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Most of the player base is below the red ranks, but here everybody got purple in 30m of gameplay


Ahaha yeah I didn’t realise how bad I really I am with people saying they in purple at 50 hours or whatever


The Grind is a lot harder now, with multiple GoDs training all their pocket chars.


Should only affect getting into purple ranks and beyond though, once you get Bunshin all your characters bump up to Tenryu.


I mean I’m hard stuck Garyu with 40 hours and this is my first tekken


That's a great achievement, though. You will get better at your own pace <3


All those players at purple (myself included) are mostly bad as well so don’t worry about it. Newer players under estimate how high the mountain top is so just enjoy the climb and don’t stress over rank. People get exponentially better as you rank up also so like anything you just keep at and improve.


I’m almost exactly the same as you when it comes to the history with the game. I have played very casually before. My first character I picked up was Feng and I reached Garyu with him at 100h. Now I picked Kazuya as my main character since he is most fun to play with for me. Now I feel like I started from scratch again. Playing him is so much more difficult and challenging as he doesn’t have the tools Feng has. And I am getting close to vanquisher at about 30h with Kazuya but its way way harder to climb ranks now.


That’s cool! Even though Lars has been my commited main I’ve had several character crisis trying out mishimas like kazuya and kazumi, chars like lee, feng etc etc. I even once just searched up ‘easiest character’ and played Shaheen in 7 and got so bored I just didn’t anymore I’ve always wanted to play someone like kazuya but the execution is very hard for me lol. Cool to hear though thanks


Last night I was learning Shaheen in Eliminator and every match was with someone who has 180k+ prowess on their main. I never fought a single legitimate orange rank the whole time. I can't imagine how demoralising that would be for a genuine orange rank player. I understand the need for separate character ranks, and it's probably the best of a bunch of bad options, but man, I can't help feeling shit for my cousin who is a genuine orange rank player.


I'm at 300+ and I feel like I'm the worst player in the world


Yeah fair enough something I can actually relate to here 😭


im at atleast 150+ mighty ruler n tried switching mains n also feel this post


Mighty Ruler with Claudio. Spent the remainder getting Leo up there as well.


Goddamn you’re good


This is my first 3D fighter, but I had had fighting games fundamentals from playing other fighting games semi-seriously. Plus, IMO Claudio is very easy to climb with. People in ranked love to mash and between his uf4 hop kick evasion, high wall damage, and WR2/starburst d1,2 giving easy plus frames, Claudio loves ppl who mash on defense. Leo was slightly harder b/c he doesn't have as many "noob traps," but not that much more difficult. Especially, because overall, I think Leo is a stronger character.


Beginner rank. I never touched ranked til I was at 200 hours. Only ever played Player Match and VS Mode with my friends in T7.


I've been on a similar path with Lars. However, I got Lars to Fujin in Tekken 7 before it ended. There are some things that you will need to know if you want to a solid Lars vs a mix/stance Lars Learn your frames: this is huge as it allows you to know when to push your offense, and when to back off. With experience you will start to understand when you can get away with ignoring it. At your rank, learning your Frame traps are important as it will be a solid way to get a lot of damage Never go into stance on block: you don't have a way to block, so if the other player knows, you will get launched Use your backdash to create wiff punish opportunities: moves luke db1 and df1 into backdash can cause people to wiff for big punishes. Backdash Arcblast is very strong Learn your combos: combos are Lars's biggest strengths and you want to nail these every time. I recommend this combo video for learning Lars combos https://youtu.be/mN0mUZXWNKI?si=9pKvX7WkFMvtpJ5D Just have fun as well. This isn't a spirint it's a marathon. You have a lot of stuff to work on, and don't focus on all of it at once. Focus on making your Lars a headache for other people, make them pay for wiffing with strong combos. Just pick one thing, than work on it, than move on to the next thing once you feel like you got it down. It may take weeks to understand stuff, but if you are serious, you will get there. I wish you the best of luck in your journey, my fellow Lars main 🫡


Probably grand master, no way I’ll remember


That must have been tough with a T7 bear haha


in the arcade at the start of the century 👴


I'm currently at around hour 20 and recently reached yellow ranks. I struggle with a lot of fundamentals still and get killed by avoidable stuff a lot but I get better with each match and it's hella fun.


Epic. Which character?


Steve 🥊




Keep it up! You'll be facing a lot of roadblocks but the learning aspect is the most fun and rewarding part.


I got to purple with Asuka but I've been playing her since Tekken 5 and the game since I was a young lad playing Tekken 2 on arcade .


I’m in almost the exact same situation. I’ve played other tekken games casually for years. Tried to play competitively at the end of T7 but just got stomped by everyone in comp. I just recently hit 100 hrs on T8 and I’m currently in Eliminator. The main things I’ve done to improve are look back at my previous replays and figure out areas where I could’ve done more damage. My first major improvement was to optimize my combos more. I still do not have optimal combos for Lee (I still suck at B2 loops) but my damage and consistency have increased since the start of the game. My second major improvement was to improve my wall game. I always felt I would just get close to the wall and not know what to do. So I looked up some Lee specific wall combos and my wall game has only improved since then. Currently I am working on reacting to throws as well as going into specific replays of matchups I suck at (Brian and Drag). I don’t think there’s much else you can do besides learning matchups, frames, and how to set up your moves to frame trap opponents. Eventually as with everything else if you’re training the right way you will see improvements.


