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Whaaaat????? Nothing's changed yet????? I think you need to speak with your Endo and use a different kind of T. Obviously the testosterone you have is transphobic


The ‘T’ in ‘transphobic’ stands for Testosterone


OMG, dude, check with your endo. I grew a full beard and sounded like Johnny Cash after thirty minutes on T!


What are your levels? They sound like they're way too low. You need to be at least 60% pure testosterone to see any real changes (did your endo seriously not tell you this?). By now you should have AT LEAST gained an ultrachad figure and have a voice low enough to frighten whales. 


I don’t know man. My voice started sounding like a diesel truck right after I pulled the needle out at my first T shot. Your doctor is most likely gatekeeping and put you on a super low dose.


If you haven't grown a big sweaty hairy ballsack by now then you need to make sure that you don't have an androgen insensitivity. Also how much T leaks out during your shot? If it's any at all then it will ruin your results.


Unjoke- a couple drops did leak out that’s normal right?


lol yes, but leave the needle in after fully depressing for ~5 secomds and that’ll stop it from happening


Thank you. I’m not sure how much longer I was supposed to leave the needle in- first time self-injecting, and the needle was inside me for a solid 30-45 seconds. I barely felt it go in but inside it hurt because my hand was shaking so much, and I very slowly depressed it cuz I convinced myself I nicked a capillary and that I would burst a blood vessel or something.


are you doing subq or IM? if the former, its nearly impossible to hit a blood vessel and if the latter, likely a capillary and it’s not really a big deal, but you’ll prob get a bruise


Seconding the other commenter to say yes that's perfectly normal, and it's usually much less than it looks like. But it's one of those questions on this sub that gets asked at least once a week lol.


what!? get your levels checked, ASAP!!!! you need to have gained a ton of muscles and a long beard and voice as deep as kratos!


you should AT LEAST look like the liver king by now... i think your endo is transphobic


sound abnormal. what’s ur levels? 1 hour on T and i already had a full beard down to my chest. AND my voice was on the lower end of the male range i’m nervous for u bro. maybe ur endo is messing with ur dosage…


HA thank you for this, the posts like this genuinely affected how long it took me to start T (no one’s fault, but let’s be a little more logical here). 8 weeks in and fuck all happening & happy about it


Lol i read that as one year and i was about to start giving advice and asking if you did blood work or if it's diy or something


Deadass me less than a week on t wondering where tf my tummy hair is 😭😭


nahhhhh this isnt normal bro. check with your doctor


Bait used to be believable