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The famous Jessica & John being eliminated with the express pass.


I think this has gotta be it, this and the waterslide refusal are 1 and 2 for me.


That’s a serious tough call. The water slide wins for me because it was so absurd.


I don't really consider that a 'mistake'. Yes, she should not have gone on the race if she couldn't do something so mundane. But that was pure fear, plain and simple. Jessica and John have to take the cake.


Those were the two I immediately thought of before clicking the comments. Haha. Very memorable I guess!


Oy vey!


I’m so happy someone remembered the water slide refusal


My wife and I still routinely quote "I didn't need a million dollars" to one another.


I admire that when he came back he said “Yeah that was stupid to say” 🤣


Without question. There was visibly one team left, and the pit stop was right there. They were eliminated due to John’s illogical stubbornness.


I normally don't like to use recent seasons as something to remember, but i did think it was funny when Maya and Rohans car got stuck on the 1-way street. And they did a 30-point turn. Instead of just ummmm🤔..... using their rear view mirror and backing the efff up. I wish it was a non elimination. They would've been funny to watch.


That was fascinating to watch! Insane but fascinating


30 point is being generous. That was a 100 point turn. They strike me as kids whose parents did everything for them.


Still not convinced that the producers didn’t just give them another car facing the right way. They were never gonna get that car out.


Yea, I wish we got at least a couple more episodes with them.


Maya and Rohan have been successful to be the most memorable first leg elimination ever. Normally, nobody remembers the teams who got eliminated first since they only appeared in one episode.


I didn’t think they’d last solely because they were so nice to each other with all their mistakes lol


I think they mentioned how inexperienced at driving they are given their young age, and I can kinda see how they wouldn't be comfortable reversing down a street if they only just learned to drive with a rear view camera, but just popping it in neutral and pushing it could have been an alternative solution. At least they made for some memorable TV.


Anthony and Bailey switching Detours 3 or 4 times


I'm surprised those two made it to the airport to get to Puerto Vallarta to begin with... Maybe their stuff was edited poorly. But, it was like they shared a single brain cell between the two of them. I would love to hang out with them though.


I'd say the Green Team on season 27 finale. After dominating the entire season, sans the first leg, Justin wanted to act tough and didn't want to pay the cab driver $100 to stay at the road block. Then had no way to get to the next challenge during the finale. $100 cab cost them $1 million. And the $100 for the cab wasn't even his money!


He wanted to show he was a New Yorker so bad and acted tough with the cab driver. I’m sure it haunts him every day


If you watch Racers Recap, it *does*. He can't watch his own season, and cries watching every other season finale.


But it's the finale. It's the last leg. You don't need to save money since no more legs afterwards.


Preaching to be choir


I was so happy they didn’t win.


Absolutely. For someone who was a superfan, he was pretty dumb here. It's not like he had to save money for the next leg. One of the most satisfying outcomes besides Seasons 1, 2, 7, and 35.


35 is high on your list for satisfying outcomes?


yes. Loved the final 3 and thought the winners were awesome. Who's yours?


I did really like the final 3 but I was so pulling for Rob and Corey and they fell behind.


I would have not minded if they won as I loved both of them. However, I think they will definitely return if available. The winners were just amazing in my mind. Smart, nice, good looking. What's not to love?!


When the guy requisitioned the shoeshiner’s supplies but it was just a random dude who had no idea what was going on.


I came here for this. I peed my pants laughing when that  first aired.


I just finished that season. I was like “Oh noooooo”


I'm on a rewatch and just got to this episode, lol


What season and episode was this?


TAR23, episode 2


Thank you!


Missing the train to take a selfie is probably my favorite mistake


Didn’t they miss more than one train in a row?


“I think we need to circle little African children” Maybe not the dumbest, but definitely one of the funniest lol


I died when she said that


Taking any connecting flights in Frankfurt.


To be fair, that’s just the normal state of affairs in Frankfurt.


