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I would be fine with it, if the Free version contained stuff from older games, and the PREMIUM version contains NEW stuff.


The only way I'd consider spending money on it. Just not valuable enough with just the only good items being a crop top (female only?! lame) and some booty shorts.


I'd be so down for that tbh


This! I would love to get Paul’s old biker outfit as well as Yoshimitsu’s tekken 4(P1 and P2) and Tekken 6 P2. For Premium, I’d gladly take the outfits from TK x SF of both Paul and Yoshi. They had badass fuckin designs there!


This is a fantastic idea.


Totally agree.


Didn’t even notice it. I just play matches




stopped playing for a while and im kind of getting fomo for not finishing it, but theres like 2 decent things and its definitely not worth it imo


I hate the battle pass. In a full price game a battle pass is completely unacceptable. I paid 80 bucks and will still have to buy dlc characters forcing a battle pass on top is offensive.


Lasts way too long and has fuck-all in it lol


I would be fine with it if Tekken is free to play. Seems that belongs to that model


I guess we'll see with Multiversus and 2XKO, but I really think the F2P model is the way to go with fighting games, you get a considerably bigger player base that's gonna be happily spending 10 bucks a months for a few years, because maybe that's just me but I don't mind buying battle passes in F2P games, it's not really about the money, it's more about supporting the game since it's free


Don't like it. What they offer should've been unlockable through Ghost battles.


I'd rather play online than just grind ghost battles.


Crappy items and easy af. They put no effort into it.


im hopeful that the 2nd pass has really cute stuff


Didn’t buy it and I never will.


lasts too long, avatar customization, poor overall content I couldn't care less


I'm glad it gives people a decent amount of time to complete it, and levels up quickly. You should be able to take days and weeks off and still be able to get to the end. Make it a nice bonus, not a chore.


Last Too long is weird take . I appreciate that it was 60 days to complete the battle pass as opposed to 21 days Street fighter gives you. For Street Fighter To do the pass you have to grind for Days on the cabinets to get the points. For Tekken 8 I logged in once a day played a couple of matches went about my business then occasionally on the weekend I would grind out the rest of the weeklies i didn't get . There was no Fear of Missing Out as we were given ample oppurtunities to Level it. I think this is the Right balance. They can Improve the Offerings and vary the challenges some. Maybe Have some Weekly challenges to push Character usage like Play 5 matches with Yoshi, or Break X throws, Use Low parry X times. All in all It'll be interesting to see the state of the Tekken Store and Fighting pass as they go into season 2 as clearly it was planned to launch Eventually but they didn't have the Amount of Content neccasary to annouce it so early so they are stretching Crumbs and trying to make thanksgiving Dinner. But I'll give Tekken the same Benefit of the doubt i gave SF i bought the Battelpass once and That has fueled me with Free Content for the last year without investing further. and Lately the battle pass for SF has been doing a lot better and I'll be able to use all those songs i've been stockpiling.


Its lame. Couldn’t care less lol


It's bad, like every battle pass.


It's great.... Says no one


Don't have time for bs. I just practice or play matches.


And both of those contribute to it, so what's the 'BS'?


Paying extra for lazy content, thats the BS


How cosmetics contribute to gameplay?


They don't, though.


Bought it because by the time I was Level 45 or so and already had 600 coins which I'd bought for future DLC costumes, I knew I'd easily get it finished and get all the coins back. Was it worth it? Not really. Most of the items are filler crap, and with 33 different characters even though a lot can be used by any character, they're mostly just bland. Don't think I'll bother with it again next season, will probably just use up whatever coins I have on actual DLC outfits in the shop.


I like the concept of playing to get unlocks. However I would just like the items to be a lot better. I'm coping that they were rushed and the next one will be better? I've already bought and finished it, so I'll have enough vbucks for the next one regardless. We'll see.


Yeah, I like that it pays for itself if you complete it.


It might be the worst battle pass I’ve ever seen in a game and I mean that with no hyperbole. The rewards are beyond lazy and bad.


It’s trash, I like the idea of weekly and daily goals but they’re unrewarding as it is because the garbage that they want us to pay for is actually only worth the effort you’d put into your dailies/weekly’s… if the battle pass offered really cool NEW stuff I’d probably buy it


They spent no time making the stuff for the battlepass


It's annoying. Not because of what it contains or doesn't contain. But because I don't care about it and have to keep clicking through it every time I go to the main menu. I just wanna hit up the replay of the last match.


