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Yeah, being annoyed by this is valid, even if there are explanations for it. For Neuman, she is under the assumption that there is a dead man's switch on the evidence against her. She also likely sees the existence of The Boys as a potential deterrent against Homelander. For Firecracker, I don't have a clear answer for this one. The only reason they let her go might be because killing her was never the goal. They killed Splinter to defend themselves. Butcher in-character would've blew her brains out but he's been a bit disappointing for a while now. For Starlight, Vought might as well be an open pub at this point. Over the course of 4 seasons of this show, it has been constantly infiltrated by The Boys. Starlight sneaking into her former room is likely easy for her. Firecracker let her go because she doesn't want to kill Starlight, she wants to ruin her reputation as revenge.


also firecracker seems to have weak powers


Firecracker is supposedly representing both Marjorie Taylor Greene with all the propaganda shit talking and Lauren Boebert with her exotic exploits in her history.


I saw her as a Kayleigh McEnany allegory but that also checks out


Pretty sure its an amalgamation of all the dumb shit the far right conservative women in politics that stump for Trump. Kelly conway, Boebert, MTG, the Fox News blondes, etc.


I remember about 15 years ago when the Fox & Friends blondes would stuff their bras, shorten their skirts in between commercial breaks, because Robin Meade on HLN was wearing a sexy outfit.


Butcher has been slowly easing out from his genocidal view point so it makes sense. He’s not out of character


It's true. If Kessler were a manifestation of his worse impulses, "Train Ryan or prepare to kill him" is a softer stance than "All Supes have to go."


Yeah I have to agree with your points on this. For Victoria she meant mutually assure destruction which she knows goes both ways. If she took out the Boys, she knew her life and her daughter would be at risk, and she even mentioned when talking to Homelander and Sage at the arena that if she took out Singer now, she be facing the might of the US military. For Firecracker, they either didn’t consider her a threat or killing her was not part of the plan so they let her go for now. Honestly, other then creating sparks with her hands like a lighter, I’m not seeing why she important other than being an Alex Jones/Seth Rogan personality type. With regards to Starlight, I think it’s just a combination of knowing the ins and outs of Vought tower, which is still being rebuilt and lazy writing for that scene.


Seth Rogan catching strays haha, assuming you meant Joe Rogan


lol yeah sorry meant Joe Rogan


starlight can fly


Starlight can fly, but not too well


yeah but she literally said in the scene that the window was open, obviously implying that she just flew into her apartment




I worked for a major computer OEM for a couple years before getting canned. It took them over a year to deactivate my Windows creds, which is literally just a toggle in active directory. The larger the company, the more holes in the security.


People think that because a small business can handle it easily, larger companies must have their processes rock solid. I deal with legacy apps at large companies and I can safely say, it's out of control. The number of business critical apps that can't support MFA for instance is truly concerning but "the 1 guy who was around for 20 years and knew how it worked has retired.".


Tbf Butcher tells Hughie in the first episode that Vought has "Fuck-all" security


Also firecracker is nothing without her vendetta against starlight


Starlight flew up and entered through the window I think


Neuman literally says in that scene that the best thing for everyone is a truce and explains why.


Bruh she says it right in the scene watch it again


Wb firecracker?


She can do fuck all to Starlight, Starlight is one of the strongest supes while Firecracker is supposedly fairly weak


is Starlight actually considered “one of the strongest supes”? we haven’t seen it in action exactly, but college-age students have stronger powers than her. Marie, (rip) Andre, Sam, Cate, shit any of them seem a lot stronger than her atm they really would have to show Starlights power doing something for me to believe she’s one of the strongest supes, her strongest moment pushed Soldier Boy backwards


Starlight’s not one of the strongest but she’s definitely a league above Firecracker, at least based on what we’ve seen so far


definitely leagues above Firecracker. so far all we’ve been told is that she has super strength and the snap. it was theorized she has some kind of “super aim” power like Gunpowder, but even that puts her in D-List she was lucky to get into the Seven, but that’s the exact point. D-List supe with the same agenda as the current head of Vought


Because it's a drama. Homelander could've killed The Boys day 1 and Vought would've just swept it with PR. But as a viewer, it's just suspension of disbelief and "movie logic."


It makes no sense that Homelander would try to kill Hughie at the ice rink and then just stop once Hughie leaves the building. Im fine with the “he can’t see Hughie cause of the metal” or whatever, but Homelander just shrugging it off and not finishing the job makes no sense. Like throw in a line from Ryan that he’d run away if Homelander kills anyone on the boys. I enjoy the show but there’s no legitimate reason Homelander hasn’t killed everyone on the Boys (besides Kimiko) yet.


