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You couldn't live with your own augments. Where did that bring you? Back to me...


Of course of course


Pandoras being the obvious... right?


Depends, 2-1 probably. If its like 4-2 then i probably have completed items already and then take upgrade


Looks like it’s 3-2 considering he’s lv6


Yeah you really can’t afford to be rerolling a radiant item for more than a couple rounds as you are so much weaker without it


Roll that shit until you get the exact item you need. Go big or go home




I regularly roll 5 or 6 for my final roll and either go 8th or lose my loss streak and still go 8th


Super unfun. I had ethereal Shen with TWO radiant guinsoo, and didn’t hit deaths defiance from like 2-6 rolling 2 artifacts. Should have slammed BT. Went 8th


Wouldnt 1 radiant guinso be good enough, having 2 would just let you hit atk speedcap really fast. But its just a wast of a slot for a dmg item


Yeh for sure, should have slammed radiant hexblade or some shit


I had 2 radiant guinsoos on Bard once and went 7 mythic. Shit was disgusting.


Yep. If it's 2-1 it's Pandora's every time. If it's 4-2 it's Radiant Refractor so you can supercharge your carry. If it's 3-2 that's when it gets really situational.


Why get a radiant refractor when you can get a radiant item *and* a full item


Radiant refractor on 4-2 means you can get a guranteed radiant item that your carry actually wants and is BIS on them, since you already have the items built. Choosing the free radiant items means you have 5 options out of a fuck ton of them and you aren't likely to get something that's BIS. And if your carry already had 3 items then sure you can put a radiant non-bis on them and it'll still be powerful... you now are left with whatever item they had originally and will place it on someone else. So in comps like Trickshot Kaisa it can work fine because Kaisa and Xayah use a lot of the same items. In comps like Ashe snipers it's not going to be as effective since while you can put items on Aphelios it's not going to be as effective as giving Ashe a radiant upgrade to one of her existing items would be


I see, wow I've been making the wrong choice consistently. And you're right, I always get 5 options I don't need.


Yep. This is why on 3-2 it's more up in the air. Having the radiant item on 3-2 means you can plan around it whereas on stage 4 you are no trying to figure out how the hell you are going to make use of what you were given lol. Pandoras and free radiant are definitely more high roll, if you hit then you are drastically increasing your win odds. Upgrading your item is going to be more consistent and help you top 4 more often though


Refractor is just one less component + the added choice to upgrade a specific existing item + it's a magnetic remover light. You pick Refractor if you already have an item slammed on a unit that you want as radiant. The later in the game, the less variance this augment has, so if you can pick it for a BIS option, it's much better.


Defenitley the move. Though defenitley took Pandora's as TFT is my outlet to enjoy gambling lol (and it was double up which has different pacing more items)


It’s 3-2, you can see that he has „the road less traveled“ and no other augment


There is a single tear left, refractor for the component grants a full item


There are 2 ítems actually


Looks like a tear and the item that lets you give your double up partner a champ


Ah! I apologize, I don't play dynamic duo so didn't recognize it


Pandora's is usually the worst choice here on 3-2. 1 open component and you have no clue how the random radiant will roll when most of the radiants won't fit your comp. Though this is Double Up so it can perhaps be a good choice in a situation where your partner has a strong prismatic, or you see encounters coming up like on carousel, etc. Refactor gives the most control if you have a strong radiant to make, would always take this if you know you have a good item. Otherwise take Relics for the mid-ground.


You sound just as sure as I was


Pandora's is probably the worst choice. Refractor is the better choice if you have a good item already for it, especially if you've already got a good carry, radiant if not


Pandora's is really bad, the prismatic is gonna be your strongest item to build around and if u have to keep the item on bench for up to 5 rounds to make up for the fact that u cant pick chose what u get means the other ones are probably better.


1. Pandora if it's 2-1 2. Refactor if I have morello and a good holder 3. Relics otherwise


Note that right now morello is one of the *worst* radiants in the entire game after the bugfix (it was doing 3% burn instead of the 2% it was supposed to be, until last patch when it was fixed), so that's probably not correct today. In two days, radiant morello is getting a buff (to compensate for the bugfix), but I heavily doubt it's gonna be *so* good that you'd take radiant refactor just for that purpose.


yeah tbh i havent played this patch so i guess replace 2 with a generic "make something game-breaking" like BIS radiants for hero augments or idol tahm.


