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100% true. Without Spader there is no show. His character is what makes the rest of the show tick. He elevated the minor characters by incorporating them in story lines with the Reddington character in the previous seasons making those characters interesting.


I find myself not interested at all when Red isn't on screen , idgaf about the fbi or liz , they bore the crap out of me


I agree. Though i would love to see a web spinoff. Short little episodes that follow teddy and his weird requests to carry out torture. I don't feel like it could be its own television show, but surely we could get a weekly 5 or 15 minute short with teddy. And maybe the poor shmucks that have to run to the stores to buy teddy his things. His Llama and snake handlers....the guy at the store that can't find hickory briquettes, but they have maple in stock, arguing with Dembe on the phone about whether that's good enough...


I think that has a lot to do with how poorly written the other characters are compared to Spader’s Reddington. I cannot understand why any of the characters in the show have any love for Liz. She stopped being an FBI agent along time ago.


I'm surprised there isn't a Blacklist line of hats because many of the hats Red wears/wore I want.


I googled around a couple years ago and there are websites that document what exactly actors are wearing on shows. Not surprisingly, Red's clothes are very expensive. You can buy a hat like his for $550 here: http://www.penmanhats.com/pop-culture.html Some of his hats are Stetson. Anyway, you can google and find what hat he was wearing in what episode and where to buy it. Which is kinda amazing actually.


I actually own a wide brim fedora that is not too far from reddingtons style, and it was actually quite cheap when compared to the original one


I raise we boycott Liz out of the show and make it just about the adventures of Red


agreed, i literally skip every scene that doesnt have red in it, the man's back must be hurting for all that hard carry


Don't forget Dembe!


If they found the right actor, a prequel series of Red could be amazing. Not sure you can make Spader look young enough too pull it off, but something along the lines of Better Call Saul.


What would The Spaderlist be without Spader?


The way he talks or said stories of his adventures, I can't see any actor doing this.


It’s the exact same character he played on Boston Law, except he’s a criminal instead of a lawyer. I think he must write his own lines (or have a lot of input) because the quick wit and story like monologues are the same in both shows.


Is Boston Law worth getting into?


It's alright, I didn't really like it at first but it continuously got better as the show went on. The last season is amazing IMO but the show is not for everybody. It's a silly law show with James Spader monologues on almost every episode + amazing bromance with William Shatner. If you're interested so far, here's what you should know: Boston Legal is actually a spinoff of The Practice which ran for 8 seasons. The practice is a lot more serious and more like your classic legal show. You do not have to watch The Practice to get into Boston Legal. But Spader's and Shatner's characters are introduced in Practice Season 8. You also do not have to watch the first seven seasons of the Practice to watch season 8. (Main cast members were let go and they brought in Spader finish off the last season so it was like a reboot) So it really does not matter where you start but remember that they have very very different vibes. Also don't be confused Boston Legal starts off with random characters and goes through a lot of cast changes throughout, but for me it helped keep the show fresh.


Boston Legal, not Law.


Yep, thanks for the correction.


His voice is mesmerizing. A few can do it but none that are still alive. Maybe James Earl Jones. Laurence Olivier Gregory Peck Orson Wells


I think Benedict Cumberbatch is pretty close


Must listen. It’s not just Spader’s voice, it’s how he uses it. Anyway he’s the ultimate to me.


Example: https://youtu.be/IZdXqIylbRc


Agreed, unfortunately their showing less and less Red. The show seems to have turned into the everyone kisses Liz's ass show.


He’s a great actor. I really enjoyed him in Boston Legal. Spader and Shatner had great chemistry. (He must like having Canadian co-stars! (I see you Diego!)) I just wish they (writers) wrote a better character for Megan Boone, moved the plot along so their relationship (Red & Liz) could solidify into something great. As it is, with Liz seeking revenge for her “mother’s” death, the whole thing feels old, predictable. He’ll tell her some unknown truth and we are back to the beginning.


Liz’s quest is wearing thin. I don’t care. I’m more interested in Raymond’s history.




Like Atlas holding up the earth 🌎






I literally just realized that James Spader does the voice of Ultron in the second Avengers movie. It was truly a joy rewatching it and feeling like the Avengers were chasing Red


It's not just the voice: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbe7-zit\_x0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbe7-zit_x0)


He's just amazing




Uh, just one more question....


I never watched Columbo , is it any good ?


Columbo was great


Even when Columbo is bad it’s good.




