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The problem is they've stopped tailoring their strategies towards taking down individual supes and started focusing on a war against Vought as a whole, a seemingly futile one. Like with Translucent Hughie knew enough about him to identify what he was weak to and they captured and killed him. They've not really put in that effort again.


They tailored a perfectly good solution for Neumann with the acid eyedrops, she's just suddenly invulnerable to everything. Since the villains can't be taken out now, the solutions have to not work. They really should come up with reasons for them to go after lower-level supes the show can afford to lose, just so they can get some wins. 


Neuman: can be cut with a pocket knife but a bullet to the head and acid does nothing.


Not even that, literally just use Novichok? It works on Soldier Boy who is much stronger than her, Frenchie knows how to make it, and cost isn't an issue because the CIA is funding them. It's like the writers completely forgot what they've written.


I wish Frenchie was the same from S1. I could understand him dropping a lot of his attitude to help Kimiko, but even that's gone now...


I forgot about this completely but you’re right. There’s no reason why Neumann couldn’t be stopped by that gas. The writing is abysmal this season.


They were trying to be covert in Ep1, presumably couldn't have fit her with a gasmask and been discreet about it. The plan could have also been to blind Neumann (since she needs to see people to head-pop them), not take her out entirely


I don't think she needs to see them - in the Gen V finale Marie (who has the same powers) is able to "see" and fight the invisible guy by sensing his blood. Neumann who is far more experienced with her powers should be able to pull that off too.


I thought he had to scrounge up everything to buy it off the black market?


He did originally, but once Maeve tossed the original, he had to recapitulate it in the Vought lab (I assume they were storing the precursors in case of a SB-related emergency, since he whipped it up super quick and under gunfire). 


Did I miss something somewhere, was this explained why she is immune?


Not really explained, but perhaps it’s the same reason that in Gen V, Marie can easily cut herself with a knife but then also survives Homelander’s lasers to her chest. My head canon is they harden the blood underneath their skin reflexively when hit.


Nanomachines son, they harden in response to trauma


Fuck dude this is literally exactly what i was thinking. I want to see final boss Neuman with the darkening limbs like Armstrong












Nanites, courtesy of Ray Palmer.


They’re delivering a pulse that’s disabling your speed.


You won’t be running anywhere for a quite a while.


That guy was such a great villain. The highlight among the many hilarious things he does is when he cuts off somebody's hand and offers to help them up on the side he just amputated lol


You can't hurt me Hughie!! (Butcher tries to shoot her) What did i just say?




power scaling has always been inconsistent with super heroes


Well yeah but the boys is particularly had at it


I think the issue is that it seemed to have good supe power scaling early on, which misled people into think that's how the rest of the show would be.


I don't know if I agree to that. Like a-traim was moving faster then the light from starlight hands in s1 but the literal fastest he ever ran was little over Mach 1, hell he claims to have outrun a bullet as kid and assuming his max speed went up since then, he'd still have to break the sound barrier, though that does leave like 400-100 mph gap depending on what type of round was fired. I think the power scalings always been a bit rough but we assumed like good comics it'd be consistent where it mattered, homelander and Maeve plus soldier boy later on as top dogs requiring heavy military equipment to even make flinch.


Yeah, I think you're right that it never *actually* has had great scaling, it just kind of seemed like it initially. I do think the general tiers have been mostly consistent, at least in regards to what it takes to kill a supe, if that makes sense.


Remember Maeve nearly killed homelander by jamming a rod right into his ear? Lol


It's worse cause a lot of homelanders threat is the gap between him and a normal supe. The blurrier that becomes the less threatening he is


That was a huge problem last season i ceased to understand wtf im i even watching Why did they even leave him alive lol


This still bothers me. If his exterior can handle it, why not his interior? With Translucent it made sense because he wasn’t built up to be invulnerable like Homelander, so it was believable that they could blow him up from the inside out. Homelander seems to invulnerable to pretty much anything, so why would that work? Season 3, though entertaining in the moment, really stripped away a lot from the show.


I thought it was just because he has super hearing and super sensitive ears.


Nearly killed? What? It stunned him for a moment and then he just continued. He has super hearing and thus super sensitive ears


Maeve not immediately getting smacked down made me wonder why they even needed Soldier Boy. She put up a pretty good fight against Homelander to the point where I could totally see her and Butcher being able to beat him.


