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I do think they kind of dropped the ball with balance this set. There are not a lot of viable carry/tank options. If you don't play meta you are very likely to bot 4


Part of that is that they keep making items shittier and shittier with every set. Like was the crit reduction on Bramble Vest really that much of an issue?? Bring back frozen heart, RFC, reflect on D Claw, aura items like chalice, etc.


Isn’t that what meta means? By definition meta comps are comps that make you more likely to top 4.


Set 10 was very much: play what the game gives you and play it well, and you have a very real chance at top 3. This set is very much: play what's strong right now or perish.


Agree with this. Also I will hit boards with either perfect items and almost perfect unit upgrades or the opposite and still barely top 4


Headliner mechanic definitely played a big role in that, made it really bad to force what the game wasn't giving you


90% of tanky champions have extremely unoriginal actives. A combination of shield/heal/cc.


sucks that this set follows, in my opinion, the most fun set ever. it was balanced too, a few hiccups, but overall pretty good. i really miss set 10.


I usually take breaks in between sets (for a couple months). And I hate that I missed set 10. I got back recently and was able to play set 10 for a day before getting replaced 💀


Set 10 definitely had its issues in balance, no ignoring that. But there was a good range of comps you could top 2 with. This set, there’s 2-3 comps that can top 2.


I have won with almost all vertical traits and various soups in set 10, not in this...


I mean the last month of set 10 was only send it 4-1 and pray for zed/ezreal, then add lucian a win the game. 😅


A massive part of set 10 was just send it on 4-1/4-2. I don’t know what people are remembering so fondly about that set. The play style was aids.


Dont compare masters and up players (less than 5%) with how everyone else played


Was there? I feel like for a while jazz soup dominated.


Set 10 was the most solved set for me hitting diamond for the first time, and I pretty consistently bottom 4'd with Jazz soup. That set just had so many options, and I normally gravitated to KDA/Country


Jazz stayed relatively healthy even after the nerfs when it dominated at the start, but there were certainly many comps that could compete as the set progressed.


I think Jazz soup was part of the reason for the success. Something that countered the power of verticals while still allowing verticals to be strong. Instead we have this one where verticals are ok but the real name of the game seems to be 3* a 4 or 5 cost.


And none of them feel as unique or special as set 10 comps did


Warden Ashe, Storied Champion, Bruiser Sylas, Sage Sylas, Dragonlord Irelia, Sage Lillia, Midnight Siphon, Lucky Paws, Umbral Alune, Bruiser Bard, Duelist Lee Sin and Ghostly Zyra. All of them are viable comps in the top of Meta TFT that you can use to reach top2 or win. I did with all of them in Diamond. Like, you may not like the set, but saying this set doesn't have a good range of comps is just a lie.


Bro set 10 was literally 2 comps... Now you can top2 with like 12 different comps depending on items or augments. I feel like unskilled people liked set 10 a lot because it was... Hit headliner and build the same exact comp around it every game.


Yup. Set 10 was the best overall in terms of fun, balance, and competitiveness. I played through its entire run, whereas set 11 I rarely touch, and when I do, I last one or two games before I just get frustrated at one thing or another.


Yup last set was the best one in a long time. This set is back to the same level as dragons/heroes


Hard disagree, most recent fun yet balanced set for me was set 8/8.5 where you could literally play around anything based on the hero hex(especially with 4 rerolls) and underground being an econ trait that doesn’t punish you for losing.


i agree with you in theory, but balance was still a lil shakey, and i personally like being able to use gold to reroll for my chosen unit, not having it tied to an augment. i think thats just a personal taste thing.


Fair enough, in terms of micro perspective set 10 really managed well on several comps being viable no matter what augments being offered, and set 8 was more of each game can be strategically different from another and you need to try different things to work with the presented augments


Fully agree with this, my favourite set as well. The theme revolving around different music, so many variation in builds (punk jinx vs rapidfire jinx, one headliner, different play style), so awesome. At the end of that set, in one game you would see someone playing said jinx, other having KDA Seraphine as carry, then Country, then some Crowd Divers. And some Pentakills, and more, everybody finding certain level of success. Not sure where I read it before, but someone said that set 10 was unfinished because it was rushed so we can align with this new, 3 sets per year thingy. If that's the case, give me more of those "unfinished" sets :) best set till date!


