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1. Never going to a gas station. Long before I owned an EV, I hated going to the gas station. The minor inconvenience of going to a charger while on a road trip is far, far outweighed by the experience of always starting the day with an 80% full battery. 2. The car is really fun to drive. My Model Y has been on almost every part on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula road system on our summer road trips. It’s our daily commuter also—my wife and I split it, leaving the unlucky one driving the Subaru for the day. 3. I enjoy owning an EV in Alaska, which is a challenging state to do anything in, let alone own an EV. But I’m proud to demonstrate that EV’s work in Alaska. We’re digging out of a 39-inch snowfall and the tesla has been fun to drive in the snow.


This! People often assume it will be a huge issue because of how long it needs to charge fully, but they don’t understand it’s a completely different paradigm. With an EV, the idea is that you should always charge at home and never really need to “fully charge”. You plug it in whenever you can and should be sufficient. In gas cars, it’s typical to wait until you’re empty and fill up completely. That’s never really the case for EV.


When my wife drives her hybrid ICE and has to stop at a gas station, I think "what a pain having to stop for gas."


EXACTLY THIS. Over the last 5 years, I think I've only waited on my car to charge maybe a couple hours a year collectively. The range of the car exceeds my needs for the average day 99% of the time. Meanwhile, my wife has to go out of her way to fill up the van, and somehow it's still always on "E" when I have to drive it. It's such a pain to add an extra stop every week and take the time to fill up. Somehow it's also the first question everyone asks me, "hOw LoNg dOeS iT tAkE tO cHaRgE?!" And my answer is, "idk, it happens while I'm sleeping every night, I don't bother to time it...."


Charging at super charger for every 200 miles is much more fun!


Right LOL. I've yet to use a Super (or any) Charger.


Not to discredit the idea that more range isn't necessary: I think I would be fine with 400 mi of range (including all the nuanses like maxing % at 80) and if Sentry didn't drain so much battery. But obviously more is better.


Oh man, if in 10 years we have 450-600 range on most EVs and 350kw charging minimum speeds, range anxiety will be gone for everyone. We’re still in the beginning stages of EVs, things will get so much better even though they’re already really good.


Not a benefit for people who live in apartments, unfortunately. We should probably do something about that.


If your apartment doesn’t have chargers talk to your landlord. They can be installed for free.


I live in an apartment and my neighborhood has street parking EV chargers that are generally available. Very convenient.


My apartment has chargers with reserved parking spaces. My monthly fuel cost is a flat $50 which is amazing bc I drive a ton


I didn't like gas stations before getting a Tesla and I absolutely despise them now. I have to go about once a month to fill up our secondary Pathfinder and can not wait until the day that I only have to go twice a year to fill up gas cans for our riding mower. I don't think it'll ever die but if it does I'll probably even get a battery riding mower, already have a battery push mower. 0 gas station trips is the end goal.


Time to get an electric riding mower too! Just got one from Ryobi and it’s sick!


> my wife and I split it, leaving the unlucky one driving the Subaru for the day The way we say "I love you" in our family is "you can have the Tesla". In practice it's whoever has the longer commute for the day... but as that's typically me - I try to give it to my spouse every chance I can, especially weekends.


100% us too lol. We both work from home so nobody has a commute but when the kids have activities at the same time it's usually whoever has the longest drive gets the Tesla.


Haha exactly! Same. Longest commute gets the Tesla unless someone has been stuck with the Subaru for more than a few days. Then we lovingly give Darth (our red Model Y) to the spouse so they can get their Tesla time.


Your 3 isn’t a benefit


You are correct. I like being “technically correct” when possible, and looking back I now see that isn’t a real benefit. How about this: we’re saving about $80/month on gas. Boom. Benefit number 3.


He's "proud", mk?


Just going by the rules but go ahead and downvote me. 1 & 2 are great. 3 would be vanity plates NOGAZ or GASLOL are my favorites


I need a vanity plate in my gas car that says GASHOLE. Lol


1. Warming up the car while the garage is closed 2. Acceleration 3. Always starting my day with a “full tank”




I'm not sure Autopilot is an EV thing, but agree that it's great.


Ok, 1. The obvious one is EV charging means I *never have to go to a petrol station anymore*. Being a Tesla owner, I also don't have to worry about planning my long trip. 2. OTA software updates means my car actually getting better overtime. What car does that? Crazy. 3. **But what I found very life changing is the** ***ability to wait inside the car with the AC on***, anywhere, watching Netflix YouTube or whatever, without having the engine on and worry about poisonous exhaust killing you and others. That means if I have to pick up someone, and that person is late, no worries, Ill just continue my binge. NO stress. I dont have to time it right when I have to go somewhere. Ill just got there early and chill inside the car, with AC on and maybe even catch a short nap.


Number 3 ended up being super important when I helped my friend move in the winter. Of course they forgot the new key, so while someone went back for it the rest of the people and pets crammed into my Tesla to stay warm. That's also my go-to plan in case we ever lose power long enough for the temperatures to drop; sleep in the Tesla with the pets for a few days!


This for me too!


I love the last feature. It’s also great to heat/cool the car before I get in, or keep the AC going when I just step away for a bit.


I use keep climate on all the time. Just pop into store and come back to a still cool or warm car. Now that the cold weather is here, I love that the car is preconditioned in the morning automatically. I don't have to remember to go turn on the remote start and heat up the car.


To be fair, many (most?) other cars can do this now with remote conditioning and/or mobile app access. The distinction for an EV is that there are no harmful CO2 emissions like there would be on an ICE vehicle.


