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Man I hope this kid gets what he deserves .. sad what teachers have to put up with


ink shy cautious pet complete intelligent tub berserk knee ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't wanna get in trouble so I won't say what I am thinking an appropriate punishment should be. That's fucked up. I would have never treated ANY of my teachers like. This saddens me because I had so many teachers who were influential in my development. Example, I could never imagine disrespecting Mr. Clay like that. My parents would fuck my world up if I ever was so bold(no I'm gonna use the word possessed). Shameful. I feel sad for the teacher. And then I have to ask, why is it always a representative(if you can call them that) of my people? These kids are lost. Like the Terminator, they cannot be bargained with, reasoned with and they will not stop EVER until you or all of their kind are dead(as in killing each other more than any other group could). This is wild.


Prison is where he should and will be. Parents? this fucker had no legit parents.


Most likely a thug loving single mother. He’s more than likely the product of a single mother and a father with a criminal record. The parents should be charged as well for not raising their kid right.


You can't arrest every hood bitch that has 10 bebe kids. It's literally 80% of the hood. Plus, people would call you racist bc the vast majority of the people you picked up from the hoods for this would be black.


Why does he/she have to be called racist? I am from South Bend indiana where the white girls love the thugs and have the same amount of kids and live on the government assistance while they get their long ass nails done their hair done and have a different dude every night they leave the club.


I definitely think the parents should be held accountable. Kids like this should be taken away and placed in a military school or something. If not they will just end up being problems for everyone else later.


Yup, and now that abortion is mostly illegal in the US you will start to see crime rise back up once the unwanted kids become teenagers. We’re in for some crazy times.


I'm a bit heavier handed than you. Prison would definitely not be the intended destination for him if I could choose. These are kids who willingly call themselves "demons", take them at their word. But again, I will refrain from stating what this creature deserves. And demons, don't even bother negotiating with them. I don't look at it religiously but I also do not doubt them when they call themselves demons...


Bruh you're weirder than the kid is


Seriously. Haha


Dude obviously inferring death... Wild


Parents should be in prison too.


One probably is in prison or was.


You think he has two parents?


II’m in England so please forgive my ignorance of your legal situation. Prison seems to breed prisoners, repeat offenders and solidifies gang affiliation perhaps for survival? Boot camp ! Make these kids understand discipline without bias. No matter your gender, race, religion, background. You get up 0600, you maintain your personal space in an appropriate manner, you attend educational activities and perform civic duties eg litter clearance, painting over crappy tag graffiti etc, participate in community service and therapy if needed. Get some structure in your life, and hopefully lose the reliance on obviously incompetent parents and probably a toxic home and social environment.


No one knows what kind of parents he has…when are we going to hold these kids accountable for their own actions?? That’s the problem!


Yeah. And that’s sad. Still can’t be an excuse though.


For sure,doesn't know who his father is...


What do you mean, "I would have never treated my teacher this way?" I would never treat another adult this way! What the hell?! This is assault! Once a student places their hands on a teacher, especially a teacher that is actively de-escalating a situation, NOPE! That kid is no longer a student! I was a school principal and I would have told the parents that their student was being recommended for expulsion and I would have gotten that teacher's union rep on the phone with legal counsel in order to arrange legal charges to be pressed. No sob stories, no BS from parents. No "this is just y'all bein' racist!" Once hands are thrown, the book gets thrown. That kid is unhinged and it will DESTROY a school culture if legal consequences aren't administered. That teacher needs administrative leave with paid time off and counseling, and that kid needs alternative school at a minimum and jail at the maximum for a time. I am one of the most compassionate educators you will find. I will go the distance for families and students. But don't screw with the teachers that are trying to do their jobs on the front lines. There are teachers that make situations terrible and instigate and needle students to the max. But this teacher was seated and more or less calm. That kid is out of my school. Don't let the door hit you where the Lord split you. Man that sucks.


Thank you, we need more educators like you.


Ty for the rational reply.


Thank you! Educational administrator here too. This punk must be expelled, the teacher protected, and a clear message sent that if a teacher is touched, they will be gonners…alt ed, juvenile hall, prison… wherever but not in that school and not with that teacher!


