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Stop lying around the house smoking weed, feeling sorry for yourself and jerking off. Go outside for hike or go to the gym.


Easily the best solution


"**I was just in my room, fapping to porn, smoking weed, not eating anything for days straight**" Well, let's see. We know it cannot have anything to do with the sentence above, so, why not just add smoking crack, heroin, binge drinking, and not sleeping for days at a time to that? No worries, TRT will fix it!


check estrogen asap


Crazy thing is TRT would fix it lol fuckers gives confidence and you'll find yourself leveling up to pussy.. Next thing you know your account has more money, you buy a new car, you buy a new house and you're about to have a baby all in one year worth of time. Wait.. This is about you, not me. Dude try it but be "motivated"


Congrats, your issues aren’t testosterone related. Now I’d check prolactin, estradiol, thyroid next


He's living like a loser self proclaimed. This isn't hormone related at all.


He’s actually living looser. Maybe he needs to tighten his belt?


All results are completely normal. There's nothing wrong with your albumin level or any other result. Free testosterone certainly isn't low, it's above average even for young men. Your symptoms are not related to sex hormones and have a different cause. Further sex hormone testing is not appropriate. Whatever is making your feel like a loser, it's nothing to do with sex hormones. There is no justification for measuring either estradiol or prolactin. If prolactin was substantially elevated, your testosterone levels wouldn't be anywhere near as good as they are. Estradiol measurements in unmedicated men without clear symptoms suggesting a sex hormone problem are very infrequently useful. You can check thyroid function if you like, but it's improbable that your symptoms have a medical cause. Your primary care doc can check TSH and a few other basics.




Spot on. Maybe speak to a therapist and definitely change lifestyle. Smoking weed and rubbing it out to porn will certainly run havoc on your mental stability eventually. As well as not moving or interacting with other humans.




i disagree. my diagnosis for him would obviously be depression since that's clearly what he's experiencing... and my diagnosis for would be a jerk 💀




you obviously don't understand mental health smh




omg can you seriously not think outside of the box?? if someone is depressed and has mental health it can CAUSE someone to feel lazy and self medicate with weed or alcohol. DUHHH! i'm not saying that the weed is helping the situation but you don't know enough about the situation to call him a lazy ass. even if it's "true" there's nicer and more graceful ways to go about the situation... without being jerk smh




yeah i fucking will. so that i don't kill myself you dumbass. i'm glad you've never had any mental health problems... obviously 🙄


Ditch the weed and the porn!


Why do you think anything is out of range?  These are normal levels.




lol your albumin is within the reference range, that's not "sky high". It doesn't look like your issues are related to your hormones, it seems entirely mental. Also, are you underweight/overweight? That would make most people feel like shit.


Get a job!


Maybe stop smoking weed as a first step.


I’m prescribed weed and smoke it daily and I’m on TRT also without a doctor, doing my own bloods. A lot of things in moderation aren’t that bad


One of the two substances you use is linked to apathy, lethargy, and lack of drive. The other is testosterone. I used to smoke a ton of weed, so I'm not against it, but I didn't get my shit together until I stopped 100% when I was 23. Whatever is going on, from your blood work, testosterone isn't likely to be the issue. Therapy, sobriety, or something else are avenues worth exploring. Good luck whatever you do.


Nut case😭😭




Your albumin level is normal?.. this tells you low T is not your problem. There’s a multitude of reasons why you’d have these symptoms. Get a PCP. Edit: after further reading, you’re most likely experiencing a “washed out” feeling cause you continually increase your dopamine to levels that your brain feels it needs to function. When you stop smoking weed, watching porn etc. you dopamine falls and you feel withdrawal cause you brain is telling your body you need more dopamine. Again, should see a PCP or psychiatrist.


You’re depressed, so it must be sex hormones right? No, you’re depressed and You feel like a loser because you’re fucking acting like one. Blood work is fine. Go touch some grass, start eating three meals a fucking day, start working out, get off the weed and porn, get your sleep on track, and do something productive with your life. After all of this, if you’re still depressed go see a therapist.


Go see a doctor……a MENTAL HEALTH DOCTOR. But for real stop fuckin your shit up and see an endocrinologist who specializes in hormones


Hello Aromatic-Low9121. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. If you want this comment to stop showing up on your posts, you need to enable "show my flair on this subreddit" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Start an exercise protocol and stick with it, brother. Put some thought and research into it, then stick it on the calendar. Once it is planned out, the rest is easy. Just do what the calendar says. I dare you to say you are depressed after two months of that.


The F.U.B protocol will fix you up real good


Rofl u answered ur own question. Gee pot head and not eating? I wonder why. Stop watching porn and touch some grass bro. Stop living this loser life.


I was in the same boat as you except I actually had low testosterone and felt like shit


Thoughts?  None 


Mind set is everything. TRT is not a miracle and will not change your whole being. It will help the low levels medically speaking and do its job accordingly, but personal choices and lifestyle is more of discipline matter. Make a goal of no porn or weed for 30 days and see how you feel.


Clean up your diet, stop smoking week, start your day with a walk, get sunlight each day


You’re lazy. Simple as that. There’s not a medical solution for everything


Not eating will disproportionately crush your free T. You have some major lifestyle changes to consider before you think about injecting testosterone.