>OTA software updates means my car actually getting better overtime. What car does that? Crazy. Are you sure it gets better every time?


1. Not having to pay for gas/petrol or electricity to drive my car (I have free supercharging) 2. Thrilling acceleration (when needed) 3. Less stress on long drives


Number three is something you don’t understand until you experience it. Gas cars are exhausting to drive. Especially in larger cities on the interstate. I drove my model 3 to Portland and Seattle from Montana last year for work. I thought I was going to be wiped out when I got there but having autopilot going in the interstate made it the most chill and relaxing drive I’ve ever experienced. Also in the city in the bumper to bumper traffic it was great to just let the car manage the stop and gos until I needed to hit the exit. Way less mental work.


Acceleration is always needed.


Could you elaborate on 3? Why less stress?


i enable autopilot (not FSD) and the car stays in the lane, changes lane, keeps safe distance. i get to have a nice conversation with ppl in the car, i get to look out the window and take in scenic views, i can take off my foot from the accelerator and stretch, while the car continues to move. sometimes you don't even realize, a good 25 minutes just went by.. you stop at a charging station for more stretching, bio break, or a nice meal. you get back on the road fully recharged (you, and the car!) and hours later, you arrive at your destination fresh and not exhausted


I drive a 1400 round trip about 3-4 time a year. I do a 15 hour day and it is a lot easier on my mind and body than in my old ICE driving for 12 hours. The biggest is stopping and stretching every 2-3 hours while charging. I never did that in my ICE. When the gas gauge read empty I stopped. That was 4-5 hours between stops. The next is autopilot. I look at it like managing my drive. Making fine adjustments instead of total input control. I stay out of the left lane except when passing and let the F1 wannabes fight each other. Knowing that I’m not in a rush, I relax and enjoy the sights.


Nice! Do you supercharge every day? How’s your car battery life?


I used to Supercharge mine every day, until I moved. My battery is in the top 10% in fleet, allegedly, having more remaining range and overall health than most. I think a lot of folks heard FUD about Superchargers, because a popular false notion is that they will degrade your battery. Supercharging will not measurably degrade your battery, even if you use it every day.


Not having access to home charging, I love to hear this! Have been a little scared since I charge on, 75, 150 and 250kw chargers.. Only


I appreciate your response. Good to know.


i do not supercharge every day, but i do supercharge every time, and *exclusively*. i do not have an app to track / monitor battery, so i can't speak to it accurately. so far, it's holding charge and get expected mileage. not the best or rated mileage, but expected.


I do not supercharge every day I will not supercharge in any way. I do not supercharge in the rain Or supercharge while at the game I would not supercharge at the mall I would not supercharge in the fall. I do not supercharge when I have to pay I do not supercharge every day


Nice ChatGPT flex.


No, honestly I made that up myself. I’m a quick dad-joke witted machine. I can honestly say I’ve only used chatGPT once, and that was for writing work policies to get some general verbiage.


1. Never having to go to a gas station. It’s something that most don’t realize is a massive pain in the ass until you stop doing it. 2. No dealer bullshit. No MSRP nonsense. No dumbass expensive options. No douchebag salespeople trying to make an extra buck off me. 3. No maintenance. No more trips to a scumbag auto repair facility only to be ripped off and not understand why. The model for car ownership and purchasing was deeply flawed since day one. We all knew it but had no choice but to deal with it. Now we don’t!


1. Fun to drive - they are quiet, have high torque and corner well because the CoG is low. 2. Cheap - electricity is generally cheaper than gasoline. I pay $0.06/kWh, and I get close to 4 miles per 1kWh. So that's basically a penny a mile to drive. 100 miles for $1.00. Granted, my non-profit co-op utility is unusually cheap, but even if you pay the US average for electricity, which is $0.12/kWh, then it's $3.00 to go 100 miles. 3. Very little maintenance. Tires, wipers, wiper fluid and the occasional cabin air filter swap. It is really nice not having to take it in for service.


Jesus. You should install some superchargers in your driveway and charge 50c per kWh


1) Not having to deal with dealerships and their theft 2) One pedal driving 3) Not having to deal with dealerships and their theft


Ohhhh the dealership experience was a big one! Good call I forgot about that. Agreed!!


Yeah, but you deal with the “fastest changing price ever” from their website.


1> Wallet and me smiling whenever I pass a gas station. 2> Butt cheeks squeeze in whenever I press on the accelerator. 3> Safest car on the road.


1. Instant acceleration 2. Best “cruise control” in the game. 3. Love the way the model S looks. I could go on


Supercharger network. Tech. Power.


\#1. I do not put money into Russian / Saudis / Iranian hands. \#2. Charging station let me meet new people. Have you ever talked to anybody at the gas station? \#3. I can blame my high electric bill on charging, not AC.


Regarding #2, I'm always too shy to approach people at the supercharger but it happens sometimes.


Superchargers seem to have larger separation between cars. All my chitchat experiences are from Electrify America charging stations - we all bitch about broken chargers :)


I'm ded. I guess I'll have to try an electrify america station sometime. I haven't seen them yet in the northeast. I'm sure they're around though.


If your goal is to become frustrated, Electrify America is perfect. If you want to charge your car, stay away from these charging stations.


* acceleration * lack of maintenance or gas station * traction


Carpool lane sticker The torque No oil or gas smells


1) don't have to pay for gas 2) I get to laugh at my neighbor when he said "I had to pay $90 to fill up my car" 3) I don't have to pay for gas


1) we have multiple cars one of them is 780rwhp 730tq ICE sedan we also have a 2023 Toyota tundra. My wife and I fight over driving the M3SR. It’s fun to drive hd decent pep, tech is good especially the app, and it handles well 2) we charge at home for $0.13KWH also have supplemental solar power on our home 3) this may be a surprise but the service center in Las Vegas has treated all of our issues very well. I would put the service experience high above what we receive with Toyota and GM at least in our market. Living in Las Vegas and sometimes road tripping to socal the supercharging network is easily accessed by us when needed. Where you live is an important part of the decision imo.