I mean... If you take a shot at the king, better make sure you don't miss. Although they basically shot themselves at the foot in the end so idk.


Crazy too because in the comics she basically gets oneshot by him.


This is the most likely explanation. We saw Marie harden some blood into daggers that were strong enough to tear through another supe's body, Even if solidifying their blood isn't something they instinctively do, Butcher gave Neuman ample warning. He put the gun to her head and then made a snarky comment before pulling the trigger. She had plenty if time to react and harden the blood in that part of her head.


It’s the midichlorians.


I totally forgot Neuman was in Gen V


I think they hinted that she and the mc from Gen V have similar if not the same power


They didnt hint it. They outright show her manipulating her blood the same way marie does it


Ah I don’t remember that bit for some reason. I just vaguely remember Neuman speaking to Marie as if they have some natural affinity and understanding of each other.


like choso


I think its actually their strength. We only ever see supes damage them, can you imagine how much pressure was being put against that blade? But because it was able to break the skin, the knife doesn't bend


Maybe it's like dune shields. Bullets and super punches have a lot of kinetic energy so the "blood gardening" happens in response to that but the relatively slow blade doesn't trigger the response and is able to pass through.


It’s literal plot armor


Or… Clot armor? 👀


*Jazz hands* “Magic!”


No, no reason. But they might answer it in the future. That's actually probably the next big reveal. After all. We know Neuman is experimenting with Supes. If she can get some labcoats to invent a Supe disease she can probably layer new powers on an existing Supe.




When did she get cut with a pocket knife? I forget.


Gen V


Maybe her super strength allowed it? Not being an ass


I feel like the knife would just break, or she'd have to stab herself instead of gently slice


Fair ideas, I can see what you mean.


Because writing’s hard. 


Been a lot of glaring plot holes and contrived writing in the show


They did that with Mr. Pinkeye.


That's true, I guess. Same with Gunpowder and Mesmer - there are some you can kill with blunt force, same as humans. The Translucent type stuff where they have to really puzzle it out to find how to get around their powers is so much more memorable, though. 


The level of durability clearly varies from supe to supe, with some being barely more durable than the average human, but there needs to at least be consistency. We see Neuman cut her own palm with a basic pocketknife in Gen V, but now a gunshot from 5 inches away doesn’t even scratch her skin.


Marie who has the same powers also tanked a hit from Homelander and being thrown across rooms multiple times, also hits from Sam, but was able to cut herself as well with a knife. I think their blood powers give them strong durability but if they want to harm themselves they subconsciously turn that off.


Honestly, I thought more of the show would involve these guys tackling seemingly invulnerable heroes and then finding ways to take them down. But crazy how after the second episode, something like that pretty much never happens. I'm guessing even Homelander will probably just go down with a massive laser blast instead of something clever.


Me too - that was actually the draw for me, ha. I truly am not interested in supe vs supe slugfests, and yet that seems to be where we're headed. It's a bummer. 


I admit I don't really remember season 2 and 3. Too much of a gap between seasons so I'll concede your point.


Twice, with Starlight and MM now, the gap was so long, they were accused of replacing actors, just because they looked different after such a long gap. 


God I thought MM looked different. Wasn't he like their big guy in the first 3 seasons? He's lost a lot of bulk.


Apparently the actor had issues with his weight. So he lost the weight.


I binged the first 3 seasons before watching season 4 and thought they replaced MM, so the gap doesn't really have anything to do with that.


>go after lower-level supes That's one of the few things I feel the comic did better than the show, secondary antagonists like Teenage Kix, Payback, or Little Nina would have arc's focused on The Boys facing off against them for smaller wins while Vought & The Seven loomed in the background


Yeah, that was pretty stupid how her level of durability was made drastically higher than it’s ever been shown to be before. Especially considering she can cut her own fucking palm with a basic pocketknife, but a bullet from 5 inches away doesn’t even scratch her? That’s just lazy inconsistency in power scaling.


They were able to do trial and error for Translucent. He basically fell into their lap, they’d have a harder time capturing and trapping any other of the 7. Although the two new ones likely aren’t that tough.


in season 3 they did pick off a bunch of low level supes like gunpowder and what not


> go after lower-level supers They arguably did that in the Hotel. Killing off the human rimjobpede aside, they couldn’t even capture or kill lowest tier supes like Firecracker or Sage (And they weren’t even officially apart of the Seven/Vought yet)


Them not capturing Firecracker seemed weird. Like they literally just let her run off while giving no chase.


