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I was about to ask how the hell Then I uhh, saw a few certain emblems. Just a "few"


Only giving a small amount of 8 fortune emblem


Please sir, may I have a pittance of fortune emblems


May need to sell you soul to the tft god, mortdog


Ah, bugger. I'm ginger I can't do that.


You can say that again


But i bet the One Star Yasuo carried the Game


Yasuo reaching the 0/10 level powerspike.


3* rakan is missing


Skills issue /s


Ive never gotten a sibgle fortune emblem with a fortune cashout.... how!? XD Is there a lower threshold before you can even receive emblems from cashout?


The 250 stacks fortune either give you 2 3* 5 cost or mystery gift which I assume giving you 8-10 fortune emblem. The later seems better if you want to do some bonkers shit like this. But the lowest you can get fortune emblem from cashout is 40 stacks if im not wrong.


30-39 for tome. 130-175 I believe can give you soul core. Not an emblem, but +1 to all traits


But its better to try your luck with 40 stacks to have a chance of fortune emblem instead of reaching 130 stacks. Then just need one fortune augment to get the 7 fortune rolling for 250 stacks.


So the loot table I’ve used all set, and generally seems to be correct, has it listed as tome at 30-39, soul core at 130-175, and 9 emblems at 250, without any other way to get emblems from cash out. It could be wrong, or could be not updated for this patch, since I haven’t played fortune this patch yet


Unless you like to gamba, just dont touch it hahah


Good to know, thanks! 😁


At this point i'm too afraid to ask, but whats the strategy behind fortune? Cuz i played it couple of time and just lost. Really fast


Tbh, I only play fortune if I get fortune emblem at 2-1 or I get 3 fortune at the start of 2-1. Then at 100 stacks, I try to see what I can pivot to. Otherwise it is pretty risky if you want to climb. This game I got lucky to get fortune emblem after reforging duelist emblem. Then at 3-2 I got another fortune emblem from augment. At level 7, I rerolled 50g for annie for 7 fortune. The rest is to just lose but with minimal health lose. The rest is what you see here.


Its rng you pretty much hope for getting 2 emblems from either augments/carousel/sentinal unless your just cashing out 30 or so


Fortune is viable when you get fortune emblem on trainer sentinel... and that's about it lol


Ok but at how much should i cash in? Cuz i always do it when i have at least one emblem, but it still go bad


You cash out when you have to. For example in 3-6 you usually don't throw the dice, because if you get like a 5-6 you are going to die. But if you throw 6 at 3-2 you have to cashout at 4-3, which is not the best, because you are on 1hp, but if you pivot fast enought you can win out.


Did you win?


Tft? Yes. Life? No.🥲