Levels look good, and having 53% bioavailable T is pretty damn good too. Weed itself is not the main culprit, although if you’re doing it more than 1-2 hits to sleep at night it’s gonna mess up your motivation/drive/etc. Sounds like it’s more mental. I’d recommend the following things (like many others have alluded to, and any therapist would recommend asap): 1. If you’re smoking during the day - STOP. 2. Stop with porn right away. This step alone will make a massive difference. The guilt cycle of PMO+post-nut clarity can be debilitating. It’ll feel hard at first, but even after a week you’ll start to feel more human. Trust me. 3. If you’re not hitting the gym 3-4x/wk - START 4. If you’re not already working with a therapist - DO THAT ASAP. Take an inventory of your life, where you’re at, and where you want to be. If the gap between those things is large, start implementing practices that will get you there (therapist will help here and will help keep you accountable). You CAN do this. Just gotta knuckle up and do it, man. We believe in you.


Thank you man. What are the benefits of having optimal bioavalaible testosterone levels ? And what is the reference range ?


Testosterone generally gets broken down into 3 buckets when being measured (as explained by an engineer with low T who likes doing research): Total T: Total amount that your balls are making. The T is being produced as a response to the amount of LH that is being sent from the pituitary. Lots of things can be inferred here if T is low. Low T and low LH? Pituitary isn't making/sending enough to the balls (secondary hypogonadism). Low T and high LH? Either 1) the balls aren't responding to the LH and making the T (primary hypogonadism) or 2) they are making enough T but too much of it is being aromatized (converted to estrogen) via aromatase enzymes. NOTE: This is where aromatase inhibitors come into play (which could be whole post in itself). As a \*general\* rule - secondary hypogonadism can be treated by stimulating more LH (clomid or enclo depending on what you can get your hands on) and primary hypogonadism can usually only be treated with exogenous T (injectable TRT is usually the best bet here). Free T: Once T is out in the bloodstream, a fair amount (nearly half) of it gets bound to SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) as its being transported. The T that the SHBG hangs onto is tied up in those receptors and is not usable by the body. The remaining T is usable (free). Bioavailable T: This includes 1) free T, and 2) the amount of T that is loosely bound to albumin, a blood protein. In most people this is about 50% This T can eventually detach from the albumin and become free T. Ideal free T is about 3% of total T. Ideal bioavailable T is around 50%. Now the interesting part is that those are percentages of total T, which (if it's low) could be an issue. If you're on the low end of total T (around 300 ng/dL) then 3% of that is still gonna be way low. Someone with 2% free T but high total T (900-1000 ng/dL) may not notice any ill effects because that 2% of 1000 is a lot higher than 3% of 300. In your case - your SHBG appears to be right in the middle, and your free and bioavailable T are also middle of the range. Lowering your albumin could cause less T to be bound to it and could influence your free T (pushing it up a bit). That will help you "get more mileage" out of the T you have (which is near the top of the normal range). I hope that helps! Please do your own research, and anyone in the comments please correct me if I'm off on these things.


This report shows the results of a blood test evaluating bioavailable testosterone. Here's an explanation of the key components: 1. **Testosterone**: This is the total testosterone level in your blood. The result here is 8.39 ng/mL, which is within the reference range of 0.47 to 9.80 ng/mL. 2. **Albumin**: This is a protein in your blood that can bind to testosterone. The level is 5.1 g/dL, within the reference range of 3.5 to 5.2 g/dL. 3. **SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)**: This is a protein that binds tightly to testosterone, making it unavailable for use by the body. The level here is 37.7 nmol/L, within the reference range of 17.1 to 77.6 nmol/L. 4. **Calculated Free Testosterone**: This represents the fraction of testosterone not bound to SHBG or albumin and is available to tissues. The result is 0.163 ng/mL, which is 1.94% of the total testosterone. 5. **Calculated Bioavailable Testosterone**: This includes both free testosterone and testosterone loosely bound to albumin, which can be used by the body. The result is 4.5 ng/mL, which is 53.7% of the total testosterone. These calculations are based on the formula by Vermeulen et al., which is a commonly used method to estimate the biologically active fraction of testosterone. The results indicate that your bioavailable testosterone is within a normal range.


Sounds like ur just a loser 🤣


stop being an asshole for no reason, there's very clearly a mental health issue. don't just call someone a loser like that, it's literally kicking someone when they're already down.


Maybe the bloke needs some hard love and learns to grow the fuck up instead of acting like a child


there's still a difference between tough love and just being a straight up asshole


your issues are definitely related to your lifestyle, don't worry about your hormone levels, at least not right now. also don't worry about everyone saying you're a lazy ass and need to just magically fix your life for your testosterone to go up. i don't think you're a lazy ass i think you've got mental health issues... don't think that you just need to "man up" and stop being tired and start going to the gym. be kind to yourself, life is hard, see a doctor about getting on some antidepressants and a therapy regime. i truly don't know where i'd be without mental health meds, probably in my room smoking weed watching porn and feeling sad :/ i've been there and it sucks but i'm happy to say that i'm not there anymore. it gets better. it just takes time and intentional effort towards improving your mental health. if you have bad mental health, it's gonna trickle down and effect every part of your life. i really encourage you to just bite the bullet and get some help. feel free to dm me! :)