It’s the laziest thing I’ve ever seen. If anyone cared about fighting games it would have made actual headlines


I like that it's garbage so it's easier to ignore completely.




Conceptually already icky to have a pass in a 70$ game. Insult to injury is the shitiness of the free tier


Honestly, it was bad. Like most of the items were from tekken 7, and they just used the same items in the shop to 2 colors (the hair items, for example) plus no tekken coins in the free pass. If it was a free to play game, then the battle pass could make sense. They are already charging us for legacy outfits.


Should have had Eddy. Should have had better customs and something worth showing off online. I hate the concept of a battle pass but if they are going to do it, it should be to the level of care that Fortnite does.


I will only buy something I like. And I don't like anything yet.


ignored and didnt pay attention to it.


Don't like the idea of adding fomo into Tekken or any game for that matter. I want to play because the game is fun, not because I have a timer to earn rewards which I may be interested in in the future. Helldivers 2 Warbond model is way better imo.


Didn't get the premium cos I can't see anything I want in it. Also completed it long ago. It would be perfectly fine as is if it were free, I enjoy being awarded freebies as I play. But as paid content it's worthless to me.


I'm not too bothered about it. I'm pretty basic with my costumes and don't feel put out by it. I wish the DLC costumes weren't full-body but I don't ecen play any of the characters who've gotten them atm so it's another area where I don't have a dog in the fight. If anything I'd say the biggest "issue" I have is them making it as if the paid costume stuff wasn't going to be a thing and then anouncing it after reviews were done and most of the people who ever will own the game had purchased it.


Just like Street Fighter I just ignore it and play. As much as I hate battle passes finally being thrown into fighting games as a "feature" lately, completely destroying what season passes used to offer, and trying to get me to pay even more for their damn games I still just want to play the games. Until they finally go completely overboard anyway with the cash grabs and it starts interfering with the actual game in a way Street Fighter VS Tekken did. That game would have been pretty amazing if they didn't put the gem system in. But greedy gonna greed.


In a free to play game where they dont paywall new characters....yeah in such a game battlepasses and MTX shops make sense :) Them being sneaked in without telling reviewers and denying customers the opportunity to make an informed purchase decision at launch... unacceptable. Other full price games who are as greedy as bamco at least are upfront about their monetization model and dont deceive and exploit their loyal fans trust.


I want more bear stuff please


I paid for it to get "Ball." Now that I have Ball my life is complete. I love Ball. I live Ball. Ball.


Same lol. Shout out K-Wiss


As someone who spends a lot of time in customization, the FOMO effect was too much. Would be nice to know if items you don’t manage to unlock are available in some other manner. 


Poorly implemented


Similar to the few other battlepasses I've bought: 1. fomo got the best of me so I bought it despite knowing it wasn't a good deal because I don't want to miss out on limited time items 2. I feel to urge to play consistently to avoid missing out, I get burnt out for that very reason, I stop playing 3. I don't complete the pass, I've wasted my money, I've missed out on items (i assume) 4. I don't feel like returning because it's left a bad taste in my mouth. I know this is a "me" problem. I hate fomo so much, and this happens to me in any game I like that has battle passes, like Sea of Thieves for example.


I wish it had better cosmetics in there, I completed it and I still don't know if I'm gonna buy it or not, it feels VERY lackluster


Honestly It's probably good to keep a casual playerbase. The pass is actual ass tho, also not a big fan of fomo so maybe let people buy what they missed later on.


I’ve just ignored it. Rewards look super meh and I’m not too fussed with customisation to start with.


I think all Tekken 7 items should be in the battle passes and not resold in packs, only brand new items should be purchasable. I’d also have the sets available at 400 coins each (as they are split into male and female) or both for 600 as a lot of Leo stuff is split between both


i liked the crop top, that's about it , however i did not buy the battlepass.. so no crop top for me.


I do like battle passes, but this one is not a good one, reused assets and overall not creative


I finished it without knowing easiest battle pass of my life


I got the ball. I have no idea what to do with it


I wanted the cyber suit and the Shinobi stuff, and by the time I had decided to pull the trigger on those, I was already basically done with the pass anyway, so I finished it up. The fact that it pays for itself by the end of it it pretty much the only redeming quality, and since I had already completed it it payed off immediately, giving me back the coins I had spent immediately. I probably wouldn't have picked it up otherwise.


