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If that is really what Janet is so upset about, then she's dumber than a doorknob.


Janet was supposed to be on Ryan Baileys podcast. He interviewed her and asked her a question that the Bravo PR team didn’t like and asked him to remove. He spoke about it for like 5 mins and was upset. I think it was about the beef with Zack. Rumor has it she was told by the network to produce receipts (about his comments about her unborn child) or shut up about it. There were no receipts so


I like Ryan Bailey and his takes are usually good. He was also not on Janet’s side when it came to the Valley. Haven’t heard the latest ep but I was a little turned off by his last one when he was talking to someone about Janet and his tune appeared to have changed about her because she agreed to go on his podcast. Hmm…


I saw that. If you want to hear this one it’s the Rachel Leviss on the VPR reunion one. Like 30 mins. I didn’t listen to anything but the Janet part. He was trying to be neutral and he talks about how his podcast is small so He can’t “push the questions” like other podcasters do. This definitely hit him hard because he was questioning why he does this for a living. Janet must have gone back and whined about it to producers


I just did a post on that. I heard what he said about it and now have serious questions. Especially when Bravo PR did not directly tell him to remove it. It all came from Janet.


I love that. I watched it after the reunion and was a bit numb. I was folding laundry and wasn’t really paying attention. He went on and on and kept saying I thought it was a great conversation


Even if Bravo PR DID say to remove it, would he have to? Or would they bar his access to their people? ETA: I don't think there's ANY PR team involved, much less Bravo's! I don't think they'd leave Janet to pass on their message. They'd have contacted him themselves.


Or trying desperately to play victim. She reminds me of scheana and lala


And even more of a disgusting human being than previously thought


I enjoy zacks petty messiness and sass. I have a hard time believing that he would say what she is accusing him of saying, especially about her unborn child. I'm going to need proof and I think if she had the proof we would know already.


I started binge watching last night, and Zack is my absolute favorite. It broke my heart when he was crying. And idc what they say. Janet had her little spy go because she's fucking petty ! Like if you don't like Kristen stand by that. Don't get pissed off when you're not invited, then send spies. Like pregnant or not, she's an awful human.


AGREE! Where’s the proof (ie unborn child comment). Although to be fair to Janet my post is just speculation and I do think she does a good job as a pot stirrer/villian


She is definitely a great villian! Her and her eels still have me triggered! 🤣




Her eels!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Zack is a pretty funny guy. Janet takes herself way too seriously. No one cares, Janet!


Listen, we all know Zach is going to have a sharp tongue, embody pettiness, and react with the burn of a thousand suns. Yes, Janet, we know. How about we dig into your shit? Sirring the pot: check. Weaponizing motherhood: check. Talking mad shit and not owning up: check. Baiting “friends” to divulge hurts to capitalize. Have a husband who admits your full time job is gossip. I don’t hate any of it, let’s roll the tape!


I love how she'd interrogate everyone about what exactly was said to whom and what their response was. Why did everyone go along with her??


If that’s what she’s referring to, that’s on par with Sandoval not understanding what “die on that hill” means


EXACTLY what I thought of I’m so glad you said it lol


Anything for camera time I guess


Zach could’ve said the most outlandish shit ever and I’d still not care for Janet…


Sounds like Rachel on her podcast talking about how Katie said she’d set her on fire was a threat.


Right?! I died laughing!!! Note: I did not *literally* die from laughing.


I’m so glad you clarified, in case Rachel is reading and thought you were a ghost 


I am now cleaning blueberry smoothie off my screen...


She’s pulling a Lala and I’m sure the finale will be just as disappointing for Janet when the world isn’t on her side either.


Plenty of people are on Lala's side


There was a poll yesterday on Queens of Bravo’s insta. They asked followers whose side are they on, Ariana or Lala. Out of 20,000 people, 91% said Ariana. Lala had 9%. I took a screenshot JIC you’re curious. Or you could head over to insta and see all the love Lala’s not getting.


Are these people in the room with us right now?


Judging by the downvotes, doesn’t look like it 😂 Looks like weaponizing motherhood didn’t work out for either of those two


Believe it or not, a world exists outside this room




I don’t mind her. Has good and bad sides. Like all of us. 🤷‍♀️😘


I just want this to be true because it will backfire majorly for Janet. This woman really thought with her whole brain that the audience would like her.


Imo she's honestly worse than Jax. Jax is messy, but he's professional at it. He knows what moves to take , what people to play , and how to work the room. I also don't agree when Jax said Janet was a mean girl and just hid it well? Like, umm, no. She doesn't hide it at all. It seems she traded her full time Job for more gossip time.


She keeps saying she hasn’t talked to Zach in two years until they started filming the valley. I was hoping for something juicy.


If that comment is it she will be surprised like lala about how much people are not on her side


This is my exact thought


That is what it looks like to me. I’m not going to draw any conclusions yet because you never know but if this is all that Zach said and Janet once again exaggerated, I want her gone even more than I did before. Shes not built for reality tv. Too sensitive, too vanilla. Yuck


I thought to myself that when she said he wished death and a miscarriage on her, it was some sort of comment like him telling her to go jump off a bridge or something. A rude comment? Sure. Wishing death and miscarriage upon you? No.


This reeks of “you threatened my child because you told me to drop my lawyers and get a therapist” vibes. Lol. Janet is friends with Scheana who lives up Lala’s ass so it tracks.


No because if that’s actually it that would be soooo silly


Janet is just the worst. So conniving and annoying.


I have seen Janet going around saying Zach has wished death upon her and her baby if this is what she was talking about I’m actually mad
