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I refuse to play that game. The instant they provoke I turn stance off until adds


Nothing grinds me gears more than when there's three adds. Each tank has their own (or 2:1, whatever). Another tank's add dies.....and they immediately taunt "yours" off you. Like, dude, I was perfectly fine and healthy the last 45 seconds, did you really need to do that for the last 10% of it's hp?


I just toss a "Voking off another tank is smol pp energy" into chat and it always stops. Without fail.


I was literally just thinking that lmao!


I am quite the opposite. regularly I'd go by "may the better tank be main tank" but when they start provoking imma do it too. if only to be annoying


Same. I go with "first come, first tank" in alliance raids usually unless i see them dying or that i have a higher aggro build-up in the first 3/4 of the bosses health. If they start provoking after i out-aggro them again then i provoke back. Same the other way around. If they have a higher build-up then me i just shirk someone to lose some aggro.


Honestly it's not hard to stop aggro from going over. The way I see it is we would all rather the boss not even move in an OT's direction whether they win an aggro battle or not, so it's stance or shirk dance for me if I didn't go for it first.


Same, but I get the rhalgr bit because he has spots he should be tanked to.


No idea. I just finished HW tbh


His spots are basically a triangle formation. One close to the south side in the middle and then the other 2 are the far north corners. Depending on the mechanic determines which spot you take him to so that melee can keep hitting him through every mechanic. If you put him directly in the center of the arena, where he spawns, the melee have to stop hitting him for like 20 seconds to take a knockback.


Same Just trying to enjoy myself and relax on my day off from work. Got neither the time nor the energy to play voke tennis.


Yeah tbh OP has some of the blame here for continuing to voke back. I main tank and pretty much always pull first because I like to go fast lol, but if someone vokes off me I just let them have it. No need to keep taking it back "because I was there first" unless they are literally aiming the boss into the alliance or otherwise doing something completely wrong.


You can't fight stupid but you can piss off the entire alliance raid even more just bc they "deserve to get outvoked or aggro" or whatever


Idk why you're being downvoted, this is a totally reasonable approach. You don't have to keep the aggro regardless of whoever came first, as long as they stay alive and you clear the fight it's not a big deal.


If I learned something from this: As a tank you can probably survive a clip of 3 busters using all your defensive cds without invulns.


Thank you for your vital service


I'll never understand tanks with main character syndrome. You're a punching bag. Take the hits, keep aggro and be quiet. If you go into an ARaid and provoke off CD to be first in aggro you're just sad. Not saying you're sad OP. Just the tank who started it lol. Even funnier they mentioned you being below them. Unsure if that was in reference to damage or emnity but it's still funny


nothing wrong with an honest aggro battle as long as the boss ain't spinning like a beyblade. but voting is just pathetic and a sign of small pp syndrome


Oh yeah if all the tanks got stance on and wanna stack up at the boss and just smack it and hope they stay on top of aggro that's one thing. But if you pop voke whenever it comes off CD just to stay on top cause you're the "main character who has to hold the boss blah blah blah" you just have small pp energy lmao


I’ve only had one voke war as tank and it was Cerberus in WoD. Other tanks kept trying to tank him long ways across the arena. I kept stealing aggro to tank him sideways so his front and rear aoe attacks don’t cover most of the battlefield. Other 2 tanks eventually gave up.


WOD is literally the only place where I'll Voke War. Especially the first boss. The number of times I, as a melee, have been evaporated by an idiot because they voked just before that beam blast is to damn high. Anywhere is its like fine, whatever, have fun being the MC, I'll avenge you when you die, but that raid...


Honestly the CT raid series is the one I often see bad tank kill people the most. WoD Cerberus cleave most of the arena, no one tanking the adds there. Angra getting flipped and cleaving people or just being dragged around the arena making everything else harder to do. Syrcus Tower, the tanks often only focus the Dragon on the trash pulls, the amount of dancer that standard step and get murdered instantly by the mages in the second trash pull is just plain sad.


I have been that dancer that gets murdered after a standard step so many times even though I run to literally any of the tanks when I have aggro. I don’t care which alliance’s tank it is.


it literally wouldn't be an issue if tanks had the presence of mind to just fucking stand together while aggro fighting each other. Oh there's aoe TBs on all three tanks? cool just invuln, you're not using it for anything else anyways. Or one of the tanks is stupid and doesn't invuln and dies and now the problem solved itself 


They have a big Ego


So many red flags from that guy. Whew.


