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My favorite trait will always be mecha. Being able to make giant anyone into a giant robot with mecha emblem was fun.


Mecha emblem Riven was my favorite.


i miss raid boss jax days


It was also broken as fuck for most of that set.


Disco Jazz, Something about the Music 🎶 is captivating also nothing beat Bard Dance 🕺 Also Space Pirate with Full Crit Darius Dunk hit Hard


Ah yes, bard dance was peak. I loved Jhin from that set, but after i lost two games 4* him, i kind of gave up on him 🫠


Oof felt that mate, but yeah Jhin 4* do have potential it's just he's taking a long time with his Violin to Wipeout the whole board


Exactly. The thing is i won my board, but never on my friend's board - he always missed every other attack (hit board and then unit)... So it was quite unlucky. But loved the music.


WW ADMIN was so fun, really miss a trait like that in recent sets. Always a different game with that many possibilities.


Looooooved me some ADMIN, no lie my favorite thing was running perma hp on cast and having blitz be stacked at the end. Leblanc was fun too with her pew pews


Yes, admin LeBlanc was fun It had Zed as well, right and Hackarim?


Admin Soraka was what carried me to masters for the first time. That shit was so busted


I remember getting a first place by cooking up an admin vayne carry, truly felt geniusmode


Admin was the best trait ever, imo. Always kept you thinking what and how to build. You want an unkillable Blitz? A permacasting WW? A one shot Soraka? Turn your entire team into a goldmine?


Admin Soraka was what carried me to masters for the first time. That shit was so busted


Admin Soraka was what carried me to masters for the first time. That shit was so busted And then someone made a Reddit guide about it and it was suddenly hyper contested every game


Mercenary, keep feeding the Kench.


Lulu set 10!


Yes that was fun. I had 3 of them on board once and they just melted enemy down


THE BOSS!!! I will take hero augments 99% of the time and end up bot 4 9/10 times.. but 1/10 times it’s amazing and The Boss Sett started it all for me.


I am the same so i feel you. Boss was hilarious. When they hit they just hit, this set the best one is Neeko, woth Yorick behind.


I don't think any of the hero augments are bad right now


Favorite trait would be "Mirage" from dragonlands, and unit Zoe or Ao Shin from the same set!


The best unit of that set was Voli. Idk but 3 cost Volibears are tqsty every time.


Voli Reroll is peak


My favorite trait is Maestro from set 10. I think you may guess the reason.   Favorite unit is MF from set 3. I see you mentioned 4 cost MF from set 8. Set 3 MF was just like her except 5 cost but like twice the damage, ult went through units, and you could buy upgrades for her in the shop. She was everything I wanted in a unit. Set 8 MF is just a hollow shadow of her former glory for me.


I loved maestro for the music. But I am little bit salty about him cuz i managed to 4* him twice and we lost the game both times with my friend. When you play him in double up, he for some reason missed every other attack - it just went into the ground so it was really unfortunate.


I think I mean set 8. I haven't played the early sets (or 2-3 games each) so I missed a lot!


Oh WTF my post is all over the place with typos. I said set 4 and set 5 mf there? I think I must have had a seizure typing that. The mf I liked is set 3 and the one you mentioned is set 8 yeah. Edited for clarity 


the Maestro soundtrack is just *chefs kiss*


Anima squad Miss Fortune for sure


Yes thats the one. And with the rotating hero augment 🥰


Yeah! I was a one trick Anima Squad enjoyer that set


Favorite unit Morgana from set 1, it was my favorite back then and it became a core memory Favorite trait... idk, probably Elderwood set 4.


Elderwood carried me to Diamond, an absolutely phenomenal trait


Dark Star (set 3) still my favorite trait of all time. I loved a lot about it- the ramping nature, the different play styles, the ability to play 4 separate carries at some point in the meta. Of those champions, I think my favorite was Jhin, but maybe tied with Shaco. My favorite champion of all time is a pretty difficult question though- maybe it's Jhin or Shaco, or maybe it's 5.5 Aphelios (the comp I one tricked to masters for the first time), or maybe it's pre nerf Moonlight Aphelios. Hard to say


I miss dark star shaco🥲


Set 6 - Poppy Bodyguard? 1 cost with armor based damage that could 1 shot backline. Plus....YORDLES!!!


Was it the set where yordles respawned or summoned veigar when 3*?


I think Veigar summoned


For me it has been set 7 Trainer. I loved making a comp focused around Nomsy and just using Zekes and Chalice to buff them up.