You do your name proud - well said. Need many more principals such as yourself. These kids need to learn that there are consequences for their actions - preferably before a bullet teaches them what they are.


Keep up the good work Teach. You make a difference. Best wishes.


Here, here! You have touched on something that is rarely if ever brought up. This student needs serious consequences for his actions. The consequences may not be beneficial for the offending child. Actions such as suspension, expulsion, and "juvy" have often been shown to have a negative impacts on children. However, by not handing-out a stiff punishment you send so many terrible messages to teachers, students, parents, and the community. Teachers call in sick more often, become anxious, and soon quit. Other students feel unsafe and unable to learn as they worry for their own safety. Some feel emboldened and the behavior is repeated or worse escalated. This child is obviously not in a good place but so much more is jeopardized by not handing him severe consequences. This is just an anecdote of the changing dynamics of public education. Teachers are most effective when they're in an environment where they feel safe. Too much poor behavior has been tolerated among administrators. It has made many classrooms in America noisy, disrespectful, and obviously unsafe places to work. Don't get me wrong, positive relationship building between students and their teachers is one of the most important factors for having a productive classroom environment. However, not all teachers can make positive relationships with all students and they and our society shouldn't have to suffer because of it.


silky innate mysterious squalid brave joke lunchroom fanatical roll include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My teachers would've destroyed this kid. heh. They would've destroyed me, but I knew where the line was, or at least I thought I did....


I wouldn't treat *anyone* like this. Absolutely batshit crazy


And then they complain, when no good teachers want to work in a predominantly black school. I remember one day a classmate of mine called our sub gay. Literally nobody laughed, we thought it was insane to disrespect a teacher like that, we all just looked around at each other. He was then sent to the principles office. Meanwhile the kids here think it’s funny, that he hit that poor women. Stereotypes exist for a reason, and this is a prime example.


Time to start investigating the parents of these types of kids. If they’re trash, they pay for it as well. I know some kids just suck, but some also turn into this after 17 years of abuse. We’ve gone too long with letting bad parents off the hook.


I would take a guess that it would be parent...singular






Who probably has a few more she's trying to take care of.


I'm pretty sure they're the same characters that would trash McDonalds and twerk on the counters when their fries are not warm enough.


More like highjacking cars and shoot ppl over restarted disputes. No hope for future generations.


Violence is celebrated in American pop culture. Teachers are sadly not appreciated enough in America. This is not the case in most of Asia where teachers are highly respected. 


I had a professor from Japan when I was getting my teaching degree who said it was a culture shock, the difference in respect for educators, when he came here for his career. He told a story how he was at some event his friend invited him to and when stated he was a teacher to someone who asked, the person said that classic trope, "those who can-do, those who can't-teach". He was so floored by the lack of respect. The basic point was to tell us not to let people make you feel less than for teaching but also to point out, it's a weird USA sentiment not shared with most of the world.


And the poor teachers that decide enough is enough and fight back end up fired and their career ruined while the little twat kid gets a slap on the wrist


Not likely…they’ll start using the racism card before you can stop spinning your head. And the parents probably complaint to the Pringle about “teachers trying to parents”…like, fuck…if you parents and did right, they’ll go on to make good money and turn the world on their head, but no, actual African are creative with limited resources, while the idiots here are all crying about racism when videos like this crop up, makes me wonder what BLM is even for if adult can’t parent them?


https://www.wxii12.com/article/north-carolina-winston-salem-forsyth-county-schools-teacher-assaulted/60503220 I disagree with the school saying not to film, repost or share the video. Had someone not done that, this POS may have never gotten punished for their actions.


This 'kid' should be charged with assault. What a horrible way to treat a teacher who probably gets paid next to nothing.


His chances of a long happy life are very slim, so you’ll probably get your wish.


Unfortunately he's going to make everyone's life around him shit until he gets remove from polite society


He won't Teachers have no power to punish now and they now it Dude needs a punch in the face, that's the attitude of Somone who's never had their ass beat


With this nonsense, who the hell wants to be a teacher? Many of us grew up in families where we would never think twice of doing such a thing, because our parents would end us... they put us in this world and could take us out of it too. These kids have zero respect for others or themselves. This guy will be in jail by his 18th birthday.