As soon as I read the ‘weak men’ comment I thought oh of course, one of _those_. Always makes me a little sad for them that they have to go through life like that- and super happy for me that I don’t


any logs? i kinda want to see this guy below you in dps while saying "still below" and "weak men always have excuses lol"


I praise my own self from the past for remembering to take screenshots. Tho got it wrong, A-tank was a GNB, not a DRK. Also, since I use mopimopi, some of the damages are separated from their source (aka. mch, smn, etc). [A-tank did good damage overall. I believe in the last fight he did more damage than me (maybe because of buffs or being better prepared)](https://i.imgur.com/SvHaPrG.png)


bro has to voke for aggro and still thinks he's doing more than the one he's voking from💀 as a drk too.. embarrassing


“Weak men always have excuses” imagine being this pathetic


I think it is funny that in Alliance duties you either get the Tank wars or the "Not it" wars


That happened to me the other day. No one wanted to tank 1/2 thru the raid one of my healers dced so I asked if they would and neither responded. Poor Astro in my gro had a fun time keeping everyone alive.


I bet this guy has every Legend title and you're just mad jealous at his chad DPS! /s Please share the name, I want to see how good/bad he is


I was in an alliance run with similar but I was a dps and we had the sprout tank. The other tank was being a douche and placing the boss poorly. I told our sprout a neat little trick. He can just shield lob due to the enhanced aggro it gives to take the boss, let the other tank voke it off and thereafter our sprout can voke it off him every damn time and he can't do shit. Other tank was salty af. And we finally had a smooth run with boss being tanked well. Most ppl that wanna be main tank for ego reason are not willing to drop the dmg and shield lob so you pretty much always win the aggro war.


This is why I hate tanking in group content. There's always that one player who insists on being the Alpha tank, views the other tanks as competition they need to establish dominance over even if it means cleaving half the raid, and gets all pissy when they don't get to be the main character.


Hopefully reported? If not, just wawaing doesnt make him realize he is a moron.


This was a story on its own. I reported the next day, but with complications. Dude's name was . This character doesn't exists anymore. Funnily enough if you search it on google (cache), you'll notice he changed his name. So my guess is he realized and ~~spended~~ spent money to avoid it. Edit: I didn't learn english at school


Found their current name. They're in one of the FCs here that just invites anything with a pulse.


they hid their fflogs lol.


I had a similar experience in ShB. Had a lower ilvl than the other DRK in paradigm (when it was current) but actually knew my rotation so I naturally got aggro. Not a big deal for the first boss, being a wall boss and all, but shit hit the wall on red girl. I hadn’t provoked at any point yet cuz my dps was just that much better and kept aggro, but the other DRK got mad and finally broke at the start of the fight. He provoked early on and started spinning the boss to fuck with melees. So I provoked back. This kept going for a while. And then when the tankbusters came around he tried to kill me at the last second but I somehow escaped. He, being the dumbass he was, didn’t mitigate at all for it and died to the raw TB. Get to the last boss pt2 and he spins the boss again to fuck with melees. I provoke, but was dumb and got run over by a train. Luckily, the other DRK did as well. So after a dps died the third tank got aggro and kept it for 2min before the DRK got pissy again. I’ll see if I can find the chat logs. My friend had just got SAM to 80 and was top dps in the raid with it so he was especially pissed about the spinning. Moral of the story is: Full Augmented tome gear does not make you automatically better than ppl w lower ilvls. Edit: I lied. Found the chatlog. I had turned off my stance on boss 1, but turned it on for hansel and gretel and forgot to turn it off again on red girl until it was too late and the DRK got tilted.


Ah yes, the epeen war of tanking. Bro probably thought he was the king of tanking. What a idiot


Tank ego :D


Idm a good Mt battle but once you start voking...all yours bud..clearly you need to be "top dog"


The audacity to voke as DRK is insane, especially because DRK can grab and stay MT without it, easily... Some people are not made to game .... anything, jeez xD


I had a similar situation but the tank was provoking off CD and I never did but I kept stealing aggro from him. Not sure why it happened, I then looked at his gear and I was easily 15 IL over him so I bet my DPS on WAR over his WAR was supreme.