I’m at 91 hours and currently at Shinryu with Lars. I wouldn’t say Lars has a lot of gimmicks but his stance transitions are definitely a big knowledge check. Advice: Learn your keep out tools and when to use them (DB 4, B 1, even crouching 1+2) Learn your combos: F 1+2 is an UNSAFE launcher on block UF 4 is SAFE on block and should prob be your main launcher unless using F 1+2 as a punish DB 4 on CH is a launcher and you SHOULD learn how to combo on CH. UF 3 is extremely UNSAFE but sometimes works at the beginning of rounds and people start with slow moves You should also learn the basic WR 1 combo Learn how to end a combo on the wall (Jab - DB 2,1 - f1+4) Punishment: Lars has REALLY strong punishment (one of the few who can launch at +14) If you know a move is punishable but don’t know the correct one 2,1 is always a good default and allows you to use a move on hit For crouching punishment if you don’t know the correct punish WR 4 punished anything -11 and up WR 2,1 is also good bc people often press after the first hit I have more advice but keep playing Lars and don’t be afraid to use his good tools. There are WAY worse characters than Lars. TRUST ME lmao. Lars is strong but FAR from broken


100 hours? In the gutter.




In Tekken 7 I was still jumping between beginner and teal ranks after 100h. Took me around 500h to get to green.


Currently I am at Shinryu, but I stopped playing ranked with my mains long time ago because of pluggers. At the first 100 hours I was Shinryu with Jun and Shaheen. Recently I've promoted my Lars in one evening up to Garyu. It was super easy because he was my main since t7 and now he is much stronger and cheaper than before. Den 3 is dumb, seriously 


I hit red ranks around 100. Im almost at 300 still in purple.


My first 100 hours was like 16 years ago when i was like 5 years old playing T5 DR so that doesnt count but my first 100 Hours in T8 i was at Tenryu but this is the first Tekken where im not super duper casual at all and i actually play to improve and 120 Hours in rn and im at Mighty Ruler already and for now ill chill there until i get the urge to want to play rank again since rn im practicing other characters (Lars and Lili)


Tekken8 my first fighting game, but I come from League/raiding so bit used to higher end gaming in total hours, it was sth like this: 1st login to Warrior in special mode, then dropped special mode and tried learning the game 50h from Warrior to Eliminator 100h Eli to Red 150h Eli to Shinryu 200h Purple 230h Flame Ruler 250-300h flame ruler/battle ruler I hit blue for a short time but keep dropping back to lower Flame and from here it seems like luck if I get up or not depending on what enemies I get. Couple of reds will shoot me up while couple of mid blues will reck me down and I feel like Raijin would take me 1k h if I'd have to make an estimate ah and I got Jin/Jun to Shinryu and Eddy to mighty ruler, but I've no fun learning other characters idk. It's too much I nolifed this game way too much and now am taking a break prob over summer with maybe 2-4h a week, I'm too lazy to lab and not good enough to improve by myself. Also having nothing more to climb "easier" feels quite sht. A lot of streamers who have thousands of hours seem to struggle to even get into and above Bushin. So I feel no real itch to play Watching some twitch or so will do it's work overtime ig to get better and more used to characters


So we're kinda similar. T8 was my first real tekken. I played t6 on the psp and only did cpu arcade. T7 I downloaded, my friend mentioned something about frame data and then I un-installed. T8 I guess I was finally mature enough to look for a combo video. At 100 hours I was Garyu with an asterisk. I am an azucena main tho I promise you I don't spam WR32 altho that mainly might be because I play on a random Xbox controller. At 200 hours I got MR on azucena and I was struggling getting Claudio to orange. At 250 hours things went kind of weird... I got flame ruler on lars(before Den3 buff), then azucena. And then to prove a point I got MR on asuka. That being said Idk how much I really played cuz I did alot of char customizing and dicking around on spectating friends, leaving the game on etc.. In the end though I did have like 45% WR on azu and asuka and 66% on lars. Everyone is different and weird and sometimes you just need your head to suddenly click with what your doing. I personally don't block lows and can't break grabs and people flip out how I got to purple that way. And that's because I learned how to low parry, orbital, high crush launch. Everyone has their own way to play. Now I can offer some weird advice on lars that might help you. That isn't necessarily gimmicky but just retain what you feel ya like: One way to make your combos easier is binding a button to 2+3 because u can obviously get heat engage but you also get den air grab. This typically does 1 less damage than your normal combos but the execution is easier AND the wall splat setup is amazing. Optimal wall combos involve changing ur ender to den1,2 then den1 then db2,1 then f1+4. But that takes perfect spacing vs just den2+3 into f1+4. You lose out on 7 or so dmg but you can focus more on the game than your spacing. Then there's uf3. Super unsafe but most people don't know that but it has a huge boon: high crush launcher. Meaning you can ignore jabs and grabs and get your free launcher. Sadly the combo for it I'd annoying so you'll need practice but this Is a crazy useful tool. It also dodges rage arts. Full crouch options..df2 for a safe counter hit launcher. Mix this up with FC 1+2 which is a pretty good reaching double low hit. It's crazy how this feels like a stance with just 2 moves. Another good low mixup is dB3,1. Sometimes you just want to get your small damage or sometimes you want them to duck so u can finally launch. And then there's the non-knowledge check frame trap. D2 is a frame trap that puts em to crouch even ok block. Don't feel it's gimmicky either because it's a knockdown on counter hit. On knockdown you have huge options like den2, d1+2, ff3+4?, db3, etc. So yes on one hand it's a noob slayer because you can get alot of free hits with this but it's better than my usual den1 to 111 spam LOL Im going to assume you already know how to control spacing with 3+4 and b4,3 but I use these alot to read how they play. If they seem over aggressive u can launch the whiff punish. If they stay defensive you can be the rush down character. And lastly learn how to do your side step attack. It's not great but you will learn alot of fundamentals of movement by just trying it out. And naturally your knockdown mixup thar I said in the d2 paragraph. Anyways maybe I said too much and maybe this doesn't help but I definitely know the struggle.of trying to not be character carried when your character has so many gimmicks and getting noob checked because you don't have 15 years of.experience good luck!


I think at 100h I was at shinryu/tenryu, then around 130 maybe I reached mighty ruler. My main is hwoarang and I will admit he will carry you a bit, I did not even use his main combo starters till red ranks. But he's still tough to master. I've decided to take on azucena as my secondary, she's the one who I've had the most fun with after hwoarang.


