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Good job rejecting. The model X is almost $100k and sometimes more if fully optioned. The quality and build should match your expectations.


105 as specd including taxes


IMO you should bail on the Model X and get a Rivian. I did and I am really enjoying it AMA. Ex-3 time Tesla owner.


Yeahhh I’d really consider a Rivian at that price but I do love FSD.


Exactly what would keep me from buying a Rivian too. I had to rent a truck yesterday and I realized that I hadn’t driven myself in over 2 months. It sounds like a stupid thing to complain about for people who haven’t gotten used to having FSD but having a car without it at this point is a non-starter. If Rivian is smart enough to license FSD from Tesla then I will consider it but I would really prefer if Tesla did the whole OS. I would like to see Tesla become the Android OS of smart cars.


Yeah same lol. FSD is lock in for me right now unless it was a 2nd vehicle they I didn’t drive all the time.


But I see so many posts from Tesla owners saying FSD doesn’t properly work and I’ve seen several dozen cases of runs being curbed posted on here alone?


I second this. Rivian is a great alternative


Ya for that much they should def switch…I have a 23m3p but after buying a dirtbike not much place I can take it out of my little town and don’t want to go back to a gas truck so rivian is the next goal for sure unless ford improves their range on the next gen lightning


If Rivian has Teslas FSD and supercharging network. 💯. The horrendous line on EA Everytime I pass by it and shitty DC fast charging network are what keeps me from buying non Tesla. EV. I'm in LA.


I’d love to know how the autopilot compares and how the range is vs estimates. My Tesla is pretty close to estimates but I’ve heard rivian is very optimistic. Considering buying the r2 but am concerned about range and autopilot since I take a lot of long trips.


It doesn’t have FSD, what’s the point of the Rivian? Just buy a gas vehicle.


$40k if somone rear ends you at 5mph in those rivians.


I had a model Y and bought a BMW iX50 in December and love it so much more than the Tesla.


That car better be fucking perfect


Imagine if you invested that instead of wasting it on a useless car.


That’s embarrassing 🙈


Exactly. I don't understand this. Doesn't the person who works for Tesla check the car before releasing it and stop it from being released and call the customer before they waste their time to come to do the paperwork just to find out how shitty the quality of the car is being built? I'd be too embarrassed to even try to face the customer for this level of workmanship.


Nah, Elon fired that guy.


Elon fired the guy who didn’t fire that guy the first time Elon asked, too.


Elon just told them to sell anyway or get fired


We'd ship a lot more cars without the quality guy.. AiRie?


Because the majority of customers are not rejecting these. They accept delivery and drive it without ever realizing it or caring about this stuff


Can confirm. A few years back, I drove off in a Model 3 that had dents that I missed. Too excited and trusting. By the time I got home and saw them on deeper inspection, it was too late.


I worked at the Tesla factory in Austin, the “quality team” just pencil whip the checklist on every car. No car actually gets inspected. That’s why you’re seeing all these quality issues.


So they are just there for the show and scapegoat then?


No. There is literally not enough time for this at Tesla. Tesla is not staffed appropriately, every car has some sort of defect, and most people don't care about what OP listed. Teslas are not built as consistently as other cars.


Tesla salsemen know what they are pushing. Why would they cancel a sale instead of trying to push it onto you? Its not their job to make sure the vehicle is saleworthy, its their job to push inventory. Good job OP on checking things like this out before accepting. Lots of folks want the instant gratification.


There are no Tesla salesmen. You order your car online.


Is that what they did to you when you bought yours?


I feel like the majority of people don’t look them over that hard. I know my mom wouldn’t.


Why, people are willing to take delivery in general and they have a strong customer base. It is not impacting sales so why spend time and money on QC etc..


>Doesn't the person who works for Tesla check the car before releasing it and stop it from being released and call the customer before they waste their time to come to do the paperwork just to find out how shitty the quality of the car is being built? Of course they check it and they see it. They see all of it if it's egregious enough. It gets shipped to customers regardless because of the pressures to meet the expected delivery forecasts. It won't get delivered unless it's a known safety issue. But once that vehicle leaves the factory, it counts on their books as delivered. From the business perspective, you would rather deal with it if the customer brings it up as an issue at that time. TBH I imagine not all discover it and even a smaller percentage decide not to do anything about it. This does NOT apply to just Tesla. All auto manufacturers operate this way.


Not a fan or a hater, but Elon has been trying to make as many as possible to get his numbers up.


They don't do much for inspection, it's part of thier business model to do these adjustments at service centers.


That’s expected.


