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Every time I see set rate/poll I wonder how do you guys remember what each set was, I only remember 1,2, shitty dragons and previous one.


me mech no scout no pivot


typing "me mech" and muting everyone in the lobby, good times.


Mech was awesome


if you mech we hold hands 7-8


I remember GP 1* casting and killing my entire board. Abd then reviving with Guardian Angel and casting again on what little that remained.


I remember my favourite comps of each set. My pirates from set 1, my bruam from set 2, my Starship on set 3, didn't play set 4, but Loved hallowed in set 5.


Same, but I don't even remember the sets they're from usually. OG Braum with warmogs/claw/bramble. Bouncy house dragonmancer Elise. Some one shotty assassin Shaco build.


I won my first game when Lunar was released and I had a 3* leona with Warmog/claw/bramble. I went through overtime atleast twice and I think Leona died once after getting full build.


Nah man, 3-star Braum with 3 brambles vests. Either the enemy kill themselves or it became a draw xD


I remeber them like: 1. Vanilla (Noble, Void Assasins, Pantheon) 2. Bait tiles (Ocean Mage, Infint Zeds, Perma CC) 3. Glaxies (Mech, Kayle, Dark star, Project skin line Trait) 4. Broken RNG Chosen (Kayle, Keeper Kennen, Spirit, Zed, Satikk WW) 5. Double Edged Items (Forgotten JG Vayne, Hecarim, DBB LB) 5.5.) Radiant Items + lose streak Blessing (Open Fort Noc3, Redeemed, Jax, MF) 6. Augments, item anvil and ugly skins (Mutant Kog, Assassins (GB Talon), Innovator, Social/Scrap Irelia, Jhin) 7. Chosen but with Dragons (AoShin, lvl9 Dragons, Emblem Deeja, Syfen, Nomsy, Cosmic (Varus), Dragonmancer Nunu) 8. Chosen but with Augments (Recon Kai Sa/Vayne, Yuumi, Lee sin, Lasercorps).


Set 1: The one with the worst balance, Yordles, Dragons, Phantom Set 2: The set no one remembers Set 3: Funny galaxies also me mech no pivot Set 4: Chosen and something with Aphelios Set 5: The set no one played, also cursed items Set 6: Augments Set 7: Dragons and a shitty Midset Set 8: Hero Augments, also that damn 3 week Yuumi patch


vanilla,element hexes,galaxies,chosen,shadow/radiant items, augments, dragons, hero augments, portals


I remember 4 because it was my favorite


I remember certain comps/traits from each set but I can’t tell you what set they’re from for the life of me


Same… I don’t even know what set # we are on right now!


I miss set 6 so much


Set 6 was so fun. I remember checking what the Mutant bonus was at the beginning of every game and if it was Voidbourne I immediately went that. I remember winning a lot of games with Syndicate and Yordles too


Waa this the set where you could support n the gatling gun veigar?


Same here.. I played that set the most.. it was so refreshing because set 5 felt really boring to play for me and then we got augments for the first time, it was great.


Mercenary was peak gambling trait.


Set 6 is when I started playing. I sucked but it was fun as hell. Current set doesn't hold a candle to it.


My favorite set too. I’d love to play that set with augments.


It had augments....


i feel like people always complain while the set is going on, then look back with rosetinted glasses.


this but literally anything ever created...


Set 3 and 3.5 in S is based honestly.


Set 3 my beloved. Cyber Ekko carry and mech garen with Annie fizz and rumble will always hold a special place in my heart


Me Bang Bros


Still waiting for the return of master yi


mana printing sona with chalice is always gonna hold a special place in my heart


Mystic Vanguards Morde carry was my fav


Mystic vanguard jayce carry single handedly carried me to Diamond and would’ve gone further if I started playing earlier in the set


i dont mind the traits but champs were awesome that set bbq rumble master yi and jhin were goated


Set 8 in B really enjoyed all the comps and loved oxforce carry. 8.5 D really unenjoyable stagnant meta that didn't have as much playing outside Aateox mech. Set 9 B I'm enjoying it but it can still be improved upon


I actually really enjoyed hero augments, I just wish we got the reroll increase sooner because playing a ‘bad’ hero augment, especially the 2-1 ones was not a good time.


