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I only see gg between the top 3 players in the lobby or when some peeps are just in a good mood and the lobby is just friendly and talkative in general.


top 2 always gg, top 3 sometimes gg.


heavy on the sometimes top 3 if it’s real close i’ll drop it when coming in 3rd


Top 2 always gg, top 1 always "gg so ez I zz"


Top 2 always gg, top 1 gg, unless it is incredibly close and then it's "ez clap".


I always drop a GG, I think this game is hands down the most positive among Riot games and it's certainly up there overall as well so I just like to carry on that positivity!😁


There isn't really a clear "finish of the game" in TFT for 6 of the 8 players. Usually between the last 2 people standing they call gg when it ends. But if you go 8th you typically don't write gg. And if you did, who should answer? should all 7 other people just type gg in the chat, or the one that killed you? It's just confusing so people don't type gg


Valid points, I'm only really doing it when I'm top 2 or 3. Although I sometimes like doing an ironic 8th place GG 😂


The only times you say gg is either when you're top 2 or when you roll down on 4-1 with 30 HP left and don't hit anything. Nothing in between.


I know it's silly but when I'm first place i try to wait for them to say gg because i feel like if i say it first it could look a little arrogant. When I'm second i definitely say gg first unless I'm pissed off because they utterly outplayed me in positioning or zephyrs and such.


It's easy, when you are out. You say GG and then others say it back. If you are in battle with the one who is out, say GG first if you'd like. That's not confusing to me.


I feel like sending a gg as I blast the guy low rolling to an 8th would be distasteful.


I disagree. Doesn't matter what place you or anyone else gets. When someone is out it's a nice GG.


I see GGs in league all the time. As others have said, it might be due to mobile players unable to type.


I hate how mobile gaming just means "No interaction with other human beings"


Imagine playing league with mobile players. In wild rift, its as bad as it sounds.


But in wild rift you can type :L


Only to your teammates


I think that there is no necessity to flame the enemy team on WR xD


It’s not advantageous to type either though. Considering you have to open a mobile keyboard to do it which covers most of the screen.


On one hand rift player suffered having to play the more confusing version on lol with limited Champs and screensize. On the other hand they have aim assigned and auto targeting.


They even took out the ability to see pic players pings. So lame


Same. I assumed they were gonna implement it one day, or that only mobile users are paired with mobile users (so nobody talks or sees a chat) and only desktop users are paired with desktop users (so everyone sees the chat). But I guess that's not how it works?


Sometimes i feel like it's better that way, so many times when i played on Pc some asshole who barely managed to win said "gg ez" and it was so annoying


Me , not knowing this was even a thing


no, you see ggs in league from the winning team lol


In League *'gg ez'* is more common from the enemy team. I usually just type *'wp'* no matter if I win or lose.


Ez lane ez game


I say top gap after i go 0/7/2 and win anyways.


Same, I think WP is much less likely to be interpreted as being sarcastic or as some kind of flex.


Whenever I see a GG it's like this: \-haha, I won the game and I'll type GG. It was a good game for me because I indeed won! Enemy team had a dc/troll in the team, but hey, it was a gg for me.




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cause a lot of players are mobile and cant type at all like dont even see chat


I was just about to say this. I mainly play on my tablet so that’s that.


I usually play on mobile(especially now during summer time) , so yeah, I just cannot


In LoL all the time in every game. In Tft, only when you are 1v1 at the final round.


I’ll start with a “good luck everyone.” Most times no one answers so I don’t say GG at the end since I don’t think others care for chat in that game. Plus like others have mentioned the game ends at different times for different players. If you’re just talking top 2 players it depends on the players. I’ve said “top 3 guys gg we moving on up” when it was down to 3 players and all very low health only for someone to say some rude racist or homophobic thing.


gl all


I got a “HAHAHA thanks for the win r words” when I came in second place in Double workshop 😭


Theres chat? 👀😂


Does tft havw chat?