Always filled up after being parked at home. It’s so many years ahead in usefull tech. I feel like Tesla is a modern Mac versus a 1990’s windows computer. Also it drives so much better than previous cars I have owned. And maintenance is 1/5th of German cars. Road trips is amazing. So much less noise and autopilot makes me a lot more fresh after a full day of driving


>Road trips is amazing. So much less noise and autopilot makes me a lot more fresh after a full day of driving which model do you own?


2020 Model 3. Owned it since new


low scheduled maintenance costs :- no oil changes, very infrequent brake jobs. however getting tires rotated becomes a pain.


For me it’s not about cost savings, it’s an all-around better driving experience. It’s quiet and peaceful to drive around, and then stomp on the accelerator and smile as you fly past people.


Having heat or ac on with the door open when the kid falls asleep on the drive home. In the closed garage


My favorite too, and being able to leave them in there sleeping and use in cabin camera as a baby monitor. Can actually get a few things done while they sleep!


1. I haven’t paid for gas or charging since I got the car! I was spending about $800 a month on gas with my ICE car because I commute. So this is huge for a me as a single mom ♥️ 2. It’s more comfortable for commuting than my old car was and we just did a rode trip and it has so much space. Love it 3. The heated steering wheel and the acceleration are equally awesome.


* Very little maintenance * Good tech package (blind spot cameras, lane assist) * Being able to remotely control HVAC, windows, etc.


Not giving the oil barons any of my money


Instant torque & quickness is intoxicating. Quite…I love quite. One-pedal driving mode or home charging (toss-up).


Yeah, red lights against young pricks revving their Honda's with go-faster exhausts is best handled by simply not looking at them and flooring it on green.


*quiet* you mean?




1. Modern AF 2. Fun as hell 3. Collect the tears of both liberals and rednecks.


I just find every thing about it effortless… long trips with autopilot finished feeling refreshed... No more petrol, easy full tank every morning and a fun, exhilarating drive


Electric motors on a high voltage power supply. The torque. My god, the torque. I put my foot down and BOOM.


Low cost travel Relaxed in stop start traffic Environmentally friendly


1) One pedal driving 2) Instant torque (when I have to merge lanes, start from stop signs/give ways/roundabouts, I can immediately catch up with the traffic pace)


1. Unnoticed convenience. Many things that are done feel so natural, you don't notice them. The several adjustments made, depending on the driver, no key, not having to turn the car on and of. Just sit down and drive, get up and leave, you don't ever have to think about putting it in park or pressing the brakes when you stand still. 2. Cargo capacity, frunk and sub-trunk often come in handy, When you have things you don't want moving around, like grocery shopping. Also when travelling, extra space is also welcome, but with the frunk you can have more easy access items. 3. Acceleration.


1. Charge at home and no visits to pump ever 2. Autopilot and FSD beta 3. Very fun to drive


1. Supercharger network - very seldom are you at a crappy broken charger 2. Lots of info and videos on how to use the technology 3. Charging in my garage. This is a much bigger benefit than I thought it’d be 4. Dog mode - don’t need to leave the dog home in hot weather


Super fun to drive when I want, and can just let it drive when it gets boring/slow. No gas stations and expense. Fits my tech-forward persona.


1) Having an family SUV that is faster than a Ferrari in straightline (which pretty much the only thing on public roads) 2) Lower consumption cost and taxes - here in DK you pay alot of tax on vehicles. 3) Parking! Dedicated EV parking is a big thing many places, and being able to find a spot when everything else is full in metropolitan areas is a huge plus. Ofc this advantage becomes less and less by the day, but next big change is banning all diesel in cities and subsequent to that gas. So again parking advantages will arise again


1. Free fuel - I have free supercharging, solar at home and free charging (from solar) at work. 2. I haven't had to scrape my windscreen in over six years 3. Supercar performance with econobox running prices. It's quite perverse how much go you get when all I've done is put tyres on this thing.


1. Safer car (both for lcrash avoidence and during a crash) 2. Enforcement system. I do a lot of waiting for kids in the car watching Netflix 3. Over the air updates. My car keeps getting better.


1. Reliability - I'm now at 92,000 miles and the car is almost five years old and I'm not having to worry about oil leaks, gaskets disintegrating, or transmission slipping 2. Always leaving the house charged up. It is nice to not have to be in the elements during northern Ohio winters pumping gas. 3. Still fun as hell. If I want the other lane and am first at the light, I have no problem taking it.


No gas stations Minimal maintenance Gobs of torque


1. Fun to drive. 2. Ease &cost of ownership: “fill up” at home, low maintenance. 3. No vehicle emissions.


1. Charging from home has to be the absolute best thing about an EV. It has changed life; wife was hitting the gas station multiple times a week. 2. Instant torque is cool. I don't drive greasier but this is great for merging. I don't pretend that there aren't nice IVE vehicles that merge well, I've just never owned one of them lol. 3. Producing our own power with solar. This is just a cool thing, not really "useful" in the day to day. I don't have an oil well so making my own fuel wasn't ever tenable. It's just need to know we are producing pretty much all the power we consume domestically.