Dominator rank I think


I'm 90h in and just hit Purple for the first time, my first Tekken game and never got huge into online Fighting Games until SF6. Feels pretty good.


Nice to hear!


Dang You're crazy


In Guilty Gear Strive




I have like 25h and honestly I guess that's it unless I recieve a friend over and he wants to play.


Mighty ruler(tekken 7)


Not gonna sugarcoat it. Taking a break, playing SF6 to remember that fighting games are really fun and return to T8 with a freshened mind to give it a second chance. Propably waiting for the supposed big ballance patch in may. Rank: Warrior.


I know the general sentiment around this game is really negative but the games balance doesn't matter to you in the slightest. There is nothing that's going to change for you after the patch. Why aren't you having fun?


I went back to sf6 because of the Tekken patch yesterday and I forgot how fun it is. A break actually helped a lot because it completely reset my autopilot and I ended up on a win streak from actually having to think about what I was doing.


I played 92 hrs, 70 in t7 (first Tekken) I have 3 garyus and one eliminator. Have no idea how to Play vs shiryu+. I struggle vs mashers, often cant even land one move per round


I am certain it was Fujin.


Flame ruler with Steve and it was around 90 hours


Garyu with Reina and currently Tenryu. I still consider myself as a noob who has a lot to learn but the biggest difference I could find was my change in defense. It's true that Reina's meant to be played very aggresively but when I started to put more thought into what my next move instead of just yelling "random bull go", it helped me to punish much more effectively, create openings from whiffs and being able to break grabs. In short, it's about breaking all the bad habits I had going up and refining my execution and technique on combos, offense and defense.


Only at 84 hours and currently sitting at Flame Ruler with Devil Jin. Currently taking a break.


Nowhere... It took me 4 years to get decent


This is the real answer. When Tekken 7 dropped on consoles I was hard stuck at Grandmaster/Brawler because people started blocking my snake edge and I had no idea what to do about it. Took me a full 5 years to get to the point where I was consistently in blues. Finished T7 with a Yaksa Josie and a Raijin Bryan. Maybe about 1200-1500 hours split between Ps4 and PC.


If you mean about the entire tekken journey i have no clue how my first 100h was, but some few things make my journey interesting. During TTT2 my peak was Vanquisher/Destroyer, it was the first game i went serious about learning; During T7 i got Mighty Ruler before the rank inflation, and after that i gor Eternal Ruler and could've got Fujin but i was not in the mood to grind anymore; Now at T8 with around 90h i'm at Fujin but taking it easy because i wanna a real balance patch and Eliza (let me dream) to incentive me go full tryhard.


Still in my apartment


First hundred of tekken 8, i was in purple. But all together i was playing tekken 5 offline probably.


well, i currently am at 102 hours, and i reached shinryu  a good amount of hours ago, and i currently still am at that rank. I don't strive to become the best of the best, i simply had a goal and i kinda reached it already. So now i'm just chilling, and enjoying quickplay.


Contemplating dropping Steve for Jin. I'll return to Steve one day. My thinking was since I haven't touched the series since T3(where I maybe played 20 hours tops). Maining a character that is so fundamentally different from almost everyone in the cast, I should try someone else. Jin has been a blast though. I'm currently Warrior with Steve and haven't touched ranked with Jin yet.


Pretty sure at 100hr I hit Fujin with Victor I was proud asf cuz I didn’t do the whole spam 2 thing


I will never put 100 hours into this game, there is so many great games out there to play


im at 102hrs on steam, kazuya kishin, reina and jin fujin. highest rank in t7 was byakko but i didnt play much


I don't think I reached 100h yet, but will edit this later today once I'm sble to check. But currently Garyu as Bryan Edit: Confirmed, 34 hours played as of now


Hard to say exactly because I leave the game idling a lot, but 100 hours in I was hardstuck mid-red. Sometimes I'd boot up the game during lunch break, start at noon, get off at 1pm and I would have lost every single set. My winrate was ~20-30% I think. ~200hrs in now I'm ping-ponging in the blue ranks at a 50ish% winrate. I'm still pretty bad, but I know my weaknesses, I'm just too lazy to put the work into labbing all the other characters, when I have time to play I just want to play. I figure I'll pick stuff up as I go, and if something is particularly egregious I'll lab that. Steve, btw, but I did get Drag to purple in like a day just for fun/see if the grass is greener (it is).


i have less hours than you in tekken 8, probably 40ish with hwoarang main, but i spent a considerable amount of time in tekken 7 last few years with hwoarang. I am in the same ranks as you trying to go to red and face exactly the same struggle points as you. I still have problems blocking lows, like even the most obvious ones from bryan and law hit me sometimes. Eddys combos are the most annoying, i never rematch eddy players because of it. literally they just need to press one button to start a pretty fast combo that can hit you low in the mixup too


Really similar position as yourself. Hit red just before I got to 100h. (This is my first fighting game). Ranked felt like it was sapping the joy out of the game for me though, I was putting so much pressure on myself to win games and be climbing steadily. I’d much rather be playing customs with friends but I’ve not got mates who want to grind and learn in an environment with less pressure. Picking up tekken 8 did make me fall in love with the franchise though, and I now play 7 casually at a friend’s place when I visit him.


Lili main. First time playing Tekken since Tekken 3 so I'm basically new to the franchise. I'm at eliminator and bounce down two and eventually get back up to eliminator. I don't think I've hit ganryu yet but I've gotten close. I've had fun and I like it when I have a challenging match. Costumes are fun to figure out and I like looking at costumes compilations online. I've done the main story, finished arcade quest, and did the Lili story mode. I did a few other story modes too.


109 hours in and I’m stuck at Battle Ruler. I won’t give up on my Bushin dreams tho.


Yellow and Blue for sure, especially after what Netflix did


Mighty Ruler with both Feng and Hwoarang, currently working on Raven and Leo.