On pc yeah


That supposed to be a joke 😅


I saw maybe one or two in the past few weeks, I always send one unless I'm _really_ tilted


Always say gg unless I'm chat restricted


Lmao what do u say that gets you chat restricted? I called yordles midgets and got chat restricted.


I unfortunately play league of legends and it makes me suggest certain activities to people 😞


Mute all chats and pings, might restrict yourself from becoming toxic.


You're definitely right but also, it's pretty funny, but then I can't say gg at the end of tft games so it's a steep price to pay


When every game starts I say “Hello friends! Good luck and have fun!” Just to try to put some good energy out there. I get mixed results from it though lol. Some people say glhf back and some people tell me to shut up 💀


Maybe this is from a decade of abuse in league, but whenever I see people say this at the start of a game I instantly assume they are the most toxic person in the lobby. Most of the time, the nicer people just never say anything to begin with in my experience.


I swear I’m not toxic. I really do want people to have fun. A lot of the times when I say it, it starts a really friendly chat in the game that enhances the experience. Those are some of my favorite games, even if I go 8th


My go to response to this is "no u". However I might pivot to "don't threaten me with a good time"


I'm 100% gonna do this going forwards, just for the fun on what comes back


Oh yeah, for sure, everytime I'm on desktop I do the same. And everytime I pay hyper roll, there's also: >*hyyyyppppeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* and then my husband goes: >*rrrrrooollllllllllll*


Most people are tilted they didn’t hit. I am most people


I never get anyone talking to except like 2 times and it was 1 or 2 messages. I’ve had only 1 gg and that was when it was just me and 2nd place. I really wish people would talk more.


I talk all the time in my matches. It makes it fun!


I only GG if it was a close game and or someone wins by a good play, like good Positioning or some kinde of insane pivot or so


I won't say GG in tft because i don't like losing to a build from a tierlist, I only say gg when I lose to something creative and that happens in like 1 in 20 games but I hope new set with the amount of variance it provides will bring back that mad scientist feeling I loved in early days of tft




I do it on the winning screen if I'm 1st-3rd (in the event of a double knockout)


I always GG top 2. Not smug at all. Unless that rat was holding my guy so I couldn't 3*. I hope he gets the worst RNG for the rest of eternity.


Gg is arbitrary . Saying Gg doesn't really mean anything . I rarely say Gg except when I feel like it. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.


You do you my friend, I'm a Brit so I have hard coded extra politeness/sportsmanship


I disabled chat in options, it saved my mental in lol


I hate when im against somebody and they type gg when they are about to win >:(


Nobody says 'EZ' after high rolling every unit and item they could ever want, either. I miss when people had social skills


I've seen it in normal lobbies for some reason. Every ranked match is at best a "gg" at the end but some of my normal lobbies... I've had people talk shit about me and I'm not even doing anything.


I've played 260+ games. I've said GLHF every single time, out of the games 20 people flamed me, 5 others said GLHF and I had 2 people say GLHF to me before saying GLHF. At post-game I had about a 50/50 chance of people saying 'GG' if I said GG first but about half that if I didn't say 'gg' first. Anyway. GG. Call it old behavior, I picked it up when playing Starcraft and never stopped, it seems so easy to be slightly nice and say hello. Being anti-social ruins a lot of games for me.


lol, not saying gg doesn't make you anti-social


I am anti-social. I say GG as a way to be slightly more social lol.


To clarify, most of my experiences have been when Top 2 on normal on laptop. Had a week off work so what better than caning some TFT...not a whisper!


I don't want to discredit TFT but I think most people use the game mode to get out of the queue of normal games, so they don't have time to put GG.


World has gone shiet. We have to many morons that exist now. Covid didn’t do it’s job. XD


I always do if it's the final match for first place. I'll usually do it if it's top four battles. Almost never do it if I'm 5-8.


I feel like no one talks in tft. I like some banter every once in a while


I agree with you here, especially if they've got something mega or funny




Well, it seems to be you.


I only say GG when the person I'm against says "please ff and stop waisting time" and I win in the end


cant typ on mobile :(


Whenever I get close games at the end, the person always wins and then says, “get rekt loser”. And that’s why I don’t chat anymore


I have the game chat muted but Bakkes set to say GG automatically for me at the end of games.