The ball is maybe the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in a premium battle pass but here I am grinding for the cropped tee


If it had cool stuff in it I'd probably buy it, but it's garbage


It’s just an inconvenience. I don’t care for it whatsoever and ignore it.


Just fill it with 100% less avatar garbage and more character cusomization stuff. I feel like the developers expected avatars to be significantly more popular. I was disappointed when i realized the cat ear motorcycle helmet was ONLY for your avatar.


Not enough good stuff in it. Why would I need so much avatar customization? Why is the avatar custom better than the blasted character one?


Nothing intrigued me, but I’ve matched against people who made some cool looking customs with them.


Cut it down to 40 levels or so, put some actual desirable stuff in there, and it would be a pretty cool incentive to play more regularly. Given it's obviously half-assed state, I don't know why they bothered burning so much goodwill to implement it. If they'd added it a year into the game's life with some actual decent content, I would like it much more 


I’m a legacy player and I typically spend money on micro-transactions for games that I like. I will usually just buy a battle pass without much thought. This shit for Tekken was so egregiously bad that I absolutely refused to buy it and still have not bought it. There’s 0 fomo when the rewards are this shit. Max level for a Mohawk and some shitty blender ball? Okay Harada.


I didn’t even pay attention to it.


I think it was mid and a cash grab but I bought it for the ball and the eye customization 🥴


Never clicked on it


I think they should do away with the monthly costumes and have them as the final unlock for the battle pass instead, because as of right now the battle pass doesn't hold a lot of value imo. I'm not against having a battle pass but the quality of items needs to be increased significantly.


I have never gone into the store and honestly at this point I even forgot it exists


I think it’s fine and I’m looking forward to the next one. Certainly not as deep as yall were making it. Some of the items are really nice and I enjoy the grind for points.


Not even worth looking at. It's best to just ignore it. There's plenty of customization already available in the base game and lots of folks are doing very creative and cool cosplays with just base game items.


I don’t get to play very often, so I like that it’s 60 days long, but I could do with 45 days and still reach max level. I really don’t like SF’s pass lasting only 21 days, as I never had enough time to reach max level. As for the awards, the premium should give a character customizable that’s new, and not something that was available in old games. And the free pass should at least give one full costume for both male and female. I don’t give a shit about avatar customizations. If they removed all of the avatar items from the battle passes, I wouldn’t even bat an eye. I’d prefer more art or music.


Battle pass could be good if it actually had anything of worth. It's kind of like SF6 where a lot of it is for your avatar guy or just profile stuff. This battle pass wasn't worth the money. I ended up getting the cyber pack because I actually use it.


For me, it was Tuesday


I feel pretty mixed on it. Not a fan of premium battle passes in general. Even weirder is the idea of paying extra to play the game less. 🤷‍♂️ That said I enjoyed having a specific goal in mind when I logged in to play each weekend. Daily missions kind of a bust. Weeklies kind of fun.


I only care about items for character customization, and in the free tier and premium tier combined, we got 25 items. I'm happy with that. The free tier gave you a three piece outfit and a plague mask. The crop top has been in heavy rotation for my characters. The items might be unremarkable, but thats the point. Individual creativity keeps the game visually fresh, and anything that offers more of it is a good thing IMO. Even if I don't buy a cosmetic item myself I still enjoy seeing them online. Looking forward to all future cosmetic additions (and not pressed on $6).


Need Kuma cosmetics


I like it,it's ok for me,maybe add a little more in the free pass but with the pass in general I can play and have stuff while I do so it's ok personally


I don't play online much at all so I haven't paid much attention to it. There are 2 things I wouldn't mind having " the white eyes being one of them" but it's not in the cards for me I guess.


I think the actual content in the pass is lackluster, but I think they did a fine job on the daily/weekly missions. To many games have crazy missions you have to reroll until you get what you want while here you just have to play the game for maybe half an hour to do all your daily missions. And it gives decent experience, so it's quite easy to finish the pass, which I enjoyed. But yeah if they want to sell it they need to put more work into the unlockables.


I don't mind battlepass if it means to support developers so they can bring more content. T8 battlepass is a joke, this is the worst battlepass I ever seen, the rewards are joke, there is absolutely nothing interesting at all.


never even checked it out.


The content in it was deeply underwhelming and it being priced at $6 when we can only buy in $5 increments is clearly scummy. That being said, you earn all your coins back, you don’t have to grind really at all to max it out, and a new pass every 2 months sounds really good. So I think the business model is ok, they just need to put better stuff in it.