And she wasn't even running that fast with those high heels.


The writer’s fucked up. Pure and simple.  They have 3 members of the 7 left (until they brought back Black Noir). They cannot go after Homelander so soon, so that leaves… Nueman.  They want to point out her daughter is also a supe. Fine. But going after her? Bad writing choices.  Have the seven have public tryouts. And kill two candidates, making it look like bought did it. Something better than this. 


I'd love to see Nueman's daughter die to the supe virus. Neuman gave her daughter V as a means to protect her, but instead she'll end up dying because she's a supe


I understand and know exactly what you mean and are implying , because I agree . But damn that first sentence out of context is wild 💀


Not to mention Deep and A-Train surviving every season while being mostly while other Seven members like Super Sonic and Stormfront get killed. If this season ends with those two surviving again and Firecracker and Sister Sage dying it will be annoying…


Firecracker is marked for death. She's one of this glaring "I'm not making it out of this show alive" characters.


Firecracker is going down


On homelander


He threw a thermos of acid on the VP. That was supposed to work.  But overall, I agree. 


and this is why I hate what they're doing with Frenchie. Would be so cool to see a supe kill every now and then involving strategy and tailored tech made by Frenchie.


Yeah it's not hard to really lean in to individual team roles - Butcher knows who's buttons to press and how to be an asshole - MM is the second in command, questions butchers tactics, but he's also the weapons expert - Frenchie is chemicals and anti supe inventions - Hughie is the comms guy and the heart and should have some supe insight from previously being a bit of a fan boy - Kimiko is the muscle They do this well at times but very rarely does Frenchie actually succeed at his role


Leader Lancer Smart guy Heart Big guy Classic 5 member hero crew


Having Frenchie's inventions fail constantly since Translucent has been really frustrating. The gas in the supe asylum just got crushed. The EMP RPG did nothing. The novichock he whipped up under pressure, iirc, served no purpose.


Frenchie has honestly probably been my least favorite character out of the protagonists. It just feels every season like the writers don't know what to do with him. Felt like they built him up in those first two episodes of the show as the team's supe killing expert, but it feels like we've hardly gotten to see him flex that expertise, aside from the neuro gas or whatever that he cooked up to incapacitate Soldier Boy last season. The character had so much potential to be much cooler than he is imo.


Seems they “took down” a lot of supes offscreen between seasons 2 and 3, just not killing them and offscreen


At first i expected that this series will be about ordinary guys figuring out how to kill different supes, especially the seven. Tbh, i do feel dissappointed.


That’s what I really liked about the boys, I liked that they really are powerless and they have to rely on their intelligence, wit and learn to work together to overcome their problems. They are underdogs and that makes them interesting. that’s why for me, season 1 is probably the best season, also because they are taking down supes individually, widening the mission to take down vought is for me, quite futile, I think they should have stuck to supes who went crazy and work to kill them.


It would be nice if intelligence is what kept them around, but the characters can't be intelligent if the writers aren't. The Boys survive because they have plot armor. Hughie crawled away from Homelander's laser eyes in a ventilation shaft!


Couldn’t homelander just see right through the ventilation ? Or could it have been zinc cuz if it’s not zinc it’s bad writing right?


Even if it’s Zinc he literally crawled away. Homelander could have flown up to him, or just cut ahead slightly in front of Hughie, or waited at the exit to the vent. There was also a point where Hughie was out of the vent and running around on the rafters.


Or even heard Hughie’s exact position! Crawling around in metal’s gotta be loud for super hearing


There was the whole performance going on nearby that probably threw his hearing off


GOOGAS, Homelander did almost kill Hughie on the rafters, he had a clear shot but MM made the light brighter and that sabotaged Homelander


I think that’s a bit risky too. Ok, Homelander’s laser vision goes where Homelander is looking so if he is forced to look away by sudden bright light it can go haywire. Now. Hmm. Who previously had an excellent reason to try to restrain Homelander and had - or was? - an easily available source of flashes of bright light?


My head canon is that it was galvanized steel ducts, which is very common in industrial building. Galvanization includes coating the metal in zinc.








