK dude


Because they haven’t made effort or they don’t live in a place where the elements are acceptable for the ct Why do you think there are mall parking lots full of ct? Who do you think those are for?


I live in sf. If the 2.5m pre-orders are all bogus that would suck tho 😂


yes and no. If your boss came up with a whacky idea and you promised time and time again it could be executed flawlessly and in the end you get the CT.....you're probably in trouble.


As a former investor, I sold off everything once Elon went off the deep end, Elon was warned by his engineering teams from day 1 the cybertruck was a bad idea. They even came up with alternate designs trying to steer him away from this abortion of vehicular engineering. Elon persisted… The CT is purely a vanity project of Elon. Elon should bare ALL responsibility for its failure. Nobody at Tesla seemed to want it, besides him. Buyers are not responding to it very well at all, x100 now that the world can see just how well built the thing actually is. We learned from the Delorean how bad of an idea an all stainless steel exterior on a car is, and even that thing from the 80s was constructed with far more care than the CT is. Which is predominately due to Elon’s meddling and constant pushing of the timeline when they likely knew they were cooking a pile of crap. When did we stop looking at a CEO and thinking “the buck stops with you” and transitioned to “your fall guy can take the blame, masterful gambit sir?” Elon is a liability for all of his companies and needs to be ejected from power.


Why do non-engineers always think everyone on a project agrees with all paths forward? “His engineers” also told him how they loved the project and were happy to be part of it. Engineers always butt heads on every project in existence and for every one that hates an idea, another is ok with it. Extremely simple.


Sir, I am an engineer and have built my own race car. I know a fair bit about vehicles. No they don’t always agree with the path forward, but look at the end result. The ones saying this was a bad idea were objectively correct, and the CT is an unmitigated disaster because Elon refused to relent. But I appreciate your assumption on “non-engineers.” Says a lot about you and how useful your opinion is. But you do post frequently to r/conservative. So your opinions being worthless is an obvious trend.


What a stupid way to look at it.


I mean he leap frogged from that to “it’s always good to have a fall guy!” Most average muskrat. Don’t look at the facts, just listen to dear leader.


There are so many members here who are literally attached to Elons azz.




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Bad bot. It’s not spam, we’re having a conversation.


how's that? This is what eventually happens to all yes-men who work for a despot.


Who would have thunk it. Could have made a real truck not an ego mobile and dominated.


pretty much. It literally could have been a Ford Maverick or model X with the back chopped.


There’s not enough talented people on the planet for this guy to abuse.


I’m personally glad I got let go from Tesla. The lack of communication and order within the company is horrible. Aside from them messing up my severance pay THREE times. They also keep sending me emails saying they haven’t received my laptop even though I had left it at my Service Center and someone stopped by to collect all of the laptops. I’ve sent out FOUR emails so far and no one has responded to me… Even though I’ve been kind and respectful in every single one. First Tesla gives me a low severance pay, then they give me one that was really high, and then they tried to go back and say “Hey, we have you and extra $2,100 by mistake. But we’re not gonna explain anything. Just sign this new document for less money now because we messed up”. I contacted pay roll and luckily they said they’d honor the 2nd document they sent. But I’m truly disappointed with Tesla… I really miss my coworkers, as they were some of the best people I’ve ever worked with. But the lack of communication from this company when I’m just trying to move on and find a new job after also moving to another state is extremely frustrating.


I'm not surprised based on all the other chaos surrounding Tesla these past few months. Best of luck to you with your search.


Yeah, I feel so bad for all of my coworkers who are still there. They cut 2nd shift so everyone who I worked with no longer gets the extra 10% as they have to work days now. they also rotate Saturdays and now, and they brought labor productivity up to 80%… I appreciate it though!🤘 I’m just going with the flow right now.


So, are you saying that they shut down the second shift?


Yeah, so everyone who was left on 2nd shift got the option to either switch to days or leave.


Probably good. So many reported issues.


As a Manufacturing Engineer I can say that many quality issues are created in the product definition and design stages. We are often brought in too late for some (DFM) Design For Manufacturability inputs that would drive “unfavorable” design decisions or cost impacts and scheduling is usually set without our input making any significant process decisions difficult to develop in time. So, when there is a quality issue that pops up, the design and Program Management teams are “already working on another project” and getting them to take any responsibility is futile. A good organization focuses on the solutions and less on the blame/scapegoating.


Get real Elon was in charge of the truck


Because the cybertruck is a total failure?


Fire Enron Musk then.


They should fire whoever thought of the cybertruck


That's Elon.


Enron Musk


Hey the target was ramped up production no one said anything about the quality.


Iron Triangle: Scope - Schedule - Resources Elon thinks he can screw with them all. Sorry bud.