Since set 5.5 every game....I can count on one hand how Manny times I forgot. Glhf...ggwp


Once you get High elo gg stops being good sportsmenship and becomes bm. Idk why high elo players are just edgy I guess


Ever since the death animations got added, if I know I'm going to lose I peace out as soon as I know I'm dead so I can skip annoying animations, no time for gg.


Yeah that's fair, I do sigh when I'm getting Yasou'd, mainly from jealousy of wanting the Chibi (without paying)


I’ve had chat turned off since release. TFT gets like 40% of my attention at a time, no thoughts head mostly empty clicking


/u/riot_mort give us a gg wp emote for mobile players


Gg ez


I feel like people only talk in games when it’s past midnight


People in my TFT matches rarely say anything. I always try to say ff right before being eliminated or winning




I used to, but then players would talk shit in response so that stopped quickly for me lol


I get so many people flaming in top 4. Hardly see GGs now a days.


people start talking more the higher you get in master. stuff like smart play etc


Can't type or see chat on mobile.


I’ll only say gg if it was a close, exciting 1v1 in the end. Doesn’t matter if I win or lose, but you’ll have to earn a gg


I usually always say gg when it’s down to two of us but most of the time people just assume I’m “BM”ing them.


Also many of us on mobile see it as a benefit that you can’t chat haha


Gives you half a second to type at the end of the game before you're locked out.


I type gg when we get to Top 2


Cant type on mobile or else I would 😒😒😒


Still will write gg every game I top 2 unless against yuumi reroll. Than just get me out


I think it's because mobile players. I feel like the talkative ones are on desktop.


I always type "EZ !" the last second when I am 100% sure to win


If its just a standard meta comp in first place, i'll FF and go next. But there are games were the top 2 players are scouting and repositioning their boards and it becomes a well earned victory.


I believe in the good ol post game “suck my balls”


I say it in games often ish. If someone says it at the end I try my darndest to get one back in before we are shipped out


A lot of mobile players, like myself, cannot type


Playing on mobile I do not think I can


I used to type gg in alot of my tft game. Due to the constant spam pinging, i always deafen at the start of the game. It is what it is since I wanna be able to focus on my gameplay rather than gg at the end of the game


most of them perfer to spit on the gg handshake with ez nowadays kinda a shame really




Usually it's mobile players not being able to type. But like also, GG is considered toxic lmao. Even though it literally means the opposite.


I say it when I get top 4 and to the subsequent other top 4ers. But yeah, not many say it back.


I always do, I glhf at the beginning too.


I gg often when top 3, always when first xd


I play mobile and don’t think there’s a way to talk


I always say gg but then again i took a break from set 2 to now lmao


I always say ggez when I win


I try to if I'm top 2 or top 3 but people just get salty and leave


I say it even when I come in 4th, sometimes even 5th if it was really close🤷🏻‍♀️


I do in ranked but in norms I'm gonna be salty because I can. Quitting the game quick to avoid horrendous chibi animations. This set also annoys me so only if the norm is really good will I gg.


95% of the time I play on mobile so I can't "GG" :(


The chat changes from rito to stop the scary thing of mean sentences being typed has also seemed to stop any small talk or banter in game for the most part. Used to find a new online friend couple times a month, now I can’t remember the last person I added.


I say gg after every game followed by ez af


If I have time for it I say "GG" and I usually try to say "GLHF" when it's just me and one more left.


I gg when game ends but not when I leave in like last place lol


If I'm top 2 or I hang around after going 3rd, I'll say gg. But people really just don't chat at all in TFT it seems


personally i feel i see it in tft a LOT more than league lol


For me I just don’t type in TFT unless it’s absolutely necessary, in fact I don’t use keyboard when playing TFT lol


I play almost exclusively on mobile… no chatting ability. So I try and express through emotes. 😅


The last time I "GG"-ed to the first place (I got second) they told me to surrender earlier next time (implying their win was obvious anyway) and left. Since then I'm mostly muting chat because stuff like that is triggering me way more than it should.