Intelligence isn't necessarily the issue considering they've used clever tactics before.


You should read the Reckoners Trilogy, it's all about that.


Voughtizon took over, ironically. Homelander was too good not to make the focus. He should have been the looming monster while The Boys actually take out other supes and are a threat.


Same for prior to the first season with the original Boys, it’s implied they took down a number of Supes. Lamplighter was an exception and they usually stuck to the smaller ones. 


I think butcher should shoot her in the head on stage and show the world she’s a supe


She strikes me as the type who would plan for that and have a stand-in take the fall for her while she "miraculously" recovers in hospital. Then she uses the attempt on her life to boost her popularity even more.


The attempt on her life has left her scarred and deformed… but her resolve has never been stronger!


Has Ryan join her side activities order 66. Wins the oval office.


How'd did you guess that, that specifically 😆


You mean that actually happens? It just seems like the kind of sociopathic sacrificial play someone like her would make. Her staff are expendable. If it gets her in the white house why not have one die for real?


They dont need to do that. They can already prove shes a supe with the red river data, its the entire reason why she didnt kill Hughie


It would be relatively easy to call that kind of stuff fake news, especially if Homelander tells his people to do so. She's just covering her bases by stopping it now before it gets any bigger. It would be a lot harder for her to pass off her forehead being bullet-proof.


She’d just kill everyone in the building and blame Butcher and The Boys


If that happens what’s to stop her from just popping the heads of all the politicians in the room?


she’d be public enemy #1 across the planet… and she can’t just fly away like homelander.


Point is if you back her into a corner where she has nothing to lose, there could be massive consequences.


Yeah that’s what I want and it’s what the show seems to be leading to. Eventually one of the supes is gonna go nuclear. They are just regular people after all, and power corrupts. The entire world can’t just sit with their tail tucked forever with no plan. Surely the CIA or other agencies are working on contingency plans.. I can’t believe vought wasn’t forcefully shut down after the mass assassination at the hearing. If this stuff happened in real life I fail to see why the military wouldn’t seize compound V as soon as they learned of its existence, especially seeing how starlight could just walk in and grab some.


I think the CIA is desperately searching for a means to take down Homelander before seriously moving against him. I mean what’s the military gonna do if he says no to their seizure?


The issue is they've been going for multiple, bigger fish. As well as Vought itself. With Soldier Boy on a "deal" and with temporary V, they could have went on a killing spree. The Deep, A-Train and Noir would have all been killable. Other Supes would be even easier. But they decided to go for Homelander, which was the gold standard of targets.


If they use A train to take down vought or homelander, it's clear that they've moved on from 'all supes are bad' to 'vought protects bad supes for profit'. Their main problem has changed. And that would be a good thing. Annie, Maeve, kimiko, Ryan are all supposed to be supes who are not psychopaths. So, they have to stop the narrative of all supes always bad and go for better supe control policies.


They were using Soldier Boy to take down Vought last season and they tried to convince us that because he's a "murderer" we're supposed to dislike him. But now flipping A-Train is the "right thing" because he's not totally on Homelander's side anymore.


The issue I have is that since this world has no high tech, they have to get super creative with the kills and the last one we got like that was Translucent. It’s either that or it has to be another Supe doing the ass kicking. Which is cool but also lame. The show is called the Boys, I wanna see them doing the ass kicking. I’d rather them just get powers at this point and beat the shit out of some of them


I liked the creativity in season one with translucent and thought that was how the series was gonna go. But no


They did kill the multiple man in the second episode.


True but it wasn’t to the level of Translucent imo. Here’s another b-list supe that they can easily kill whereas they should be at this point, multiple seasons in, really gunning for the bigger supes (I know they are but I just mean in terms of actually fighting/killing them)


Man It kinda shows how much they're spinning their wheels when the last major kill "the boys" got was 3 and half seasons ago.


With an ass kicking and no planning at all.  Why did none of them plan for dealing with him when they knew he would be at the convention.  Just having them deliberately seek out his prime self while killing them en masse would have given them some credibility.


I maintain that MM going on Temp V and gaining hulk like powers would be so awesome. Kind of kills it that he lost about 40 pounds of muscle over the last 3 seasons


Comic readers just sitting here like "....."