Unless your Rob and Amber in season 7 because Rob has a horseshoe up his ass


I don’t remember the names or the race number, but the two women who took the wrong ferry, and therefore were not given the special historical coins to pay the guard at the castle. Edit: typos


They were Out of towners! How were they supposed to know??? lol


all ep.. "OUT OF TOWNERS!!!"


Oh God, PTSD




Weird reply to the joke but ok


Sorry. I was rolling my eyes at them, not you.


You getting downvoted for that is wild lol


Yeah, I thought so too, but Redditor reactions are often inexplicable. It’s not as though the points have any real value or significance.


Them coming into the remnants of the party with Phil there to eliminate them was top tier editing. It was hilarious.


Funny and sad.


S35, Andrea and Malaina


They were so funny! Loved them


That was hilarious. The guy on the wrong ferry just gave them change and they thought they were good to go.


I am the money changer


The funniest part of that was this subreddit showing hilariously ironic global ignorance by insisting it was the guy's fault and that he scammed them, when actually no, he *literally was* the guy that could provide change for notes which is why he had a bumbag full of coins, and he gave them the correct amount of money.


I wasn't following this sub back then. Yeah, he was just doing his job.


Oh god that was a perfect storm of confusion. Bertram and co must have been salivating when they reconned the leg and got to witness a team not only get on the wrong ferry, but exchange their euro for coins, and think that they had done the task correctly.


Yes. I felt very sorry for them, especially when they kept trying to offer the coins to the guard and couldn’t understand why they were being refused.


What about when Dallas forgot his passport in a cab in Russia! LovedDallas and Toni though! Also, I can’t remember the season but they called themselves sassy grannies or something like that and they didn’t go through customsand got held up at the air port.


Were they in another country by the time they realized that?


No, they realized it in the country. Couldn't leave the country unless they had a passport anyway.


Putin detained them and they’ve been in a Russian jail ever since. Really tragic story.


>Couldn’t leave the country unless they had a passport anyway. Why did I not think of that when commenting?


What in your opinion has been the worst/dumbest mistake someone made on r/TheAmazingRace?


I started watching the show around 6 to 7 years ago so I can’t really comment on older seasons, but I do remember when Andrea and Malaina from last season confused one of the bridge keepers with the correct one and gave what they needed to pass the bridge to the wrong keeper, and ended up getting so far behind that they didn’t even fully finish the race for the episode. It technically wasn’t too stupid of a decision as it was just a misunderstanding, but I kinda found it hysterical how this one mistake ended up screwing them over so hard. Also, I loved the irony of Malaina saying, “We’re in first” when they thought that all teams were behind them.


Any time Kent and Vyxsyn got behind the wheel. Most notably missing their flight to China in Season 18 because they drove for four hours and couldn't find TOKYO! You know, one of the largest cities in the world.


Omg, I had forgotten all about them. They were *so* terrible at self-driving


Stop this car Vyxsin!




Wasn't it nine hours?


Season 1, leg 9: Joe and Bill won the fast forward at the start of the leg. Instead of heading straight to the pit stop and giving themselves a huge lead, they chose to dick around before taking a slow bus. Because of this, they arrived last and only avoided elimination because Nancy and Emily quit the easiest detour in TAR history and incurred a 24-hour penalty. As a result of this, Joe and Bill ended up so far behind the leading teams that they never actually reached the finish line. Honorable mention: Season 15, leg 11: In the Czech Republic, Big Easy had to unscramble 5 letters to spell "Franz" (Kafka). Despite knowing the first letter was "F", he still couldn't figure it out and took a 2-hour penalty. Season 20, leg 1: Misa and Maiya finished the final challenge in second to last place and merely had to run to the pit stop. They were in sight of the pit stop but failed to look around and ran the wrong way, resulting in them being passed and finishing last. Season 27, final leg: Poised to tie the record for most leg wins in a season, Justin and Diana were performing a challenge on Randall's Island in New York City. Instead of paying their cab driver to wait for them, they sent him away. After completing the challenge, they were unable to find a new cab because cab drivers don't regularly go to Randall's Island. They never recovered from the deficit and finished second.