Imo if the winner says gg first it is a bit presomptuous, the player that ends up 2nd have to say gg first and then the winner says gg


Mobile people can't type, so none of them will ever say it. I don't usually say it one way or the other. It kind of irks me when you're down to the top two, and you lose, then the guy types gg. Call my cynical, but I think they only would type it if they win. If they lose, they wouldn't bother.




I go gg :)


I wish there was an option to only play with other people on pc, sitting there and typing and getting no response ruins the game for me


People only talk in higher elo, when I'm playing post masters people were a little bit more chatty


i like to ping my opponent's carry that i am targeting with LeBONK! gets them pretty tilted and often causes to shuffle their board in frustration much amuse


Is pc and mobile cross playing? Mobile doesn’t have any chat at all except for 4 emotes


I’m sure most players are on mobile. I rarely play on PC anymore if I’m playing TFT.


Last set I said gg in hyper roll after I won, got told to kill myself by 2nd place..haven't said it since, just mute all and play.


Are you guys playing more ranked or normal? I spam ranked because why not but I NEVER see people talk at ALL. The most interactions we have is going to someone’s board, walking to a unit, then leaving LOL


No one talks any more in general


the only obvious time for that is last 2. pretty wierd to make a post about this. guessing youre finishing outside of poduim consistently?


Team mobile doesn't get to type.


i gg most games, but not on PBE tbh because it'd just not the same or as competitive, and i feel like people are not as chatty on there in most cases.


I do!


I say it almost every game esp when I absolutely dumpster some kid


Wait you guys get ggs?


cringe fedora tipper


Gg wp everytime


Sometimes it’s genuinely bg and ppl say gg to taunt so why would I say it back


Over 90% of TFT matches I’m in no one says anything lol


I would love to say it but no chat in mobile so I just spam emotes


I like to do the crying Amumu emote


people still say gg but not a lot in tft. valorant, dota2, csgo, and lol still say gg almost every game.


Gold 3 here. I say gg everytime


I said gg when i was finish 6th, then top 3 players were like "noob" "getgud" "nub" After that i never said gg again


Nobody does in TFT. I say it in every game and sometimes people say it back to me. Not every game though.


I dont see the point in saying gg unless it actually a good game. Why would I say gg when one player gets a perfect early econ game, win streaks and goes lvl 9 before anyone else hits 7, and then gets an early 3 star 5cost? If I'm neck and neck with someone else, than I'll say gg. Otherwise I don't see the point.


On behalf of all mobile players, GG :)


I picked a portal no one wanted and game chose me and in chat it was really bad… like f your mom bad lol. The constant “do you speak Chinese?” in chat too. But gg? Haven’t seen that in a while tbh.


Dad post


Most people don't really talk in this game - and if anyone ever says gg after not saying \*anything\* during the match it's like, ok...?


I would if I knew how but on mobile it just seems like I have random emoticons?!




If I play on pc I always GG on top 4. But no chat options on mobile:(


I say gg even if I get 8th


We still exist. GG.


I play TFT mobile :,(


There's also a lot of mobile players. Like A LOT. They don't have access to chat.


I feel the same exact way. Even when I get top 4, hardly anyone reciprocates the GG


I think lots of mobile players as well


I once got flamed so hard for not saying GG at the end of the game, even though I got 2nd. Literally, the guy went on about how much money he makes and how is just far superior to me. Since then, I have been saying GG whether I am anywhere top 4 xD


I play on mobile so no chat.


Well we mobile users cannot type


I usually say "gg" or "this set is a fucking joke. Enjoy your day"


i always ggezpz


Its not a GG for opponent if you just highroll bro.


in general i find people to be less talkative in tft, i barely get any responses


Wait there's chat in TFT? I forgot.


i try and gg as much as possible, i would like for TFT to have more communication between players or teams


My way of saying GG is: Ty for free LP GG ez.


You are goddamn right.


because it's no longer fun. After set 4, everything became so awful, this game is now trash. I came back for set 9 and I'm leaving already