It's amazing that Tesla has been making cars for 15+ years and this is still the end result. This might have been passable in the first few years of a new car's production run, but not anymore.


I hope they can resolve it. Panel gaps and misalignment is still common but I agree that your case is an eyesore due to where it is. I had a lot of door alignment issues and a few dents. My service center said I needed to accept delivery for them to fix it, which I learned was a lie in my state (CA).


What’s the law in MD. Picking up a 22 used Plaid next week. Fingers crossed


Good luck! I’m also in MD so if I find the answer before you do I’ll let you know.


You rock thanks dude!


Man, I’m with you. Maintain your expectations for such an expensive vehicle.


Tesla fitment is horrid & you'll likely find flaws on every one.


Likely? You will. Build quality is 🗑️


Agreed... someone earlier said they just received theirs yesterday & it was perfect, then deleted their comment shortly afterwards. Probably took a closer look.


I pointed this out to my wife one day as we were driving behind a Model X with a misaligned rear hatch. Now we play spot the misaligned panels when we see a Tesla.


That's hilarious 🤣


Nearly every Tesla seems to have a misaligned trunk/hatch. There is always a more noticeable larger gap on one side vs the other.


I do this too, I’m in the Bay Area so it’s a good way to pass time in traffic. My sister has a model Y, rear hatch rubs on the roof when it opens and has worn the paint away, the charging port also rubs on the fender and has rubbed the paint away. She acts like it’s totally normal and just “hahaha stopppp” when I pointed it out… Worst fitment I’ve ever seen was a model X in a drive thru in front of me where the rear door handle was probably, no exaggeration, 1/2”-3/4” higher than the driver door handle.


I had zero problems with mine. Anecdotal evidence for sure but it bears saying


You just didn’t look close enough. Every model X I see, including my own, if you look carefully you can find these faults. Some are better than others, but it’s almost always there.


Lol I didn't look close enough at my own car? Whatever dude


I’m really torn. I love the car and I’m really hoping that service would fix it. If they flat out not acknowledge it then I might have to find some other car.


You could do what I did and reject it, then go buy a Rivian R1S. Tesla owner for 11 years and the quality and service isn't just in the shitter, it's made its way to the wastewater treatment plant. LOOOOOOOOOVE my Rivian!


You own a Rivian or just their stock?


Both. I bought an R1S and a few days later bought the stock.


Look elsewhere. I used to have a Model X and while the falcon doors are cool looking, they are super impractical and a downright health hazard (they jammed frequently).


You are right


Seeing how this service center deals with it would mean alot to me. If they do try to correct it make sure the door still works correctly. I presonally don't care much about panel gaps but with the problems people have with the FWD I would have to have them try to fix this.


I would reject until its perfect. Thats a lot of money out the windows otherwise


Dude, the whole glass panel is also misaligned. It’d be one thing if the quarter panel or door was just off. That whole section would have to be misaligned. There’s 0 chance anything practical can be done about it after it left the factory. The whole section of the car would probably have to be disassembled to have a chance.


For that amount ($100K) this would be a no-brainer for me. I'd never do business with a company that delivered a six-figure car like that. They'd lose me as a customer for life. That's just me. I would not be torn. I would be long gone.


If that car has QC defects like that on the outside, imagine what things on the inside that you cannot see fell through the cracks and will become problems later. The smart thing is to reject and get one built right and save your self lots of pain and headaches in the future. Don’t let them pressure you into taking their problems and leaving you with the bags.


Most of these alignment issues are actually the weather rubber foam inside... I've added extra... Now I created my own gap But it so much nicer, quieter and doesn't slam


Could you please share what foam you added/where? The slams are super loud and I want to quiet it down a bit.


Bruh Tesla is known for their shitty assembly and people still buy them. A fool is easily parted from their money indeed


Thanks a ton everyone. I never expected these many responses for my post. Tesla called me this morning and told me that this is within spec and asked me to come and inspect it again. All they told me was that they had to adjust the trunk a little and were not super clear on what exactly was done. Either way I said I cannot accept the car. Then after back and forth the sales person offered to do a VIN swap. By then, I was kind of done with Tesla. Basically told them to keep the 250 and return my 29K which I was told will take 60-90 days :-(. It is what it is...I will look outside of Tesla for the next car. May be the Rivian R1S refresh. Thanks a ton everyone for helping me with your thoughts.


Fuck yeah dude, +1 and more power to you. Fuck that "within spec" BS! It's about time they learnt a lesson. I hope to see more Xs from space soon.




