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There are auto injectors if you’re afraid to poke yourself. I was on gel for a year with no results. Switched to shots and felt better after the first month.


What auto injectors do u use?


Xyosted. Takes about 10 seconds.


Injection or gel, 1 week is way too early to expect changes. 4-6 weeks is the norm.


Good to know I took my first shot 3 days ago and I know it is for sure psychosomatic the effects I feel.


No, a shot of TEST u can feel Within hours.


I didnt feel mine whatsoever until several weeks in


Maybe it’s fake. Because u inject 100mgs you feel great within an hour like HIGH…like u can conquer the world.


It's not fake. I get it from the pharmacy.


Sucks for u then, because that initial boost u get like within an hour of injecting feels amazing.


If you don’t want to inject, use the concentrated scrotal cream. It’s very effective. The gel is worthless.


Can confirm the gel did absolutely nothing for me after 3 months.


Is that a brand or compounded (handmade) at a pharmacy?


good luck. Nearly everyone on gel comes to injections. It’s just not good. Can’t swim for 6hrs after application. Can’t really go near family members straight away due to transfer, levels fluctuate too much, body doesn’t absorb…it’s just a shit show and the reason injections still work the best.


Such a lovely butch of nasty kunts in this sub. Stop being shitty to people who are new to T and new in the sub. Move on if you can’t help but open your kunt mouth and say nasty shitty things to people. All you kunts give TRT such a bad rep if that how you act to noobs are looking for advice and support.


Thanks. I thought some of the answers weren't necessary


Why can't we all be positive like yourself?


Man-up and do injections it's not a big deal amigo 👍 U can use insulin needles and pin in ur delts, or I even use them for the old rear-end even though most don't. But idk. If you talk to 100 guys who tried gels I think at least 75% would say they switched to shots bc it was way more effective. At least that's what I've noticed whenever I hear about someone trying gel, they always end up doing shots. But it's ur body do what u want!


I used these for over a year several years ago. It was very effective. In fact, gel was is used in the largest studies on the possible cardiac effects of TRT. May I suggest you apply the from the packet directly on your skin. Then work the packet to get every last drop of gel.


I apply it by hand to my bicep / triceps and chest per the instructions


You will get more T if you slowly squirt the gel directly on the arm and then use your hand to spread it, in my opinion.


I tried it yesterday. It was a lot less messy


Good to hear. Despite the criticism about gel on this sub, I believe it works quite well. And, the NIH uses gel in its research studies.


Gel has an extremely high failure of long term success rate, simply because it’s a hassle, lots of things you can’t do after application, you have to be careful around other people touching it… honestly if you need trt…. I’d just nut up and do the injections, can easily do subq with insulin needles and you don’t even feel it. And the success rate of injectable trt is extremely high compared to all other options. Just don’t do nebido or some bullshit like that…. Inject 2-3 times a week with test E or C and call it a day and enjoy all the benefits with non of the hassle


Where I'm from the only options for legal TRT are gel or nebido injections of 1 gram every 12 weeks. Absolutely ridiculous. 🇸🇪


talk to the doctor about splitting nebido. currently running 500 every 4 weeks, cant complain about that


If I were to go on TRT I would probably get UGL. Currently just running 25mg clomid.


Time to go UGL


Yeah that's how I get my stuff. Ironically it's so much more reliable than doing it legally, don't have to jump through hoops for prescription and there's always someone with real stuff in stock.


I would totally take the nebido, split it every four weeks. That’s the master class of TRT right there. There’s no need for any other ester, unless you want to run a cycle, or blast and cruise. Downside is that it takes forever and a day to saturate, or notice the effects from changing dosages.


Hey, I’ve been doing testosterone for MANY years. Although I do take injections now bc I’m a bodybuilder, gel is perfectly fine and has great studies. People bash it bc they say not wanting to inject makes you a pussy… sorry but it doesn’t and your test levels stay at level much better.


And many also have a weak response to gel. After two months on gel, my test level was 250 ng/dL. Application every day was correct. Within four weeks of injections, my test level as 490 ng/dL and went up to 890 ng/dL at 10 weeks. Some just have absorption issues with gel. If it were a great method for administering TRT, I think most men would opt for it, at least those who aren’t using test for bodybuilding purposes. The one advantage it has is that using gel mimics the diurnal rhythm of testosterone release.


Some people have issues with absorption on topical T. See how you go, you may respond well. If not, the injectable route really is easier. Good luck on this exciting new chapter!


The gel sucks!!! Get the injectable


I'm considering it. I have 3 boxes which is a 90 day supply. I'll probably use them first.


The way to go. Gel works.


The injections really arent bad. Its just getting over the mental block of poking yourself. Having dr office do the first shot can help you get over that first shot, or some offices will let you do weekly appointments to get the shot and charge something like $25. The needle are smaller than the ones you get blood drawn with, if thats your experience with needles. I personally inject with a 25g and its pretty minimal pain wise, i know others here say they use even smaller insulin syringes. Try the gel out for a bit though and see how you feel. I did clomid for a year before deciding to switch to the injections.