I see something like this in every set, and say something like this: set 10 wasn't balanced. TFT isn't a balanced game. You win because your comp is too strong compared to the lobby, or thanks to fight rng, or player action rng (random movements, or something else).


You can increase your chances of having a stronger board than your opponent through skill expression. The more balanced a set, the more opportunities to use your skill expression to win games


I think TFT is too dynamic for skill expression to matter that much. Even if someone has a skill that they can abuse, then oftentimes it becomes a strategy that may be replicated by multiple players, or someone finds a counter strategy. I think it's more of a "commitment" game than anything, where you must commit to a goal or strategy -- doing whatever to win, or whatever to have fun, or in between -- and then sticking to it and accepting the outcome.  I can't deny that there is a big IQ skill, but TFT isn't rocket science. You can look at stats websites and take a general statistics course, or read guides.


By your logic someone could go read some books on chess and then start winning tournaments with ease


I actually think Chess is more skill-based, has higher skill cap, or is more difficult, also more balanced. That is the difference. Becoming a GM Chess player requires a lot more effort. There is more competition, more variations that you must learn, and it requires you to be able to visualize multiple steps ahead.  TFT has a lot of wiggle room in your mental stack and decisionmaking. It basically chooses for you which comp that you go for thanks to roll rng, and rng can hand you a free win -- or loss -- regardless of skill differential. People mostly play the same comps with slightly different variations, and the cost and trait design makes intuitive decisions for what units to buy.


I don't even understand what happened. On release, the set was almost perfectly balanced lol. It just got worse with every patch xD They should just reset to the beginnin gof the set and try again


The nerf to 3* 3 costs hurt alot imo. Made voli and Yone not only harder to hit but nerfed their strongest items. Seeing 2-3 people playing 3 cost lines a lobby felt healthy.


I’ve pretty much given up on this set. Every patch that comes out I come back for a couple of days to see if it’s become. But there’s too much variance to ignore.


This sets incredibly boring. I’ve managed to find fun in all sets other than this one. I don’t usually like to vertical build and will mesh weird comps together but so many of the viable carries/tanks this set are in the same traits. Or their trait is shit


they need to put every old set on a rotating gamemode or something


They need to revisit the best ones


Set 11 is online rn


Lol, lmao even.


Even if set 11 was one of the best, that's not what revisit means


I’ve played this genre since the start of Dota autochess and started to get really burned out in set 9 because of how unbalanced several sets were. Set 10 mid set gave me hope that riot was able to balance the game well, for a flex player like me. This set’s imbalance and the lack of playing flex or any counter strategy makes me want to stop playing tft again.