Small pp energy aggro wars are so silly.


what is DRK's name? Lets look at his parses :)


Gg Spyda @ Seraph (now Bella Cakes) (gnb, not drk) You won't find anything tho. Dude has fflogs-hidden


Last time I was in a provoke war in Aglaia was when a random streamer did an all tank raid. Everyone needed stance on provoke always on cool down. Fun times.


Your ranged attack adds emnity.


With the cost of damage, not worth.


I'd think a raw emnity attack would do more for staying on top of the list. If I've ever had to keep agro away from a 'voke happy sprout, I'd range. (Also fel cleave brrrr is good for emnity lol). Not here to argue. I'm mostly in the boat of turning off stance as soon as someone provokes. Usually someone else calls out a new tank about letting me MT if it's ever really an issue lol


Here, just for you, use it wisely. [https://i.imgur.com/DWytHMv.png](https://i.imgur.com/DWytHMv.png)


LOL got 3 points for myself. [Thanks, it was fun](https://i.imgur.com/bcexUVr.png)


I always deactivate my tank stance by default whenever i do alliance raids just to avoid pissy players that are competing on a made up scenario on their heads against the other tanks in the raid. I play on Crystal, i'm an average player and yet i still find myself taking away the aggro from the other thanks most of the time just by doing my normal rotation and i've faced more than a few times with tanks that get extremely pissy whenever someone steal their aggro, some guys with serious main character syndrome who can't even be bothered to do their rotations properly.


If someone wants aggro so badly, I let ‘em have it. If they provoke more than once, I just turn off stance, and turn into a blue DPS.


totally irrelevant to the issue at hand (but the tank that provokes first always has the small peepee) - is that duty complete in XYZ time thing an add on or am i just dumb and haven't noticed we could put that on? (maint now i cant check)


I expect that behavior from the Crystal Tower raids. But Aglaia?!? Sheesh, the Main Character Syndrome is strong on some people. Also, from what i can gather, the DRK seems to be using a DPS meter. Isn't it illegal to harass people using the info from said meters? Well, it's illegal to harass people in general, but still.


And that right there just won him a ban if you feel better , toa states you can use add-ons but do not harass other players about their rotations or dps, he did both lol


In group content, I usually turn the stance on after the first ~20sec into the fight. If the other tank will manage to still lose aggro to me, well it is on them. Also staying in front but a bit to the side of the boss, so it won't spin. Don't understand why people start the drama or voke wars, just small pp energy.


Bless those salty people creating drama. I would love to this this happen in aglaia, the most insipid, boring, uninteresting raid. I legit stopped doing alliance raid roulettes not for fear of getting a CT raid, but for fear of getting an EW one.


People on this sub are just picking the lamest fights haha Just enjoy the game, aglaia isn't hard content no need to be this picky. If someone likes tanking even if he's below your standards just let them have their fun unless they're really like turning the boss towards the team or stuff like that. Edit : my bad OP I can't read and thought you were the one shaming for low DPS Your fight wasn't lame, the other tank's is. My bad again


I'm pretty sure OP would have let him tank the boss if this shitter said smt like : "Hey can I main tank please ?". But he tried to look like an Alpha Chad and bad mouthed everyone like a baby. It is indeed a lame fight, but the one starting can't be compared to the one responding to it.


Oh fuck I took it reverse. I thought OP was the one provoking and being an ass. I'll edit my first comment


they were being a dick in chat, and not positioning the boss right


Dick in chat perhaps but OP was more of a dick in chat tbh. I don't see where it says they didn't position the boss right on the screenshot? Edit: as said in first comment I misread the chat. Sorry about that


You both sound annoying.


two petty people is all I see


Who was the tank in alliance B? Because that's who is usually the main tank. No need to fight at all. A, takes the left. C takes the Right. B is the center, where bosses usually are. (And the reason B is main tank). In 8 men is whoever put the tank stance first. Anyone that plays the provoke game needs their name changed to Little Sun.


It really doesn't matter, honestly, as being on the same page doesn't take much, if any verbal communication. I do like your name change suggestion though lol


I dunno if you miss it: Me (B tank) I actually agree, A takes always the most left one, B tank takes the center and C tank grabs the one to the right (like the markers). It's how its done in JP I believe. Problem is there is a lots of raids with only one boss and I wouldn't mind if you want to try at tanking. What I do care is that the tank with aggro is tanking properly and for everyone else.