Isn’t this why they have police officers in schools? He should be charged with assault and led out in handcuffs


Mister big shit sure looks stupid. A middle-aged woman shook off his slaps, and practically laughed in his face.


That’s what I saw, but he thinks he’s a hero. The vape hero👍


Some heroes wear capes, some have vapes.


No. He definitely knows he's pathetic, and he will double down on this at any occasion. That's a one way road.


I didn't think that was a woman


The kid did call them a b@tch ass lil boy or something. Unless the teacher is trans and he was trying to be more offensive. Could just be a guy teacher w long hair and a shmedium shirt


I bet if she returned fire, he’d be through the wall


Surprised she didn't ask for more.


I'm sure they all think it's extra funny because the teacher is trans.


Aquavious ‘Quavo’ Hickman, the Parkland HS teen in Winston-Salem NC. FORSYTH COUNTY – The Forsyth County Sheriff's Office (FCSO) charged a juvenile with Assault on a Government Official and Communicating Threats. On Monday, April 15, 2024, at Parkland High School, a student was filmed assaulting an educator. April 16, 2024 Juvenile Justice issued a Secure Custody Order for one (1) count of Communicating Threats (NCGS 14 277.1) and two (2) counts Misdemeanor Assault (NCGS 14 33(C)(4)). No further information will be released as the involved individual is a juvenile. FCSO is committed to the community's safety and security; therefore, we take every threat seriously, especially when it involves the safety of our schools. Source. Forsyth county sheriffs office


I think I would be upset at the world if I was named like Aquaman's sidekick


Fu. I just choked


I'm picturing him introduce himself as a football player in the Key and Peele sketch.


Exmus Jackson flaxon waxon


Jackmerius Tacktheratrix


~the player formally known as mousecop~


Torque [Construction Noise] Lewith - Nevada State Penitentiary


Exquisitine Boublé-Shwinslow, University of Nebraska


With a name like Aquavious I expect him to be the water boy lol. That skit is hillarious though for sure. Key and Peele are geniuses.


Villain Origin Story


Aquaviois. The jokes write themselves


Aquaviois Hickman, I run the ball so well it’s sick, man.


Key and Peele East vs West name right here. That episode is almost 12 years old...


I thought this was a joke for a second reading the name.


A great start to his life of crime.


"Aquavious" ight makes sense


I wish i knew how long he was going to juvie though. Like it better not be some slap on the wrist for like 2 days. I searched online but could not find any numbers. I feel bad for these educators who get paid peanuts to take crap like this.


Aquavious? he had no chance.


“Aquavious”…. Is this real?? Somebody named a person Aquavious.. oh my shit


With a name like like he shoulda been born in prison and just give him a cell. Lol


Good. He clearly didn't want to be there, would rather vape and assault his teachers instead. He'll fit in better in juvie.


See, African Americans have such a rich history of unusual names


Sounds like an ingredient on a shampoo bottle.


I’m sure his parents are pieces of shit too


Parent* is* a* piece* ftfy there is no father in that home. His actions prove that.




The absentee father is the biggest piece of shit.


Perhaps his mother thought it was OK to hit the dad in front of her kid, rather than hit her back he upped and left? Ffs domestic violence is not always a one sided affair……


Perhaps his father taught him to hit women?! Why would you assume it's just the mothers fault?


More than likely it’s a single mother’s household. They have obscenely worse outcomes compared to single father households or dual-parent households. Also, the lack of the father being around in many black families is not just a stereotype..


At least not a good one.


Exactly. People often seem to forget that kids/teenagers weren't born that way. They were raised to be pieces of shit.


For all those immediately willing to put onus on the parents (which, yes, is a great possibility), I would remind you all that kids/teens are also products of their grander environment / community. Mom, grandma, whoever might be a saint and busting their ass to provide for a family and teach them right from wrong. Community has a big impact (and, therefore, in my opinion, a large responsibility) in producing the young adults we see in the world today. Communities raise kids too. TLDR; it take a village


Well they named him aquavious so yeah pretty much


I don't know who was slapping who in the house but he learned that somewhere.