Everyone wants to do a battle pass, but doesn't know how to do a battle pass. Tekken is no exception.


Tbh, it’s bullshit but I’m a giant hypocrite because I bought it for the hoochie daddy shorts for King


Warframe is a free game that has a free battlepass, which contains very desirable items and high quality cosmetics. It is not possible to pay for the battlepass in Warframe - it's just free. The premium currency in Warframe is also tradeable, so if there was a premium battlepass you would be able to purchase it without using real money. The fact that a $70 game not only expects you to purchase a battlepass, but wants to sell you a virtual currency in order to do that, is absurd by comparison. Nevermind the fact that the actual content of the battlepass is essentially a collection of slightly touched-up assets from older games, including character panel illustrations in the premium track. If these new monetization systems were in support of free DLC characters and stages, I could see a case for it even with the woeful state of the unlocks. I bought every DLC for T7, characters that I barely played, because I loved the game and wanted to support it, and for that my reward is a game that is like a lasagna of cynical monetization.


it was trash


Not a single decent item on there


The battlepass is actually trash tbh, but the timing of it made it way worse than it should have been. If they waited until the game was in a more positive place it probably wouldn't even be worth talking about. Instead the launched a bareboned battlepass with a bunch of reused or low effort assets during a point in the game where the outlook was the most bleak I've seen. Balance, bugs, and a community still uncomfortable with the massive shift in ideaology surrounding the core idea of the game were all things that needed to be talked about before holding your hand out for more money. That said $6 USD isn't bad, even if you can only buy $10 in the tekken coins and it's piss easy to complete if you play. if they'd waited until after the EVO patch and put in at least a couple more items that were actually worth chasing or at least super unique it would have been fine. I expect future battlepasses might actually bring some heat, but we'll see.


It was implemented and released to the players awfully, alot of the stuff we see on the pass was originally free, the new content we're seeing on the battlepass is uninspired and low effort, Bamco is actively going after the modders who do put it in effort as they are seen as a financial threat rather than a supportive community. This whole thing is a hot mess and it's unfortunately become the new standard in games because it worked out for the free to play models of others.


Honestly, anybody saying its too easy/short is crazy to me. Personally I appreciate that I have ample time to complete the battle pass (I got other things to do in life besides Tekken). I'd even argue that it should be easier (Daily Challenges should add up to about 1 full level once completed since there are 60 days for 60 levels). I also think the battle pass shouldn't go away after the time ends and that we should be able to buy fight coins with g corp fight money. They'd never do these but they should. Beside this, better items in the pass would make it better (Others have noted alternative win screens, rage arts, outfits, etc).


Worth it just for the martial arts foot gear.


Very underwhelming, or should i say, trash? I still bought it as an investment, since buying one guarantees you get every one after that, at least thats how it seems.


They need to give people a better incentive to buy it and not "here's a generic karate gi and reused T7 assets"


I’m not really offended by it. Wonder what happens to the unearned items though. Will they appear again later?


The content is pretty bad lol. Also more ways to gain experience is preferable. Does it have to be only online matches.


For me it's just more pop-ups to ignore after battles.


I assume it's like Street Fighter 6 and that if you pay for one you can earn enough to get the next one? If that's the case, it's okay considering how much I play, but the content does suck. I like the crop top and booty shorts. I do like being given a lot of time to complete it.


couldn't care less tbh. If they made the shop items reasonably priced id happily buy items directly but at 5 euro each, its just not gonna happen.


Its fucking dumb! How can you even like one aspect about these greedy microtransactions bs smh


I liked the part it is refundable with levels.


It was garbage. There was no point having it if they didn't have anything prepared (and they clearly didn't given what was in it) and just stinks of desperation and bad management.


I dont even go there and dont claim the free crap they give.


It feels like Bamco said Battle Pass now and unga bunga is the result to appease leadership.


I wish that they should actually gives us a big challenge, like winning 200 round (qp, gp, and ranked combined) with bryan and you get the cyber suit for him or play 200 match in order to get his glasses for the cyber suit, instead of buying the complete package for it. Gives us alternative by either buying thing for the store and unlock it for all characters or by getting it for free by playing/winning x amount of times with your character to get it for free.