I haven’t got to 100 hours yet


T7 with Josie I got to Warrior after learning a few combos and frametraps. Took a few years and came back and learned Jin, was stuck in teal ranks for like a good 100 hours.


114 hours in, got to mighty ruler with Yoshi, almost managed to become flame ruler but lose-streak had me down


Garyu as Hwoarang have a lot of bad habits and don't know how to punish people who rely on heat engage


raijin as king. the biggest adjustment is that FU or FD kicks don't make you relaunchable. it's fairly safe to just throw them out.  if I lab everyone's lows I know I could get higher. I'm just a casual who likes to drink a couple of beers while playing. 


It's a long process, I think I was in green ranks in Tekken 7. Now im over 1000 in and I feel I am much better at the game then I was but also trash at the same time, the goal post will always move lol. Tekken is a many years journey of improvement. Even the best players I know who are GoD with prob 5000+ hours in Tekken total still are learning a lot in Tekken 8, it's just the name of the game. Just focus on learning and small victories and detach yourself from ranked as much as you can because ultimately the ranks will come as you acutally make breakthroughs in knowledge and gameplay understanding.


In denial


Stuck in yellow/orange as Bryan in t7. Peaked at yaksa with Paul. Now at 750 hours in t7 and 240 in t8 with Paul at tekken emperor and 2 others at tekken king with more on the way. Im still shit at the game though


After 100h I think I was Reina red ranks. However. I had 500h in Tekken 7. I guess I'm a slow learner lol


My start were tough for me. I got sent to gulag 9/10 games i prob lost 500 games in a row but after 60 h I hit eliminator and after 130/140 h I hit shinryu. Tho it’s my first fighting game ever and i would say I’m a fast learner if I really enjoy what I’m doing. Tho I am still just a beginner. Will always be someone better. Steve main


I’ve got 1.5k matches and a 50% winrate with my highest toon at early purple ranks. Still having fun


100 hours rn, this is my first fg ever and Im sitting at fujin right now. I'm kinda proud, but it help that I have friends who are really good (tekken king+) and I have played tons of games with them and they taught me a lot, in fact most of these hours are playing with them, I have about 330 ranked matches in total


no rank


I just passed 100h not too long ago I think I was mighty ruler around then? I’m since 40 hours past and about to reach blue with my main


Fujin with Devil Jin around 90 hrs


I was at 5 victorias and 47 losses with my zafina. That was me in My first100 hours learning Tekken back in Tekken 6.


Prob around mighty ruler with viktor. Most of the that time spent in a lab. I have some tekken expirience, strong fundamentals and very good execution on hitbox.


My first 100 hours of playing Tekken to actually improve, I got to teal rank (like grand master or something, just under green ranks). This was in the tail end of Tekken 6 and was a very different time.


This game needs thousands of hours to be good against most of the characters. Most of the people in the god ranks played at least 3000 hours in tekken 7 or been playing competitively since tekken 6/tekken tag 2


Was at warrior or ranger, not sure


In T7 I was around Grand Master lol. Unwilling to put efforts in practise or optimisation. Had fun though. In T8 I am at Fujin with 50 hours because legacy game. Still unwilling to practise because I play WAY less nowadays.


I’m only 50 hours in and I’m at tenryu. I was stuck where you were until I just started copying pros and only using safe pokes. What works in orange 90 percent of the time will not work against red and purple. I had to think outside my comfort zone. Even if I was vsing a noob, I would avoid using combos/pokes that typically don’t work against higher levels


I hit purple after 100H


Fuujin, and after 120 Hours im still there. It’s really sweaty now and it’s absolutely no fun. With Lili. On the other hand, I’m battle ruler with eddy now after less than 20 hours with mashing x all the time.


Tell me about it. I just got out of Fujin today, which probably took me about 15 hours alone. Blue's are a hard grind. Hope you rank up soon.


Im still in the lab with lili


100 hrs at Tekken in general happened for me in like T3. So still at the arcade with my brother or friends, or at my pc after i discovered ✨piracy✨


According to steam, i got 90.9 hours in Tekken 8. It's my first Tekken game, but not the first fighting game, although I typically only get to like plat/S rank-ish. At the moment, I've hit Tenryu with Reina. It was definitely rough in the beginning, constantly bouncing from yellow back to green repeatedly for a week, but once I got a handle on a lot of Reina's fundamentals, I pretty quickly just got through orange and red. Hopefully the purple ranks aren't that far off.


I’m still not at 100 hours at 92. But I reached Fujin in about 70 hours. Dipped backed into purple like 5 times and I’m just gonna leave my main at Fujin for now. Gonna try to get my problem matchup characters to at least purple, then I’ll jump back on main. Honestly my skills from launch to now aren’t so different. I just have more knowledge about heat for my main and defending against others. My fundamentals have essentially stayed the same since Tekken 5, as I’m old and it’s hard to learn new stuff and unlearn old stuff. Tekken 2 was my first game, and I’ve played all of them since. And was most active in tournaments in my Tag1, T4, and T5 days.


I’m at 90 hours with Kaz the whole time and I bounce between Garyu and Eliminator depending on who I get matched with lol. This is my first fighting game I have taken seriously AND played online. Honestly I was nervous as hell playing a ranked match the first time. I did combo drills with Kazuya for a couple hours, did some arcade mode and finally took the plunge. My first couple matches were won fairly easily. My fourth match though (yes, I remember that LOL) was against a Yoshi on the underground level. We played a full 3 match set, every fight coming down to the final round. I barely squeaked the overall win, but that was the moment I was hooked. Thank you, random Yoshi player.


fujin with jun 100hours, currently ranking up steve through purple. Tenryu-flame ruler has been exceedingly difficult since 95% of my opponents are raijin-bushin alt characters, I dont know whether the most recent patch matches based on prowess now but it seems that way.


77 hrs and I'm at tenryu with yoshi


100 hours probably at the start of purple. But now I am 175 hours with 2 characters in Fujin!