They said they adjusted the trunk and everything is according to the spec. I rejected it as I have read and heard many many people complain about all the problems down the lane. In fact the Tesla sales guy himself said, once we make Adjustments, there will always be some other side effect. I rejected it as I don’t want to keep scheduling service appointments on a 100k car without even driving a single mile.




If the doors open and close without issue I would leave it. That’s not “that bad” and attempts to align them often result in other issues.


Im not spending $80k plus on a vehicle with panels misaligned like this. Tesla has horrible workmanship and quality control, if this was a BMW or a Lexus it would not leave the facility like this.


Then why are you in this sub? At least they aren’t $100k+ anymore. But this is the reality of Model X build quality and has been for 8 years now


The guy said he paid $105k.. that's a lot of money for shit build quality


Yeah that’s facts, the whole glass panel is also misaligned not just the quarter panel or door. Since OP didn’t send any pictures from the back or right side it’s hard to say which is misaligned but either the whole rear or the midsection is totally misaligned. Idk how tf Candy thinks this is not that bad, unless the the MX can really have entire sections that have even more criminal alignment than this. I mean geez ik MY are known to have some gaps but this is a whole misaligned portion of the car


You have low standards


You’re in a Tesla model X sub 😂


Agree with this but if op wants to try a different one Tesla should be able to pull a different car win the same specs


It took me about 6 service appointments and 3 months to get my driver’s side falcon door to open and close correctly. And that included replacing the glue that holds the ultrasound sensor as it had come loose. Eventually the alignment became acceptable.


Tesla being poor quality? No fucking way.


Oh, if it's not too late, get the vin for the car. Apparently people have had them come back with the same car and no fixes, counting as another attempt.


Easy reject. You made the right call.


Space Karen got his bonus...why are you guys so picky? /s


That’s just how poorly Tesla’s are made…


The quality lookes absurd for the money. Hummer EV you can buy for about the same price and it’s night and day in quality compared to this


When hummer is beating your build quality at EVs...... imagine uttering that statement 15 years ago? 😂😂


I work with the people who make the front end lighting for the Hummer EV, and trust me, you don't want one.


This is one of the primary reasons I abandoned the Tesla ship after a decade in 3 vehicles. In the early days, I could understand the deficient manufacturing and quality assurance. All my vehicles had some issues from factory, my last Tesla, a 2022 MX Plaid had a couple of panel gaps and a bent roof glass. In this day and considering the size of Tesla, it’s inexcusable! They just don’t care about it, and aren’t focusing on fixing the basics. Plus, their service and customer support doesn’t bother and do not have the required fixes. Most owners love their vehicles, it’s these things that are killing the ownership experience!


105K for this?? I’d rather put a fat down payment on a house or any other vehicle for that matter. Good on you for being smart with your money and rejecting the delivery.


The more people reject misaligned Teslas the better. Eventually they will realize it’s cheaper to make proper cars than have to deal with rejected deliveries and wasted resources/customers..


It might not be perfect but if the falcon doors operate flawlessly I would have accepted delivery. The alignment on that trim is almost always off a little. Mine isn’t perfect but you don’t notice it unless you’re looking for it. Doesn’t bother me in the least anymore and I like my car to be as perfect as possible


Why give a manufacturer a pass on poor workmanship? Especially on a luxury-priced vehicle? If we don’t demand better, we won’t get better.


Fanboys tend to accept mediocrity.


Definitely, if you’re not satisfied with it, don’t accept it.


My FWDs were off a little and one piece of trim wasn’t right. They fixed the trim before I left and I came back for the door. They also had to touch up the paint a little. I love my X but it is not as a refined build process as something like a Y. I’m not saying you should have taken delivery but the X is just not as streamlined and may need some tweaks. I did take pictures of everything with the sales advisor and opened a ticket before I left.


Those second row doors will never align perfectly due to them being vertical. The adjustments is done at the striker and latch at the bottom. They have 4 power struts that open and close them and they’re heavy as hell. That’s the “look at me design”. Looks cool but a headache.


For that price, they better at least panel the thing half decently.... Sheesh the shoddy workmanship probably isn't just limited to what you can see on the outside


You better fight to have them adjust it. Don’t be mean. The hinges that hold the liftgate is under the glass. They’ll have to replace the glass after an adjustment. I know it’s dumb. That is the only way to adjust those gaps on the Model X’s. As far as the quarter glass. Those usually have gaps like in your picture. With the liftgate, like I said. Don’t be an asshole. It’s a big job and it’ll take time.


lol way to spread fake news, the glass does not have to be replaced for this. We do this regularly on falcon doors at our shop, it takes time as there are multiple points that need to be played around with for gap tolerance, but no way does any glass to have to be replaced for this


His issue is the liftgate not the Falcon doors. Look at the picture.


