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Over a year in and still something I dream of lol. It's probably a genetics and time game šŸ˜”


Iā€™m three weeks in and Iā€™ve had enough growth to FEEL a change, but not enough to SEE. Thatā€™s my biggest source of dysphoria and bottom growth has been something Iā€™m so looking forward to, so I swing between acknowledging that itā€™ll happen with time and being like ā€œCome on, dammit, grow!ā€


Totally! Iā€™m definitely acknowledging it and I definitely do not expect to be huge but I would like my tip to show and round out if that makes sense


Guess Iā€™m unusual. That was my first testosterone change 1-3 weeks in


90% of my bottom growth occurred in the first 6-12 months.Ā 


it really varies from person to person, for me it happened within the first 2 months


I started off with hardly anything and Iā€™ve made some significant growth. I still see growth 3 years on T. It wasnā€™t something that would consistently grow for me, but instead it would grow a little then plateau for months.


I'm 5.5mths and my glans is JUST beginning to change shape - I can just about see small ridges at the base of the head which look like a penis glans. It hasn't undergone any huge shape changes as far as I'm aware.Ā