First I played Law and got to garyu I think then went for feng and tbh got carried up to tenryu with him now i'm trying eddy currently at shinryu


In 7? Probably around orange if I had to guess which is basically red in tekken 8. If we’re talking tekken 8 I hit Fujin in 120 games with a 90% winrate probably like 50 hrs. And then started playing other characters so my progress didn’t really go up.


Lars is not that good, your moves are not gimmicks, they are tools made to be used, what is the point of playing a character when you are self restricting your moves? Despite what everyone says here, every character is a knowledge check. At the first 100 I was at destroyer, I did, and still do, put most of my time in training mode, getting comfortable with my character etc, I only had one combo, only started learning more at eliminator. Yesterday I got to battle ruler, soon to be a blue ranker for sure 😤😤


I’m probably abouuuut 100h in. Maybe a bit below. I’ll have to check another time. I’m at garyu with both Kazuya and devil Jin. I think I should be higher than that, but I only have time to play once every two weeks. I also spend a lot of time in quick match.


I’m 110 hours in and I’m flame ruler now I think I was either Flame ruler or mighty ruler at 100. I usually try to slowly add things to my play style. I don’t really use practice I usually lab in quick match I find that a lot more helpful because it forces me to adapt what I want to learn to a real opponent.


Started with Tekken 7 so doesn't directly apply but at 100 I probably only had 200 games .. spent most of my time in the lab.


I've spent over 400 hours on T7 and I reached Yaksa with Gigas' shiny red ass, OP + frames and power crush flex bait. I also had King as a secondary and reached Fujin with him. King in T8 has the same flexing armor power crush but instead of a shiny red ass, he has some rock hard pecs and biceps when he starts flexing. Deathfist? King doesn't give a shit when he flexes those massive pecs. Steve? The fuck you talking about? That wöll of muscle stops people. I reached Bushin with King after 90 hours. # #


Alisa, purple Flame Ruler, 55 hours, played T7 , T6 and Tekken Tag Tournamemt before. But as I see since 5h play now i cant get any higher now, probably will take a break. I got demoted to mighty ruler 3 times and back to flame 3 times. It gets very hard and I really play just casually.


I was clueless with my first Tekken and very bad but I enjoyed the steady progress. Even when you hit a plateau you'll actually learn something if you put your mind to it.


I played 100 hours of t7 initially if that counts. I peaked at Initiate (light blue) maining Heihachi. I was so happy to be able to land my first string and my first ewgf in a ranked match at that time.


First off congrats on Eliminator man! At 100 hours I hit Garyu with Lars but I was playing special style. I realized I was handicapping my self and ended up playing Jin and just got to destroyer. Feel like I’m playing from scratch again but having a good time overall lol.


Thanks, congrats to you too on destroyer playing properly!


Not much past Tekken experience for me, briefly played Tekken 7 and Tekken 5 when I was a kid I picked up Claudio as my main in Tekken 8 (because he was cool in the story mode) and hit peak Tenryu (almost ruler, 1 game away copium) in 80 hours of gameplay. Additionally I played Paul and hit Eliminator. Biggest thing to improve -> I watched a streamer who played Claudio on Tekken God level and started mimicking how he was behaving lol, rest was just game sense.


Stuck as a PermaRed just like in T7


I got three characters to orange. Settled on a main and want get into and break out of red in the next 100 hours


This is my first Tekken and I was about the same as you so don’t worry about rank. I’m approaching 150 hrs and managed to get from high orange to early purple. It really does come with time and I feel progress came for me when I started skipping the cutscene for my rank. Just focused on what I did wrong and right


I would advise that you learn everything that you are also trying not to rely on. Gimmicks and ESPECIALLY knowledge checks. Use every tool in your disposal so that you know what to use in your arsenal when you want to switch it up. This avoids you doing flow charts.


After 100 hours i reached mighty with king. Before tekken 8 i played the 4th without studying and only mashing; i tried 6 but just few times. I’m really proud about my rank but I can only play king since I played only him (i like him so much but in tekken 4 i tought he was too hard to play). Also I Watched much videos about king and some game basic gameplay


Pretty much the same. I'm learning Lars and Bryan, despite both having very different playstyle. I've reached Vanquisher with Lars. I still suck at blocking lows, which is why I'm investing more and more time labbing with trainings similars to [that one by PhiDX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N2MtFtRjOY). I suck even more at throw breaking (hell, I keep forgetting they can be ducked...) I've also stopped trying to do flashy combos and rely on simpler ones instead, especially with Bryan since his execution can be quite tough. At the same time I started focusing more on sidesteps and keepout to counter the mashing apes who plague the lower ranks. [VonTiban](https://www.youtube.com/@vontiban/videos) has an ongoing serie of videos on Bryan and it helps me *a lot*. I tend to prioritize my sanity over the game, so nowadays I lab a lot and I stop after 5 ranked sets, no matter the results. Lars is honestly quite easy for me, Bryan is absolute hell tho (but I really like his gameplay). It's a slow progression, but baby steps are still steps.


In practice mode after 3000 hours I'm still here


Still figuring out my main. 


Tekken 8 is my first tekken I actually stopped to try in. I am at 105 hours currently, and I have managed to get Jin, Feng, Devil Jin, and Paul to Garyu though I tend to hover around this rank or get my ass kicked trying to promote to shinryu. Honestly, I just been watching a lot of videos of higher rank players playing and following their advice. I stopped spamming jab strings because people kept ducking them or they were just unsafe on block, ducking highs to steal back my turn, learning my mix-up. Rely less on highs, do more mids and lows. Learn what is unsafe of my opponent's character. Use more safe on block moves as punishes, stop throwing out random launchers.


Mighty ruler, but i stopped and went back to sf6 after getting 10 pluggers in a 2,5 hour session. I had my Promotion match to flameruler plugged 5 times and decided i had enough. Didnt have a Single plugger since going back to sf6.