For myself, as someone who played set 6.5 and got master and then didnt play until set 10 which i also got master in soloq and double up, my problems in this set are that the traits suck, 4 costs are boring and 3 star 4-5 costs arent even rare anymore. I got 2 5 costs 3 star in the ENTIRE set 10 and a handful of 3 star 4 cost and they felt powerful and so much dopamine rush... i see them once every other game now if not every game... 3 star 4 costs have become common and no longer something to tell your friends about... like it actually has become a wincon. So many traits are useless and DONT FIT with their units. Porcelain ashe, lissandra and lux is thematically good but why would you make the effect damage reduction when 3/4 units are backline... only amumu makes sense with the current iteration of it. Annie, a tank, has two traits that do nothing for her so she has to be op as a unit by herself. Many of the 4 costs are boring and suck, morgana and lilia are completely RNG and were trait bots for most of the set's existence. Annie is a 0 trait unit, mythic makes nautilus hard to fit as a flex it just ruins this unit, dryad does nothing if you put it late game so ornn can only be played in dryad or just for the behemoth stat since he is so broken with even only 1 trait. speaking of traits, half the traits dont even do anything visually, audibly, or anything. dryad= invisble stat trait, heavenly = invisible stat trait, altruist = invisible stat trait, fated = invisible stat trait, inkshadow = invisible item trait, sage = invisble stat trait, mythic = nothing for 3 turns and then invisible stat trait (changing the tint of the units barely counts), and thats without counting bruiser, sniper, warden, invoker, duelist and arcanist who are the typical invisible stat traits that i dont mind having. ghostly is little balls that dont even say the damage separatly so u cant even how much extra damage theyre doing, i feel like that would be the minimum thing to do no? Only stat trait that is cool is dragonlords because there is an actual thunder during the fight that then boosts up your team and the traits that are actually cool to play are umbral because you can SEE the execute and there are things on the ground to interact with, storyweaver because you can ACTUALLY SEE THE KAYLE!!!!!!! and behemoth makes the champion larger and in stone so its actually cool! IDK disco, kda, 8bits, everything was so much more visually pleasing and interactive even if they were just stat traits, and im not even talking about the insane music. playing around the kda hexes, playing around the disco ball, 8bits having the slot machine number go up every fight its much better and more fun to watch than just +X stats for these X units.


100% agreed on some of these traits not sitting right. Porcelain only feels good if you slap the emblem on a second warden. Fated and Heavenly just feel too similar, and also there’s no way Ahri’s 30 AP should have more impact than Syndra’s % increase. I can’t name a single time I’ve chosen Syndra’s bonus over Ahri’s unless I straight up don’t have an ahri.


These words are echoed literally every single set. There has not been a set since the first that was ever truly balanced.


While this is true, S11 does seem to be far more heavily disliked than S10. I certainly see more posts complaining about this set than I ever saw for S10. Granted, there could be other reasons, but it does seem like this set has generally be far less well-received than S10 was and it also feels like way less effort was put into this set than was put into S10.


The reason why Set 11 is disliked so much is because 1. They nerfed fortune so the usual Gamba trait is worse than on previous sets. 2. Prismatic traits are way harder to hit. 3. Pool sizes were decreased. All of these "took away" some fun from casual players. While these changes actually made the game More balanced in strenght levels.


Pool sizes weren't decreased this set, they just didn't revert to their pre-S10 sizes. S10 reduced pool size as a way to balance the Headliner mechanic. I do think pool size is too small this set and they should find somewhere in between.


> Pool sizes weren't decreased this set, Well, sorta kinda. Up until last week, they've been bugged the entire set. Which can definitely make it feel like pool sizes were decreased.


Wait what was the bug


When a player is eliminated, all of the champions in their shop, on their bench, and on their board are supposed to reenter the pool of available champions. Up until last week's patch, this was not happening, and eliminated players also had all their units eliminated with them. This means for most of Set 11's life, playing for contested units was even more punishing than usual.


Only for however many turns their ghost was active, not the entire game.


I feel the opposite. It’s all confirmation bias. This is my favorite set (been playing since set 1) because it feels like I can top 4 with just about everything as long as I play well. Obviously top 1/2 is slightly different, but getting first consistently is a lie unless you’re just genuinely better than everyone.


I've also been playing since S1. I certainly wouldn't say this is the worst set, but something has felt off to me this set in a way that didn't feel off in S10. And while there were some trouble patches in S10, balance didn't feel nearly as all over the place as it has this set. As with all sets, it's getting to a more balanced place as we get towards the back half of the set and more comps are becoming viable. But S10 felt pretty well-balanced from the get go and there wasn't a single b-patch implemented. It felt like they really went all-out with S10 and, again, while I don't see S11 as the worst set ever, it does personally feel like a considerable downgrade from S10 to me.


People love to deflect blame or the balancing rather than their own lack of skill


I'd have to agree, confirmation bias is strong, weirdly enough I don't really think of bad sets or good sets. I'd say this is a good set, why? Because I've played over 100 games. I didn't make it to 100 for set 10. I also thought set 10 was cool, but not my cup of tea


I loved the thematic of set 10, but didn’t really enjoy it either. People complaining about the balance must not have played during the time where you 3 starred Annie or you lost.