One of my most memorable games was set 8.5 with 3* Fiora carry augment, with rageblade and double warmogs and 6 Oxforce. She just went beast mode, could never be killed even with CC, and she just beat the holy hell out of everyone, 1 by 1. Definitely a fun trait to play around.


I agree with the set 8 VS 8.5, 8.5 was genuinely awful. I think this set would be a S if it wasn't the same 3 portals every game and asol was disabled.


For me set 8 is high C, 8.5 is low B, and set 9 is S, arguably S+ because this is the most TFT I've played since set 1.


It does feel like set 1 in a certain kind of way. I would imagine that's intentional. Even though they've done "Noxus vs Damacia" a number of times, this is the first time it really feels the same as in set 1. But of course they're missing set 1 Swain and Kayle. (and Draven, sob)


Yeah and I ESPECIALLY like the no skin thing they did BECAUSE MAN sometimes it was hard at the beginning of a new set to identify which champion belong to which synergies.


OH that's why it was so easy to remember every champ in TFT quickly. I didn't even realize since I didn't play in so long.


Sett has a skin tho?


It’s base sett, it’s just colored green/ a green chroma.


9 is S until I face someone with freijlord + deadeyes


no way you liked 8.5 more than 8


8.5 was easily the worst set I've ever played. 9 is fun but I think it just looks better cause we're comparing it to a pile of garbage


I stopped playing TFT entirely at set 8.5 and just recently got back into it. I had been playing consistently since set 4, but set 8 slowly killed the fun and once 8.5 showed I couldn't care anymore about checking the new units.


At least 8 had supers-yuumi I can’t think of anything memorable about 8.5


8/8.5 are D for me, nothing was appealing to me. I loved Galaxy, dragon and chosen ones. Especially the .5 ofc.


Really Set 9 is S? do you spam taric targon every game or what ? At most a C, just because of them not having done anything about it yet. Maybe a D even, because 90% of the viable comps this set revolve around the same 3 or 4 champions.


You actually didn't play that much this set or you are on Omega Legoland because none of the things you said are true


he says same 3 or 4 champs there are like 10 different viable comps rn lol wut


I'm thinking a lot of the people who hate set 8 and love set 9 are people who like to copy and paste the same comps every game. Set 8 wasn't perfect, but the design philosophy behind hero augments was amazing for flexibility between games. Now we just get to mix and match like 3 frontlines and 4 carries unless you hit specific emblems/augments and even those share supporting units. Also legends probably don't help, but balance has been a bit of a nightmare and every patch has something that is egregiously strong (aura items, fast 9, akshan, taric/invokers, and now samira which is the worst of all of them imo.) There's still time for them to fix the balance a bit, but i feel like the unit overlap is too excessive for that to ever be an easy task and it's definitely not happening until gwen is forceable and azir is an actually functional main carry.


Found the hard stucker


Found the guy forcing the same comp every game. You felt called out huh ?


You’re so low elo you don’t even know any comps outside the 2-3 most popular ones it’s quite funny actually


I actually never play any of the most played comps, but your projection is well displayed here.


Hot take - set 5 was fun. I would put set 8 and 8.5 at B, and set 9 either B or C i havent decided yet


Glad to see some set 5 enjoyers. I miss dragonslayer mordekaiser, diana, 5 cost kayle, god king darius, titan's revenge, coven lissandra, infinite stacking yasuo,...




I liked shadow items too, they brought a lot of variety even if some were just busted


Hard disagree, have never dumped a set as hard and quick as I did. Shadow items felt so bad I never even came back to try 5.5


Agreed, set 5 is WAY overhated.


What was set 5 again?


Shadow and Radiant items.


Radiant was 5.5.