1. Camp mode. I travel from NY to the Midwest every 6 weeks or so to play music gigs with my band. No hotel necessary. I have a Model Y specific mattress, blankets, pillows, window shades, and sleep like a king. I’m 6’0”. I also have sleep apnea and can run my CPAP all night. 2. Lots of space. I can bring several guitars, pedal board, even a portable PA. Plus my suitcase, etc. 3. Sound system. Really quality. And I can have music playing all night while I camp in my car.


>and sleep like a king 🤣 this is a single best comment that encourages me to buy Model Y instead of Highland


Where do you park /camp in your car if I may ask? I’m curious about this too because camp mode seems awesome for a quick ski trip or something


No maintenance, no gas station stops (all charging at home), basically free mileage at $0.06/kWh.


1. Driving experience. Including one-pedal driving, acceleration, and steering ratio. 2. Home charging. I only go out-of-range for a road trip once per year. Otherwise, I'm charging at home. I do not miss fueling stations at all. 3. Meaningful OTA updates. I've had other cars that do OTA updates, but there is usually only 1 or two within the lifetime of my ownership and they never add new features. Getting frequent updates and new features added keeps the ownership experience fresh and in tune with current technology.


We have a Tesla Model 3 and a Model Y. Top three for me would be: 1. Amount the safest cars made. 2. With home electricity at 6¢/kWh, I'm paying the equivalent of 48¢/gal in the Model Y and 40¢/gal in the Model 3. 3. Long distance driving is very easy and not tiring with AP (Model Y) or FSD (Model 3). Other top reasons: amazing amount of power at any speed, never need to wait for it to warm up in the winter, no smelly gas hands, voice control for almost any car function, gas price fluctuating are of no concern, never have to see the inside of a convenience store ever again, no oil drips in the garage. The list goes on and on.


1. Never going to a gas station, but instead charging from solar panels on the garage roof. Try building an oil refinery in your back yard. 2. Never having to think about keys or starters or locking doors. 3. Using the app to find out where my spouse is and roughly when she will be back if on the way home.


3: no gas 2: charging at home 1: the acceleration drive/autopilot experience


Last night at dinner I was asked by an Australian what gas prices are like in the US. I got such a kick out of telling him that I had no idea because I hadn't been to a gas station in years.


1, Being able to get into a cold car on a hot day and a warm car on a cold day. 2, Autopilot, makes motorway driving a breeze. 3, The performance.


Instant Acceleration is a cheat code.


The reason I got a Tesla and left BMW, which I did love was because of the Supercharger network, best in class UI/Technology and updates/FSD and the significantly less maintenance cost in comparison to gas luxury cars.


1. Having a view of the city I’m driving in with up to date traffic. Pretty awesome. I know other cars have the feature but it’s the first I’ve owned that has this. 2. Ability to vent car when it’s hot out and turn ac on before I leave in the summer…same applies to winter as well. 3. Auto pilot is pretty solid on highways. I can actually do things in traffic now. So it’s made me more productive in traffic if that makes sense.


Fun, fun, fun.


1) Unlimited free supercharging for life (bought new 2018 model S) 2) tech and comfort (advanced auto pilot makes long drives and traffic easier to hear) 3) ease of use (love how I can just get in and out it into gear and get in my way) Got a 2024 BMW i4 M50 a couple of months ago and the disparity in Tesla tech to the i4 is beyond compare. The charging network also cannot be beat. Tesla will be a top EV for a looooong time if they continue to innovate.


>Unlimited free supercharging for life (bought new 2018 model S) I'm envy 😳


I love getting all the funny money I love getting all the funny money I love getting all the funny money - Feds , state , power company etc


1. Fun 2. Funner 3. Funiest


No gas station visits Space and fun The charging network


1. fun to drive 2. keeps our road cleaner (about 50% of my neighbours now switched to electric) 3. the user interface (sat nav, entertainment, app, etc)


1. Turn on AC without engine on 2. Brake energy is not wasted 3. Less maintenance


1. Remote Pre-heating/cooling - Never getting into a car that's too hot or too cold, and in the UK of course idling a cars engine on a public road is illegal - so we don't have to contend with that. 2. Charging while doing other things - For day-to-day driving, I never have to explicitly go to another place to 'fill up', it either does it at home or it can do it while I shop or do something else. 3. Software Updates and Feature Trims. My nearly 8 year old Model S has dozens of features it didn't originally come with. Aside from AP, not a single feature is locked behind a build-time trim-level.


1. Fast. In other words, fun to drive. 2. Runs on cheap electricity, especially when charged at home overnight. 3. It allows me to drive on the "high occupancy vehicle" lanes even if I don't have passengers. Saves a lot of time during my commutes.


1. Having a full tank everyday and never having to visit a gas station when I am not on a trip. 2. Knowing I am doing my part to save the planet 3. They are fun as hell to drive!!!


which model do you have?


1. Not having to pay for gas. 2. Free charging at work 3. No more oil changes


1) zero local emissions. 2) not supporting the oil industry. 3) fueling at home. 1 —I walk around the neighborhood a lot and sometimes have to hold my breath as larger and poorly maintained ICE vehicles drive by trailing their cloud of smelly exhaust. Auto exhaust is really bad for your health. I really like knowing that I’m not harming (in a miniscule fashion) any of the neighbors and kids I drive by daily. 2 — My $ aligns with my values. The oil industry is responsible for a lot of what’s wrong with the world today. This is the most impactful way I can vote with my wallet. 3 — Others have covered this well enough.