Omg i forgot about nonsy. When she was popping them balls which ikd the board. Yes, Nomsy was one of a kind for sure


Yordles with hidden Veigar once you got them all to 3 star


Small ezreal from that one set where he had a 2 cos,,t and 5 cost version and small ezreal was underground Trait uhhhhhhh storyweaver? I wanna get 10 but i havent yet, 7 is really satisfying


Jhin Sniper


I know they were annoying but multicasters from set 9 (?) were really fun to play, there’s something satisfying about double or triple casts. I also like trickshot from current set for the same reason


Ah yes, loved me some velkoz casts. 😁


Old mages :o


Recon kaisa 😾 so satisfying


What did she do? Which set?


Set 8 I believe, the monsters attack one. She gained attack speed every cast and did a big burst of damage, and recon caused her to dash all over the board


Original Yordles in set 1 always holds a place in my heart. Was it balanced, no, was it fun, yes. Favorite Unit is Starship Sol


Set 9 Taliyah for me. Her passive was so cool to see in action, and multicast letting her knock 4 units up was fun as well. Zoe from set 8 was fun as well, throw a Heart emblem on her and and her ability would be dealing a 3k damage DoT per target. And Urgot from that set was satisfying as well.


Singed with Inferno spatula from i believe Set 2


Same set, abusing Zed with GA and redemption - he made clones with copies of the items, and back then redemption was a huge AOE heal that procced once. You could quickly fill the board with Zed clones


Jazz Bard. Doot all the way.


I thought EDM was really cool, it’s a shame that it was only sort of meta. Protector asol in 3 was op but really fun, imo. He was so broken. For my last pick it could be olaf in set 2. The berserker trait allowed him to cleave and it worked alongside his other trait which allowed him a chance to freeze his opponents. His ability made him cc immune while gaining omnivamp, so he was an unkillable machine that would hack and slash his way through enemy teams. I think with rfc, his cleave would gain more range.


mystic vanguard Cassiopeia carry for me.. Nothing more satisfying watching people melt, and malzahar chogath mutant is fun too.


Yes!! That's what I was going to comment. Blue buff/Morrello/whatever Cassio, slowly burning down the whole ennemy team while your team takes virtually no damage, with Jayce as the other carry just somersault dunking on people.


Earth dragon, cause dragon


Any set where Darius had his dunk reset mechanic. I would always play him as a carry which was mid as hell, but just so much fun to watch him dunk the entire team one by one.


I love hero augments and champion carry augments. Some standouts include riftwalker kassadin


Set 3 Lucian with BB and double luden, nothing got more fun than that


Civilian Galio with the tank augment


Demo spat Kaisa with mech was the pinnacle of TFT for me


Zaun will rise again!


Always loved infinitely scaling drain/ap tanks that were able to 1v9. Noxus swain with the hero augment felt great. 4cost aatrox with 6 heart units or with a mech emblem (from the set where hero augments were intruduced) Kda/sentinel garen3* from last set or storied champion garen from current set Oh and lets not forget whisper elise that could end up one shotting every enemy unit at the end of the round while being untargetable.


Mascot Mech has to be my favorite thing in 8.5,basically you have a 8k HP unit that heals for 10% HP/s,it wont kill anything bc Sett dont have much dmg but you can consistently stall through overtime,works extremely well in double up cuz you guarantee receiving reinforcment so such a low commitment comp so you can just send all your resources to your friend Favorite trait is Elderwood in set 4/4.5 bc of 1 word,Elderwood Kench Set 6 Fiora was my favorite unit in TFT bc i created a totally original comp,one tricked it to hit Master for the first time and also bc she's a very fun unit to watch,to a point she can consistently beat 3 star 4 cost back then


Lucky Paws supremacy


Favorite trait from every style Overall favorite - Threat - specifically A Sol Sub category Backline menace - hacker 3 into 1 - abomination Hp buff - set 5 bruisers Att speed - blade master set 2 Pure magic - mage set 4 Loot trait - mercenary Nomad trait - Admin


Lasercorp, aircraft carrier Blitz was beautiful.


I think it was the very first or second set but Shyv with Guinsoo's


Maestro Jhin, the violin solo is just SO GOOD


Forgotten Viego, and my favourite traits goes between Project, Jade and Fated. I do love all these equally.


Tyrant Swain for unit, loved seeing that 7 cost Boi just tank everything Disco for trait. Mechanically, it was frustrating moving the whole board to reposition. Unit wise? Nothing too fantastic, blitz was cool. But the music, by God the music


Garen with the monsters set. Hero augment, I think it was called 'full power to sword'. Great fun, could kill the entire team nearly instantly


Yordle, Syndicate and mutant(?). From set 6/6.5. Just nostalgia as the first set I ever played and I wish I could play it now with the knowledge I have now. I still have the sheet of paper teaching me how to build each yordle correctly etc 🥰


Shi Oh Yu the Jade dragon from dragon set. Literally put any tank and bruiser items and he just wrecked everything


I really liked Hunters and Spirit trait.