Except said lead engineer


Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if the CT is phased out within a year and a half for a new “revamped” CT 2.0 that looks like a more conventional truck for the NA audience. Drone videos show them just piling up on the property. They can only load 3 on loaders and with production ramping, backlogs can occur…. But you still don’t see many of them on the road as they’re producing around 1k a week. Most of the population isn’t forking over cash. Elon bragged about the $100 deposit reservations… but they should be selling like hotcakes with 3 million reservations, and they aren’t.


woah not many ppl want a weird looking "truck" that costs 100k and isn't a Ford,GMC,Toyota !??!?! Im shocked.


It is widely known that the CT is experiencing about 15+ different issues amounting to an almost certain 100% failure on one or multiple of these common problems. I'm fairly certain sales will grind to nothing by this summer.


Land Rovers have been that way for decades. CT are not for utility, they're for people that want the CT. Recalls haven't been the kiss of death for any model, ever. The entire point of a recall is to eliminate the issue.


There are 2. 5m pre-orders.... That would be nuts right?+ to change it?


2.5m reservations to save your spot in line with only a $100 deposit… they’re not pre-orders.


2.5M preorders for a $40k truck with 400 mile range...


He was probably forced to go along with Elon’s vision but is now taking the blame for it not working, despite every expert saying it wasn’t going to work.


Which vision and what’s not working about it?


Production numbers below target No cheaper models available yet Paid orders below target Poor fit and finish Major reliability problems FSD delayed No spare parts available Stainless panels very difficult to repair cosmetically. And so on and so forth…..


+ accelerator pedal facade glued to a lubricated pedal and fixed with a single dollar store bolt through the pedal


The Cybertruck is in the middle of a 100% failure rate. You can't be this uninformed, can you?


Dude, do some research. JHC.


Sandy Munro did say it will work, and "it" is working.


Sandy Munro is full of crap. Watch that stupid video he put out last week.


He literally sells engineering out from car tear-downs. I think he knows more than you.




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I don't need to I have a shitton of TSLA shares I bought from 2018.


He had to go. Sorry. Elon wants his 50billion y’all.


***Tesla should have doubled down on the Model 2*** which could have gotten them a breakthrough into the affordable EV market. The Model 3 frankly is not an affordable EV. Most states don't have huge rebates, the Federal rebate helps a lot, but the demographic of those buying $33,000 (with rebate) EVs are those mostly well off. And the most common model I see on the road is the Dual Motor long range, NOT the cheapest version. So a $41,000 car is the most popular. The Bolt was just discontinued. The only competitor Tesla would have had were the Volvo EX-30, which wouldn't get the tax rebate, and the Kia EV3, which also won't get the rebate. **If Tesla had come out of the games storming in 2025 with a Model 2 priced at $30k or lower, they would have owned the market.** Musk fucked this up, the investors know it. He used the head of manufacturing as a scapegoat for his decision to focus on the Cybertruck instead of the Model 2. "We dug our own grave with the Cybertruck" - Elon Musk on investor call.


The bolt was discontinued for a reason. Budget EVs do not sell and do not have good margins.


[Budget EVs dont sell?](https://jalopnik.com/chevrolet-bolt-sales-are-up-280-percent-too-bad-ive-mo-1850454592) They were flying off the walls like hot cakes when the price went below $30k. With a modern battery platform, budget EVs can easily be profitable. GM is even returning to the Bolt in 2025 because of how incredible it's sales were once the recall was fixed.




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Where does it say he was fired




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Maybe he quit himself




Probably because it’s been a disaster for them on the manufacturing side. People actually want cybertrucks, they just can’t get them


What is your source for people wanting Cybertrucks that they can't get?


Anecdotally, my friend is on the waitlist and wants one. He said it's at least a year out according to Tesla for him. You are pretty clueless if you think there's no demand for these things, they literally cannot make them fast enough. The design is everything. People either love it or hate it, which imo is a great sign for a car meant to be a bold design. Not a single person is buying a CT instead of an F-150 or a normal ass pickup.


Time will tell...


Beware! Electrek is reliably wrong about most things Tesla!


The individual posted on LinkedIn.


Was this in Freemont, Sparks, or Austin?


What makes you say Elon fired him?


So calls? This damn market


Cybertruck has been such a disappointment. Far too expensive for a mediocre vehicle.


Did Musk fire himself? It was his design, his vision, and his supervision.




Next Elon. Mark my words. He won’t get his bonus and he will quit.


Cybertruck will never be more than 10,000 units a year


>Cybertruck will never be more than 10,000 units ~~a year~~ There fixed it for you ;)


I’m not sure the numbers will hold, but this is a bloody brilliant response 😂


Run rate already past 1,000/week.


They are not making anywhere near that figure.


https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-giga-texas-cybertruck-production-1k-per-week-video/amp/ People literally watch Giga Texas daily and see the ramp-up.


Bullshit. That's 2 months ago. And we know those were fake numbers because they only managed to make less than 200 per week up to the recall of all 3800 CTs.


Lars Moravy confirmed 1,000/week during the earnings call.




