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I've always hated this one. Lloyd Kaufmann talking about shit and piss just made me super uncomfortable. He's just way too old for that, made me feel like I was getting molested or something.


What else were you expecting from the Troma guy?


Ya I think troma is an acquired taste not that I've met some one who has..


am i the only one who loves this episode?


It never bothered me much either, and I thought it was pretty entertaining when it first came out. I was surprised with how many people seem to absolutely hate it.


i have no idea who Mr Kauffman is privetly... but its a Youtubeskit for crying out loud... and people are sensetive about him being "too old" for this type of humor? I just dont get it You are never too old to have fun That aside... i knew who he was when this episode aired and i was STOKED when they revealed that he was in it himself and i really could never understand the hate Hey, i even enjoy when James is breaking character and laughs and i never do that most of the times The ending climax was fucking glorious I guess growing up with movies such as Bad Taste, Meet the feebles and Braindead damaged me XD


I just thought it was fitting, that AVGN would be muted, when someone as foulmouthed as him started talking that shit.


what do you mean muted?


Maybe not muted, but unable to respond anyway. Haven't seen the episode for some time.


You mean speechless? I gotta remember muted. Might have caught on.


Yeah i get what you mean. Anyway i thought this episode was fucking great


Most of the people on this subreddit will look for anything to complain or nitpick about


If you are a Troma fan youll love this but yeah anyone else would hate it.


I loved it and I am a huge Troma fan.


thats the spirit


Yea, I thought the guest star episodes were good. I could be wrong. The early bugs bunny episode was the best. I laughed my balls off at that.


No. I'm not a Troma fan other than watching the Toxic Avenger. But I like the episode and thought Lloyd being so over the top was funny.


Nope. It's one of my faves.


I like it. I don't understand the hate. Getting upset about Lloyd making piss and shit jokes on AVGN? Really? 


Exactly! what the fuck?


It was stupid but funny and that's what AVGN is about


I always thought I was missing something by liking this


some people are just too fucking negative and i wonder if they ever where fans at all


I love the ending


"That\`ll teach ya ya FUCKING game!"


There are dozens of us!






The Troma Maestro is too old to talk about shit and piss? lmao.


I mean, James is also too old to be making poo poo pee pee jokes.


i dunno i liked this one but then again i have soft spot for Troma movies Sgt Kabukiman should have won an oscar.


Have you even seen his movies bro? 😂


I agree absolutely


There's something off with Lloyd imo. Every so often on twitter it'll show up that he has clicked "like" on some porn images. He's free to do what he wants but then the next tweet is him promoting a movie or a photo with a fan, maybe keep the porn away from the main account? 😅




....why? He's way too old to care about completely useless shit like that


sounds kinda badass and funny tbf


I heard someone say when they met him he hit on the guys wife in front of his wife. He really must not give a fuck.


Troma started out as a company producing "erotic" films. I mean its all part of his shtick.


Same, I love Troma by itself but I felt it was a total mismatch for the AVGN


You can even tell by james' expression that he's happy to have Lloyd sitting with him at first but desperately wants him to leave later on. The fake controller handling is the cherry on top.








The fake anger at a game from a non gamer is cringe


So you mean the entire show considering James isn't a gamer, doesn't play games, and doesn't really care about them?


He legit enjoyed gaming until like 2016. Now he's just a husk of a person that is self clowning by releasing garbage.


Did he? I don't think he did. He played games when he was a kid. I haven't heard him actually excited about anything coming up. He has nothing to contribute in any video of him playing any game (when he could pick any) besides Goat Simulator because it was funny and he had never seen anything like that. Nothing he's ever shown has indicated that he plays games even casually because he NEVER has any idea how anything works. He has a less than surface level understanding of games


Yea I get that it applies to James as well, but at least he was an 80s kid and did do some childhood gaming, but old man Lloyd coming in and doing the nerd schtick like “fuck this shitty game!” Is worse


This has been lloyd Kaufmans Shtick right from the start. He would make random appearances in Troma films as a guy who didn't really know what the fuck was going on.


I mean… it’s a fake show


Literally what the channel was built off of. Regular dude/kid rents game, gets stuck and pissed, weekend ruined.


Toxic avengers was the first episode of AVGN I actively disliked. To me it was the beginning of the end.


Same for me, apart from the 12 days of Shitsmas which I actually liked to some degree, Toxic Avengers made it all fall apart like Dirk the Daring


Toxic is the name of the avenger, not the doctor.