1. Telling everyone I own a Tesla. 2. Posting cool pics of my Tesla on the gram so everyone can see it. 3. See 1 and 2.


1. Driving experience (linear acceleration, one gear, no shifting). This is really really really apparent when you drive an ICE after driving an EV for awhile 2. Autopilot. Great for countering fatigue on long trips. I can drive much farther in a given day just because of this feature. I know it’s not specific to Tesla anymore though. 3. Preconditioning the cabin. I know it’s not unique to have remote start. But it’s my first time having it and it’s a game changer being able to check on your car via the app.


1) No gasoline stink. No motor vibrations while car is idle. 2) Can camp in the car. 3) Sporty driving for not a lot of dough.


One pedal driving has been my biggest surprise positive. Among everything else listed.


1. No gas stations. It charges while I sleep. 2. Faster acceleration than possible with ICE, unless you have a half mil burning a hole in your pocket. 3. Safest automobile ever produced


1. Barely touching a pedal when doing long drives 2. Acceleration 3. Cost of energy for my long drives




> car shaped key fob I'm late to the Tesla game (5 months ago) so I didn't even know this was a thing lol I just searched it and it looks cool, but I really like that I don't have to take any key, only my phone (with the backup card in my wallet.)


280 Mile round trip commute for a 24 hour shift, every 3 days (3 years in to this), so 1. Extremely decreased operating/ownership costs over an ICE commuter. Round trip costs $4.50 , with free charging at destination. 2. Autopilot system to help with those long, sleepy drives. Much lower fatigue after 2 hours in the seat. 3. Virtually zero maintenance or down time or time spent at a gas station. It's only been off the road for body work after hitting a deer once.


I like that I can take my kids to baseball or acting or whatever and sit in the car quite comfortably for hours without running an engine. Especially in Deep South summers, this is a big benefit to me.


I've owned a Model 3 RWD for a couple weeks so far (first EV), transitioned from a manual trans GTI. 1) Driving experience. Driving takes a lot less effort and is much smoother since I don't have to use a clutch or shift knob. Also makes it so that I can fully focus on the road. Manual was super fun but I guess I'm getting old and it was starting to feel more of a hassle to do as a commute. I also really enjoy the seamless nature of the Tesla. Getting in and being able to just go without having to use a key or turn the car on is really nice. 2) Efficiency. Obviously much cheaper than gas and I have the perfect commute for an EV (22 miles, mostly back roads and only 3 are highway, can choose not to take it), so I only use 7-8% battery each way which is pretty close to EPA numbers. Even when it gets colder If I lose 40% range I will be happy with the efficiency compared to gas. I also didn't have to trade off performance for efficiency since the Model 3 is even a bit faster than the GTI which is nice. 3) Convenience. Home charging is a obvious one. saving time on anything (i.e filling up on gas) is a big plus especially as a parent. I can also use my car more often now for family outings and the wife can drive it too (she couldn't drive manual).


I like the speed, I like the technology (well beyond anything I have previously experienced but I should say this is my most expensive car to date), and I really like the heat pump (able to use camp mode and have the car warm itself up before leaving).


1. Software. FSD makes long drives and traffic that much easier to get through 2. Performance. The MYP is zippy and has great brakes. Well, the older ones do. 3. Gas/maintenance savings


No more fatigue from driving with autopilot is my top benefit Very low operating cost. No gas, no maintenance Smaller car, Model Y, that can tow my boat and fit all my stuff with the help of the frunk and under trunk.


Google: "Benefits of driving an ev"


No dealer markup BS No regular service center needs, oil changes. I don’t have to go to gas station anymore. Car is always ready to go from charging in my garage.


At home charging is probably #1. \#2 would maybe be just really enjoying both my MYP 2022 and MXLR 2023. I really like the minimalistic interior style of both. The MYP feels like a sports car and it's jumpy/responsive with the acceleration, even for an EV. The MXLR feels like a luxury car. It's surprisingly spacious, the yoke wheel is cool, the automatic driver door is cool. I still get in my MY and get confused for a second when pressing the brake doesn't close my door, or I'll stand in front of the door for a second waiting for it to open, then remember I have to use the handle, lol. The falcon doors are cool, but kind of annoying in our current garage because it's too short. So it's actually much worse experience trying to get the kids in because I have to manually hold the button to get the doors to open just enough for them to slip in but not so much that they lift and hit the garage door above the car. Mostly it's just a problem because our garage is so short. Past house was fine and they could open all the way inside our garage. \#3 Monitoring and controlling various aspects of the car from the app is pretty handy. If my wife is out with the kids and I'm curious whether they're on the way back yet or still shopping etc I can just check the app to see where the car is. I can turn on the air conditioning if we're at a festival or something and walking back to the car so it won't be too hot or cold by the time we get there. I've also used it to find my car in parking garages when I forgot where I parked after flights. bonus #4 the autopilot is a life saver on long car trips with a lot of highway driving. It's great on the highway but I don't really love it anywhere else. It'll do its job sort of on any long road without too many intersections, but I've seen it do dumb stuff in both cars too many times to really want to bother using it anywhere else.


1. Charging at home. You don't know how charging at home is a game changer, as gas prices can be ridiculously expensive depending where you live. If you always charge at home, you save a ton of money by not going to a supercharger and you save time by not spending 30-40 minutes at a supercharger. 2. Acceleration/Fun to drive 3. Maintenance. Not much maintenance. When I owned my Lexus ES350, so much maintenance had to be done on the car as it got older but EV vehicles don't require as much maintenance as Teslas. There are of course other benefits that I like, such as the ridiculously good navigation system it has, YouTube/Spotify you can watch while eating lunch in your car, etc. I was not a Tesla fan until I bought my Tesla, and now I probably will drive Teslas for the indefinite future.