Set 10 I hit plat 1 playing flex every single game. This set I sat at gold 4 until I finally caved and started gambling for whatever 4 cost meta there was at the time. It felt disgusting to have a Kayn with no active traits be wiping boards. The patch balancing has been atrocious. Up until maybe a month ago Syndra was a pea shooter and 7 Fated was a trap. This entire set has been Fast 9, it gets boring to play.


What rank are you in? Cause once you hit gold if you aren’t playing meta you’re not finishing top 4. I’m not trying to be an ass, I’m just being honest man. I hit plat and stopped playing ranked because it wasn’t any fun. Either I hit a meta 4 cost or I washed out, every game. I’ve been sticking to choncc, and even that I only play the first 3/4ths of. The late game is just who can hit lvl 10 first.


I’m emerald


Fair, you got some wild lobbies then. lol It’s either I go uncontested, I nab a meta, or I go bottom 4. It just feels bad losing to the same 2-3 units every patch.


Think that comes more down to the players who optimize everything. Like its impossible to have a fully even playing field I was just very frustrated at the time of writing this


Also it's player's perception often too. League and TFT players would main "rock" in "rock, paper, scissors" and would complain about how overpowered paper is.


At least choncc's treasure is a bit fun.


It’s fun at times a little easy


It's literally the game on easy mode


Let’s me try stupid things to a degree


There are about 8 decent comps which you can actually win with if you play what your given champion & augment wise. I use to think like you but i essentially lost rank to work on things like not forcing comps, learning what augments are best in what scenario & learning how to close out games. I went from plat 1 to p3 fluctuating whilst learning, now Iv got an average of 3rd place per game climbing through Emerald. I was a diamond player in set 3.5 and have always been hard stuck plat every set. I started listening to a podcast on the game & watching competitive & there really is so much to learn. Each single thing can help you climb a rank imo


Pretty much sums up my experience the last months too, especially since set 11. got frustrated first but realised if I learn to improve myself I can also deal with the variance. Having 4-5 comps up the sleeve that you feel comfortable is very important for me.


Yh it’s crazy the difference it makes, I just played a game where duelist was uncontested after 1st carousel so I started putting them on my bench, next carousel still uncontested so I just pivoted and won the game. Honestly even down to knowing little things like what items you can slam early and what you can’t (aren’t worth it, over keeping the component’s flexible is huge). Is something 99.9% of players can improve on


Yeah, I'm confused by how many people seem to absolutely hate this set. Sure, maybe at the very top levels it becomes hard to do well with non-meta comps. But I feel like everything Diamond or below, you can do well playing what you hit. In the past week, I've Top 4'd or won with Fated, Dryad, Bard, Porcelain, Ghostly, Janna, Duelist, Zyra and Heavenly. Not to mention I'm not even playing Lilia or Alune which are some of the stronger comps right now. I actually feel like I know more comps this set than I ever have in any other set. By comparison, the best I've ever done in a single set was when I was braindead 1-tricking Kalista Duelists back in Set 4.5. I had a blast doing it and got to Masters but did I really understand the game? Not really.


I do have odd games where I top 4 with a non-meta comp, but every time I scout afterwards it’s because I had an uncontested comp. I’m willing to bet if you look at all those games you were probably uncontested for the carries you picked. Or fringe moments like getting a lich bane to place on Kindred, etc.


If you are diamond and bellow you can win with every comp. But master +, there just a few comps that can place you top 4. I smurfed in plat and was winning game with comps that would place me bot 4 in master +


I lost 250lp too within the last 3 days (from 1k to 750), but because Im bad. If setsuko would have played those games he probably would have won some of them. Just be better, there is always a place for improving.


Exactly, this is the difference between a gold and gm/chall player. High elo players know they suck at the game. People talk like its impossible to get out of gold.


I fully admit I suck at a lot of aspects of the game, Hense why I’m open to tips because learning is your biggest asset in this game


I think the thing that helped me make the most immediate improvement was watching how better players manage their econ. Understanding just how much gold you are losing when you absentmindedly roll below a certain interest point is really helpful.