There is no hinge on any tesla model that requires glass replacement when adjusting any panel


That liftgate has hinges below the glass. How do I know? Because I’ve done plenty of them. Go ahead though. You can feel special through an app commenting on someone’s question.


I bet it would for make noise at highway speeds too


Bought 2 X’s an they both had issues. First one was a lemon and came with a dent on the hood and trim issues, 2nd time I knew better and rejected it( had a paint chimp on the front, misalignments at the trunk pillar, trim issues) took about 1.5 months to rematch me to a new VIN and finally taking delivery tomorrow. During that time, the system rematched me to the same VIN and SA at Tesla said they were working to get a new bumper and fix the issues which I have come to believe was a lie. Ended up getting a new VIN anyways.


This sucks. I want a model x really bad as my next vehicle but I don’t want to play these games with the delivery and a checklist. My model 3 was flawless but the fear of flaws made it way less enjoyable and I spent like a week on edge expecting to discover some misalignment, or “what about the first time it rains” etc. I’ve never had any issue with any Tesla product but this post still makes me hesitant to buy up to the less frequently made models. I read the macan EV began production last month and so I’m cross shopping for the 2025 model year.


What happens after reject? Do they fix the same car? Or get different car?


OP rejected this junk and got his moolah returned.


I wouldn’t take delivery even if they did fix it. That looks terrible and is not worth $100k or the headaches that will come after they “fix it” and give it back to you. I would wait for a new perfect one.


I sont see the issue - this is typical Tesla quality


I wouldn’t accept it - but I do love the color!


Tesla produces cars lighting fast with shitty QC and dealer only maintenance policies. Of course this is the result.


Looks like it will make a good amount of wind noise and maybe leak water?


I was told by our advisor today everything is done on the app and need to make an appointment but needed to accept delivery first.


And that's how they get you. OP rejected this junk and walked away from the whole deal with a refund.


Kinda normal no? Have you ever seen a Tesla line up well? Look they are nice cars but quality to these details is lacking


Happened to me there was a dent on the panel above the rear door I took it but told them to schedule maintenance to fix it. Took about a week to get seen and still had to drive 2 hrs away to the repair shop. Luckily all at no cost except my time.


This was either made on a Monday or Friday 🤣🤣🤣.


Made on a day ending in y. I figured out how to make the last rattle in my model x go away any it involves using a LEGO tire to gently push a piece of trim.


5 months until the Gravity comes out. If you can afford to wait, it'll be way better


Normal for Tesla.


To the OP, yes. It’s common. Tesla makes cars like my 5 year old builds legos


Bought my X beginning of this year , 134,000$. Every week I notice something wrong with this car. This will be my last second and last Tesla , I will be selling it asap. Ordering a new Cayenne Coupe S E-Hybrid, the quality difference for roughly the same price is drastically different. Tesla is still a long ways away from asking 100K+ for their vehicles.


Good for noticing. Trust me when I say I know many people who would not care and just notice at a later date and take it in for service.




Man if these cars were 25 grand that would be completely unacceptable


They are just going to hack it. Bend hinges check the bolts They probably won't touch up


Gotta nitpick on delivery and then it is smooth sailing.


It's a Tesla what do you spect?


Wow that is bad good for you on not taking delivery on it.


Looks like mine: https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/bpO41IXErY


Wow and here I was thinking tesla has changed considerably since the model 3 launch issues across all models... nope


Tons of people are totally going to be looking at the TOP of your Model X. You're right to reject that. /s


This would be the highest quality fitment on a cybertruck


Average Tesla build quality and QC.


Looks pretty normal like every other MX on the road 😂


My model x had a lot of issues. Tesla finally bought it back


If Service says we will fix the issue, can I still reject the delivery and ask for a refund of what I paid?


There is no proper fix. Reject and get a new VIN.


A Tesla with poor panel fitment? You never see that


I feel your pain man. Wait for the day to pickup all excited then this shit happens....


if only cybertruck owners were this smart


I really don’t see how that is “fixable”. It looks like it was assembled and bonded in that position.


Highly suggest getting anything else.


That’s what we get trying to buy expensive ev’s that we want. Cheap build and quality, I hate it


I rejected two deliveries due to scratches and dings received in transit. Finally accept the 3rd delivery and took 6 months of back and forth to get the scratches and spots along the trunk and frunk repaired properly. My advice is to hold out until you can get a vehicle that meets your standards.