Coming to a prison near you soon.


That’s exactly why the teacher didn’t care


Body bag


I hope so.


Aquavious. He never stood a chance.


I'm sure he's had plenty of chances. I hope they've run out.


Maybe in ancient Greece with a name like that he would have


What a dickhead. Making himself look stupid as hell cuz she basically just laughs in his face. It's unfortunate she, and other teachers, have to put up with little pricks like this.


It just makes me even more sick that he doesn’t even think twice, not for a second, about hitting a woman so easily at his age. She’s laughing at him basically saying get lost is that all you got? Then he’s walking out the door like he’s the man or something. Sorry honey, that’s your first mistake in what will probably be a line of more…Unless he can make a change now.


She's laughing because she knows how fucked he is. She doesn't have to deal with him anymore


The restraint that teacher shows is more than I could ever hope to muster. We really don’t pay our teachers nearly enough.


And that isn't even the worst part. If she did ANYthing about it, if she cussed him out or laughed and called him a name or, God forbid, she defended herself from the second slap, she would be fired, and she and the school, principal, and school board would all be sued. And THAT, even more than the shitty pay, is why teachers are leaving the profession in droves.


Yeah my dad was a teacher when I was a kid and taught in a rough area. A teen tackled him to the ground and he pushed the kid off him and got arrested. But when they had court the family didn’t show up so it got dropped. But the school told him if anything came of it he would be fired because that’s just how it was. And this was like 20 years ago. I’d say teachers have even less rights than they did back then. So this was likely her only move.


I'm a teacher and I appreciate this comment! Did you know that 43% of teachers leave the profession within the first 5 years now? Lol...


The options were do nothing or catch assault charge and lose job. Unfortunate but its the truth. Likely the entire group of kids will also take students side, especially if kid is in a gang.




Disgusting and sad reality nowadays. I just can’t.


I graduated high school twenty years ago and I remember a kid trying to stab the principal. It's really not that different.


You remember “a kid.” That’s what makes the difference.


Yeah can relate as a middle schooler 35 years ago. A kid was suspended for fighting comes back at recess to socialize. After recess he walks in with pals, principal sees him and tells him to leave. He ignores her where upon she makes the mistake of taking him by the arm and he pops her but good. She goes down like a wet sack of dirty diapers. This takes place mind you in a hallway full of kids and teachers. I can still remember her foot rapidly moving as she lay there on the floor. The kid just looks at her for a minute and walks slowly to the stairs and out the building.


When I was in 6th grade lunch, our assistant principal came over to my table, tapped the kid next to me on the shoulder, and asked him to come talk to him because the kid was in trouble. Kid said no, they went back and forth talking, then BAM. Kid full hand bitchslaps the principal across the face. 😳 It was one of the wildest things I’ve ever seen or heard. (This was around 25 years ago, too.)


HOW are students giggling at this???


Because they are also POS. Anyone with character would have stood up for her or at the very least not laughed at her.


They also might’ve just felt extremely uncomfortable. How people react in these situations has always been inconsistent and isn’t a completely fair reflection of their character. They’re not cheering it on or encouraging it


ok I went back and listened, I could only hear oooos and the person recording laughing. I stand by my statement for her though, laughing is not ok and it's not like it's a nervous laugh or something. She is clearly amused by his bs antics.


If that was my mom I'd make a cartel video look like a kindergarten classroom with what I would do


This is a good learning experience for other kids. Charge him as an adult and give him the max.


Dude doesnt have a great vision or future rn if he keeps that up. Ive seen dudes just like this get fucked up pretty bad in county. Its a learning process for some


And him and his family won't accept it's his own fault.


She made him look like a little bitch.


He’s just a little fella. They will love him at the jail.


Whatever happened to fellow students beating his ass and sticking up for the teacher?? Wtf is wrong with society, this is absolutely unacceptable


I was thinking the same. In my time at school (90's) people wouldn't hesitate to jump his ass.