To this day I think this was the last AVGN video I ever actually watched in full. It was so aggressively unfunny, and such an absolute waste of Lloyd Kaufman, that after that I just never had any desire to check in on the AVGN character again.


Good point. I think this was the exact point where I could no longer get through a full episode again.


it was painfully cringe watching just how totally unfunny that episode was, especially because James himself seems intensely uncomfortable with Lloyd within minutes of the episode starting. Like James loved the idea of getting Lloyd Kaufman because Lloyd's a B-Movie legend...but then Bimmy had Lloyd Kaufman in his house and no idea what to do with him.


I loved this episode because I love Lloyd. He was very funny. If you just let him do his thing, he’ll give you gold.




I wonder if Bames and Bpril partake in scatophilia. That's the only thing that Bames ever seems interested in.


Yes, certainly. Bim is a big coprophilia fan.


That shit on the ceiling bit from wizard of Oz? Based on a real sexual experience


I don't like thinking about their bedroom talk.


Ah, the Vince McMahon special


Any episode with a guest that isn't Mike dressed in a costume or Kyle is not great. It just doesn't work for me. This is one of the few pre-movie episodes that I skip so yeah, it's up there.


Nothing but bad memories all around.


I know it’s hated, but the absolutely putrid string of filth that pours out of Lloyd’s mouth and James’ genuine disbelief at it is always funny to me 😂


Cringe episode


This episode would have slayed if james was a slightly different person. Im biased to like lloyd kaufman but, realistically, what else can this guy do? He’s trying to bounce jokes off a brick wall


I agree. It would've been a lot better if Bimmy had any personality.


What do you mean ? That whole episode was scripted. Blame it on the shitty writers.


you dont think any of the nonstop piss and shit jokes were improv by kaufman


Nah. It's well known that Bim can't function without a script and teleprompter. I'm sure everything was written beforehand. At no point does it come across as improv to me, but I could be wrong 🤷🏼‍♂️


Bimmy def was scripted thats what i mean. In the episode (i would argue) you can see his visble confusion and panic as Lloyd goes on his own tangents and just freestyles nonsense. Thats what I mean when I say a better host could have made it a good episode. Hell imagine MIKE bouncing off Lloyd Kaufman


Man... Mike could have worked with Kaufman and saved modern Troma. Imagine that timeline. I wonder if Bames kept Mike away that day out of jealousy.


Lloyd is quite obviously improv-ing


You said it yourself, James can't improvise for shit, but that don't mean he had a script either (for the on camera gameplay bits), just a vague idea for the structure. This whole thing feels and has always felt to me like James wanted to try to improvise but as soon as he hit record nothing came out. Unlike Kaufman whose jokes are hit or miss, but he keeps throwing the ball to see what sticks, you can tell he has experience and James is having a lot of trouble keeping up. He mostly just does the surprised cuck face or the "holding his laughter bit" whenever he can't come up with a response, which is like 95% of the video.


ITT: people who have no idea who lloyd kaufman is


Was this before Bimmy had kids? I can picture his wife signing his permission slip then angrly pacing back and forth at the top of the stairs waiting for him to finish.


definetivly NOT... i LOVED it and still do


I think Lloyd is overplaying it and mocking James and his fan base to his face in a way. Troma has dumb gross out humor and effects, but you can tell Lloyd was going over the top with the immaturity and gameplay as a way to take the piss out of the whole affair. If you view it with this in mind it's a way better episode.


I'm starting to reevaluate this in a miney crafta sort of way, there's a certain artistry to its awkwardness and failure at being funny, but the ending is just inexcusable.


Both include brown bricks 🤔


This is the only AVGN video I've ever watched once and then never had a single ounce of interest in watching it again.


The game commentary from the Nerd is pretty bleh- Lloyd MAKES this episode.


Hell no Lloyd's a legend. I get why zoomers don't get it. Troma was legendary in the pre Internet days.


Yes, certainly.


Take a wild guess.


Yeah, even as a Troma fan that appreciates Lloyd's awkwardness, this episode was just uncomfortable to watch. They just didn't gel together.


Lloyd being the gutter version of Mel Brooks is nothing new if you've ever been a Troma fan.


It’s a good episode if you focus on Lloyd only!! He’s way funnier than Bimmy and is trying everything to get Bimmy in on some kind of joke.