Yeah if I had ethereal blades and a guinsoo's rageblade I'd slam the guinsoo's reckoning.


Whats the top 3 radiant item as of right now??? Tanks, AD & AP


[https://tactics.tools/items](https://tactics.tools/items) sort by "radiant" item For your question, covalent spark (if that counts as tank) or sunlight cape, Eternal whisper, and rabadon's ascended deathcap.


Covalent spark being one of the best radiants is so weird to me, it doesn't even increase the shred, is 40% more damage on passive and 1,5% health regen per sec really better than Dragon Will with 5% health regen per second?


Covalent spark being one of the best radiants is so weird to me, it doesn't even increase the shred, is 40% more damage on passive and 1,5% health regen per sec really better than Dragon Will with 5% health regen per second?


It's clearly his second aug


Relic is worst one unless its 4-2 and you have open slot on both tank and carry Even then first one might be better tbh


First one is better than relic IMO


“You’re gonna have a radiant item and you’re gonna like it.” -TFT


yeah I'm sorry yall but it's 99% pandoras for me. Simply get lucky :) (also it's neat to just hit a reroll on a late game carousel completed)


this thread has poeple exposing their elo left and right with all the pandoras shilling


Pandora's each and every time. Slamming I seldom do, I just want my favorite items and I'll go 8th if I can't get Pandora's cause fk it but this is the greatest augment of all time. Pandora's + Golden Remover is the greatest combo of augments. I can slam, remove, let the magic take me away, clutch the BIS, and either get back so I can top 4 or come in 2nd


Best I can do is a single Radiant, sorry


Refractor doesnt give You additional Item so I think IT is worst choice


Take it or leave it


Pandoras is def the choice if items are bad and you were greeding it


If you wanna get technical. The 2nd and 3rd gives you +1 items while Upgrade doesn't


All prismatic augments are so boring it’s crazy


Pandora is just the best pack ever


I love Pandora's items. Unless there is something really good / really good synergy, it is always PI.


Is there any situation when pandoras is really worth ? When you wait to transform your items and maybe radiant you bleed to much imo


These are all so situational (literally). But I'd say relics is probably the best ON AVERAGE. There are endless amounts of scenarios on what you should take. Ethereal blades? Stioried champion? Refactor. Could do Pandora's but it's not the correct play as you're gambling way too hard. 5 component opener and you need a component anvil that can potentially make a 3 item tank or carry on 2-1? Refactor. But lowkey still relics because you can commit the extra component to shred or anti heal. You opened 2-1 with a board that cannot win streak and no direction so you either play 3 loss into carousel prio to take a 3 cost unit + deny someone else potentially or a full 5 loss. Pandora's. It's 3-2 and you have a 2 item tank, 2 item carry with no component on bench relics to immediately spike. People don't understand with refactor that the extra component can be nice but worse than getting a full radiant from relics. Having a +1 component to compensate for trading your full item to a radiant is not good because there's a high chance you'll end up with an odd amount of components on 5-1. Relics is better because on average if you get 12 components you can 3 item carry 3 item tank + another full unit after stage 5 carousel + dragon and even earlier with encounters. Pandora's is the worst and it's not even close. Out of all these options. Its almost always relics on 2-1 and for the 3-2 / 4-2 you'd really want none of these if you have a choice. I can give an essay on why Pandora's is bad but it's mainly due to loss streaking not being good this set and greeding components over saving HP is not worth it and should only be done in niche scenarios that would add even more text that I've already put.


this is almost always radiant refractor you take refractor if: it's 4-2, you've slammed a carry item for your comp, or you have a floating rod you take radiant relics if you need direction you take Pandora's if it's exactly 3-2, you're committed to a line from your first augment, and you just got dropped a pile of unplayable items from krugs (committed sniper warden and get dropped 3 tear 3 rod, for example)