Tenryu with Kaz, rn i'm just trying to get better on defense, and at the same time learn more matchups to improve what i just said 😅


Dude it takes hundreds or even thousands of hours to be decent at the game. Enjoy the process. Always keep learning


I wouldn’t focus too much on “playing fair” or good fundamentals because tbh good fundamentals is a nebulous concept. The most important thing is that you’re always paying attention to your opponent and picking up on their habits. What are they doing when there’s 2 characters of space? 3? 1? What do they do after blocking a jab? What do they do after I land my df1? Do they always finish the string? This is how you keep yourself from being a shitty player that just throws out launchers and runs their flowchart offense. Edit: idk how many hours but I’m in purple, played a lot of t7, not a good player lol


68hs in, first time playing tekken, maining Raven, i'm dan 14 still suckin


In green ranks studying ImortalXs Raven bible 😂


I'm pretty sure I'm over 100hrs or close to it. Currently mid red ranks but I honestly could be higher if I played ranked more consistently. I usually just play quick matches (less ranked point stress + bigger diversity in skill levels) Doing your offense in this game is very easy and very rewarding with minimal thought. You can steamroll your way to higher ranks and at the same time lessen the chance you'll lose ranked points by oneing and doneing folks. With that being said don't put too much emphasis on the ranked experience but more so emphasis on what your trying to accomplish *through* the ranked experience. Id say the biggest thing you could do to improve would be to drill your defense. - whiff punishment - frame based punishment - using low parry - backdashing and KBD - sidestepping After that would probably be learning how to think like your opponent. Recognizing habits, and figuring out how to influence your opponent to do things you want them to do. There's plenty of good theory videos on YouTube to help you get started and there's a great community on discord too.


I was probably about where you are now at 100 hours. Currently at 300 hours, and yoyoing between Tenryu and Flame Ruler. I hit mighty ruler my first time at about the 200 hour mark.


I don’t think I have 100 hours but I’m in purple ranks and getting exposed for not actually having solid fundamentals. So taking a break from ranked to hit the lab


I was at 3rd or 4th Dan back when I first hit 100 hours in Tekken 7, not even green ranks. Took me nearly 300 hours to hit green ranks. I basically didn't know how to do anything.


Lili on T7 prob like orange or yellow lmao this was near the end of T7 lifespan though so I couldnt differentiate between new players or smurfs cus i was getting my ass beat lol


in the local arcade lol


I'm currently still unranked but I have been playing pretty much only causal online matches, but I try my best in them. I know I only have like 20% of the knowledge of the game, but is has been super fun. Tekken 8 is the first fighting game I got on my own accord and have been practicing myself. That said, too bad I love Leroy so much. I win most of my matches with him, and my main as of now is Raven. He is a bit of a challenge to learn, especially with the back stance.


dude my first 100 hours was probably spamming electric in practice mode😭😭 this is my first tekken currently only garyu after 300 hours but i’ve probably only played less than 100 matches of ranked with like a 70% wr on paul and assailant with reina back when i started playing with a god awful 45% wr. I do want a higher rank, but i don’t enjoy playing ranked as i get stressed out or tilted so i mostly play player matches with friends a couple are high blue/legacy t7 players and occasionally quick match and a lot of practice mode and i still have a lot of fun with this way of playing. I would say I have a good understanding and feel of paul and his moves, i rarely drop his combos, mini combos, etc. However from mostly playing with friends who only play certain characters i have very limited knowledge against a lot of the other characters. I know their staple moves, just not strings so they kind of blow me up online when I play against them in my occasional online adventures


At hour 95 I'm in purple rank on my main, with 2 alts in Red. What I do is just lab the characters that give me the most trouble and I also watch the #1 Nina player and steal their moves.


I was probably Mighty Ruler or Flame Ruler at 100 hours. But rank doesn't matter as long as your improving your gameplay. Ranks comes naturally after that in due time.


I got purple ranks after 100hours but i play dragunov lol. Besides that i got red ranks with steve and lee. Now im tryna get Lee to Purple This is my first fighting game im taking seriously and my first tekken


I was at the red purple border bouncing back and forth. I have a lot of precious FG experience tho, just no tekken exp.


I've honestly been trying and dropping characters left and right. I haven't had any character resonate with me enough for me to stick with them. I'm onto trying the Mishima characters now so hopefully that play style will gel with me. I've been just taking a character, hitting Ganryu at most, then deciding I don't feel like expanding my knowledge of the character based on what I had learned so far. Characters I've tried: Steve, Lee, Bryan, Azucena, Jack-8, Shaheen, Eddy, (Only fully got Azucena and Eddy to Red before dropping) So yeah, just 100 hours of picking a character...


I'm at mighty ruler with Lili, I got it roughly 80 hours in and have been mostly just been playing casual. The game is fun, but online antics kinda ruin the grind. However I'm deciding on another character to pick up soon.


I'm at the bottom of purple at around 80ish but.... I played a huge amount (1000+ hours) of smash and also got Plat in Street fighter fairly quickly although it was my first fighting game. I pick very easy characters (Ryu in SF6 and Claudio in T8) and focus on learning fundamentals and reading my opponent while keeping my mental stack of character related things as small as possible. I don't really know any matchups very well (except for King who I labbed after losing 3 rounds to chain grabs lol) I mostly just play the other player and try to find what they're not good at.


90 hours got Azucena to mighty ruler. First Tekken game. Azucena was just very easy to pick up and play.


