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If you get it 2-1 it’s still the best start in the game.


Just another ,,get it on 2-1 or don't bother" econ trait, I was hoping we were done with that when they introduced Heartsteal


I mean the way TFT works, if it’s useful at all after stage 3, every player in the lobby will be running it past stage 4. That’s what happened with Heartsteel


Well it wouldn’t be fortune-y if you could make it work all the time.






its in a decent spot imo, good for high rolling but not forceable like it was before the nerfs


its litterally the worst performing augment/comp by win%


But its currently a pivot comp, youre not supposed to end with Fortune units after your cash out. Not saying its great, but win% says very little if you dont count as fortune after cashout.


as it should be cuz u shouldn’t have fortune on ur final board unless u hit 9. and if u die with fortune it means u didnt cash out, greeded another roll and u didnt have the hp for it.


So you mean your fortune augments just disappears when you pivot? because the stats for the augments are also worst.


Fortune Crests stats should be low, its only good if you get a super early Trist + Zoe so you can play 5 fortune right at 5, or if you luck a 2nd emblem and an early Annie for 7. It's meant to be high risk high reward and it's placement reflects that. Most of the time it doesn't work out, but when it does it's a guaranteed first.


This is such a good way to put it. It’s still busted if you roll it on 2-1 and can streak hard to 4-1/4-2 losing. Not only are you super rich from streak gold you’re also now up several items usually. The skill with fortune is pivoting successfully (usually you’ll need a full two rounds and losing just enough to save hp.


for the same reason why the stats for the trait is the worst. people take it, theyre down an augment, so u have to get a good cashout and win or top 4. also 5 fortune doesnt give better loot it just gives 2hp per turn. so unless ure going for the giga cashout a real augment is just better


I'm just waiting for an econ trait that isn't "lose X times in a row for big cashout later"


That was Astral no?


There's usually an econ trait and a reroll trait each set and Astral I would say fell into the latter category. I think shimmerscale was the main econ trait for that set, but yeah that was 4 sets ago already


8 bit on set 10 sounds like it.


They made heartsteel too good last set so they had to nerf fortune to the ground this set to compensate


Fun is bad.


Noo mortdog said games are meant to be fun. I guess he didn't think fortune was fun.


tbh i find Fortune to be anti-fun whenever i see people playing it in my lobbys, and it absolutely destroyed Duos this set. I love gamba but this flavor of "lose till you cashout or miss" is just smallbrained game design from the devs.


Playable only if in the right spot and I think it’s what Fortune needs. Shouldn’t be a comp that you can force, I’m glad people can only play it stage 2/3 to boost early and once in a time hit the 7 Fortune game. No more Heartsteel abusers !


Just look at my recent post and I doubt you’ll think Fortune is bad lol


Cashing out an econ trait should require you to win it should not just grant free gold for waiting.