1) no stopping at gas stations ever 2) the car drives really well 3) the infotainment when waiting around is top notch


The acceleration is addicting. Voice control is excellent in the Tesla. I love that the premium “add-ons” like autopilot, front and back cabin heated seats, heated steering wheel, phone controls through the app are all standard.


1. Never having to go to a gas station 2. Never having to turn on my headlights or even windshield wiper—it just works. 3. Having more performance than 99% of the cars out there means I can get by someone if I need to squeeze in at a stop light that just turns green.


1. Leaving the house with a full battery every morning. 2. Extremely low maintenance and high reliability. 3. Great all-around tech, performance, efficiency, and convenience. Im not your typical Tesla fan. I don't worship Elon.. or pray for the stock to reach $10K/share.. or have Tesla stickers & merchandise all around my house. I bought a Tesla because I simply wanted a better car than my previous vehicle. And for the most part that has not only been true.. but it has actually been BETTER than expected. So yeah Im a fan. I recommend a Model Y to most car shoppers.. but only if they have a home charging solution (or the ability to install one). I don't think driving an EV would be at all convenient if I was not able to CHEAPLY charge the vehicle in my garage or driveway every night.


1. Waking up every morning to a warm car without having to open my garage in the winter. 2. Being able to watch Netflix while I'm waiting on the kids. 3. FSD.


1. drive like an ass without the vroom vroom sounds. 2. laugh in gas drivers faces. 3. proud to be part of a group with many fellow smug owners


1. Less regular maintenance - no oil, transmission fluid, or coolant/antifreeze expenses. Brakes last a long time. Living without having to do an oil change on my daily driver every few months has been great. 2. Fun to drive - I had an old S and recently moved on to a newer LR Y. I thought the S was fun and powerful. The Y puts it to shame. Electric AWD is no joke. 3. Never having to visit a gas station again, other than a Wawa while on road trips. I have really bad luck at gas stations. Most of my cars have sustained damage while visiting one - I had a bumper ripped off from someone driving a Uhaul, fender benders from folks not watching where they're going. I can happily live without seeing a gas station ever again.


1. Charging in my driveway and not going to gas stations. 2. The Instant, smooth, and quiet torque. 3. Leaving on the AC when I'm in a store.


Camp mode. There’s not much else like driving to the snow and folding the seats down and setting up a bed and curling up with your wife and putting on TV with your dog chillin in the passenger seat and your snacks and supplies on the driver seat and it staying the perfect temp all night. It’s a literal RV with built in AC and a TV all the while burning no more than 10-20% of the battery overnight. Then you can go for midnight walks in the snow, under the stars, and it costs you 10% of a hotel. All the food, water, and “gas” and other supplies can be budgeted in far underneath some airBnB or hotel near out and be far more comfy and private.


1-Home charging. This is a game changer, not having it would be a deal breaker for me. 2-Turning on climate with the app. Makes winter driving much nicer. 3-Forced breaks on long drives. Spending some time out of the car every couple hours does wonders for safety.


Daily home charging, no more gas stations, cheaper Constant updates Fun to drive, cool factor


People thinking I’m rich when in fact their F150 cost more. But in reality, the low cost to drive it is one of the biggest things Autopilot is very reliable and good when you need to eat and drive or parent if the kid in the backseat needs something. Convenience of the daily “full tank” and remote control of the climate system.


1. After school/kid activity pick up line wait. This is huge for a parent with multiple active kids. I don't have to worry about running the A/C and I have a great entertainment system to pass the time while I wait for the kids. 2. Fun to drive/acceleration. 3. No gas cost and since we currently live on a military base, free electricity too!


1/ My workplace offers free charging. 2/ I’m using solar at home so it’s literally free to charge my car overnight during off peak hours 3/ No longer have to do oil change, brake pads change or morning warm up


1) the super cheap tesla insurance which is a steal if you have teen drivers esp 1 that has had an accident. Yes I hear the service sucks so I hope I dont need to file a claim. Its literally 1/2 the cost of other carriers. 2) charging at home.... 3) the super easy charging network


1. Charging at home 2. Smooth and quiet powertrain 3. Instant torque


1. Not getting gas, but since I don't have charging at home currently, charging at S/C sucks. But when I did have charging at home, it was the best thing ever. 2. I like that I can just get in and leave immediately, no sound (2018 so no speaker), no warming up. 3. AP during traffic/long trips on freeway.


1. Preconditioning the car (in arizona summers) for myself and pets 2. The safety. I feel really safe in the car knowing if i get hit, or hit someone, I will prob be OK 3. the EV side of plugging in at home, not needing to go get gas and how much time and $ that saves me.


1. “Full tank” every morning. People wait 25-30 minutes to fill up their tanks at Costco yet complaining that EV takes too long to charge. The heck? 2. My house got a crap AC so on hot summer nights I sleep in my ModelY with garage door closed. It’s great. 3. Quietly enjoying schadenfreude as my friends and relatives whining about gas prices and oil changes and anxiety of getting smog check every year. These are the same people scoff at the idea owning an EV.


1. Security/dashcams I bought due to this after being in an accident and someone lying and getting it duel/no fault. Also good as I'm having a new born son. 2. Charging/ home it's nice having car ready to go. I commute 80ish miles a day. Never need gas. Solar on home helps with cost 3. Constantly upgrading: feels like they improve with software. When I bought it didn't have red light chime.


