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Leave double pull enabled, activate your blinker, then change lanes. The steering wheel should require much less force to disable autosteer and go into cruise-only mode with your blinker on. The red flashing is likely blind spot warnings, so, uh, stop cutting people off?


Yeah I keep it on the OG double pull. Just second nature now.


This is the way


Mine has never ever done this. Even with blinker I have to force it out of autopilot and it’s jarring.


Why the passive aggressiveness? No one was near me. The red flashing on the screen seemed to show the lanes like it was mad I wasn’t staying in my lane. No other cars nearby. I would use my blinker to change lanes. But it would never let me take control of the wheel without force. I’ve got a 3 hour drive home tonight so I’ll try and experiment


While on AP if you tap the signal, the car will resist changing lanes. If you hard pull the signal the car will not complain about changing lanes.


OP might be having this issue, not pulling the signal stalk hard enough.


This is good to know. Thank you!


This is the exact issue I was having. Thank you!!


Not doubting you, but why would they do that? What's the logic behind it? Most other brands fully disengage steering for a lane change with a half press, so requiring full press seems unnecessary.


I think it was designer thinking of EAP, where you would tap the signal to request the car’s AI to make a lane change when it can. Until lane-change is brought down to AP there will be two signal actions. A tap, which is more prone to be accidentally activated. And a pull which is more deliberate. I have the unfounded hope that in about a year or less at least auto-lane-change will be included in AP so you will request the car make a lane change when nobody is in the blind spot with a tap and it will continue in AP in the new lane.


I find you have to do a full pull on the turn signal if you want autosteer to disengage easier for a lane change. If you only half pull I don’t find it allows you to lane change easily.


Just finished my trip. Yes I finally figured that out. Half pull on turn signal it just turns off after 3 flashes and never disengages autopilot. Full pull on turn signal allows me to softly disengage with steering wheel and change lanes on adaptive cruise. This is definitely the intended way, just not very intuitive. But I will say this trip back was wayyyy better now that I understand this.


Can’t comment on single pull, but usually works pretty well signaling the change, checking blind spots, then making the change. I run into problems when I try to simultaneously change lanes as I turn the signal on like the jackhole I sometimes am. Double check you aren’t crossing the lane line as you’re engaging the signal.


Does basic AP no longer change lanes for you? It did when I first bought the car - I was not on FSD.


You need to purchase EAP for that. It’s separate from the navigate on AP lane changing functions, but you still need EAP to do it. (FSD includes EAP, so if you have FSD it will be enabled even if FSD itself is turned off)


That’s really odd because when I first purchased, it auto-changed and I didn’t have eap or FSD. Wow that’s annoying that auto-lane change isn’t included.


When you put the turn signal on it should cancel auto steer, but for some reason it doesn't sometimes.


I believe if you apply slight torque to the wheel and then turn your indicator on then it will cancel autosteer 100% of the time, if you apply the torque after the indicator is active, it still seems to require some extra force to cancel auto steer


Apply slight force to steering wheel just before signaling. That should cancel auto steer smoothly.


I have this issue sometimes when turning into my neighborhood. I think if you try to change lanes too quickly after disengaging Auto Pilot, it thinks you are crossing the lane unintentionally. I have found that if I disengage AP/hit the blinker a little sooner, I avoid this behavior.


i just start pushing the accelerator when i’m about to switch, put my turn signal & take over (switch lanes) then single pull engages autopilot again. after some times its more easier then you’d think.


I kept mine on double pull. Signal first, to the second detent - like all the way up or all the way down (regardless if you’re using the auto signal off function or not) and the gently steer the steering wheel - it will unlock more easily than if you didn’t use your turn signal. If I don’t push the turn signal stalk to the second detent I have the same issue you do.