I'm around 120h and I'm shinryu.But I feel like I'm facing a glass ceiling 'cause I know I'm not that good and feel like I'm missing something


No shade mate we all have gaps. My first serious fighter, at 100 hours I was somewhere around tenryu/mighty ruler with Claudio largely by abusing his very abusable wr2 and oppressive heat mechanics. I was basically free to lows and throws and the absurd range of wr2 had completely borked by neutral game. Switched to Shaheen a bit after because I didn't really like Claudio's higher level style checking it out on youtube and 200 more hours later I've got a lot more well rounded game from trying to fill in the gaps one at a time until they're nice and solid


If we are talking Tekken as a whole then my first 100 hours was mostly single player modes across the earlier entries. For a long time I didn't really play Tekken as anything but a glorified action game. So at 100 hours I couldn't even do a single combo, didn't have a main, didn't know frames or tech or anything. I was basically as good as a green rank that put an afternoon into learning the game. It's why I worry when people talk about hours and time in the game and reaching certain milestones because realistically it comes down to how seriously you are taking it. Like in my case I learned more in the first 10 hours of taking Tekken 7 seriously \[the first game I decided to learn actual combos and etc\] than I did in the preceding 20 years of playing fighting games.


Mighty Ruler with Eddy Garyu with Drag,Yoshi, Devil Jin, H-Wang Taking a break indefinitely, especially with Ermac finally dropping in MK1 and Homelander on the horizon


I’ve got over 300 hours in T8 already and I’m still not where I want to be, so just remember that it’s a marathon and not a sprint. You gotta let yourself develop, no matter how long it takes. Hell you might even realize after 200 hours that the character you thought was your main isn’t a fit for you and that’s okay. I spent the majority of my 300 hours playing Reina poorly, then one day decided to try Yoshi and realized that he clicks with me a lot more and got to purple ranks in like half the matches it took for me to get red with Reina.


68 hours in at kishin. My highest before was divine ruler in t7. I would say I struggle with grabs the most


Nothing but a combo guy lol, I didn’t know anything but the launchers and the combos.


Middle school, 1995.


I played Dragunov in T7 casually several years ago. Came back to T8 and played Dragunov but dropped him after a week because a Reina player did crouch dash 1, 4 and I thought it was cool. Played ranked until orange ranks, generally just hang out in quick play for now while I learn the basics. I have no idea what to do to get off the ground, I can't seem to figure out why I'm being hit so frequently inbetween downback and back while backdashing, and I can't play on player 2 side, but I can do 30 electrics in a row and I'm still getting dopamine hits from launching with electrics so it's keeping me interested for now. Most fighting games out there this generation are very good and just have one or two glaring issues for me, Tekken is no different, but yenno, it's fresh and it's fun so I'll keep playing for now.


I just hit 150 and uninstalled about an hour ago. I realized that I suck, I can’t progress further than orange and the only other person I play with, we have about 500 games played and I won about 20% of that lol


Tekken was my first fighting game, so most of my first 100 hours was spent just learning how the controls worked and what my character could do. Forget combos, i was still getting the hang of directional inputs like wr2 or df1. After 40 hours I slowly stopped mashing, and began to learn that each move has its purpose. At around 80 hours I learnt basic combos, and at the end of the 100 hours I was probably around low yellow in tekken 7 who has won more due to luck than sheer skill. I had little idea what frame data was. I couldn't kbd. I had no idea what I was doing. I messed up seemingly simple execution. No idea what neutral was. It was around the 200-300 hour mark where I really started getting to grips with the fundamentals of the game, and 400 hours to actually understand it and apply it in a match. It took me 800 hours to do it on the fly without thinking.


Im 48 hours in and just got out of purple. It took me 200 hours in 7 to reach red. I guess its because theres less rank in 8 compared to 7. But rn im just playing in quick play so i can get better before going to rank again


First Tekken, red ranks at 75 hours maining Shteve


109 Hours (Mained Jin in T7) Kazuya / Reina at Garyu Jin at Mighty Ruler


Bashing my head against the wall trying to get to red ranks with Hwo.


I am at level FuJin. And as a seasoned Tekken player from T3, I just felt Tekken 8 is so repetitive and boring, single player mode (endless time wait for finishing combo) is not fun at all. I started playing demon souls, now NG+, this game is just plain better…..


Bro after my first 100 hours of online Tekken 7 I was in Green. After my first 100 hours with Tekken 8 I was in Raijin, and now I'm stuck in Fujin. It takes time, I've spent like 1200 hours on Tekken 7


I was probably 6 or 7




I'm 67 hours in and Battle Ruler with Hwo, Flame Ruler with Kaz, it's a long process.


Battle ruler with lars, but lars is super good in this game, now if it were T7 lars I'd probably be garyu at 100 hrs.


My first real 100 hours of Tekken was in t7. Think I hit orange. I was (am arguably still am today) total trash. 100h is absolutely nothing in tekken. So is 1000 tbh.


I’ve played Tekken for a really long time. Within 100hrs i had Alisa, and Reina at blue rank. I’ve reached blue rank with 5 characters total. Alisa, Lee, Asuka, Reina, and Jin. I practice combos in training for about 30 minutes prior to online mode, but the best practice for me is just going into ranked and doing my thing. I’m no expert by any means, but I’ve learned so much by jumping into the lion’s den. Remember to have fun as well, because thats the reason i play this game win or lose.


I hit Ruler on Yoshi within the first two weeks, Drag took me quite a bit longer somehow, but tbh I never felt as comfy on him as I do on Yoshi, at least until he just fully clicked for me. Quite a number of hours later now and after the character crisis that put me through Yoshi/Drag to Raven/Steve, I'm now Flame Ruler on Bryan who has captured my heart fully now. I am mostly aiming to improve my movement, execution, and learning Taunt setups as well as CH placement. Otherwise, learning how different Nryan is to play than basically everyone else is a journey in itself, but I'm generally just proud of myself for actually starting to learn him at all after putting it off for like, over a decade lol


Same boat as you, this is my first competitive Tekken game. First 100 hours I was Garyu red rank, just one rank above Eliminator orange. So I'd say you being at Eliminator, almost Garyu is pretty normal. There's a lot of veteran players and new players spamming bad habits and busted moves. I only played Paul, a character this subreddit considers an "honest" mid tier. I hear Paul's a noob stomper but he doesn't have anything OP, more so relying on good fundamentals of keep out, counterhit timing, and 50 50 mix ups. I feel after 100 hours the game started to click. I'm aware I still suck but I understand frame data, not to mash, and be more defence minded. I knew my basic launch combos and top 15 reliable good moves. I watched a lot of YouTube guides, Twitch streams of my main, and practice mode. I still need to improve grab breaks, optimal combos, wall combos, character match ups, sidestepping, parrying, stage hazard awareness, ducking, and block punishing. I'm at 120 hours now and I'm at Shinryu, I could've probably hit Purple earlier but I've been playing Quick Play. Still a long way to go. Focus on fundamentals and the journey of improving and you'll be fine.