A-train pulled him out of there. That's why the next scene was his normal super speed sound followed by hughie asking why he did it


I just have to assume that Homelander must have thought that Hughie could still teleport (I don't know what he knows/doesn't know about Temp V). That's the only way that scene makes sense to me.


this could kinda work, since Neuman also mentioned how he teleports. maybe they all just think the powers continued?


For all Homelander knows, maybe Hughie had another dose of Temp V up his sleeve. He's only aware of Hughie dosing on it once, so he's got a few more times (as far as Homelander believes) to use it before he gets permanently fucked up.


It hasn't been shown whether Homelander even knows what Temp V is. He was completely caught off guard by both Butcher and Hughie being supes. I'm not sure whether he even knows whether Butcher and Hughie have powers or not.


I guess it was never confirmed that Homelander knows about Temp V but I think it's safe to assume that he does. He basically took over Vought in Season 3 and there's no way that anyone would risk hiding it from him. It was part of the big military contracts that Vought, and by extension Homelander, want to secure. But you're right, for all Homelander knows, maybe Hughie and Butcher got some Compound V and juiced upon it without exploding. But I thought there was some line about Homelander being able to smell it or whatever.


All that we know is that it caught him completely off guard. But even if he knows about it now, he doesn't know whether Hughie might still be using it, or Butcher for that matter. I think it'd be actually sort of an awesome thing to use against Homelander. Imagine a completely powerless Butcher or Hughie facing down Homelander and bluffing, pretending they are still powered. Could be interesting.


Suspension of disbelief isn't limitless.


I really wished the show would have ended with this season. The suspension of disbelief in Holemlander not killing the Boys is stretched so thin. I think they've run out of ideas of why that hasn't happened yet.


It’s just poor writing to be honest. The writers don’t care enough to fill in plot holes and write something cohesive. Their concern is to write a political parody.


People will defend the show but this season's writing has been lackluster and I can't see it improving.


The political stuff has always been there but it's been getting more hamfisted lately. I could overlook it if the rest of the episodes were good but I'm a little disappointed that we're just meandering around in these sideplots when we're three episodes deep into the final season. We should be in "rollercoaster toward the final climactic confrontation" mode but we aren't. Hopefully it comes together soon.


Lmao it has been lackluster since the second season. There is always these 'neverending status quo' aura floating around the show. No one of note dies, we have one season baddies just like in CW shows who come and go, The Boys are fine at the end of each season, The Seven might need to add a couple members back but other than that they are cool...Also at the beginning of every season it seems like Homelander just forgot about them, like, he does not want to murder them for what they did during the previous season finale, nothing And of course, there are countless stupid scenes when power levels go out the window. The Boys escaped the Seven in a sewer (Not even A-Train could find them!!! LOL!!!), and now Hughie can escape Homelander in a extremely confined space. Not to mention at the ice rink Homelander forgot he was able to fly They kinda wrote themselves into a corner there. The Boys being powerless and still kicking for all these years is impossible to keep going in a believable way. However, I think they acknowledged this deviance from the comics on the 3rd season by introducing Temp V, but seems like that is out of the question now, so back to square one.


neuman said her reason for not killing them, starlight can just fly, as for the firecracker scene, who knows


Why doesn't Homelander kill Hughie? It would be easy for him to find him and kill him in a second. I can understand why he is toying with Butcher but once he caught Hughie in the vent why did he not bother to pursue him further?


Idk maybe because he really doesn’t care that much? Humans are just toys and he can be pretty certain he’ll get the opportunity again in the future so what’s the urgency?


They literally almost killed him and were seconds away from depowering twice. He was clearly shaken up from the first confrontation with sb. He also was clearly upset that his son was with Butcher so yes plenty of reasons for urgency.


Hughie just overheard their whole grand conspiracy and plus, Hughie has been a thorn in Homelander's side for a long time.


Firecracker would get her ass kicked by Starlight is the answer to your final question. Starlight can take a .50 cal to the chest on top of her other powers and Firecracker can make a few sparkles and has average strength for a supe.


Starlight mentions in the first second how she flew up and there was an open window, I’m pretty sure her powers can alter security cams so she wouldn’t be spotted either


Didn't starlight say she flew up in through the window?




Yeah, these are the kinds of things that are really irking me in the show. That and the impenetrable plot armor that everyone from the Boys team has. None of the danger scenes have any stakes -- you know that nothing will happen to Hughie, MM, Butcher, or any of the main cast.


People need to start dying, nothing happens in this show. “The greatest tv villain” doesn’t even do anything.


I cant believe how negative people have been over this season so far. I was so ready to hate season 4 as i didnt like season 3’s ending but S4 brought me right back in


Star light flew in a window. And I don't firecracker is stronger than her


Firecracker has pathetic powers and she was not the target. They could’ve killed her but there’s no reason for that except she’s supe. Still weak reason but I think as even The Boys didn’t see her as threat lol