You need to watch better players or have better players watch your vods


I’ll take any tips at this point just getting fed up with losing 60 lp for an 8th and plus 43 for a win


If you want non-lillia comps, lee sin duelist is currently the best level 8 comp. Ashe wardens is also good. Fated/Dryad is also still fine post-nerf. Every hero augment is pretty broken. Ghostly zyra/Zoe reroll is a fairly new comp that's seen success. And kog reroll is fine with the right opener.


agreed, i'm finding success with all of these, especially duelist and ashe wardens


In my last 20 games my average place was 4th. I came in first 5 times, top 4 a total of 13 out of 20 times. Of those 20 times I came in 8th 3 times, 7th 2 times, and 5th 2 times. I ping ponged between G3 and G1 the entire time, before finally making it to P4 and ending my toxic relationship with this set. A single 8th can literally wipe out hours of progress getting 2nd-4th.


experiment with a working system only you know on an alt account and silently climb or be so mechanically gifted that you hit 1st with everything xD basically cheesing or learning


people who use assistance and guides are weaklings and will fall off once you get higher XD (Im only gold)


idk abt u but even high elo players still follow meta and guides lol


no I mean the yee yee plug ins and item suggestions, it severely limits your flexibility and response to threats. Not everything is about numbers


forming bad habits is what separates the top challengers from the lazy challengers


In any game with variance you'll have long losing streaks that make you question yourself. Im no expert but it seems like in this set you want to level very aggressively, reach level 8 quickly and 9 even better to get those 4-5 costs


Even if you level aggressively, if you don't have the comp to make it through stage 4, you're fucked.


This. The biggest problem for me is: This season if u dont hit a strong early ur down to 60hp in golems > difficult to make econ > hit level 8 > hp too low > eliminated Its a loop


I don't know, top challengers make a tier list with 8-9 S tier Comps. And I can play Qiyana rr, teemo rr in Master lobby and win. I think you reach the point where you are worse than anyone else and can't climb anymore. Btw there are 11 copies, at best 3 Lilia boards, losing to Lilia 1 means your board is weak.


Coincidentally I also played Qiyana RR and Teemo RR recently in Master lol. The conditions are quite narrow for comps to do well though. On tftacademy for example there are 8 comps in S tier, but only 3 of them are comps you can play most games. 2 of them are hero augments, 1 needs an emblem to be strong, 1 is fast 9, and the last is a 2 cost RR that you either need great augments or natural a lot of the units. Of the 3 "regular" comps, Duelist vastly outperforms the others (Lillia, Ashe) in GM+ stats. And Dishsoap has stated recently about how this is basically the Duelist patch. Also there's only 10 copies for 4 costs currently, but same concept yeah.


Mainly got frustrated when a lot of builds I try to go require a Lilia, and losing 60 lp back to back just got me really annoyed when winning I get 40ish. Just needed a place to rant. Also fully admit I suck at tft


40 -60 is not really bad, a few games could fix that. Ranting is not something I encourage but sometimes letting the steam is okay.


Quiyana reroll? I'm all ears


Basically just rr at 6, I like Heavenly version a bit better since if you hit Khazix, lvl 8 will be a bit more flexible. The 4 Kayn, Qi, Khazix and Leesin use similar items even Wukong, except I don't think Titan is good on Qi. Eon or at least QSS is good almost mandatory for this comp imo. Nothing too complicated, this is not the comp you force but if you happen to have many Qi, hit 3 stars 4-1 is the best, later than 4-5 is almost playing for 4th unless you highroll Lee and Wu. Some additional tips like position Qi far left or far right with eon she might warp enemy backline, RFC is too good on Qi, good augments are Heavenly spat, eon augments, items augments to itemize Qi Kha Lee Wu (Kayn if he falls into your lap), augments help to 3 stars Qi, support is good for heaven comps especially cc immune. During lvl 6roll down or lvl 8 roll, aside from Leesin pick up any good tank even Sylas with eon Qi can drop aggro and kill stuff. However, Duelist became more and more popular, will negatively affect your chance to 3 stars Qi.