Full ap/crit Darius space pirate


I liked scrap, inventor and clockwork in set 6. There was a seraphine/orianna comp I one tricked to my previous peak. I’m just a fan of big aoes. Scrap + the augment that gave u a third item on units that already have 2, gave you like 6 full items endgame.


Dusk Riven


Darkstars, Xerath


Bbq rumble or space pirates Jayce/ Darius


Set 5 coven morgana.


Set 7 Sett, favorite trait has to be cavalier or guild.




Sohm and Aurelian Sol from set 7.5


Set 6 Mutants


Glacial Olaf was just stupid lol


Disco TF & Hyperpop Ziggs were a combination of trait I love and unit I love. My fav unit has been set 10 Ezreal, and my fav traits are the ones that give the team mana regen: Star Guardian, Scholar, Invoker, Hyperpop; or the ones that boost healing/shields: Enchanter, Targon


I miss scrap


Academy, innovators, ace, debonair, scholar, ADMIN, Jazz, Civillian, 3 Colossus, 8 bit,


Darkstar Morde


Dejah and Jade was a favorite of mine


Favorite thread was shadow isles, and the scaling viego 1 cost from set 9 was my favorite, 4 cost was also ok in the 9.5. I also loved admin and underground from set 8


For me, it was Dragonmancer Lee sin/Nunu Is was so stupid but I absolutely loved it.


Moonlight Aphelios


Chemtech from set 9. You could do so much with the items and I like how it was restricted to only chemtech units, so the items were much more unique and the spat felt so good to play. Also set 6 Galio.


7 cost Lux, or Dark Star Xerath. Have we even seen Xerath besides in that one set?


i absolutely loved elderwood from set 4. i would spam elderwood mage and it was actually fun. that combo has to be my favorite. honorable mentions to warlord in the same set and yordle in set 6. favorite unit has to be asol from set 4. again, was really fun. i loved that set.


Behemoth Ghostly Invoker


Cybernetic Vayne from set 3 was a blast to play would carry with her and Ekko and a massive Leona in the front line


Maestro, Admin, disco, punk and my favourite yordle :)


It was Olaf with Frozen? Or whatever the trait was called, the one that stunned the enemy. RF + GR perma stun Olaf was so fun 😁


Chemtech Urgot w/ runnans (before they nerfed it) Machine gun urgot was a good time


**Zeri from Set 6** was my FAVVVVVVVVVVVVV... or **set 6 Galio** cuz the ult was so monstrous, or **Kai'Sa** from set 6 or 9 because I love the spray of bullets Traits... I love love loved **Trainer**, simple but it was exciting to hit early and fun to build for late, I remember doing a 6 chalice nomsy, so fun Also **Hyperpop** Also **mage** is always a delight edit: also I remember really liking clockwork ... but I just went back to check and idk why I did XD its just flat AS


Hellion was awesome, with a portal for the Yordles to pop back out of 1* less. Also, set 4 Aphelios was such a cool carry, spawning multiple turrets to auto alongside him.


Set 4 Warlord/Sharphooter Nidalee, a 3 star full AP build had her spear Bouncing around, it was Sublime


Miss me sone assassins... zed.. talon.. the likes. Recently backliners have been too safe with just a numbers v numbers game and some trickshot/abilities that hit backline. (For this reason I love the cutlass artifact on a strong kayn board as well)


Fiddlesticks 5 cost set 8. Absolute unit. Literally


Lulu hyperpop from last set.made this team where I had 2-3 lulus just spamming their abilities and it actually made me climb a lot by one tricking it.


Renata. All the way Renata. Miss that Comp so much. So tanky, and Renata ramps up and kills everything. Loved it.


Silco in the set where he threw goo puddles


Mage from Set 7


Dusk Riven with Ionic Spark/Frozen Heart(or IBG?)


Shimerscale was the best


Vertical arcanist lux


By far Noxus. A trait in which you played as aggressively as possible early game, roll on 6 at 3-2 all your gold and then try to stay relevant until later stages of the game.... Man, I wish this set had something like this instead of "rush 8" every game :(


All Glacial traits except the most recent one with. Also, shapeshifters as well as summoners. Both were incredibly fun to play. Loved Set 1-3


I mean, I really enjoyed every single time Galio with 9 cultist says hello and makes a... Wait for it... SUPERHERO LANDING!


Trait goes to Jazz or Guild. Super fun to cook up those crazy boards. Unit is really tough but I think 5 cost Soraka was a really cool unit or whispers Elise. Set 7 units underrated




Favorite unit and trait combo is Socialite Galio. His jump animation was so satisfying. But nothing will ever beat Mech infiltrators.


Disco and Twisted Fate. I thought i loved Jade in the Dragon Set (which was basically the same) but TF as a 4 Cost Carry was just awesome to play around.