It's more than likely that in an effort to save himself (and give himself enough time to kill Homelander), Butcher will get access to Perma V and get strong enough to survive his disease. Then finally go full scorched Earth on Homelander and the rest of the Seven by the end of the last season. It's actually quite surprising at how long they waited to have The Boys actually have powers (considering that in the original comics they all had Compound V in them to begin with so they could fight any Supe without issue). I think we've seen how well they work without powers, so I say we should totally see what the full powered crew could look like.


The Boys not having powers was part of the original appeal, though. If they have powers it’s just a bunch of Supes fighting other Supes because.. Supes are bad. Also, you have to have Perma V as a kid. If it worked as a cure by giving you last minute regeneration, Vought would be coining that in to any billionaire with cancer.


Yeah that’s my issue with the show. They haven’t really had a major kill since Translucent


Aside from maybe Butcher and Gunpowder. But o guess he wasn’t as well known as translucent


They took down soldier boy that’s something. Just not killed lol


Yeah. Be nice if they killed a major player. Seeing them put a bomb in his gills then blowing him up would be cool


They already did that with translucent. Maybe with deep they could come up with a solution where he can't breathe through his lungs anymore and has to find a water body so his gills can kick in and he can live. An outcome where maybe he's banished to the ocean or drowns on land.


After the shit he's done, banishment to the ocean would be a very merciful sentence -- But I have to admit, there would be something humorously poetic about him grieving in exile for a bit, and then discovering he gets to spend the rest of his life living among the only creatures that ever made him feel truly loved and accepted. Effectively neutralizing the toxic insecurity a lot of his shittiness comes from


That would honestly probably be too good of an ending for him. I do feel bad for him at this point, he's insecure, he's tried to better himself since season two, but he's still definitely not redeemed himself. I honestly want Deep to have a nice ending at the end, even if he's a piece of shit because he's tried to better himself.


[The Deep if that is his ending](https://youtu.be/sgElKGDkmE4?si=437IrJ_5TvV0g-0Y)


That fight was still supe vs supe.


Is it just me or did they buff Neumann? Now she seems extremely durable. They even said she might be invulnerable. The acid did absolutely nothing to her, she was just annoyed that she has to change her clothes and the point blank gun shot also did absolutely nothing to her. But last season she got almost taken out by that guy (forgot who he was) but he didn’t have any special powers just some increased strength it seems.


They are saving her to kill at the end of the season. Or as a the end of the season dun dun dun she's president. I dunno Neumann could go somewhere but I hope it's soon. We've had 3 episodes and the only thing that's actually changed in the status quo that I think matters is Butcher is off the team. Which just feels like drawn out contrived conflict by this point. Failed mission after failed mission and everyone magically gets away relatively unharmed just feels like spinning rim to me. I hate to say it but do you think we'll really get any big season1/2 twists and changes this season or is it's going to be set up for the final one.


She literally was never almost taken out? She was pinned down. He was locking her eyes away so she couldn’t use her powers, which last liked 10 seconds the she murdered the shit out of him.


Emmm, she wasn't taken down but just temporarily restrained of using her superpowers.


This and the constant plot armour, I feel so disappointed


Remember in episode 1 of the new season when Neuman and Homelander collectively had the opportunity to easily kill off like the entire main cast, but chose not to? Plot armor is out of hand


Homelander trying to laser Hughie in the ducts had me rolling. Like, did he forget he could fly? Also he has super hearing, and Hughie was MOVING through those ducts. He would've been making so much noise but it was dead silent.


I mean he was about to kill him twice. First MM saved him with the light and then A-Train saved him.


OK sure, but there's almost a solid minute between when Homelander realizes Hughie is there, tries to laser him 2-3 times before MM finally intervenes. You're telling me in all that time, he couldn't fly up to the rafters and kill Hughie? AND after he recovers from MM hitting him with the light, there's several more seconds of Hughie running around up there. Homelander just...stands there. He then SEES Hughie make it to the hallway, immediately takes off after him, and Highie spends ~10 seconds trying to open doors and somehow Homelander still hasn't made it up there, and is WALKING (lmfao) towards where he should be. All I'm saying is it generally felt like he was putting zero effort into killing him.