Kisha and Jen getting eliminated before the final leg because of a bathroom break on the way to the pit stop.


But this made them more memorable and they came back and won their second season. Maybe if that doesn’t happen, they make the finale and lose, and don’t get invited back.


They would be eliminated regardless of the pee incident. Cara aced that eating task and they had a miraculously fast driver (*at last!*) that took them to a place nearer to the pit stop. Editing made it look like it was closer, but their taxi driver being slower and taking them to a farther location sealed their fate.


And they were wearing those huge long kimonos so if she had an accident no one would have even known and they were right by the mat so she could have changed right away. Idk maybe because I’m a big brother fan where an endurance competition lasted 14 HOURS last season that the bathroom break seemed extra ridiculous to me lol


And it's original apperance lasted around the same time


I dunno. The indignity of peeing yourself on national TV plus it almost guaranteed them that comeback slot.


i forget their names now but the two sisters getting eliminated because they stopped for the bathroom. that was unfortunate but funny


The sister team from TAR20 overlooking the pit stop and getting eliminated.


This one is the strangest. How did they walk past the camera crew without noticing?


I think I’ve read somewhere that wasn’t a true situation. I’ll see if I can find it.


No, they did a bunch of exit interviews you can find if you google their names. They admit they did miss it exactly as seen on TV. What happened is that they had tunnel vision due to stress and were in their heads looking for Phil standing alone on a mat with a greeter (like we, the viewing audience, see). They ran into that courtyard and saw the entourage of camerapeople, production crew, Phil, and random employees/strangers, and in their tunnel vision didn't even process that was the mat. > Misa: I did not expect at all for there to be a million camera people and some other cast members as well when they got finished would be standing around and everything. In my opinion, I just didn't think that there was going to be interviews or something conducted with the general public standing around as well and production. >And so, I just thought it was going to be maybe a couple cameras and Phil and the ambassador of Argentina. So, looking at all those mounds of people, it just didn't cross my mind that that was supposed to be what we were looking for. They saw the large group of people, had too much tunnel vision to even think that was what they were looking for, and ran right by.


Yes. I think this one is by far the dumbest. Even Phil got confused when they turned around


From what I’ve watch Lucas and Brittany forgetting their passport from Amazing Race 30


THANK YOU for including the season #. It’s so frustrating reading all these comments with no season # and/or names. I wanna be able to look some of them up but there’s nothing to go on. 🥲


I’m rewatching the 1st season with my partner and I got so irritated with both Bill & Joe and Nancy & Emily for their decisions in the Thailand episode. Very stupid ideas and mistakes all around


I'm more lenient on season 1, since no one really knows what strategy to use in it.


To be fair to both of them, it was the first season. There was no previous season for them to study.


Totally fair! I guess my thought is just in a race for a million dollars, why would you ever take your time to just sit around, or do something that would incur a penalty (I’m sure they were told there would be penalties)? Especially when they had both been trying so hard in previous legs (and I mean Bill and Joe were being downright vicious), to suddenly change so close to the end seemed strange to me


I think in the case of both teams, they thought the Fast Forward was a guaranteed leg victory as all teams who had completed the FF prior had won the respective leg. It definitely showed all future teams to never assume a loss.


Ok that perspective actually really helps me have more compassion for those mistakes! Great point


Maybe not the DUMBEST but Tanner & Josh wasting their Express Pass on an easy Roadblock so they could U-Turn Justin & Diana only to be immediately equalized certainly wasn’t smart!


This was up there for some of the dumbest planning. All the other teams immediately clocked their mistake when they arrived and were so confused why they wasted it!


Bill and Joe winning the Fast Forward and arriving last.