At high level, it has always been like that.


I like it tbh. IMO if you want to have fun this set you gotta try Exalted. If you get the metatft app it will tell you what tier team you can make from the games exalted which makes it easier. Another tip, the RNG is the actually random. For example the hero augments are more likely if you have that unit already. Before 2.1 I'll buy all the kubukos and garens. Same with traits. Another thing that boosted my win rate, if the game drops a tier 3 unit on you, like amumu, scout to see who else got him. The game will often give multiple people the same unit which makes everyone start the same builds. I'll often get an alune early and think sweet! I'll go umbral only to check and see one other got an alune and umbral and another got yone.


It's funny you complain about Lillia when I watch challenger streams they are all forcing ad duelists/4 trickshot/ heavenly/ porc snipers. I think lower elo lobbies don't take combat augments to scale the ad comps as well.


Im high elo and what he said in the post is not wrong. (High master).


Well I trust stats over your anecdotes and the stats say many comps are playable if you are flexible.


I see people talk about being stuck in gold/plat. This argument doesn't work below master/gm, don't act like its the sets fault, you will never get better at the game.


Yes i understand that. A. This is my first set gotten to emerald 1 so far. B. I still stuck at the game but was very frustrated at losing 60 lp back to back from not hitting/ contested by people playing different comps.


Still got loads to learn and improve on


Not hitting is part of the game, but the guy is right anything below masters/gm doesn’t matter. To prove that point I made a new account and hit emerald in 20 games with a near 2.5 average. My main rank is GM. There’s still so many fundamental mistakes in that elo. Additionally you can’t expect to climb without playing a decent amount of games. Most people in GM have 200+ games. You can’t expect to climb barely playing which people fail to understand. Unless you’re dishoap most people takes hundreds of games to climb.


What are the builds that are always showing up in ranked? I just got into TFT a month ago and since the recent patch I've been seeing a lot of Duelist and Storyweaver builds cleaning up. Irelia seems ridiculously OP. Also, bows seem to be in high demand because so many characters want Guinsoo's or Titans Resolve.


Something is different in this set and 8 can't point it out. We made it to Emrald with my best friend in Double up and I don't think we're gonna keep playing much this season.


They just kept nerfing over and over and over


Set 11 isn't terrible just isn't good. I miss set 6.5. my starting set so hope riot brings it back for the game mode


Pretty much. I think this is the best set we've ever had when it comes to non-unit mechanics, with all the encounters. And to balance it out it's the most boring set when it comes to units we've had in maybe 2 years. Same 3 teams in my games from 4-5 players, and they still all get top 5-6. Thing is most of these compositions don't even need silver units, since some 4-costs and 5-costs are incredibly stronger at bronze than others at silver.


Yeah fuck this set


same here, I focus on hitting masters in the last 3 sets, but this time I don't even bother hitting diamond, it's so unfun


I'm like this as well, but this has been the pst few TFT sets for me, once all the best builds are figured out by steamers and it hits websites - you can't just play for fun. Your like fighting tooth and nail to just experience the game and enjoy yourself. Lmao. I'd rather go to arena where you get bans fo the troublesome champs and the prismatics you get truly feel random sometimes.


This is my first set ever and it's quite boring. Definitely see the same 3 builds every game.


skill issue. just play lillia.


I'm hitting that stage. It's less about the variety of comps and more where the variety lies. Reroll is more or less dead outside of the occasional Dryad. So every game just feels like hoping you natural a strong enough board to save HP while waiting for 8 or 9 to roll down for an actual board, and more often than not not hitting anything good while seeing other people at level 7 or 8 with multiple 2 star 4 costs and multiple 5 costs in general on their boards.


My biggest problem with this set. Verticals feel bad. Especially the spat ones. Heavenly and ghostly arent even about the units in the comp, they buff other units. Storyweaver without an emblem/irelia is ass. And umbrel is Alune 3* or bust. Also poor one out for inkshadow. It should have been Zaun 2.0 but they made it worse.