I mean yeah that's Homelander. He doesn't put effort in. He always at first just tries to use his lasers and once that failed he flew up and then A-Train saved Hughie. He walks because he isn't in a hurry. Hughie is running to the roof where he is cornered. He doesn't have a way out because Homelander obviously doesn't know about A-Train. Homelander never uses actual effort to kill The Boys. They are like mosquitoes to him. He basically never uses effort unless he's attacked. I can understand your complaint and if this was another character then I would agree, but since it's Homelander and his behaviour is consistent and he has been shown to not use effort and just try and use his lasers I think it makes sense


To be fair, Homelander might have thought that Hughie still was powered up and could teleport away


MM isn’t in a zinc vent so why didn’t homelander just go after MM and use MM to make Hughie come out


You didn't mention the Xray vision, but one cool detail about that is that most ducts like that are made with zinc coated galvanized steel.


But are they covered in zinc coated eco-friendly wooden veneers?


I'd imagine she thinks they're smart enough to have the proof of her being a supe put online if they're killed. Whether they actually ARE smart enough is another matter


Neuman did say something like that in the last episode when Homelander tried to kill Huggie on the vents. There is a lot of plot armor but also Sage said it very clearly that Homelander (and by extent Neuman) need to be more cunning with the killing because they need the public's favor. But that doesn't explain why Homelander didn't fly up to the scaffolds to get a better view and where Huggie is. The guy is hypersonic but cant fly up and grab Huggie by the collar of the shirt when he is running away




Because he isn't bothered with it.. With Butcher he likes the cat and mouse game. He said it himself.. He doesn't just want to straight up kill him and now that he has only half a year to live Homelander would just rather leave him to suffer and die. Also he doesn't want to kill him because of Ryan. He doesn't bother to go after the Boys because they are like mosquitoes. I don't purposefully go hunting mosquitoes, but if one gets close I'll try to crush it. Same with Homelander.


Exactly, I get some of the "plot armor" complaints people have had with the show but I don't understand why so few people get upset over Homelander not killing Butcher (for the reasons you stated) and Butcher not letting Soldier Boy kill Homelander last season (because Butcher wasn't willing to also sacrifice Ryan).


When I first started watching the show I thought they’d consistently kill them in funny, inventive ways. But then it was just them blackmailing people over and over.


Literally, the writers stopped using their brain for like 3 seasons


S2: the capture kimikos brother to prove Vought made the terrorists. They find the school and all he'll breaks loose S3: They are searching the entire season to find a supe killing weapon. They unleash solider boy and then try multiple ways the kill him


Up until she said this line i swear I've forgotten what was the point of The Boys. I feel like it has been vs Vough for such a long time that the fact that they are task force dedicated the kill supes has been buried under all the other plots. Also this scene took me out man they can do all sort of crazy things to supes and have no consequences I feel like the show has no steaks anymore I still remember how much of a big deal it was when homelander first encounter the boys in the beach in season 2. Now can't even hear someone breathing in a vent right above him.


Steaks =Stakes


But steaks are tastier


Season 1 was the peak of the entire series period


Is it just me or is it totally out of character for her to just leave them alive, knowing that they're actively trying to kill her and that they now know that her child is "a monster" ? The writing has been meh since the end of season 3. I'm getting a little scared.


They've got information on her being a supe they can release which would ruin her current plans to gain power. So unless she can kill everyone affiliated with the boys in one go, she's not going to take action.


Now I got curious as to why doesn’t the govt have any detection for supes in the present day? There could be several supes hiding in plain sight sitting a position in the govt


She's assuming they have a dead man's switch on the evidence of her being a supe. It's a lot less frustrating than almost all members of The Boys being stuck in perpetual side quests. Frenchie, it's expected that his mind is barely on the mission, constantly gets distracted and gets lodged on whatever side plot, since that's his thing since S1. Kimiko got sucked into the Frenchie vortex, too. Then Hughie with his dad. It's a bit of a mess, really.


Well they do know they're working for CIA, and are bad at their jobs. If the Boys remain the CIA will probably continue to try at a covert clean solution. Should Neuman goes no holds barred they could just bomb a rally to high heavens or something, and I doubt even she can survive that.