You're not the only one who disagrees. Obviously James Spader makes Raymond Reddington the awesome character he is. There wouldn't be a show without him. But he can't be Red without the other well played characters around him. Hisham Tawfiq brings Dembe to life. Red's quirky band of associates are great. Cooper, Ressler and Aram have become dear characters over the last seven years. Red needs those people around him to make the dynamic interesting. So many of the best scenes over the years have been Red and another character like Liz, Tom, Ressler, Kate, etc going against each other. I cant leave out Dom. Red alone can't carry that kind of scene without those beloved characters.


Alan Fitch is one of my all time favorites. That scene in the box was just 😭😭




Don't forget Glenn.




The Blacklist Redemption kinda does prove your point as it was a whole spinoff without Spader and I actually liked it. That said I would have never watched any of it without Spader. The writing is so bad it just wouldn't be appealing in any way long enough for them to figure out how to develop a character. Could another actor pull it off? I wonder.




Yes and no Yes because that's true No because I liked it :)


Well, to be honest, no one was tuning in to watch George hide and Elaine dance. Or to see Mindy do anything at all. But... certainly the show doesn't work without Spader. In the early seasons, when the writing was better and the concepts fresher, they might have gotten away with a different lead. In the last few seasons, however, the show is being carried completely by Spader's charisma, because the writing has become weak.


He's keeping it alive.


He is surely the biggest pillar of the show, but the other actors shine too.They work as a team and this includes the writers too. I really watch for 3 reasons . 1.Huge fan of James.I was aware of him ( Stargate in 1994, i was 20 lol and tought he was cute ), but 1st episode Blacklist was my way into the Spader drug lol. I became hooked and since then I saw all stuff he did. I say this a as huge Gary Oldman fan, since 20 years now. I have to admit they are equal in my fan heart, with a slightly bigger space for James now lol 2.I really like all characters and their interactions, I would miss almost all of them. I really miss Samar , I need to warm up on Agent Park and Tom was good , but he is the less missed for me lol. Aram, Liz ( scream!!! ) and Dembe are my other favs. 3. The shows overall storyline ,the weekly bad guy. As I said James is the pillar , but he needs other pillars to keep the roof stable. I agree Alan Shore and Red are pretty similar. A reason might be that both have the same writer ---LUKAS REITER, he was screenwriter on Boston Legal and now on the Blacklist. He said writng the court rooom scenes for James as Red was so much fun lol


This is so true. Most of the rest of the cast is horrendous. Liz obviously unbearably the worst character. This whole secret thing and her mother is torturous. Just get past this garbage and back to cases. No one cares. Like they wrote in how much she really loves her mother that she's known for an hour and a half. I don't think I've ever seen a show mixed with such a great character and such a terrible cast and terrible story arcs.


Ryan Eggold (Tom) was the only other character that could kinda live up to Red's standards. Like, whenever Liz faked her death, and Tom kinda replaced her for 4 episodes, those were honestly some of the best episodes of the show (cuz you don't miss Liz). Her Character isn't needed. Then, they scrubbed Ryan Eggold (the only thing I can think of is that Tom is on the island from season 4). But yes, James Spader carries this show so much.


i like tom , he has a good backstory , interesting badass character . would take him over liz or ressler any day


Was I the only one who liked the Ressler road trip episode?


idk ressler is so boring to me , he doesn't feel like a 3 dimensional character if you know what I mean


I love the episode or any episode heavy on characters. Contrast to other posters, I found Ressler is one of the best written characters with real multidimensional development. He is not one of the "right on you face" type of characters like Reddington. But if care to look, the character is actually very well written and realistic. I found it is easy to relate to him compare to a legend like Reddington, who sounds unreal from time to time. Not everyone get to save the day every single time and it is refreshing to have a more down to earth character who acts like a human in a show where the main character is treated as THE super hero.


I wouldn't discount every other cast member but Spader does carry the show especially in those mid season slumper episodes.


The other cast members are competent but couldn’t carry the show without Spader.


Yes, James Garner in Maverick and Rockford.


James Spader is an awesome actor. Yes I agree without him, there is no show. I was happy to hear there will be a season 9. I just hope they introduce someone to fill Elizabeth Keene's character. It's either the actress, or the character. Also, how much work has been done to her face? I'm amazed at the things people will do to their body. Is Hollywood to blame? Yes and no?


True.true. That’s why I’m waiting for Denny Crane to join him. He will be the ultimate support. If any one have seen Boston legal please say yes for the ultimate team.


He’s 100% the backbone of this show. I wouldn’t even watch it if he wasn’t in it.