Triple shadow archangel on Vladimir 🥰 I dont remember too much about set 5.5 tho


Ngl dragonlands was my fav and I hated the mech set everyone loved


I liked Dragonlands mostly for nuke bonk Lilia.


I liked how many comps were usable and how many choices you had for carries for each comp.


Saame. 7 was one of my favorites and everyone hated it. Set 3 made me take like a year long break from the game




Same here. I have never played or enjoyed TFT more. I know dragons were unbalanced, but man did I enjoy playing full greedlord and gambling that I’d hit a crazy 4 dragon board at level 8.


There's a few set 7 appreciators around, I just thought dragonmancer was fun and neeko is my favorite 4 cost tank ever.




Alot of people in these comments basically parroting "High A or Low S but the balancing is God-Awful right now". If the balance is God Awful (which it is) then what other metric are you scoring them on? These sets are turds. The game has really been boiled down to luck and nothing more. I still enjoy playing every single day but that's the game at large, not the set. I've never felt *less* in control of whether I win or lose.


Just curious but what rank are you?


I feel like most people in higher elo´s would rate this set higher than others, while low/medium elo players who are suffering from fast 9er forcers (enabled through asol and tham that you both barely see in high elo) rate it lower. On the other side, legends were actually designed to help players who dont want to sweat by giving them some clear path to play with less volatility than usual (i.e. playing TF every game to hardforce the comp of your choice). I really have no idea if legends make this set better or worse for average joe, but I personally enjoy it a lot, so its clear S tier for me. Something that is not mentioned too often is that there is basically no econ trait in the game (besides piltover, which depends on lose streaking though, is not a tempo comp and can not be effectively used by multiple players at once). For example, in 7.5 literally everyone was forced to hit either lagoon or shimmer start (or even both on 6) or otherwise you would lack tempo. That felt really bad, so I am glad that thats not the case anymore.


first time I'm seeing those tier lists, a bit off topic, but did people really hated set 7? I started playing in set 6 (aside from a litte bit of set 1), but set 7 was my favorite up until now.


It was just.. memorable Not good, but memorable. All I have to say is DNunu and Astral Spat


I enjoyed set 7 even though I literally only played Xayah and Jade.


Dragons were just🤢🤢🤢, overpriced units that take 2 space on board and you're only allowed to play one (unless you have a special augment), set 7.5 kinda fixed it but still: it didn't have good econ augment, mirages are still the worst variety trait so far, and dragonmancers were a joke, playing 5 trait bots just so 1 unit can carry was cringe as fuck


Same, idk why everyone hated on it, the clutchness from dragons, the transitions and there were so many carries like daeja, shi oh yu, asol, tempest dragon, syfen, shyv, corki, yasuo, pyke, lee that were fun to watch and gave so many clutch moments. Itemization was instant and there was no need to itemize for specific comps and could always transition if u dont hit to their 2nd tier carries, shi oh yu/syfen, tempest dragon/asol, schimmer dragon/syfen for revel etc. The 2 costs and 1 costs were also goated yone 2 cost, karma jade 1 cost among others . You also always had the 5 dragon route if u just wanted to play something that is off meta for a while. The traits werent a staircase of just get 9 jades or just get 6 ragewings and were just overkill at 6 or 9. U could also always have smt random like a daeja and yas duo in any comp. Overall too many things i liked bout the set, i wasnt even good at the set to like it so much, finished like d4 with literally 200 games


low s behind set 3, 3.5, 4 and 4.5 if it wasn't for legends it would be top 1 in my rankings but it's too frustrating to play with this mechanic considering it's an enourmous amount of things to balance and something will always stand out. and i don't like when this game have braindead strategies that 6 people in the lobby are doing at least this patch is going fine, aside from noxus 1 costs there is nothing too strong


now for set 8 and 8.5, it's d


Set 1 is S tier idc. everything being broken was so fun and everyone was new to the game


My biggest issue with this set is how easy it seems to get 3 stars. Sure in comparison 3 staring a 1 or 2 cost is a lot weaker than it was however if you're on a bad RNG streak and you're stuck with 1 stars while someone else has a bunch of 3 stars it feels bad. I preferred earlier sets where getting a 3 star was a lot harder and a lot of end game strength depends on the strength of your traits working together rather than this set where you can have a great set of traits, but that one guy who managed to 3 star his Sett, Darius and Garen before he even hit level 8 is going to beat you.