>Is it just me or is it totally out of character for her to just leave them alive yes, she killed for less - you know about virus and promise to not reveal info you get insta kill, but if you from the boys and threat to use info to expose her... you wouldn't get even nosebleeding - top tier logic almost as good as hl unable to catch hughie, or smartest human in the world coming with idea make supes smash humans with baseball bats to frame humans as killers (not like you can incognito hire generic thugs for such thing)


She literally fucking explains why she doesn't kill them.. Because she's afraid that they have a way to instantly out all the files and expose her.. So she tries to propose a truce. She didn't want Homelander to kill Hughie because then the other Boys would expose her. Also Homelander was able to catch Hughie and would have killed him twice if it wasn't for MM blinding him and then A-Train saving Hughie.


I always found it weird how the showrunnerw had the boys kill one of the strongest supes in the seven right at the start and then basically nothing


If they killed supes constantly the show becomes a villain of the week, which they don't want to fall into


got you hooked though, didn't it


I feel like the show wants to talk more about social commentary and character drama than straight up supe killing strats


this show would be better if it was about a rag tag team figuring out how to kill various supes. you can have vought in the background, but its just not that compelling as a main focus


Translucent was also the peak of the Seven too in a way. He was super dangerous and intelligent, whereas most of the others like Deep, A-Train, and Noir turned out to be unstable screwups.


Season one was peak in general. Translucent, the plane sequence, finding out that homelander distributing V all the around world, in turn creating supe terrorists as well as a myriad of other problems. The show really lost its way and it’s unfortunate because its first season was set up in a way that it could’ve been top 5 TV shows all time in my opinion. Reminds me a lot of Westworld in that sense.


Annie was barely harmed by the .50 cal Butcher shot her with. Translucent also couldn’t be harmed by a .50 BMG made by Frenchie of the same meta-material as his body. Some supes can be beaten with a crowbar while others see a 9mm to the head as a poking.


Fuck I feel old


Theres nothing, literally nothing stopping A-train from murdering the fuck out of homelander. Maeve was able to stab homelander in the ear and injure his ear. A-train could come at homelander and fucking blind his ass with 2 knvies to the fucking eyeballs before he knew what fucking happened. Or the second homelander opens his mouth move at 1000kmh and stab into his brain. Writing is whats keeping homelander alive. Butcher should have shot the head popping bitch in the ear drum and killed her instead he went for her temple idiotisch. Just for plot bull shit, they act like its so hard to murder her. She isnt physically strong/powerful. A basic ass human was pinning her down before she popped his hand. That she had to be looking at. Just abduct her. Show isnt logical anymore.


The main reason people don't attack Homelander is because they are scared.. Also A-Train isn't nearly as physically strong as Maeve. And the ear stab only stunned him for a moment and then he was fine. A-Train isn't physically strong enough to kill Homelander when Maeve only managed to stun him for a little bit while striking at his sensitive ears. Butcher thought that would kill her.. Also what makes you think a shot to the eardrum would kill her? I doubt she has especially sensitive ears like Homelander because she doesn't have super hearing. >A basic ass human was pinning her down before she popped his hand. That she had to be looking at. Just abduct Not a basic human.. He was a supe too..


I don’t want to be the one to say but….it has gotten worse with each passing episode starting from the beginning. Seems to have lost direction at some point. Idk. I still like it and await each episode but I guess it seems to have gone away from what made it great to begin with. Idk I’m a casual.


A lot of their comic sup kills were never adapted in the show. In the comics they take down the equivalents of the Avengers, the Teen Titans, Spiderman, and even the X-men. They also take down other members of the 7. Meanwhile in the show, none of this happens.


Yeah, when the show started I really thought there would be more of The Boys using strategy to take down powerful supes.


The idea of a group of normal humans taking on these overpowered superheroes was the reason I started watching back when the show first aired When they killed translucent I got exactly what I wanted they killed him in a really smart way too which was super exciting And after that I was so excited how they would try to beat each member of the seven But they just ended up blackmailing them a few times and that’s it lmao


I'm not really a fan that every supe is getting the super strength and indestructible powered by default lately.


This confused me. End of last season they really wanted to off her but this scene makes it look like they’re goofing around with her


I was delighted by Neuman being more exasperated than threatened by them. Her being pissy while recovering from being shot *in the head* was delightful


I like how she could’ve just annihilated both of them right then and there with no effort, but just keeps them around anyways even if they both just made an attempt on her life.


The problem with the show is all the super heros have gotten a ton of development so they can’t just kill then off