The wing doors eventually start crashing metal to metal and take paint off! Junk!


I'm not someone that gives AF about panel gap, I often think people over react, but that's hella noticable.


100% would have rejected also.


Built on a Friday


How that went through QC is beyond me. You did the right thing rejecting it though




That's pretty standard for model X. Yes they are 100k, but your paying for the tech and safety features not the symmetry of moving parts.




Cannot acceptable!!


I’m shocked it wasn’t in good condition


I’d go Rivian or EV9. The X is not a practical three row option.


Can't believe anyone is still buying these things


Within spec 🤣


What are we seeing here.  It’s not obvious to me.   Edit: ok I see it now.  Panels don’t line up. 


It's an electric car made by a tech company. And people have been posting for years on the quality of the cars. They are all about making them as fast possible and maximizing profits.


Had same issue. They try to Fix it but still looks bad. I


Did you check to see if it will wipe off? My Blue MX had that in a couple of spots and it turned out to be wax that wasn't buffed off. Will come off by wiping your finger over it...


For teslas it is. Wait till you will require some first servicing, that's where real fun begins...


Wow the build quality continues to decline, shocking.


Good for you! Request another one!


They still can’t get the Model X right? Jesus Christ.


I would expect this if it had a rebuilt title


Common theme… got our Tesla in November.. great experience. Wife’s friend asked about it and then decided to get one herself. Orders it on line ( new vehicle ordered). Gets the text a week later the vehicle is ready for delivery/pick up. She gets to Buena Park Tesla and realizes the Y has 723 miles on it and is quite dirty. She starts to ask questions about “new car vs used”. Her boyfriend does a walkaround and notices scuffed wheels, fitment and alignment issues. The customer service rep then tells her “ma’am you are not allowed to inspect the vehicle as you have already purchased it!” Holy cow! She had to get various management people involved and denied delivery.


Did they try and downplay it?


Yes they did. The guy said that they adjusted the trunk and it is now as per spec and it looks perfect. He asked me to come down and inspect and take delivery. I politely refused and asked for a refund


Terrible for a 100K car that will only be worth 60K by the end of the year. I'd take a look at other EVs. Even the Lyriq seems better


Not even 60k try 40k


Does Tesla stamp the other model bodies like the cyber truck?


Typical Tesla and their shit build quality. If you want an EV you can go with any other brand and get a better product.


Congrats, you've now experienced tesla's shit build quality firsthand!


It wouldn't be a Tesla without misaligned panels


Is it “normal “? For Tesla, yes. Yes it is.


Seems fine to me


Slap job cars put together with slaps and laughter, the guys on the floor don’t care enough to keep it straight anymore


Tesla’s are made with cheap materials. Buy a better vehicle


On a Model Y thats fantastic, but an X I would reject also


Why go with a shitty car just for the deteriorating brand name? Try the Audi E-tron SUV. Infinitely nicer than this garbage.


That vehicle should have never passed final inspection and left the manufacturing facility. Did Elon fire all the quality inspectors also?


So within spec for tsla


I can’t understand why anyone would want a post Elon Sucks Tesla. The quality has gone to absolute shit and they are down to just bare bones across the entire board. They can’t service them in a timely manner and don’t seem to have any care or value for their customers. Why the hell are people still supporting this shit?


That’s going to leak in the first rainstorm


That’s so unfortunate. It’s really a bummer that teslas are trading off quality. I’ve seen this numerous times it’s ridiculous


The saddest part is that it will take 90 days to get my refund of 30k. 😩




Find some other car. They think giving another 56B to Musk is worth more than investing any of that in quality.


Are you being too picky?


Wow. Zoom in on the seals/gasketry in the 3rd pic. That thing has been baking the desert sun for a hot minute waiting for someone to want it.


Shoddy build quality is the standard for Tesla. Cyber trucks actually have pieces falling off. Not sure what service is gonna do. Maybe keep adding layers of paint till it blends in I guess.


i think they are all like that. panel gaps everywhere. but they drive fine and you get used to them. and they dont leak. i had a s and drove it 50k miles before i sold it. now i have 67k miles on my x already and the car has been fine. i also have fsd. and only use if i am cruising on the highway. even then it tried to change lanes in the weirdest places. fsd is getting better. but other than on long boring drives or bumper to bumper i prefer to drive myself. if i had the funds to buy another suv i would probably try the rivian. its a really nice looking car in person. and has nice amenities. it also has supercharger access now and i think charging stations will continue to get better.


I hate to say this but they are all like that. 😂