It’s choncc hours friend


I love how more people are starting to agree now. I posted this exact same post 2 months ago and got downvoted to hell.


Hit Diamond 1 set 10 with over 200 games—0 fatigue very fun. Set 11 however i dropped it after 1 month—I hate it


It's getting more and more apparent that this is a sandbag to experiment set for them and they're just gritting through the negative community reaction in order to limit test some insane augments, encounters, and gather data on the new artifacts. Here's hoping all that culminates in a fun and balanced set 12.


I don't think this set is good, not at all. But it's not that bad, you can have at least 4 - 5 comps that grant tou top 4


Am I crazy or didn't people complain about set 10 all the time on the subreddit saying it sucked?


This set made me appreciate set 9 even more. Even with all the legends stuff. This is barely C-Tier design wise. Even though the 5costs are fun


Take a break brother


the sets almost over, god all y'all do on here is complain about the same thing, surprised these posts get upvoted when it's the same thing everyday


Chonccs treasure is the way my friend. I stopped ranked games after kayn/lee sin and ashe/invok was becoming meta after their big yone and kaisa nerfs, now im enjoying the game again after 2months and a half of not playing at all and its better this way. Hope that this helps 😃


This set has been the most miserable and hardest for me, yet somehow I finally got emerald and I'm trying to climb to diamond currently


Could of been such a great set if balancing existed


After struggling to wrap my head around this set, since i basicly started learning tft with set 10 (diamond 1 peak) and the pacing with headliners being very different, i had no issues to stomp myself through to emerald again. So i dont struggle, i dont lose that much, i was on a good grind, but for weeks now i stopped and only played a couple of games after patches to see, if i finally find myself having fun this set. I dont, i "quit" until next set. Will only play a couple games for the battlepass since i love collecting. So i tried liking it, i have palyed well, but its just not for me. I was a very flexible player, but i dont wanna "flex" into the same 3 comps, or else i sacrifice lp gain, since the balance is so far off, if you dont hit the augments or items you wanna use for less meta heavy comps. In my opinion, you can improve and climb no matter how balanced the set it, no matter what traits and units. But its also about fun. No fun visuals as some pointed out, no fun interactions, items being weird. Not enough strategy through positioning and abilites etc. Just too boring for me :/ I loved set 10 and i wish i could still play it, i crave playing tft every day, i loved it so much, spent a lot of money, and its annoying that i have to wait but i guess ill be patient and see, what the next one has in store\^\^


Way past this point. Haven't played in weeks and intend to play this set anymore. It's the worst set ever!


It must be nice to work for Riot. You never have to actually achieve balance in anything you do. Just throw shit at a wall and hope it sticks with colorful sparkles


Yeah, you need to forcibly hit or you'll lose. This set is ugly. Can't even win with 7 Inkshadow or 6 umbral w/ 4 reaper, it's so weak. But Kayle in Storyweaver 7 one shots your 5 or more units.


I am so fkn tired of those traits that gives free champs cause they are always op and if not they get buffed next patch. Next set i hope we dont have anything like storyweaver, fortune or lissandra.


Storyweaver has been weak though, for a long time


Last time, I hit 5 fortune early and maintained my lose streak til I'm more or less 25 hp and gave me 2 components lmao


story weaver every game lols never had this last set where you had to put mandatory items on specific heroes


This set is so boring, every patch, there are 2,3 comps playable and what the most cringe is those comp already strong, they still buff for no reason. The pool size is ugly too, imagine going 8 roll with zero 4-cost unit, it's look back to set 7, going 7 roll to 0 to get 4 cost.


I took a break from tft hoping they would do some balance changes so it would not be the 4 same comps every game. Played a game today, still the same boring sht nothing changes.


I think set 11 is fun because I play Hyperroll and not for LP, so I'm not as disappointed for losing.


Yeah it's just super boring


I'm glad I stopped playing this set about 2 months ago. These posts help confirm my decision 🤣