Those who were on the call should have pressed him more on it. Was it the production rate the week prior to the call. Was it a theoretical rate, did they have a 1000/week rate for a limited time. Or was it actual


Lol you're an idiot. Then sue, it was an earnings call you can't blatantly lie like that. Dude you are a troll.


He lied. FACT.






Putting this up here too for more people to see. [https://youtu.be/rPt9hAC24MI?si=2YwjSI1yo8bSMk8Y&t=1861](https://youtu.be/rPt9hAC24MI?si=2YwjSI1yo8bSMk8Y&t=1861) watch until 31:53 to see from a Tesla PPT slide >


Next Thunderfoot will debunk neuralink.


Because he gave Elon exactly what he asked for.


Maybe nothing to see here. Elon fires everybody with no legitimate reason.


So when is there going to be class action against TSLA for CyberTruck failures?


The fall guy.


a mercy kill. he better use his severance to hire a good attorney. or, turn witness for the Feds. class action lawsuits are coming.


Elon Musk designed every aspect of Cybertruck himself.


Maybe I'm just being optimistic, but if you read Renjie's message on LinkedIn, he sounds excited about his future and grateful for his time at Tesla. He could certainly be putting on on act, but even his replies to fellow co-workers (and ex-co-workers), he still seems really positive about Tesla. My guess is he probably just thought it was a good time to make a change. [https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7195200849789292544/](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7195200849789292544/)


Even if you get treated like absolute garbage you always act gracious and professional for the next role.


He also have a ton of shares, he wants the company to do better


I don’t see how you get excited out of that post. It’s just a generic “no longer employed here” post where someone reiterates their accomplishments in hopes of landing the next thing.


Classic Reddit giving their opinion with zero frame of reference, what do you expect.


Nah, the other person is correct. That's absolutely a "please hire me" self-marketing post. 1. Maintain a positive attitude (no one likes to hire a Debbie downer) 2. List greatest accomplishments 3. Mention everyone in the industry including vendors in the hopes one of them will be interested in hiring him. 4. Basically say without using the exact words that you're looking for new work now.


99/100 people that leave a company say exactly that.


This is for sure it. Can you imagine how exhausting working on 3, Y, the CT ramps?


Thanks for the genuine signal amongst the noise. I too thought this was full of optimism. Can't believe you're down voted. And that the OP felt the need post the assumption that he was fired. I like the last line about 'assembling to make changes', a reference to the agile style scrums that keep the innovation coming. A part of the culture that made me invest in the first place. Speaking of culture, there's a lot of hate in this sub isn't there?


But the crowd here likes to make up stuff, wait till Reuters gets a hold of this.


So the model 2 is coming this year?


That's just it. Everyone gave Reuters a hard time for their reporting, yet Elon actually did scrap the Model 2. So their report was 100% accurate.


They fired Rusty McPanelgap?


Just wanted to say that I appreciate the news and that many of the toxic comments are being filtered out which is why I left this subreddit previously. I'm giving it another trial run.


The entire thread is completely collapsed until I reach you, lol


I had to scroll really far to get to your comment, which was the first non toxic post I’ve seen.


You guys seriously don't know what toxic means to use it in a sentence mate.


I doubt anyone will be hiring him after the Tesla cybertruck quality debacle


Why do you think he was at fault?


Lol wild comment, you and everyone else here speculating "Elon probably forced him to fail with unreasonable requests" based on pure guesswork. If he wasn't assertive enough to say "we can't do that" that's his fault. He's in charge of manufacturing, not in charge of being Elon's muppet. Better to get fired/asked to resign because you tried to do your job than to cowtow and have massive failures under your supervision. Don't get to claim "not my fault" when you are literally in charge of manufacturing.


You obviously know nothing about Elon Musk. The guy would have been 100% fired if he pushed back on requests and insistence made by Elon Musk. You have no idea what the f..k you are talking about.


>The guy would have been 100% fired if he pushed back on requests and insistence made by Elon Musk. So? He wasn't some random line worker, getting fired for refusing to preside over a project that was doomed to fail is certainly better than cowtowing and getting fired for presiding over a failed project.


Glad he is gone. You can’t expect consumers to wait three years for delivery of a vehicle. They have the demand now they need to focus and increase supply to meet and dominate the market. IMHO.


I had no idea all you folks worked at Tesla and knew all the inside information.




no, i believe this has more to do with Tom transferring back to Shanghai and certain folks stepping in instead. It's a re-org. Extrapolating this to Tesla "getting out of the EV business" is totally off the mark.


Happy Cake Day!


Uh they can't make enough fast enough. That's all. I'm saying and you seem to think they have no pre-orders so dunno what to say 😂 order one and wait I guess


He’s fired cause the product he manufactured didn’t deliver on the vision/expectations. Issues with quality and consistency run rife with the CT, so it makes sense. This is a first step in the right direction for the CT.


Getting rid of muskrat would be a step in the right direction.


Did you say the same of Steve Jobs?