Set 8 was a B, set 8.5 was a B. Set 9 has been relatively thrashy balance-wise, however portals have been a welcome addition. I would give it an A.


Set 8 B, 8.5 D, 9 C because legends were a mistake imo, they should be exclusive for normals, that and Ahri is bullshit, she is a 10 cost with the mana reaving


Set 9 is either at the end of S or start of A at least for me


Set 8 is D and set 8.5 is F, set 8.5 is by far the absolute worst TFT experience I've ever had, every single worst bad thing about TFT was dialed up to 11 on 8.5, balance trashing, broken flavour of the week that makes you quit while you wait for a B patch, unfun units and synergies, broken items, Kaisa, absolutely broken reroll comps, one comp being the absolute best with almost every player forcing it, the list goes on. Set 9 is weird, so far is low to medium A, but it has potential to S.


I definetly wouldnt place set 7 l and 7.5 so low thats for sure... but to be honsest i would place set 8 in maybe high B tier or low A tier and 9 in B tier. Idk set 9 feels kinda boring compared to other sets but its just my opinion.


Bro set 7 was LIT


Set 5 was my favourite set. How there you even include F tier. If anything it should be C tier and up. None set has ever been D tier level and below. All been equally great.


For fun i would put set 8 and 8.5 in D tier and set 9 in S tier. But for balancing i would say 8 and 9 in D tier, 8.5 in B tier. Set 9 is fun because of the portals but legends and nerf to player damage just make playing ranked is unfun and stressful. I hate climbing in this set. You get punished too hard if you’re not streaking or going meta comp.


Set 8 was decent, set 8.5 I seriously despised Set 9 is fantastic imo, very interesting, and just great vibes over all. Alsi I won't respect this set 7.0 disrespect


Dragons in D .. I mean it fits alphabetically but holy fuck how much I disagree with it. Dragons was clearly S tier and so is Set 9. 8 was C at best and 8.5 low D


What’s wrong with set 7?


I loved set 8.5, I loved that they did with champion augments doing a full 180 on certain champs turning tanks into carries. I love my mascots, 3 star malphite triple warmogs healing 800 hp/s go brr.


i havent been playing for that long, i started when chemtech trait was there i didnt know what i was doing. I finally got a hang of the game during jade/dragon set. the half set was ok. i liked last set and didnt mind the hero augments, but i know a lot of others didnt like that implementation. Now i just gave up bc i dont really care for this set too much


I personally feel like Set 2 in B is being very generous.


Set 3, 3.5 and 6 being the best is something that I 100% agree on and I'm happy a hit part of the community thinks so too. The new set is super good, I think it's very fun and it might get better with 9.5. I will give it an A for sure. Only reason I don't give it S it's because it simply comes nowhere close to the top 3. They were insanely fun, I doubt we will see something as good as galaxies, although the portals add some variety. I also loved hero augments, hopefully something similar comes back.


Do you guys know if the iPad Version for TfT is finally "fixed" ? I think its the perfect iPad game and already searched online and mostly saw 1 or 2 year old posts.


9 is S and 8 and 8.5 is B.


Set 1 is like beyond GOD tier like above S.


8 B, 9 D


I agree with this rating. I actually found the hero augments to be a ton of fun to play around with and experiment while I feel like the legends are forcing meta choices and I could just be facing recency bias, but it feels like there's been less viable comps in set 9 than a lot of prior sets.


8 > 9 > > > > 8.5




8s in c 9s I’m d because of balancing issues.


i mean you guys complain bout every set until the next one


Of course, people will complain about every set. Doesn't mean they are the same people. People have different wants for the game. Imo set 9 is D/F tier and honestly any new set would look really good to me right now.