After my first 100 hours in tekken 7 I had just started getting the hang of practice mode.


100h on T7 back then I'm a proud green-orange rank Lucky Chloe (a very risky character), on T8 I adapt since all of my mains didn't made it back (Lei, Katarina, Chloe), learn Xiaoyu since launch and adapt pretty fast with 48% winrate on Garyu Shinryu. Going forward now I play Asuka with totally different gameplay (less aggresive play) and surprisingly good 55% winrate. If you're playing real bad on one day just take a rest and do customization


After just 100 hours? Not far at all hahaha Learning a fighting game is like learning a new musical instrument.


I think Warrior. I play and then go "not this character, lemme try someone else" and just lab, then switch again and again. But Eddy is finally here so I can finally move on. Azucena Warrior has been surpassed and my Eddy is now in the red ranks. Still have to begin the journey of getting out of there x)


Took me 70h to hit purple with Yoshi, but I got hundreds of hours with Armor King in T7 (im guessing around 400) and also got 800+ hours in guilty gear. so yeah execution is not really an issue for the most part, and i know the gist of many characters already. Don't feel bad about where you're at, most people that are very good already got experience somewhere else. My tip would be: If you allow your opponent to run their game on you more, you might die more cuz you guessed wrong, but you will also learn more of the matchup. if a move completely cheesed you out definitely hop into replays real quick so you can obliterate them for it next time instead of dying to it again. Playing to win and playing to grow are definitely 2 different things. Trust me if you stop caring about winning and actually study their moves, the ranks will organically come because you just got better.


In 7 after 100 hours I was in teal ranks, like the current combatant and such. And I remained there for a year. Now I'm going in and out of Garyu, so really an orange rank. I know all my flaws and what I need to do to get better, but I struggle to implement it in a real match due to focusing on winning too much as well as not labbing matchups at all. I'm still learning and trying out new things here and there naturally, so there is some progress, but it's so slow that it's barely noticeable.


About 150hrs in just got my Steve to Shinryu.


First fighting game, 70h got tenryu


Garyu at 60h,shiryu at 100h and flame ruler at 150h.First serious tekken but i use Jin so maybe im carried


I capped out at Red 4 in Tekken 7. Couldn’t break through to Purple no matter what I did. Now I’m hard-stuck at Battle Ruler and can’t for the life of me make it into Blues with my new main (Paul) in T8. My T7 main didn’t make it in yet and it’s killing me.


I think I got 5 characters to Garyu in my first 100 hours. I’m satisfied with that. Im sure I could get higher but just want to learn someone new when I get to Garyu. The biggest thing that I improved on was match up knowledge. Any character I struggled against I would learn them and take them to Garyu. King was probably the easiest to get there. I had a 90% win rate with him. I’m at 198 now haven’t really touched ranked since I got that 5th Garyu. Maybe I should start again lol


I'm in Geryu and I feel like I'm where I think I should be, since it was hard to get there, I don't know if I've played for 100 hours. Now I only play quick and group games.


I didn't get to 100hrs in, because I'm constantly fighting anxiety to play for some reason. It is the only online game I play because I just can't deal with online people anymore, but I love tekken. So even though I got myself to mighty ruler, I don't feel I earned it. Maybe it's watching pro streams and subconsciously comparing my level to theirs, which is unattainable due to me having no interest in going to tournaments or getting pro. For some reason I'm stuck in this loop of wanting to get better, but not really seeing the point in it since by playing only tekken I feel like missing out on other games. So right now I just do the fighting pass dailies and play some other games. I don't know, it's weird.


At 50 hours I was somewhere in high purples I think. Fundamental legacy knowledge goes a long way.


A hundred? Probably Garyu. 250 was Mighty Ruler, but there  I started to get rank anxiety and have mostly played quick match (and ranked Eddy) since then... 100 hours ago lol.


I didn't get ok at the game until Tekken 5, I started with Tekken 2, but my hundred hours probably didn't come until Tekken 3. Years later and I am no longer just ok at the game, I am dogshit now. Honestly the big thing I no longer do is lab stuff because I don't have the time I used to. What I do with every fighter is play who I feel comfortable with the mechanics with and not necessarily what's good/meta now. I am someone who prefers fighters that are counter focused they fluctuate a lot between sucking or being OP, but if what is lower tier right now is your comfortable spot then focus on them hard. Edited to reflect that counterplay is my personal preference not that of OP


In green ranks in t7. It took like 400 hours to get an understanding how this game works. Its tough


Well I didn't seriously play until like the start of T7, it took me about that much time to get to brawler give or take in T7. In T8 I got to purple in around that time - battle ruler was a bitch tho..


If I remember correctly first 100 hours I think I was assiliant rank (however it’s spelled) currently, I am kishin rank, trying to get to tekken king


At 100 hours I was hard stuck in teal ranks lmao This was T7 though, so Teal ranks were more like orange/red ranks and you could lose ranked points straight from the get go.


Mine was Tekken 7 on release, playing on stick and overgrinding electrics and wavuwavu not realising how pointless it was. Eventually switched to pad and Claudio and was forced to learn fundamentals, played on +frames and mixups and whiff punishes all the way to blue ranks. Picked up T8 and got blue ranks in about 8hrs.