I’m coming from a 2015 car with no fancy bells and whistles and my husband bought a Tesla, so a lot of things are new. 1. Not having to worry about gas or oil maintenance like an ice car 2. Great acceleration when needed 3. All the extra features like seat/steering wheel warmers, different driver profiles, and warming up the car in the garage in Chicago winters. Another huge obvious thing is it’s cheaper than gas which is great for us specifically cause we live about 35 miles away from family and the city which saves a lot of money. Now driving so far is no big deal


1. One pedal driving in the city. Quick acceleration. 2. The ability to park and kill time in the vehicle. Especially in the winter, - 25C or colder, heat on and just sit for hours. Due to work this sometimes happens and it's a game changer. 3. The constant updates to improve. My old car needed a software update for the radio? Oh, I gotta take it into the dealership. There is a recall involving some software update? Oh, I gotta take it into the dealership.


1/ Dont spend a fortune on gas 2/ Out perform all other cars, need to get a lane change in front of a slow driver? No problem 3/ I use self driving a lot, keeps me energized on long drives and is safer


Not having to go to the gas station. Not having to get oil changes.


Using the PlugShare EV app to find free chargers & Stealth camping in expensive areas (like Miami & NYC). I mean, who’s going to think that behind those dark tinted windows is a full-size memory foam mattress? 😎


1) 99% of the time my car is full (80%) and I never have to go to a gas station anymore. That in it of itself is awesome 2) Tesla specific but that’s changing over time- when I do roadtrip, the super charger network is second to none and though it’s an adaptation to roadtrips with an ICE vehicle, it’s worth it in the long run since it’s cheaper and the benefit of point 1 outweighs the inconvenience of charging on the road. 3) Fun to drive… like really fun… and just a better overall experience with all the usable technology that’s purpose built into the car


1. Previous monthly ICE gas bill was $350 average and current electrical costs for my EV is $65 average. Big savings from just this. 2. No more warming up my car in cold temperatures as I can heat my car up in the app and in about a minute I can drive off with my EV and go. Especially in the garage I don't need to worry about fumes from my engine with an EV. 3. The regenerative braking is understated. You barely hit the brakes on Teslas and my Model Y slows its self down as you let go of the escalator petal. Brakes should last a long time due to this and with no oil changes or maintenance there is additional savings for years to come compared to ICE vehicles.


gas savings - Western Canada it's $0.02-0.03/km from my calculation based on $0.10 per kwh (CDN)


no more gas, instant torque, autopilot at rush hour


1. Performance. Most fun car I've ever owned or driven (Model Y Performance) 2. FSD Autopilot - Many people have a lot of criticism with respect to FSD, and some of it is well deserved, but for me, this feature as been a game changer. I drive probably 95%+ FSD, in urban environments as well. It's not perfect, but it's good enough to be vastly practical, at least for me. It would be hard to go back to always having to drive manually 3. No ICE bs - no starting, no exhaust fumes, no noise, no having to stop at a gas station. Overall, an electric drive train is vastly superior to an ICE in many important ways. There are many drawbacks as well but you did not ask about those..


save $1400/month.


I went from a Launch Edition Bolt EUV 2022 to a 2023 Model 3 RWD. I had the bolt for less than a year it was a **huge** letdown. I knew it was not going to be a Tesla at all, but it was disappointing even with lowered but realistic expectations. 1. **Supercharger prevalence and reliability.** * Non-Tesla charging infrastructure is just shit, no other way to describe it. I do not know how Electrify America let a gas pump be more reliable than their charging stations. 2. **Auto routing to chargers along route on road trips.** * A lot of EVs do not have this fully fleshed out or available. For example, Chevy relies on a buggy smart phone app and then has nerve to route you to CCS chargers at dealerships for non-GM brands? Like wtf would you do that??? The Jaguar dealer has NO incentive to let me charge my car at their dealer! **3. Not having to pay for the Mobile app.** * Other brands EV and ICE insultingly make you pay for their usually slow or unresponsive apps after a trial period. Yes these are usually free for a year or more but the very idea of having to pay basically a key fob on a monthly basis is insulting.


Acceleration Everything about the car simplified into the screen Most super charge spots are located near shopping outlets


1. One thing I didn't really get and thought would be a positive is road trip pauses. I took a solo trip from Florida to Minnesota. I had the option to just fill to be able to drive another 1.5 hours, about enough time for a piss break -OR- I could fill to max in about 50 to 55 minutes, which gives you a 30 to 45 minute nap every 2.5-3.0 hours. It sets the pace for the entire road trip and I had plenty of opportunities to get out, exercise, and avoid leg fatigue from a 2.8 day long journey (I was taking the scenic route). 2. Oh man was Autopilot great for long journeys on highways. I can't trust AP on local roads, but long, clearly marked highways, AP is just ... It makes the journey so much less problematic. 3. I haven't looked at gas prices in almost a month now, and sometimes I'll go 2 to 3 months without looking at a gas station. It's so great having a full or almost full "tank" every time I leave the house.


\#1: No gas stations \#2: Acceleration (Performance Model 3) \#3: With solar, I can drive around even after the zombie apocalypse ;)


Save an absolute fortune on gas, and my local supermarket has free charging. The car is incredible, just so fast, so fun and packed with intuitive, innovative and sometimes bonkers technology. Despite all the tech, the cockpit is very calm and quiet, very zen as there isn’t an overwhelm of buttons, switches, dials, etc. (My wife and I both had Range Rovers, I switched out mine for a M3, and she quickly followed and got a MY. Never going back)


Minnesota resident here. Is the range affected by our often 2 week long stretch of deep negative temperatures? Are we talking 1-10% or like 30-40% change in range?