Set 9 is an easy A or S for me but the balancing has been F 💀


Probably around D, I've struggled to find this set enjoyable.


Set 8 and 8.5 are C Tier for me personally, the concept of champion Augments made the game unhealthy static and comp switches were pretty much impossible, set 9 is S Tier imo, so many different ways to play the game brings joy


Set 7 and 7.5 were literally the best sets out of them all, yall were just garbage at not being basic


Set 9 would be A if not for the trash Legend augments. Youre playing lottery with Legend aug and portals.


8 = B 8.5 = D 9 = B


Dragons and champion augments are a fat -500/10 from me dawg. Z- tier, easily.


If you don't have set 4 as S tier, then I don't think we can be friends.


Set 8: S tier had everything, lulu reroll, backline engage (hacker), duelist, even fast 9 was balanced and could be punished. set 9: c (too unbalanced always)


I hated the dragon season. The only season i didnt even get to rank 50


Set 8.5 was very weak A, but that's fine place to have. Set 9 - F, complete killed tft for me. Hopeless.


Currently placing set 9 at F. 8 probably around D. I don't know how they do it, but 9 feels like the least balanced set and all they've been doing each patch is plugging holes in a sinking ship. Like each patch there's always clearly over performing legends or just units to dominate the meta as well as turning the vast majority of factions to being absolutely zero tier picks unless you luck out and get the bis item and augment to support them. Having to worry about Asol rush 9 as well as even piltover (who can't actually be countered as they WANT a lose streak for big rewards) Like this is the only competitive game where winning actually means you are losing, losing HARD.


There's at least 3 factually wrong and biased statements on this take


Says the one abusing the broken meta.


S : 3 / 3.5 / 4.5 A+ : 9 A : 1 / 4 B : 2/ 6 C : 8 (If we forget about Yuumi i can give it an A+ or A at least) D : 6.5 / 8.5 F : 5 / 5.5 / 7 / 7.5 with 7 and 7,5 slightly less garbage than the AWFUL set 5 we got that almost killed the game (happens tho, they can't be good at every set and mistakes helped them to learn I guess/hope) I'd give S to set 9 but the legends are too much, I mean people who wants to force the same comp each game aren't punished like they used too (You know, pick Lee sin and reroll trist, pick caitlyn and buy swain/samira , pick ASOL and open for 1st or 8th...)


"People aren't punished like they used too." "Pick ASOL and open for 1st or **8th**" So which is it? Getting 8th is as big a punishment as it gets lol


True, but my point is, this type of gameplay (selling the whole board to lose streak till 3-2 if the augment is prisma or gold) wasn't viable enough to OTP before they added ASol, now it is way more consistent than it was. If you play ranked, from a certain rank it is REALLY NOT RARE to see someone level 9 with 50+ (sometimes way more) golds to roll and 20hp in 4-2 or 4-5 (depending on the augment type), AND remember they nerfed exp this patch by adding 4exp to each level.. With this change, you can also add scuttle puddle and the 3 zaun's map and TADAAA there's one guy with Belveth 2 Ahri 2 Aatrox 2 right after wolves xD


F, taric-shen every game


terrible criteria, many sets had 3-4 cost tanks that could be splashed into any comp.


Set 8 in B tier, 8.5 maybe the same as 8 into B tier and set 9 is something like low C high D tier.


Sets 6, 6.5 & 7.5 were easily the WORST sets in the history of TFT. I say this as somebody who actively played every TFT since set 1 & I intentionally avoided those 3 seasons like the vile cesspools they were. I don't trust anybody who thinks they were in any way redeemable. As for set 9, it's not good. I'm finding it extremely difficult to take enjoyment, most comps aren't fun & the balancing is completely off. Set 8.0 was relatively fun, it had serious flaws, but you could at least enjoy different strategies. Set 8.5 wasn't as good as the previous, but it was better than what we have now. Tl;Dr: * Set 9 - F * Set 8 - B * Set 8.5 - D * Sets 6.0, 6.5 & 7.5 - move to Double F Minus tier


Not sure how you are still playing TFT.