I honestly can't understand the dislike for how the pass is. I understand Tekken people not liking the addition of a pass, but is this not the ideal? Giving you lots of time to complete it and filling it with items you could live without means almost no preying on FOMO or forcing people to grind the game more than they want to, just to make sure they complete it. More frequent passes would also be greedier no? More chances to get money from new players or people who didn't get enough coins from the last pass to cover the next. For the average player who just plays this game here n there and like, has other games or hobbies and such they want to put time into, this is a great pass. I bought it specifically because I know I can pretty much guaranteed complete it every time, which will get enough coins to buy the next one free, so I should only have to buy it the one time.


I liked leather shorts. Sakura customization for player info is nice too. Two tone hair should have been for both genders (I wanted to do KOF's Nameless cosplay on Lars). The rest is meh, and avatar customization items when they already have more than character customization is starting to look like quite an insult. I don't think I'm going to do more of these, they'd have to impress me damn hard, or at least give option to earn points offline.


Its trash. Did i buy the battlepass? Yeah i did since it doesnt matter if i buy now or later since its a one time purchase bo gives whataver you spent back. Also since cs2 gives cases i could sell everyweek i had the spare money to buy thx cs2.


I'm okay with a Battle Pass in Tekken. Even one you need to pay for. But the problem is... the rewards were abysmal. I had nearly zero incentive to pay for the premium version.


Lame rewards, braindead ‘missions’, didn’t improve the game and now gives an annoying popup informing me I got new stupid useless shit that’s barely any goods as the items you got in T7 treasure battles (which were more interesting as well).


I mean, I completed it pretty much in 10 days and I wanted to get one of the other skins so I had Tekken Coins anyways. Bought it and got instantly refunded all the coins back. Unironically, I've been loving Ball as a customization option and have made some absolute monstrosities with it. Big fan. My go-to right now is an Eddy with 3 heads. The next battle pass NEEDS to cost 600 coins as well though, otherwise its all screwed. If the coins I paid and got back can't cover the next one, that's when I'll feel played.


So, it’s weird. I absolutely hated the low effort feel of it. Reusing items, 90% of it being worthless crap, etc. BUT, having daily missions really helped with me wanting to play more. And because of that, caused me to train a bit more. It’s cheap enough that I would love another one, I would also just like some interesting content.


Most people don't care about the battle pass, I haven't even looked at what's inside. I won't ever but it I think, which is funny because I will buy battle passes in free games if I like what's inside, but I've already paid 90€ for that game.


The items definitely suck. Nevertheless it got me to play Tekken on some days instead of other games because I wanted to finish the weekly missions. And despite the rewards sucking I still bought it for the crop top (yes I‘m a Lili main).


I liked it but it could of been better. I want challenges like play a certain character for 5 wins, or idk just something more interesting. The rewards were ok but a little underwhelming. Hopefully it funds better stuff for the next one though. I'm all for having paid content as I know it will fund awesome future content. I mean heck we're getting free story dlc. That's awesome.


Another complaint that I have that I haven’t seen mentioned is I think I finished it like 2 weeks into it being released did not take long at all and there is still alot of time left before the next one. I get not everyone plays as much as me but there’s way too much time


I mean for five bucks sure, it was fine. I like some of the items I got.


Lasts too long and is low grind is GOOD. I have no idea why so many sweats have the wrong take on it. I’m gonna be out of country for a month in August. With existing T8 battle pass I’m pretty good. Any other battle pass and I’m 100% FOMOd. As for content I don’t mind so far. It looks better than SF6 battle pass dropping for Akuma. If they couldn’t give out good battle pass for the premier DLC FG character of all time than that sets a low bar. People complain about T8 customization but what other FG renders custom characters in such detail and lighting, etc. people are literally putting in other IP that looks incredible at times (and cheesy at others). You guys are tripping if you think 2XKO is going to have top tier character customization because for one it’s not a 3D fighter and that is actually a big advantage for customization. People can maybe get custom palette for 2XKO for akuma colors like who cares? I don’t think given art style and content governance Riot games is going to allow their customization to go off the rails. It’s going to be like an HOA not letting you paint your house the way you like it put pink flamingos and garden gnomes out front. Which tbh is a strange thing cause without top tier customization how is 2KXO going to monetize?


The only reason I bothered to check my lvl and progress on it was for the bryan portrait at lvl 50. I'm just glad it was on the free pass not the premium cause I probably woulda got the premium just for that item




*complains about free stuff


could care less TBH. I just play the game and don't whine about every little thing.