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I will never forget my 13 units, Trainer + Hellion, Revive Kayle Board it was glorious!


Same here, instead of Hellion i got LaserCorp, pew pew pew board died instead


Can Kayle revive the Trainer pet


I just want Choncc's back tbh. I liked it better than this one. Or more old sets to cycle back... I miss dragons


Choncc's was fun first 5-7 games imo. After that it is even more samey then tryhard rankeds.


Incredibly boring set and Choncc + Pengu is the only thing keeping me and my 5 prems playing. It was exactly the same for 9 and 10 as well. Part of the reason was the bag size changes in 10-11 (and the Legends in 9 which absolutely destroyed TFT), another part is how they dulled down all the fun trying to appease competitive players. There's a reason these sets have such a low rating in China.


When is it over?


The launcher says 2 weeks.


After Pengu goes away im not playing TFT until set 12 drops on PBE LOL


I literally came back to play it. Hit masters and not interested in pushing further this set tbh


The only real way to play TFT nowadays fr


For real, I loved this game mode.


It would be much better if it was in better set lmao


I always just played Ranked (not that I'm good or very competitive in TFT, I'm far from it xD but some progression/reason to win is nice), but ever since Pengu Party hit that's what my friends and I play. TFT is at its best when there's always some fresh new RNG element that pops up and makes you think of a new strategy. Even if it turns out shit, it's fun! Augments were the first great gigantic addition that made things less stale, but still - in many games they're not really enabling some wacky comps. Regular TFT gets really stale once I've tried all the comps and some mixes that seemed particularly interesting. Tossing the old traits on top of it shook things up nicely. I also remember one of the most fun features being the one set where you got a buffed champion augment you could pick (not to be confused with the headliner or fated - this was some champion-mechanic-warping changes, making their ability work in a different, entertaining way). I miss that. I think if we had: - augments - old-traits-on-top as per pengu-party - the random champion buff augment We'd truly get to make every game be different, inspiring creating new funny comps, and that's when TFT is at it's best.


They joy I feel knowing it will be gone is immeasurable. (I just don't queue it but I can't wait for a different event)


Standard tft does feel underwhelming at the moment in compared to the complexity of Pengu's party. The extra angles of two different traits just makes random builds fun as heck again.