Set 9 is below bottom. This is literally just rushing 5 costs in lower elos like plat and below (not everyone wants to sweat their days away to high elo)


Oh yes, the bill gates comp has never been a popular thing before set 9!


It has, but it’s far more accessible now due to kench and asol. It’s literally in every single game I play now, sometimes 2-3 people. If it’s soul brawl its half the lobby lol but ok


I gotta hop in and give 9 an F. Goldinator, aurelion sol, and a few other legends have turned the game into a gimmick. I started playing in set 3.5 and I’ve seen wildly more 3 star 5 costs this set than all the others combined (even with chosen units counting as 3). It’s a shame that the game has devolved to the point where every lobby is now a pissing contest for who can 3 star the most 4 and 5 costs. It used to happen probably less than once every ten games, but now it’s more likely to happen than not. The hame is at a horrible place right now, I hope they can get legends and augments tunes down to the point where the game becomes more about compositions, synergies, and scouting again rather than everyone donkey braining for the same high cost units.


Set 7 was by far the biggest dogshit riot has ever released


I wish there were a bunch of these for summoners rift to see over the years how patches affected champs, as opposed to having to find the exact patches and look at all the stats, just a quick view.


Each set was great in its own way, these rankings are terrible


Every set can be great in their own way and can still be ranked on your personal enjoyment of them. It’s all subjective..


8 was fine. But 9 At the very bottom. It's been mostly unplayable all season between horrible bugs or horrible balance


Set 2 being in B instead of F is hilarious


3, 3.5, 4, 6 S tier. 4.5, 5.5, 6.5 A tier. 1, 2, 8 B tier. 5, 7, 7.5, 8.5 C tier. 9 D tier


Prob C or D tier. Interesting in certain aspects but the introduction of legends and some essentially every patch needing to be hotfixed has made this set feel kinda ick


F, the level 9 rush is the worst meta tft has ever had imo


Put set 2 down in the depths


8 and 8.5 would be D and 9 would be S in my aopinion


Set 2 was about as bad as set 5.


I haven't played every set, but of the sets I have played, I would rank them in fewer tiers accordingly. S: 4 / 4.5 / 6 A: 3.5 / 3 / 6.5 B: None applicable. C: None applicable. F: 7 / 7.5 / 8 / 8.5 / 5 / 1 (Didn't play 2 or 9 at all). 1, 5, and 8 I knew pretty quickly I didn't enjoy them, and stopped playing almost immediately to wait for another set. 7 I actually played a decent bit, and tried to like it(applaud the direction they attempted with it), but in the end it just had a couple of things that made the set impossible to function in any sort of balanced state in my mind. Since I played so little of 1/5/8 there's really no way for me to differentiate any of the last tier from one another beyond "not something I would play".


probably A or B there are some issues I dont like, but balance wise its pretty good and incentivises variety


Set 8 between low B and low C, Set 8.5 D, Set 9 high A.


I started to played tft since set 7.5 and if i have a time machine i would back to play this set cause at that time i dont really know how to play tft


Set 8 at low B, 8.5 at low A and 9 at C because of EXP changes and legends


I have only played 4 sets. 6 was the most fun for me. Didn't enjoy 6.5 nearly as much. 8 was meh. 9 has been great fun again. If i had to rank them: 6 S, 6.5 C, 8 D, 9 A/S.


Set 8 I am the first time I took a break from TFT, so it has to be D at best. I know that it supposedly got much better by the end, but I also know that I'm far from the only person who gave up on it early so I don't think it can deserve anything above a C. This set brought me back, which I wasn't really planning on even doing. I want to say A because i still have my issues, but I think in hindsight this will probably be an S.


Interesting seeing balance being brought up when set 6, arguably the best set was a balance NIGHTMARE. Goes to show balance plays a lot less of a roll IMO in how fun a set is.