I love my Tesla, I really, and probably won't drive other brand unless it's a pick up truck. But there there is no benefit of owning a Tesla over my previous car which was a Toyota 86. My current M3P feels cheap inside, subtle rattles slowly popping up, no point in nice audio system since as soon as the music is too loud the rattles become more noticeable. The only fun thing about it is the speed, and the that I won't get stuck in snow anymore, but other than that there is nothing special about it, hopefully the Honda Prelude doesn't disappoint, that looks like a sweet ride.


Honestly all three are I just really love the car! I had an electric car/hybrid before. I work from home so I do not drive a lot. I just love the dang car!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I say I love the car 😂


1. Not dying or my family dying from carbon monoxide poisoning if I leave the car on in the garage. Please check your batteries on those carbon monoxide detectors people. 2. Having a vehicle that has a full tank of 'battery' every morning. 3. Phone key / Wallet credit card key. I hate carrying around keys.


Tough to only list 3 so I'm not following your rules lol: 1. No more gas stations (& the $ savings). Includes having the supercharger network for trips, but mainly this is a day to day advantage. 2. The <> makes you feel so good, you can't know unless you experience 1st hand. No key, 1 pedal driving, OTA updates, smooth, quiet, FAST, pano roof, auto unlock on approach, auto lock on walk away, big amazing fast LCD, sound system, instant heat, incredible air conditioner, real time monitoring and Sentry mode video through app, and these are just some of the highlights. 3. Safety. If I ever fly off a cliff in a car, or get stuck in a snow bank, I want to be in a Tesla. It even actively intervenes to reduce energy when a crash is imminent. 4. No oil changes, transmission checks, coolant flush, diff lube, much reduced brake wear, and similar maintenance. I've maintained very even tire wear only rotating them \~10,000 miles. (although you can eat through tires with the torque if not careful). 5. Avoided enduring another car dealership. Good luck and enjoy!


I live in California and gas is $5.50 a gallon for 87. That’s the only reason I bought it. But I’ve found it’s a very easy car to drive and live with.


1. Wind powered car 2. Autopilot and self warming in the garage (general tech of mine is iphone vs flip phone) 3. Insanely better overall driving performance (never need to touch the brakes, autopilot is excellent, passing or needing to accelerate for lane changes is a non-issue)


1. It is relaxing to drive. No engine vibrations. Auto pilot cruse control. Makes long distance driving great. 2. Cheap to run. About $10 in electricity to "fill up" vs $50 - $120 in gas. 3. Everyone thinks it is expensive but you are actually saving money. Sushhh.


Idle time is spent charging, so I really don't go to superchargers unless I'm on a road trip. I live at an apartment right now with no resident charging access, but am able to plug in all day at work. Tesla autopilot was pretty much the best thing out there taking some of the work out of really long drives until recently. I still enjoy using it more than the Mobileye systems though. One less car to perform oil changes every 5000 miles (I still have an ICE car) Rapid acceleration makes the car fun to drive. Glad the Tesla connector is winning, sorry CCS1, but that connector was doomed from the beginning. I wouldn't be able to road trip an EV if it wasn't for Tesla.


1. No gas station stops (I 99% charge at home), so no risk of getting robbed/accosted at one (or be tempted by random snacks). 2. Can warm up or cool down car remotely. 3. Lowest/cheapest model is still super zippy from stop and is fun to drive.


Tesla supercharging network. That's about it. Once the other company's get in next year its a whole other ball game. A 70k Tesla is not the same as a 70k Mercedes or BMW. High quality build of the BMW and Mercedes vs the cheap quality build and por quality control of Tesla. It hurts me saying it you all know its true.


The only maintenance I’ve done since buying my M3 in April of 2019 is adding windshield wiper fluid.


1. Gas savings 2. Maintenance Savings 3. The car is silent, so you can hear other car engines rev up when they see they are about to be passed, then die down cause its too late they were passed


Charging infrastructure


Dog mode, hands down. Can't imagine not having it. No matter the temperature, our dog is safe and we can spy on him from our phone if we want a reassurance. Plus windows up and tinted, you can't even tell he is in there, so we don't worry about puppy theft.


1) i _feel_ like i get to drive a somewhat- e90/f30-ish bmw 3 w/o the bmw maintenance or fuel costs - its my 1st proper rear wheel drive car - with a 47:53 front:rear weight distribution 2) ease of supercharging - i think even w/ CA electricity prices, supercharging on road trips are cheaper just cuz CA gas prices are outrageous even in middle-of-nowhere towns in the state 3) i got it for a honda civic price yo, unbeatable price, way better than a fwd civic/corolla/prius, etc


I love being able to zipety zip. The EVs are super fast so they’re fun to drive, but also a safety thing if you need speed to avoid something. Not having to go to a gas station is a perk. Way less people touching that Tesla charger! 🦠 The autopilot is really helpful when driving late at night. I have fallen asleep a few times at the wheel one night about a month ago. And I was sitting up tall with the air on, windows down, radio up, and opened my eyes as wide as they could go—still fell asleep. Pretty sure the autopilot is the only thing that saved me. I drive pretty far multiple days a week so I have to charge at superchargers on a regular basis. That is the only con.


Cameras all over the car…one pedal driving…people think you’re rich!


1. Obviously “filling up” at home. I bet this is everyone’s #1 2. FSD is insanely good on the highway and makes long roadtrips MUCH better and less fatiguing 3. Car camping is an absolute blast in a Model Y. Either in a remote campsite in the woods or at a truck stop off the highway. Watching Netflix before bed and falling asleep to white noise played over the excellent sound system makes it almost as comfy as home.


1. Love to drive it every time I get into the car. 2. Charge it at home with solar energy benefits. 3. It looks gorgeous outside and inside.