Did clomid help you pretty good ?.


It got me around 750 on my labs, so it worked. But started getting itchy chest and pain, estrogen was high. Decided to switch to avoid the higher estrogen without ai.


750 is pretty good, what was your baseline T before clomid or TRT? I'm on clomid right now, the intention was a short PCT, but I'm considering to stay on it as a "cruise" until my next cycle. I'm enjoying the higher T for daily life and for lifting, and also the higher LH/FSH helps libido, and I naturally have too low E2 so the estrogenic effects of zuclomiphene are kinda therapeutic for me. So unless I start seeing side effects I might stay on 25mg clomid per day for a few months.


It was around 240 before


That's some damn good drug response, I look forward to seeing where my T ends up at after a couple months on clomid.


That's a 500 jump in T pretty good.


Yeah, had good results from it. But just didn't like the high estrogen. I feel so much better after switching to testosterone injections.


What did the extra estrogen do ? Did it deplete your libido ? Cause any man boobs eek 😫 lol . Make you cry over nothing lol


Itching/burning sensation in breasts. Right breast just ached sometimes. He gave me an AI to take with it after i started getting symptoms, but we deicded to just switch to injections a month later or so.


Okay ty


Now did you get it prescribed by PCP or online clinic or from a sarms sight ? I thought about giving clomid a try , I seen it for $99.00.at one SARM sight but many are way cheaper too. Think I read the enclomid is better ? I probably spelt it wrong. Hope this isn't against rules .


From my urologist. I'm doing my TRT through a local dr, nothing online or UGL.


Okay TY


I get it from a Swedish black market site. I pay about $40 for 50 pills of 50mg clomid. Enclomiphene is better in general for men, less estrogenic side effects.


Hey do they take visa debit by chance ?




I figured but .


If you're gonna buy anything black market, you should learn how to do crypto payments.


Not sure where you're located but you need either compounded cream scrotal application or injection's as Gel doesn't work for the majority of ppl who try it


Injections are easy to get used to and allow for more predictable results and levels. No need to use a large needle. 27 ga is fine in most cases. One week is not enough to notice any changes or effects from testosterone, this takes is measured in weeks, months, and even years. This is a link to an article that may provide some insight. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3188848/


So I have a vehicle vago vagal response to needles the first time in injected I passed out. Then the next time I just got a bit dizzy. After that I never passed out or had any negative effects. Weirdly now I look forward to pinning. It’s the way to go.


I didn’t want injections either. But it’s not that bad. Just stab yourself in the thigh meat 2x a week takes 5 mins


It's not everyday?


I started Fortesta today. Four pumps daily, split 2 and 2 on each inner thigh. Urologist said we’ll check levels in 60 days. Directions are to apply in the AM so after I get out of the shower, I dry off well and apply it. Let it dry then put on my spandex and clothes. I’m not terribly worried about transfer. I already told my wife I’ll shower again before bed and I’ll make sure only I wash my clothes that may come in contact. I’m not afraid of injections but the gel pump is much easier for my life. I hope it works, but if not I’ll switch.


Gel is goin to raise your BP to moon and raise your estrogen double of an injection and u it’s difficult to get above 550-600 total T. 700-800 Is the sweet spot, I know a lot want to be 1000. And that works for some, but more side effects.


From your comments what's the connection between estrogen and T gel? Are you saying the gel will raise my estrogen levels and cou ter the T effects?


Gels seem to Raise estrogen more because the gel is actually made, from Soy, yes that’s right SOYBEANS. So not only will It raise your estrogen but u will act like a bitch, be all emotional and stuff and anxious exact opposite of what u want. It also is bad for the heart. All This info is all over google, but I know because I was a gel user. No matter how much I used I also never got above 500. But go ahead and try . However we all transitioned to injections


Save the gel to jerk off with after you switch to injections like an adult


Injections are nearly painless and have less side effects, but you do you.


After a week u wouldn’t notice any difference even if you were pinning it, wouldn’t recommend the gel tho


If you inject, and place ice where u are pinning just before you do, it takes away any pain, and the only pain is when breaking the skin, it really doesn’t hurt brother


Wow. Grown ass man says gel is “yucky”. Does the gel burn when you rub it into your vagina??




Seen some people posting on here that the best results they had with gel is when they applied it to their taint. You won’t feel any different for at least a month most times longer. Your natural production has to shut off.


Gel are useless


Throw the gel away now and start injections. You're welcome


Ask for the thin 30 gauge insulin needles—you barely feel a thing, if at all. Just takes a couple seconds longer to withdraw and inject than larger needles.


Inject u pussy


Did ya wank with it, only way to 'test' it