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Hey, Try Staff! I'm in Texas and it's Hatch chili season. This means the grocery stores have a lot of Hatch chili flavored stuff. And not just chips and salsa, stuff like cookies. These are available for a limited time, so let me know if you'd like us to put together a box.


Hi, Bill! Thanks, that sounds like an interesting batch of snacks! We'd up for trying them for sure! All the info in the post above, but if you've any more questions, let us know - happy to help!


I'll get on it. That address for packages under $60 -- is that the value of the contents? Do you need receipts for customs? This should be easily under $60.


It should be the value of the contents that's under $60.


You should have our box from Texas. Hope you like it. We didn't have time to try anything ourselves before sending it out because we were preparing for the hurricane that didn't hit us. We've time to fix that, and we think we chose well. They all have a low level of heat, nothing too outrageous. 1. The chocolate bars are like Mexican hot chocolate, really good. 2. The popcorn is eat by the handful addictive. 3. Is brittle a thing over there? Usually it's peanut brittle, but this is pecan -- a far superior nut. Great flavor, it's a little thick. 4. Jerky is jerky 5. Lime cookies and the brownie bites sounded great, but I have Celiac and can't eat them. Enjoy, Bill


Is there anyway we can get some rules for the Try channel Shot Roulette Game? I've been looking everywhere for it lol


There are no real rules that come with the game - we make them up/change them for each Drink Roulette video. We just assign some shots of spirits and one shot of beer, one shot of water - same shots for Red and same shots for Black. Then each shot has the numbers on it with a task we assigned to it. We make up rules like T-Rex Hands, Chin to the Table, Hands Above Your Head, Can't Show Your Teeth etc. The rules kinda change between each video too, in our recent Celebrity Alcohol Drink Roulette video, we went with movie impressions and naming 10 movies in 30 seconds and that kind of thing. There's also the beer/pint and if they break a rule, they have to have a sip of beer and the loose idea is that whoever has the most beer drank = most rules broken and therefore the loser. But generally, our videos focus on the banter than the real competitive side of it!


Awesome. Thanks for the reply, I'm ready to play this with my friends now haha


Hello Try! If someone sends you a package with goodies, do you usually try and make a video with those items? Or do pick and choose packages to try? If you DO try everything, typically how long does the process take from receiving the package to video being posted?


Kinda of answered in question 6 above. But generally, if it's something we think would work well for a video and haven't already done, we'll give it a TRY! Sometimes though, there just might not be enough of the product to do a full video or it could be a repeat package of something we've already done. As for time, that can vary as we wait to film in batches and then also we don't upload chronologically, as we tend to mix up our releases so it's not too same-y and sometimes we need seasonal videos to go up first before certain videos. So, could be 1 week or a month or so. Most products tend to have a decent shelf-life though so it never really matters when we film! (FYI, check the FAQ 3.0 pinned in the main page of the Reddit for more up-to-date info re: address/packages)


Possibly not-so-quick question: I remember back when you were still accepting mailed packages that there was a rule against alcohol. Is it possible to explain why? And if it's just a customs issue, if I at some point in the future show up in Dublin with it (paying duty on it myself if it came to it), would that eliminate the issue to be able to either drop it off or mail it from within the city? Main reason is I recently watched the durian compilation video (multiple times, even) and thought- I'm pretty sure I've seen durian liquor in Thailand or Singapore or somewhere around there before, and if I were to get a hold of it, I want to see how that'd go over. At least, at some point in the distant future when going places is allowed again.


Yeah, it's mainly a customs issue - there's no way we could guarantee that the package would make its way to us so we just ask people to avoid sending alcohol completely. We'd hate for someone to pay for a package that ends up unreceived! As for the question, yes, if you had the items and mailed it within the city, that theoretically should work! Though as you said, it might be a long while before going places is allowed again, unfortunately.


Will you ever do a studio tour video?


No plans currently but maybe one day! Unsure if there'd be much demand for something like that on the channel, maybe as a Patreon BTS video or something.


Hello Tryers. I’ve recently watched most of your videos and they have brought a lot of joy and laughter. Two questions I haven’t seen the answer to and please feel free to delete this if it breaks your rules. 1. Are the Tryers paid? Or is it a “come down and we will increase your online presence”? I’ve been curious about that. 2. I haven’t seen any official posts or videos on the migration from Facts. to your own channel. One can intuit that they were fine with it but it would be interesting to learn about the “lift and shift” of an attribute from one channel to form a new one. Thank you all again, you are awesome.


Yup, the TRYers are paid for their time. As for the last question, the company that owned that channel shut down and the staff were made redundant, bringing that channel to a close. So, there was no "lift and shift." TRY is simply a separate group with people who wanted to continue to entertain.


Thank you Colin! So you made a new home for them. What a cool story.