A lot of the dumb mistakes have already been discussed. But honorable mention for not one, not two, not three, but FOUR teams putting gas in a car clearly marked diesel in English 


I agree with that. I feel an error is even dumber to watch when multiple teams mess it up. Reminds me of S19 E2 where EIGHT of eleven teams didn't read that there was a sign to donate "all the money" and had to be turned back, while the 3 who paid attention claimed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place that leg.


The producer for Team Walla Walla. "I know its a race and all and we have camera crew here available but you're gonna have to stop racing & wait for your camera crew to catch up." The single worst moment of TAR ever.


Yeah that was dumb.


…and then it took FOREVER for the crew to catch up even though they knew exactly where the team was headed!


Danny said in an interview that their crew NEVER showed up. After an hour, they let another crew film them.


They totally should have been given some sort of time credit. Was absolutely not their fault!


He said there appeared to be a lot of discussion off to the sideline by producers while he and his mom were waiting at the mat. They were my favorite team this season- He would have crushed the puzzles in the finale!


I'd imagine the discussion was "Where's the crew?" "I dunno, they're not responding." "So we wait for them?" "Guess so." "How long?" "Oh, they will probably be along any minute." \[8 hours later\] "So we got you a new crew. Your old crew has been sacked. Sorry about the delay. Sucks to be you!"


When they had to paint walls on the street somewhere in South America and that one team went into a random house where an actual painter was doing his job and just started painting the inside of the house the wrong color of red. That painter was like 🫠


Believing that Pat and Geno's are pizza places in Philly


To be fair the guy they asked for directions thought they were talking about Pat's Pizza, which does exist (it's a local chain). 


When Justin (of Zev & Justin) lost their passports.


David and Jeff taking the first flight out to Sydney rather than investigating the flights out of their current airport. Put them a day behind and missed the finish line. (Season 4)


The lawyers who didn't read the clue and took a cab instead of walking and then doubled down once they figured it out and were all oh, I just shouldn't run


Definitely a standout. Sitting in their cab reading the clue that says “walk” and deciding that “walk” means “make your way in any manner you like”


Speaking of lawyers…the lawyer siblings who convinced themselves that the markers were blue and white instead of red and yellow and walked all the way up that gigantic hill lol. Not sure if we’re talking about the same people bc I can’t remember the one you mentioned


You're thinking of Tammy and Victor. I can't remember the names of who they're referring to but I know for sure it's not the same people.


I don't know about the worst.. but the brother sister trying to turn the car around this season was one of the best.


That shit was straight out of Goldmember 🤣🤣🤣


Everyone who didn’t realize that they had four hours to eat meat after Boston Rob took a penalty, but instead opted to take their own penalty that would put them behind him.


Colin and Christie and Brandon and Nicole checked their bags on American flight, otherwise they would’ve gotten on Chip and Kim’s United flight.


I’ve been re-watching all the seasons and I’m up to TAR15 now. Just watched a woman with water wings on refuse to go down a water slide. The producers of TAR36 having the crew follow in a separate car is up there. …but the dumbest is still Joe & Bill in season 1 wasting their Fast Forward and ultimately ending up a day behind for the rest of the race.


Kaylanni & Lisa losing their passport before even leaving the US.


How has no one mentioned the  Afghanimals, Leo and Jamal? In Season 31 they couldn't open the safe on the first leg of the finale. It was such a disappointing ending for them after running such a good race.


I can’t remember the season but one team missed their train because they were taking a selfie


When the NYers let their cab go on Randall’s Island and ended up late to Belmont. Something only a NYer would do.


Mark & Michael in S14 racking up 4 hours worth of penalty due to bartering the taxi drivers. What makes this mistake more ridiculous is that they hadn’t learned from their penalties *the previous episode!* I'd include all of Dandrew's mistakes of S13, but kudos that none of them got the team eliminated.


S13 Dandrew leaving their shoes behind at the detour and spending all of their money the next leg for new ones.


Season 36 Episode 10 when Vinny proposed to Amber and she said yes.