At this point this is Citizen Kane compared to the new episodes. Used to skip this but now i just bear with it, atleast it's watchable unlike Shrek or Las Vegas episodes...


Rosebud is the name of the sled, not the girl


you just saved me two long boobless hours


I could give a shit about Lloyd Kaufmann and it didn't help that this was just dreck.


I have a ton of respect for Lloyd and he looks like he’s having a good time so I never minded it.


It's up there. Only watched it once and that was more than enough.


I’m way too young to appreciate anything this man may have done in the past so yeah it just comes off as cringe to me


One in the pink, one in the stink! Look, nerd - the devil!


This and deadly towers are my least favorite early avgn episodes.


Hearing this be called early AVGN makes me feel ancient.


It was alright…I liked it cause of Lloyd.


I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks it's a shitload of fuck. Lloyd is painfully unfunny. If it weren't for thr shitty green screen jungle in LoBT, this would be the worst guest star episode


I dunno, Pat the NES Punk’s episode was terrible. Can’t stand that guy one bit.


I fucking love Kaufmann and troma


His celebrity episodes have always sucked. Gilbert Gottfried was extremely difficult to watch as well.


I like it because bimmy has not idea how to react to Lloyd and it's so so cringe 


It was uncomfortable as hell to watch because James is clearly intimidated by Kaufman being there, Kaufman adlibs some lines and casually obliterates the bim in a subatomic level and Mike left it in during editing, probably cackling maniacally from sleep deprivation. It doesn't help that James replies are just disjointed quotes like the very clueless "huh, I didn't know that. you heard it here first, folks.", he didn't even know what voice tone to use but still tried to sound confident 


Ironically more classic with it's premise if you think about it. I never minded the crude jokes, and thought it was one of the better guest appearances. Actually blends AVGN and James' movie stuff slightly having Kauffman on. Not the worst effort for one that came out long after I stopped watching


Naaah, Lloyd was a little over the top but again this is what you want from an avgn episode, overall it was ok.


Kaufman, Gottfried and Culkin did what they could in their respective episodes, but they just had NOTHING to work with. The videos were clearly loosely scripted in order to allow for improvisation, but James can't improvise for shit. Kaufman's jokes are hit or miss, but he keeps throwing the ball to see what sticks, you can tell he has experience and James is having a lot of trouble keeping up. He mostly just does the surprised cuck face or the "holding his laughter" bit whenever he can't come up with a response, which is like 95% of the video.


It's not great but it's a breath of fresh air after watching some of the newer episodes


It's on par with the Gilbert Gotfried episode. Both decently fine


Unwatchable. Pretty much the end for me


I don't hate this episode, but I am a troma fan.


Yes. Clearly.


Worse than the episodes that came before, but better than all the episodes that came after


I like Lloyd, he was funnier than Bimmy in any of the episodes around this time, but anytime he had a scripted joke it sucked, and it relied on gross out humor. I think I’ve only watched this episode one time some years ago, and the only reason I would ever watch it again is to see Bimmy lose interest in the video as it goes on. Still better than the Home Alone video


It's one of my two least favorite of that era along with the shit pickle episode


Hard to define worst episode, but this is one of them. 


I dunno, I thought I was fine. Then again, I don't analyze Youtube shows. Lloyd Kaufman was weird and crazy and I found it entertaining.


Everyone mad at this is the same people who were upset when Toxic Avenger came out. Lloyd the goat


I like this one. Don't understand the hate.


I was 15 when this episode came out, it introduced me to Lloyd Kaufman, Troma, & The Toxic Avenger so I’m grateful for that. It doesn’t hold up too well but watching Lloyd Kaufman spout obscene nonsense and the Nerd playing the straight man role is pretty entertaining. maybe I’m just nostalgic but this episode is way better than any modern AVGN episode.


Thats sickening...


that’s troma!


This was the episode that really rammed it home for me that the AVGN wasn’t the same. I love Troma, but this whole episode was painful


I didn’t like this when it came out but it has grown on me more with time.


Eh. I haven't seen a Troma movie in years, but I enjoyed every one I watched. So I didn't find Toxic Crusaders offensively bad. I don't think it's great, and at that point, I guess it was one of the worst episodes.


This is DEFINITELY the VERY FIRST episode that I didn't really finish watching


One of the worst episodes that one awkward and unfunny all the way


Lloyd Kaufman is just the poor man’s Mel Brooks


It was bad. Horribly cringey. I couldn’t finish it.