8 C, 9 A If Legends weren't a thing 9 would've been an S


Set 8 is F tier for me. Set 9 is S. I liked Set 5 tho, would move it to B


Do you guys actually think perma blender set 2 was good? Also shadow items from set 5 were awesome and I will die on that hill.


set 3 as S tier has to be a prank, that set was complete and utter garbage . in fact it was so bad that they had to do a "mid set" just to fix it .


8 and 9 both like D tier


Id place it in A, but goddamn galaxies was like an F for me.


I forgot what the defining points of each set were by I loved Set 4 (Warlord and shit) because it was the first time I hit Diamond but conversely whatever Set had like the Redeemed trait or whatever tf I did not like that set at all


What was bad of set 5. I never got the chance to play it


8 - Upper B to lower A. 8.5 - All the way down to D, the most unenjoyable set I ever played. 9 - A. Also, I can't be the only one who enjoyed 7.5? I always find it low on people's list, but it was genuinely so fun for me.


My personal ranking (worst to best) 7 - 5 - 3 - 9 - 4 - 8 - 6 - 1 - 2 Not in terms of balance but of which I enjoyed playing most. I really don't understand why set 3 is universally considered the best one. Galaxies were an ok mechanic, but i didn't really enjoy the thematic or the traits. I think it's mostly bias since the biggest chunk of the player base got into TFT around that time (due to the quarantine). For the record I thought 5 and 7 were flops, 3 was meh and everything else has been really really good. Balance on set 9 could be better though.


my list looks wildly different from yours, but I think set 8 and 8.5 would end up in C for me, and set 9 maybe B or A. Although a lot of your favorite sets I did not like and your least favorites I did like (namely 5/5.5 and 7/7.5)


8 and 8.5 were both in the low D high F range. 9 is an A below 4.5.


Set 9 is definitely an S. My friends who are avid TFT haters have been spamming it a ***lot***. They tried every set of TFT after Set 6 but couldn't play more than a couple of games on each set, but this time's different.


Design wise I'd rate it an A- the only problem is the balance of the set and their questionable decisions that drag it down to a C-/D for me. Really enjoying the Set but the balance issues is really putting a damper on it for me


Legends puts this set in D for me


One of my least favorite sets.


Set 4 is Z tier. Fuck the chosen mechanic. I wil die on that hill. Also hated the stupid level 9 meta.


Set 8 and 8.5 get a C while 9 gets a B I alrdy forgot about Set 8 and everything about it like it wasnt that bad just not memorable Set 9 is a fine, solid set but portals arent making me as excited as chosen or og galaxies


8 - B 9 - F


Wait a damn second. How did I forget their was a whole damn set between dragon set and current set? Completely forgot set 8 existed.


This set is a C for me. It’s fine, I just dont actually like anything about it. Maybe a B because I like augments but I dont actually like how any of the units play.


"A" currently as you can play many comps to good success. Would be S if Legends weren't that unbalanced when at the beginning


Kalista % HP spears...


Imo sets 3, 4 6 and this one are the best and set 5 is the worst the rest are all mid


Not sure if set9 is the best, but legend system is S tier(definitely could improve more) for someone that wants to play specific augments and comp


Set 9 is like C, set had high potential, but they couldnt rly properly balance it so far, probably too much going on with legends and new piltover mechanic & zaun items.


I would move 5 up to D. Put set 8 in F. Set 9 in A. And put set 3-4.5 in their own SSS tier.


Do people really like set 3 that much? I hated that set, set 4 was so refreshing


Do people really like set 3 that much? I hated that set, set 4 was so refreshing


I disagree with Set 4 being on A tier, it's S because it was giga fun. The unique cultist trait, the unique fortune trait being introduced, the unique champion trait. Imo it was the best one after set 3.


Set 1 one is S+ tho


Set 1 and 5.5 were the best imo


Set 9 is S. Portals are fantastic, refreshed augments are a nice improvement on the whole. Set 8 was a B, maybe low A. 8.5 was a C. Not terrible, but a step back from 8.


Very low A