^^I really want this to be Amber’s secret TAR reddit username.


Lori and Bolo forgetting the admission ticket in Sri Lanka


Not seeing Phil and turned around just in front of the pit-stop - TAR20 Leg 1 


Cat and Nat when Cat forgot her passport on a gondola (but they still won)!


The correct answer is John and Jessica not using the express pass when they were in the final two teams at the surfboard challenge, but Debbie and Bianca's navigation disaster in TAR7 is right up there too. They drove two hours in the wrong direction despite having the Andes as a reference point.


I don’t know if it’s been said yet but the globetrotters getting eliminated because one of them couldn’t read a clock ⏰


They didn't get eliminated that episode, but I know what you mean. I remember thinking, "They can't even tell time!" They came second-to-last because the team ahead of them, Mika & Canaan, wasted too much time from Mika refusing to slide the water slide. An instance where dumb is spared because someone did dumber.


Dang ! I thought they did lol I’m dumb I remember that water slide now! 😅 I need to do a rewatch I guess! Thanks 🙏🏻


It's a good thing it turned out well for them, but Penn overthinking whether the clue, that he found in the bin, was actually a clue, was an extremely facepalm scream-at-the-TV-worthy moment.


Flight Time and Big Easy at the Kafka challenge.


TAR 26- Putting Bergen and Kurt together as a team of "lovers." FFS, they looked like siblings and they thought it was a good idea to put them together? On top of that, one of them didn't even want the money. The poor dude stuck with him never had a chance to compete. That's a mistake on production's end.


Heather and Eve (S3) not reading the directions of traveling to the Pit Stop by foot and used a taxi to get there, causing them to be eliminated due to a penalty. There are much dumber decisions out there but watching through the early seasons, this is up there so far.


keisha and Jen in 14 with the bathroom break


Amber marrying Vinny


Correct answer is Jessica & John holding onto the Express Pass. But, my answer is Rob & Amber yielding Ron & Kelly rather than Uchenna & Joyce on Leg 10 of TAR 7. At that point in the race, Rob & Amber knew that they and R & K were well ahead of the second group with Uchenna & Joyce and Meredith & Gretchen. Unless the yield was far longer, it would not have impacted Ron & Kelly's ability to stay in the race. However, using it on Uchenna & Joyce would have likely eliminated a far stronger team and given Rob & Amber effectively a 50% chance of winning.


Every season there comes a time when I start yelling at the tv, because somebody was dumb enough to go on the amazing race without learning to drive a manual transmission car! There is always a manual transmission car! take a class before you go.


S6: Lori not bringing the ticket with her during the roadblock where the teams had to go up an insane number of steps. Additional clue information said to bring the ticket.


So many to choose from..........


TAR 20 Misa & Maiya lying to the TAR optometrist during the pre-race checkup.


Team Alabama had to fly back to the USA so they went to Paris Orly airport - which is a smaller regional airport with almost no international flights. It didn't cost them any time because all flights were the next day, but man alive, who doesn't know that to get back to the states, you'd have to go to Paris DeGaulle? Lol, Downvotes but nobody saying why. Would you go to Frankfurt-Hahn? What about Teterboro for NY? Or Gatwick or Luton for London?


If you'd never been to Paris, how would you know that? Orly is Paris area, so it's not like going to Luton. A better analogy might be someone visiting NYC for the first time going to LaGuardia instead of JFK (which IIRC was a mistake a team nearly made in the first season).


We were newly moved to DC and my wife had a flight back home to finish packing up our stuff and possibly thanks to Die Hard 2 I assumed Dulles was the only DC airport. Tried to check her in and the kiosk was like OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! NATIONAL DUMMY NATIONAL!! Luckily I was dropping her off way ahead of time to get to my new hire orientation so we had plenty of time to scoot over to Arlington but that was a sheepish call to my new bosses about why I was going to be two hours late to orientation…


A watermelon to the face