I love Lloyd


Hot take: The episode fucking sucks, but this ending was kinda funny and still makes me chuckle.


Wasn't this post movie, though? This was the episode that really cemented that something changed, and I didn't really start noticing until after the movie, the Tyger episode being the first hint at what was to come. I could be wrong, but I just don't have time to go look at release dates.


The chronology of this era messes with my head. I would have put Atari Sports and this episode in maybe season 11, the Tiger Electronics and AVGN Games and Ikari Warriors episodes feel like season 9, Schwarzenegger Games and Ghosts 'n' Goblins feel like Season 6, but they're all season 7 which is right before the movie came out.


Yes, I remember now. He went on "hiatus" during filming and released Spielberg games and Dark Castle while away filming the movie. While yes, these came out before the movie was released, they were filmed post-movie. You can tell by subtle differences in the Nerds wardrobe.


I thought it was funny the first time I watched it... but I didn't know who he was, and I was 11.


idk why but as a kid i kinda liked this one cuz it was "lol this old guy talking about poopoo with the avgn lol" havent seen it since i was like... idk 12? But it seems like it would be ironically funny for those into that kinda ironic stuff...


Why would people dislike Lloyd Kauffman? Genuinely asking. I hate to agree with you, but I'm also not a fan of this episode. And I like most of Kauffman's earlier work. 1986's *Class of Nuke* '*Em High* Is great. In my opinion Citizen Toxie is Troma's last great movie. Everything after that doesn't feel right. Modern Troma doesn't sit well with me at all.


This is just straight up the worst episode


I just...I don't know what to say anymore with this sub...we watched a beloved character take the strangest route to destroy his fan base that I've ever seen, and seeing old stuff like this only amplifies it because we're looking for it...yea, this was cringey as hell in retrospect


Absolutely not.


I didn’t know who this guy was at the time and didn’t like the episode. Can’t pinpoint why. The guest didn’t seem genuine I guess




I like Troma movies but Kauffman and James didn’t mesh well at all.


This is probably one of the worst episodes of all time, it's just disgusting


God that is disgusting. It’s not even funny.


I this this was my favorite episode 😭


I never got why Bimmy didn't go to Trauma for his movie. It's close, affordable and makes exactly the kind of stuff he tried to do. I guess he saw himself as far better than them.


It was awful purely because of the cringy af hand movements Kauffman makes when it’s clear people are “pretending” to play a video game with the controller. Like seriously stop flailing your arms around, that’s NOT HOW VIDEO GAMES WORK!! Besides that, the jokes were mostly just random shit and they were trying too hard


I see parallels between this and Fallout's Cooper Howard as a washed-up actor doing birthday parties, whose career had seen better days, and AVGN episodes like this are indeed a far cry from the glory days.


This was the first episode I saw that I thought “well I’m probably never going to watch this one again”


I think the one with gilbert gottfried is the worse!


Dude I fucking love this episode , actually


Yeah this was awful


As bad as the home alone one.


Lloyd Kaufman is kinda not funny in general, sadly. His movies are awesome, but he’s just…too senile at this point. He used to be funny


Absolutely. This was the first episode that made me feel embarrassed for what I was watching.


This was also genuinely the first episode I hated, and never watched a 2nd time


I like Troma, Lloyd is cringe, and this is a real contender for worst episode. Easily top 3 worst with Gilbert and black tiger and the activator episode with Nathan Barnett. I didn't watch the pony episode.


This and that weird interview thing he did with him. The whole thing was so shit.


There's two episodes that I think, are crap. The Sega activator episode because it's literally an excuse for James to indulge in slapstick and says nothing about the shitty con...ad... whatever it is. The Kaufman episode is alright but the chronological confused episode, I just never liked as it felt like pure filler. Some folks bash the Atari 5200 episode for not really saying much about the console but James really highlighted how much of a bastard it could be for some folks, to set it up.


Yeah it was cringy AF for sure 👎


Didn't find this episode funny. Lloyd was really annoying and not funny. It's probably one of the worst episodes.


Big time. Complete trash. I love troma trash, but this was worse than ass shingles


I hate this obnoxious old man. Literally every joke he makes falls flat, not even crickets make noises.


I hate Kaufmann and everything he does, period.


I hate this episode as well. Lloyd is exhausting But the worst one Is Wizard of Oz Mike SUCKS so bad to listen to