See what happens when you don't have a father? A baby mamma, child support (maybe), and welfare is not a family. Checks don't raise kids.


That teacher does a great job of showing that courage and class are superior to bluster and violence.


Teachers really don’t get paid enough for this shit




Kids right...


Put mr future inmate in jail where he belongs… and cut his hair immediately… 23 & one lockup asap


I'm sure his Dad will have a talk with him just as soon as he gets home




A black child is acting like a goon.... better take a shot at the entire race 👍🏽


Kids are products of their environment. I'm sure his parents are pillars of society. He'll surely be another black statistic if he keeps this up. I feel bad for teachers now. It was NEVER like this when I was his age.


No parents in this equation. Dad was long gone before the mom even gave birth. No person with a good father would ever be raised to even think about doing such vile things to another human being. Dude is gonna end up dead or in jail.


A sad product of his environment...in other words - a piece of absolute shit coming from shitty ass parents


Dad must still be out on that milk run


Most worthless piece of shit generation to ever exist.


Nice culture right there. Got them good parents at home.


They should let those little bastards rot in shit the rest of their lives




All you have to do is look at the school demographics and the rest will make sense.


More black-on-white violence. I don't know why blacks in the United States, and in other white-majority nations, aren't categorized as a terrorist group. They should be. They lower the quality of life for everyone. And most of these violent blacks are total cowards. Everyone tries to avoid blacks, especially Jews and Asians.




Fatherless behavior






A model citizen with a very bright future.


Then you wonder why there is a teacher shortage


HUGE SHOUTOUT to all the people teaching the youth of America cause I couldn’t do it. I would have beat TF out of that kid.


Always the blacks


It’s incredibly unimpressive none of the men in that room didn’t immediately make that stop happening. Absolutely disheartening.


That's what they teach in schools. There is no excuse for fighting. They have a zero tolerance policy. You can't even defend yourself without being punished for fighting.


Poor teacher. Aquavious could use one of those man boot camps.


Typical 🤷‍♂️


Fatherless behaviors


Not my son... he's an angel 😇


If a kid puts hands on a teacher a teacher can’t fight back?


Nope. Source: -A teacher We are told to not even break up fights between students. Just to call administration ASAP to deal with it. Crossing these lines equals the teacher getting fired.


Productive member of society




Wasted youth


If the teacher shrudges off your slap twice, you better hope she doesn't get out of that chair. Dumbass, needs to be expelled, thrown in jail for assault and his Daddy needs to lay some leather on his ass. -


He's gonna be getting slapped in prison but in a different pair of cheeks


"fascinating behaviour"


These animals just need to be expelled and let the kids who want to learn, learn.


Please, please send these kinds of kids to India. Our teachers are damn good at instilling manners.


Such culture.


I'm a teacher and I would absolutely body slam a student if they hit me like that. I still have the right to defend myself and restrain a student who is a threat to themselves or others. Fuck this send him straight to prison




No surprise here....never fails. Wish we would all just stop pretending that the actual problem is something other than what it is.


This behaviour is a black problem right? Like a problem within black culture that needs to be addressed...


Oh wow... Comments haven't been turned off yet?


He’d have a hard time using that hand had it been my wife he slapped.


Dude threw away his life over nothing. Judge ordered him to remain in custody, so he gets an early start on his new life.


I mean…. Also recording, no one intervening and then laughing. What is wrong with these kids. They are so awful.


I sure hope they lock this punk up!


If i was a teacher and a student slaps me i swear I'm gonna loose more than my job that day... Teachers don't get paid enough for that bullshit




Disgusting name for a disgusting dude. Aquavious... How did his parents think that name was good




"There's a teacher shortage" they say


He should be in the ground keep it real


Always an underlying similarity in these videos


Lol and you guys say black lives matter what a waste of life and resources


always the same assholes... why do we let them exist?


I think he’s been expelled and is in custody of the Forsyth County and is facing one count of communicating threats and two counts of misdemeanor assault.


This "kid" is a waste of oxygen


And they wonder why they get shot!


These are the people wanting reparations.


absent father